OM 2023 OM Circuit Championship - Won by Career Ended

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Won in 4 vs RoFnA ggs
Meme sets used:
Tauros-Paldea-Aqua @ Life Orb
Ability: Anger Point
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 16 HP / 252 Atk / 240 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Jet Punch
- Drain Punch
- Mach Punch
Nobody remembers what Anger Point does, which means you can just meme your way to victory. Should have clicked Mach Punch though, that was an obvious Tera. Kaif See it can actually put in work.
:sv/Scream Tail: :sv/Mandibuzz:
Scream Tail
Ability: Pickpocket
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 208 Def / 48 Spe
Bold Nature
- Fling
- Wish
- Protect
- Dazzling Gleam
Mandibuzz (F) @ Sticky Barb
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Foul Play
- Toxic
- Defog
- Roost
Didn't work out how I wanted since I messed up which mon was having it myself, but the idea is stealing Band from breakers like Moon and Slither can help soften the blow a lot on a stall team, then forcibly giving them Sticky Barb for progress, which can also be used for walls like Corviknight.
MnM and NFE teams weren't exactly meme but I did use some weirder structures.
0% correct prediction rate for Quarterfinal hopefully I can keep up this impressive performance for Semifinal.
9/ Career Ended vs 5/ longhiep341
I prepped for QT and Career Ended won so I have to restart my prep quite a bit. Regardless
AAA I have been trash in AAA, don't see that changing anytime soon.
BH Career pulled some wack structures vs QT, will be interesting but he beat me 2-0 last gen in BH Seasonal so he should have the upper hand.
GG I beat Career in GG Seasonal 2-0 and he just gave me the win in Loser's bracket. Hopefully I can do it again.
MnM MnM is not my forte, I might have won my game but Career looks more solid, hopefully he can miss some more Ceasless Edge. Otherwise Career played MnM in World Cup and is all around better.
NFE Career hasn't played much NFE, hopefully I can take advantage of this before he levels up.
STAB Career will probably clean up his game and with his overall strength it will be a bit tough for me to overcome the difference.
Overall I'm not confident in my chance against Career, he beat QT after all even if QT misplayed in GG and got tricked by Sevag's meme team.

10/ Clas vs 3/ Ivar57
Ivar bested Clas in WC in BO3. I don't know which format Ivar won in except STAB so gotta guess a bit based on the rounds so far.
AAA Ivar is way too strong in AAA to predict against. Clas can still win if he can just have a 6-0 mon like Volcarona coming clutch like last week but it's not easy to do that against a very formidable Ivar.
BH I trust Ivar's solid plays and teams here over Clas's unpredictability. Clas will get a read or two but in the long run Ivar's plays will come out on top.
GG Clas probably has some tricks up his sleeve that I think will catch Ivar off guard. Ivar meanwhile hasn't even played a GG game, let's see if it will hurt him coming into this series. I lean yes.
MnM With Clas's experience in this tier he should take this provided he doesn't make any choke, which is he's kinda prone to so Ivar can still just win.
NFE Clas hasn't impressed me in NFE, Ivar looks more solid.
STAB After last week's game, I can't favor Clas in STAB anymore.
Overall Ivar should be favored while also having first meta pick, but Clas may just pull wins out of nowhere so who knows.
The final showdown between the defending champion and the challenger, interesting one ahead. Ivar came off of a very strong showing against Clas, while Career's series vs me was plagued with misplays and unoptimal teambuilding choices.
Ivar57 vs Career Ended
AAA Ivar might mostly bring standard balance or BO, but he's extremely adept at it and navigating matchups, even against some weirder choices. Career hasn't shown anything close, this should be an easy win for Ivar.
BH I'm actually favoring Career Ended here. Ivar has brought frankly nothing but very standard stuffs, which are insanely exploitable as shown last week and especially vulnerable to Sap blocking tactics, even if he uses them himself. Reading this, Ivar will probably change around to shore up this deadly weakness that keeps costing him many BH games, but that means he really has to go out of his ways to use different structures, while Career is still very good here, he won his QF BH game without even showing Venusaur, whatever set that is.
GG I expect a long game with both players sticking to their usual in GG since there is wide variety even in BO/balance here, but given that I shall favor Ivar in a long game and he should slowly gain incremental advantages over the slow game. Both do need to watch out for mu fishing options like Maushold and Hawlucha though.
MnM Career showed some creativity with Weather Ball Walking Wake and Calyrex-Ice, I think his surprise build will win it here, but only if he cleans up his plays and makes sure he can cover threats properly.
NFE NFE is limited by nature and any difference is inherently risky. Ivar's stronger endgame should come into play here and I trust that will make the difference.
STAB I already showcased how easy it was to exploit Career Ended builds and playstyles given he kept pretending some Pokemon don't exist, though tbh that team actually beat Ivar in practice game as well. I do believe Ivar's slightly better adaptability here will ultimately make the difference. Will Career rely on Kingambit and Volcanion and be thrown into a surprise, or will he try to spice things up? Either way Career mostly relies on BO structures, even if it changes I doubt he can best Ivar.
Overall I favor Ivar in 4 tiers and Career in 2 and Ivar also picks format first so Career will have a tough time ahead.
won vs Ivar57 ggs man
This run was quite special to me and if you all don't mind I'll talk for a bit.

I picked up OM's around 2 years ago now, at first it was just running some OMOTM when it was Sketchmons or Inverse for fun. When the OMOTM ladder became a bit dry (as most OM ladders can be) I started grinding the BH ladder because I thought the tier was interesting as a concept, picking any moves or abilities but also because it was one of the most active ladders. When a BH ladder tour got posted, I signed up even though I hadn't ever really signed up for tournaments and taken it seriously. I ended up playing a loser in the first round and winning that match really ignited a passion for playing mons again. OMPL started soon after and I didn't even sign up until the very last minute, because I had seen that some BH players recommend me as a player worth buying and I'd never been on a team before so I figured why not. I ended up going 0-5 in that OMPL LOL and I still feel bad because looking back our team was definitely stacked and we ended up with a bottom 2 record primarily because of me. For my first team tournament I really felt like I could've done better and I think the enjoyable experience combined with my poor performance made for a good motivator going forward.

Since I had access to all my teammates teams during OMPL I figured I could try my hand at the summer ssnls that year and I did pretty well in a couple different tiers. I specifically remember playing and besting Ivar in all three of Stab, AAA and MnM ssnls, coming top 4 in the latter two IIRC. Since I had gotten enough points to qualify I had made it my goal to play and win in the circuit playoffs. Skipping past a forgettable OMWC and time in the fall that I used to take my school seriously, circuit playoffs rolled around and I played QT in the first round. The series went to 5 games and I lost, really regretting my BH team choice in g1 of the series after the fact. I ended up supporting Ivar as he went on to win the circuit, while I was happy for him I can't lie it stung a little to see him win, since I'd beaten him in 3 ssnls. I knew I'd be back for the next year.

I was extremely motivated going into this year's OMPL. My team was once again stacked so I was really excited to see us do well, and ended up with a decent record of 4-1, playing MnM but building AAA every week and helping where I could elsewhere. In playoffs I lost my game due to poor play AND our AAA slot lost because I'd made a bad choice in the builder. The series went to tiebreakers where Fc ended up beating Fissure to knock us out and clear the Solgaleo's way to winning the ring. Wow that stung. I didn't even end up making a s/o post after the tournament I was bitter and upset with my performance. The now retired quojova said he thought I was our team's MVP, even after my mistakes cost our team the finals appearance. Coming from the guy who not only had our teams best record but had also bested me after beating a loser in that first BH ladder tour and knocked me from 0-4 to 0-5 in the previous OMPL, I was able to take a bit of pride in my growth.

After OMPL I went into the summer ssnls knowing I'd have to qualify to win the circuit, which had become my goal after seeing Ivar win last year. AAA was first signups posted and I ended up winning the whole thing, so I didn't end up playing in the other ones as I devoted my time to some other PLs (ROAPL & 1v1PL), school and IRL stuff. Then OMWC rolled around and there was this whole fiasco where Canada didn't have enough players and so they'd link with USNE to make a team Niagara (something that did happen for 1v1wc this fall, funnily enough) and then that was rescinded and Canada linked with UK instead. I ended up playing AAA and hadn't had much experience with the meta since the DLC1 drops and wasn't a huge fan of ghold, mana and tusk being back in the meta. Regardless, my team did good to qualify for playoffs even though my 1-2 pools performance wasn't much to write home about. UKanada ended up losing in finals, but I didn't play in either playoff series.

Going into this tournament I felt like a bit of a write off coming off an AAA ssnl win, but a quiet OMWC and feeling unfamiliar in what could be my strongest meta. The timing of the tournament was also a bit unfortunate for me IRL. I used to suffer from severe sleep apnea so I've been going through the process to get mandibular advancement surgery to cure it, so as to not have to sleep with a sleep machine and oxygen mask for the rest of my life. The date of my surgery happened to fall on the Thursday of round one. I made sure to schedule with my round 1 opponent for before Wednesday so I'd have as much recovery time as possible. THEN Greybaum decided to drop out so all of a sudden I was playing Fc and worst case scenario happens and we can't play before my surgery. So that's the story of why I asked for an extension in 3/4 of the rounds of this tour. Anyway the surgery was a complete success so although it was painful laying in the hospital for a couple days, I set my mind to the task ahead. I definitely considered dropping out before the game against Fc, it crossed my mind many times even, but I toughed it out and thought I'd regret it if I gave up then.

After R1 I was kind of excited to get the chance for revenge on QT. My prep for Fc might not have been perfect, but over Christmas my recovery began to go smoother and I became focused to win. I also started being able to sleep without a sleep machine! Definitely glad about having the surgery over and done with, I was able to get out and start exercising again. I spent the holidays with my gf of 2 years who has been taking care of me during my recovery and her and I can go on walks and play pokemon GO so things have been getting better. I was pretty satisfied with my preparation against QT especially in retrospect. I made horrible blunders in the first two games of the series and both teams had winnable matchups for sure, so I'm glad I was able to sneak the reverse 3-0.

Longhiep and I have had our fair share of history in some ssnl matchs, and my perception on him has never really been stagnant. He's a very interesting individual to say the least and his approach to teambuilding is no different. Although he had a positive record against me in our past, I felt good about just bringing solid teams and playing well. I figure its a good time to try to play to my opponent as well so I brought some of my own sauce in our series with some cool picks like torterra in stab and calyrex ice in mnm. I'm not pleased with how many blunders I made or how lucky I got in this series either but it is what it is.

That brings us to the finals. Ivar told me he'd see me in finals after I beat QT and I knew he was right. I was excited to get a chance again at him especially since he was the defending champ. The last time I had played him was in the first round of the Gen 8 throwback tour where I thought I could get the payback I couldn't give him when I lost in the circuit last year. Instead he beat me down in 3 not close games and he went on to win that tournament as well. Nevertheless, I felt good for my odds in every tier going into it. Looking back at it I built 5/6 teams I used this round and each of the teams I won with was one I had made by myself with a bunch of my own personal tech. Low kick on the lead ogerpon to punish the kingambit spam or the cool Grassy surge core in aaa to abuse the broken manaphy set or the GROTLE THAT ALWAYS COOKS UNDER SCREENS. Anyway I've talked about myself far too long now so just want you to know it wouldn't have been better against anyone else Ivar57 smell you later

Winning this tournament wasn't easy and it wouldn't have been possible without all the help I got. First and foremost I gotta thank my main fish Fissure for being the most reliable STAB sparring partner anyone could ask for. Your wacky ideas and even keel kept me sane and you were a huge help to my psyche, encouraging me in the series as well.
Les2BG wow I'm so glad I messaged you before my series with Fc, just letting you know I was gonna use your team. Offering to build all of my GG teams in the run and honestly the 2-2 record I had with them was a blemish because they were all rock solid. So grateful for your help.
TTTech my biggest fanboy once your own run was over. Thanks for being the voice of reason when I was overthinking, and for the constant encouragement. You were always around for a test run, hopefully I'm not in your way next year you're on a mission.
SpaceSpeakers another fellow tyrant, I'm sad our time zones are so incompatible but you were a big help along the way anyway. You're a kind person and a smart player, cheers
augustakira the BH final roster review from Akira certified. Seriously you were instrumental in my snatching that g5 win vs Fc, this wouldn't have happened without you
Maybca☆〜ゝ。∂ The help you gave me for the finals was seriously useful, the amount of NFE games we went thru. Grotle team wouldn't have existed without the sparring you gave me the inspiration for real. The odd MnM and stab test didn't hurt either, thanks badge brother
LordBox Being on vacation for the later stages left you busy but you helped a bunch early on getting me situated to the DLC1 meta, thanks
pannu Thanks for being my biggest hater nerd. for real though you are an awesome person. often think back to that time us and ponchlake were in call before I had won AAA ssnl and I said I was top 1 AAA while taking your ladder points and the memory of that moment gives me strength
Osake aaa goat thanks for the games, knocking me off in that AAA ssnl run way back when definitely was one of the harder series I can remember in this essay, glad to have someone like you around
Clas grateful for the encouragement mid series, you said you could've been the one to beat me and maybe you're right but for today I'm just happy to be the last one standing.
Instruct, ponchlake, Siamato for being the good guys
Tea Guzzler for drinking tea and not being 6 years old what a gentleman.
Quantum Tesseract wanna thank you for the games but also for being that obstacle for me since last year, i still think to that time when you said you didn't want to play me in the playoffs
delemon your wise words made the difference
K3ppr for cheerleading cya around king
hayedenn come back
XxLazzerpenguinxX for influencing qts bh pick
Jrdn, cjw405, oaklies, BoingK, tzaur, Nihilslave, longhiep341, RoFnA, elleapple sorry to mass tag all of you but wanted to thank you all for the test games along the way
Also RIP Mr bossaru

Finally, here is the import of every team I built or used during the tournament, teams I considered using, scrapped ideas and replicated pastes from the scouter that I fleshed out. Builders of the team should have their name in the titles for the most part.
Final thank you to anyone who took the time to read through all of this and extra special thanks to Kris for the fuck you into ok.
See you all in OMPL
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