NOC 2OC2NOC - Day 7: Zorbees is Dead.


i do not negotiate with terrorists, whether they be mafia or cultist

I didn’t enter Eatin’ in this to play him IC (which would be to trust you all)
If every living player publicly agrees, and every informed party privately agrees in addition to it, and the suggested plan is both clear and entirely possible, then such a solution will be considered.

The way leet has enforced the rule, there is no drawback to everyone publicly agreeing. If the game doesn't end early with us all winning, you can lynch me/former by eod. There is no drawback to this, you don't even have to no lynch worrying about it not happening. We should all agree to this imo.
I mean, given that the mafia can still win, that's pretty logical for them.

But yeah, now it's just a question of wanting a 100% win rate or whatever town v mafia 50/50 comes down to.
votals 1:
Apricity: Rssp1, healndeal, shubaka
Duskfall: Zorbees, Martin, OM Room, Bloodyrain, nuxl, bluedoom
OM Room: Panic Station
Panic Station: XnadrojX

Debttothedeathless: bluegummybear
Nuxl: Thunder~BALLZ, Duskfall, SB, Asek, Ullar, M2H, refa

Votals 2:
shubaka: martin, SB
Duskfall: Zorbees
Apricity: Xnadrojx, rssp1, Ullar, healndeal, OM Room, Bloodyrain
Zorbees: shubaka
OM Room: Thunder~BALLZ, Duskfall, Asek, M2H, refa

quoted for reference

ftr I am the neighbouriser and I have a 1x mass-track of everyone in my neighbourhood (or who started the night in the neighbourhood). I just added Da Letter El to the hood so he can confirm what I am saying is true and that I have DEFINITELY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS.

Refa visited CB (CaffeineBoost) and zorbees (we discussed this in the neighbourhood chat)
Duskfall visited RAD and Refa (we told him to hook RAD, but he claimed to only have a hook action so hmm visiting Refa)
Former visited BGB and Duskfall after claiming not to have done anything last night in our chat?

I assume that Duskfall is mafia and Former is third party.

Lynch 1: Duskfall
Lynch 2: Former
I’m also a tracker, and I also tracked Refa, can confirm these results