2v2 Doubles at Dragon's Den! Arcanite vs Tortferngatr!

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Yep, that tasted purple!
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Open Challenge

2Vs2 Doubles
(Unevolved Only)
3 Day DQ Time

Arena: Dragon's Den (Johto)

An Island in the middle of an underground lake. The historic home of dragon Pokemon gives off an aura which boosts the base power of dragon moves by 2. All attacking moves permitted.
0 Recovers/Rests, 2 Chills.

I accept.

All abilities
No items

@Arcanite, yeah, you can send up to 3 Pokemon in a 2v2.

Growlithe (*) Firion (Male)

(A 15% increase (rounded up) in Base Speed and a +5% increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 becomes 90) on this Pokemon's attacks; Subtracts * from Defense)

Fire:Fire STAB; immune to burn, 50% reduction in freeze chance, emit a low glow in dark places, takes additional damage if active open flames are exposed to a water attack. Solarbeam has Energy Cost reduced by one (1).


  • Intimidate: (Can be Activated) When this Pokemon initially goes out into the battlefield, it generates an intimidating roar or war cry that shakes all opponents on the battlefield, reducing thier Attack stage by one (1). The attack drop is maintained at the end of each round. If an opponent switches in a new Pokemon, Intimidate can be activated again.
  • Flash Fire: (Innate) This Pokemon thrives in high temperatures, and takes the energy of any fire attack, nullifies the damage, and uses the additional power to boost its own fire attack’s Base Attack Power by two (2).
  • Justified (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon's body reacts to dark energy, invigorating its passions. When hit by a Dark-type move, the Pokemon's attack will increase one (1) stage. A boost gained this way will be maintained at the end of each round. (Not yet active)


HP: 90
Atk: ***
Def: * (-)
SpA: ***
SpD: **
Spe: 69 (60*1.15)

EC: 1/6
MC: 0
DC: 1/5
KO: 0

Bite (*)
Roar (*)
Ember (*)
Leer (*)
Odour Sleuth (*)
Take Down (*)
Helping Hand (*)
Flame Wheel (*)
Reversal (*)
Heat Wave

Close Combat (*)
Morning Sun (*)
Howl (*)

Flame Charge (Nitro Boost) (*)
Aerial Ace (*)
Wild Charge (*)


Vanillite (*) Shiva (Female)

(No effect on Stats)

Ice: (Ice STAB; immune to freezing, no vision loss or damage in Hail, perfectly accurate and 30% Protect breaking Blizzard in Hail, Hail heals burns on Ice-typed Pokemon. (Glalie/Froslass line, Regice, Glaceon, Vanilluxe line, Beartic line and Furijio ONLY: immunity to Sheer Cold, removal of Boiling water's Burn effect, and 50% reduction in burn chance from Fire moves.))


  • Ice Body: (Innate) his Pokemon thrives in Icy conditions and can absorb energy from Hailstones to recover two (2) HP/action in Hail.
  • Weak Armour (DW): (Can be Enabled) The Pokemon can loosen its worn defensive armor so that it will break off when an opponent uses a contact attack, reducing the Pokemon's Defense and increasing their Speed by one (1) stage for each hit.(Not yet active)


HP: 90
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: ***
SpD: ***
Spe: 44

EC: 3/9
MC: 0
DC: 2/5
KO: 0

Icicle Spear (*)
Harden (*)
Astonish (*)
Uproar (*)
Icy Wind (*)
Mist (*)
Avalanche (*)
Taunt (*)
Ice Beam

Automotize (*)
Water Pulse (*)
Ice Shard (*)

Explosion (*)
Hail (*)
Blizzard (*)
Hidden Power (Ground 7)


Dratini (M) [Bahamut]

Rash: (Adds * to Special Attack; Subtracts * From Special Defense)

: Dragon STAB; Roar has have Energy Cost reduced by one (1). (Dragonite line can breathe underwater.)


  • Shed Skin: (Innate) This Pokemon regularly sheds its skin and any impurities contained in its body. If afflicted with a status condition, this Pokemon has a 33% chance of removing all status conditions at the end of a round.
  • Marvel Scale: (Innate) This Pokemon’s coat shimmers when afflicted with a status condition, reducing the Base Attack Power of incoming physical attacks by two (2).

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3 (+)
SpD: Rank 1 (-)
Spe: 50

EC: 0/9
MC: 0
DC: 0/5
KO: 0

Thunder Wave
Dragon Rage

Dragon Pulse
Light Screen

Fire Blast
Ice Beam


Numel (Flare) (F)
Nature: Quiet (+1 Rank in special attack; A 15% decrease in Base Speed [Rounded Up] and a +10% flat increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 Accuracy becomes 95) on an opponent's attacks.)
Type: Fire/Ground
Fire: Fire STAB; immune to burn, 50% reduction in freeze chance, emit a low glow in dark places, takes additional damage if active open flames are exposed to a water attack. Solarbeam has Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Ground: Ground STAB; Immune to all electrical attacks, Evasive Digging reduced from 3 per action Energy Cost to 2 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings. Knock Down, Rock Slide, Sandstorm, and Stealth Rock have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

Simple: (Innate) This Pokemon innately exaggeates the effect of stat boosts and drops to the point where they have double the effectiveness, but the same actual stage. (e.g. Swords Dance/Screech is still a 2 stage boost/drop but is calculated as 4 stages). Stat benefits/reductions still maximize at 6 effective stages.
Oblivious: (Innate) This Pokemon is incapable of being effected by Attract or Cute Charm.
Own Tempo: (Innate, DW, not yet activated) This Pokemon moves at its own pace and cannot be confused by any method.

Stats: 60/60/40/65+/40/35-
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 30 (-15%)

EC: 3/6
MC: 2
DC: 3/5

Focus Energy
Take Down
Flame Burst

Heat Wave

Flame Charge
Rock Slide
Will O' Wisp


Spheal Flotsam (M)
Nature: Sassy (A 15% decrease in Base Speed [Truncated] and a +10% flat increase in the accuracy (e.g. 85 Accuracy becomes 95) on the opponent Pokemon's attacks; +1 rank in special defense)

Type: Ice/Water
Ice: Ice STAB; immune to freezing, no vision loss or damage in Hail, perfectly accurate and 30% Protect breaking Blizzard in Hail, Hail heals burns on Ice-typed Pokemon.
Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious. Splash and Ice Moves have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

Stats: 70/40/50/55/50/25

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3(+)
Spe: 21 (-)

EC: 0/9
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Ability 1: Ice Body: (Innate) This Pokemon thrives in Icy conditions and can absorb energy from Hailstones to recover two (2) HP/action in Hail.
Ability 2: Thick Fat: (Innate) This Pokemon has a great deal of extra fat or muscle that increases its resistance to extreme heat or extreme cold, reducing the type effectiveness of Fire and Ice-typed attacks to the next level of resistance (2x weak becomes neutral, neutral becomes resistance, etc.)
Ability 3: Oblivious: (Innate, DW) This Pokemon is incapable of being effected by Attract or Cute Charm.

Defense Curl
Powder Snow
Water Gun
Ice Ball
Body Slam
Aurora Beam

Signal Beam

Rock Slide


Cranidos (Fracture) (M)
Nature: Mild (Defense decreased by one rank, Special Attack increased by one rank)

Stats: 67 / 125 / 40 / 30 / 30 / 58
HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def-: Rank 1
SpA+: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 58

Evolution Counter: 0 / 6
Move Counter: 0
Dream Counter: 0 / 5

Ability 1: Mold Breaker: (Innate) Whenever this Pokemon attacks, it emits an invisible, blindingly quick pulse preceding the attack that disables the opponents natural abilities (e.g. Levitators plummet towards the ground before Earthquake hits, Volt Absorb will not absorb electric attacks, Clear Body does not prevent stat-drops, etc.)
Ability 2: Sheer Force: (Can be Enabled) This Pokemon can energize all its attacks with secondary effect chances less than 100%. When Enabled, the Base Attack Power of every move with an effect chance less than 100% increases by two (2), but they will never have a secondary effect.

Focus Energy
Take Down
Scary Face

Hammer Arm
Iron Head

Fire Blast
Rock Slide

K, Arcanite sends out his chosen two mons, then Tortferngatr does the same but with actions. After that, Arcanite orders!

Good luck!
Growlithe and Dratini? I know Draogn moves are powered up here, but Spheal easily beats both of them.

"Go, Flare (Quiet Numel) and Flotsam (Sassy Spheal)!

Alright, Flare! Start things off with a Yawn at the Dratini to help neutralize it, then Rock Slide them both! Finish with Earthquake!

Flotsam-looking over their team, it seems like taking out Growlithe will be easier for you, and he's the bigger threat anyway. Unleash a Waterfall at Growlithe, then roll into the water to avoid damage from the Earthquake! From there, use an Aurora Beam at Dratini!
Dratini, go for a Thunder wave on Spheal, then follow up with a light screen. Then, use Thunder at spheal. (Even if it misses and hits the water, spheal will still be shocked!

Thunder Wave (Spheal)>Light Screen (My Party)>Thunder (Spheal)

Firion, Intimidate both of them to weaken the physical attacks! Then use Close Combat on Spheal before it rolls into the water (because he rolls away, he won't have the advantage of being close to you!) and then use Helping Hand to power up Dratini's Thunder!

Intimidate (Both)>Close Combat (Spheal)>Helping Hand (Dratini)

(M) | Bahamut (M)
HP: 90 | 90
Energy: 100 | 100
Actions: Intimidate (both) - Close Combat (Spheal) - Helping Hand (Dratini) | Thunder Wave (Spheal) - Light Screen - Thunder (Spheal)

Flare (M) | Flotsam (F)
HP: 90 | 100
Energy: 100 | 100
Actions: Yawn (Dratini) - Rock Slide - Earthquake | Waterfall (Growlithe) - roll over and die into waters - Aurora Beam (Dratini)

Speed Order: Firion - Bahamut - Flare - Flotsam


(super sleepy right now, just labeling the data of what happened)


Action 1

Firion: Intimidates both Pokemon like a pro.
Bahamut: Light Screens up the team.
Flare: Yawns at Dratini (will fall asleep next round's after its first action)
Flotsam: Manages to not get fully paralyzed and Waterfalls Firion.

Action 2

Firion: Close Combats Flotsam. -1 Def/SpD for puppy.
Bahamut: Thunder Waves Flotsam (25% paralysis).
Flare: Rock Slides from the nearby hills come and thrash both targets lethally.
Flotsam: Manages to not get fully paralyzed and rolls over and splashes into the waters.

Action 3

Firion: Helping Hands Bahamut like a true pal.
Bahamut: Thunders Flotsam for a deadly amount of damage.
Flare: Shakes the arena up with a disastrous Earthquake, damaging Firion and Bahamut. Flotsam is unharmed.
Flotsam: Manages to not get fully paralyzed and fires an Aurora Beam from the waters, damage weakened by Light Screen but deals good damage on Bahamut.


(M) | Bahamut (M)
HP: 51 | 79
Energy: 83 | 77
Boosts/Drops: -1 Def/SpD (Firion)
Others: Light Screen (both, 4 more actions), Yawn (Bahamut, sleeps after action 1)

Flare (M) | Flotsam (F)
HP: 90 | 54
Energy: 82 | 89
Boosts/Drops: -1 Atk (Flotsam), -2 Atk (Flare, due to Simple)
Others: Paralysis (Flotsam, 25%, 20% next round)

A1: Intimidate (both targets) > [2 Energy]
A2: Close Combat (Spheal) > 12 + (3-2 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [20 Damage] [8 Energy]
A3: Helping Hand > [7 Energy]

A1: Thunder Wave (Spheal) > [7 Energy]
A2: Light Screen > [8 Energy]
A3: Thunder (Spheal) > 12 + 5 (helping hand) + (3-3 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [26 Damage] [8 Energy]

A1: Yawn (Dratini) > [7 Energy]
A2: Rock Slide > [5 Energy]
8 initial BP, 75% reduction
Against Firion: 6 + (2-1 x 1.5) + (1-2 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [5 Damage]
Against Bahamut: 6 + (2-2 x 1.5) + (0-2 x 1.5) = [3 Damage]
A3: Earthquake > [6 Energy]
10 initial BP, 75% reduction
Against Flotsam: [Avoided]
Against Firion: 8 + 3 + (2-1 x 1.5) + (1-2 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [17 Damage]
Against Bahamut: 8 + 3 + (2-2 x 1.5) + (0-2 x 1.5) = [8 Damage]

A1: Waterfall (Growlithe) > 8 + 3 + (2-1 x 1.5) + (0-1 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [17 Damage] [5 Energy]
A2: Roll over into waters > [2 Energy]
A3: Aurora Beam (Dratini) > 7 + 3 + (2-1 x 1.5) x 1.5 = 17 - 5 (light screen) = [12 Damage] [4 Energy]

Arcanite's actions! I may or may not edit with some story stuff, IDK.
Ok Firion, If Spheal is out of the water, use Close Combat, if not, go for a helping hand! Then Crunch Spheal, hopefully lowering it's defence. Follow up with a reversal on Spheal. (If Spheal is still in the water, target Numel)

Close Combat (Spheal)/Helping Hand (Dratini)>Crunch (Spheal/Numel)>Reversal (Spheal/Numel)

Bahamut, Fire off a Thundaga on Spheal. If you wake up, Hit him with another Thundaga!

Thunder (Spheal)>Sleep>Sleep/Thunder (Spheal)
"Flotsam: Clap vivaciously at Growlithe's AMAZING Helping Hand, zoom back onto land and at Growlithe with Waterfall, then use a close-range Rock Slide aimed right at the fire puppy!

Flare: Use another Rock Slide, then fire off a Will O'the Wisp, aimed at Dratini! Finish by Stockpiling!"

Flotsam: Encore (stays in water)-Waterfall (hitting Growlithe back on land)-Rock Slide (focused on Growlithe at close range)
Flare: Rock Slide-Will O' Wisp (Dratini)-Stockpile
Sorry, made an error. Bahamut's a boy. <_< (I labeled him as (F) before)

(M) | Bahamut (M)
HP: 51 | 79
Energy: 83 | 77
Boosts/Drops: -1 Def/SpD (Firion)
Others: Light Screen (both, 4 more actions), Yawn (Bahamut, sleeps after action 1)
Actions: Close Combat (Spheal)/Helping Hand (Dratini)>Crunch (Spheal/Numel)>Reversal (Spheal/Numel) | Thunder (Spheal)>Sleep>Sleep/Thunder (Spheal)

Flare (F) | Flotsam (M)
HP: 90 | 54
Energy: 82 | 89
Boosts/Drops: -1 Atk (Flotsam), -2 Atk (Flare, due to Simple)
Others: Paralysis (Flotsam, 20%)
Actions: Rock Slide - Will-O-Wisp (Dratini) - Stockpile | Encore (Growlithe) - Waterfall (Growlithe) - Rock Slide

Speed Order: Firion - Bahamut - Flare - Flotsam


(actually, i like it like this! i'm slacking on all my homework so yeah, i need to work but i want to update...)


Action 1

Firion: A dog's a buddy's true companion. Firion is especially nice to Bahamut as he goes for a Helping Hand!
Bahamut: With the aid of Firion's Helping Hand, Bahamut calls upon Zeus's Thunderbolt! From the skies, a crackling Thunder emerges! It strikes right onto Flotsam and electrocutes the little sucker!
Flare: Camels are faster than seals! Flare attempts to get some damage in by summoning a Rock Slide! Both Firion and Bahamut are thrashed upon the rampaging rocks!
Flotsam: Paralysis check: Nope! Happy about the incident, Flotsam claps her blubber together to get a Encore going! Poor Firion is stuck with Helping Hand!

After the action ends, Bahamut dozes off into a light sleep (1 action).

Action 2

Firion: Helping Handing to no effect.
Bahamut: Zzz!
Flare: Out from his mouth comes a sizzling Will-O-Wisp! It misses the sleeping Bahamut, however. Maybe the heat got distorted or something.
Flotsam: Paralysis check: Nope! Splash! Flotsam propels off the water and slams onto Firion for a heavy Waterfall hit!

Action 3

Firion: Still using Helping Hand on Bahamut! How loyal!
Bahamut: Maybe it's the fire's crackling noise, but Bahamut has woken up! She Thunders Flotsam for... a miss! Booooo!
Flare: Looks like he's getting a bit lazy and Stockpiles up his reserve diglett meals!
Flotsam: Paralysis check: Nope! Water-type calling down a Rock Slide? This is crazy! Anyway, it happened. A good portion of the rocks slid down on Firion, but they still tickled Bahamut!

Close Combat drops for Firion have worn off. He's not dirty anymore!


(M) | Bahamut (M)
HP: 16 | 74
Energy: 62 | 61
Others: Light Screen (both, 1 more action)

Flare (F) | Flotsam (M)
HP: 90 | 28
Energy: 74 | 68
Boosts/Drops: -1 Atk (Flotsam), -2 Atk (Flare, due to Simple), +2 Def/SpD (Flare)
Others: Paralysis (Flotsam, 20%, 15% next round), Stockpile (Flare, 1)

A1: Helping Hand > [7 Energy]
A2: Helping Hand > [7 Energy]
A3: Helping Hand > [7 Energy]

A1: Thunder (Spheal) > 12 + 5 (helping hand) + (3-3 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [26 Damage] [8 Energy]
A2: zzz
A3: Thunder (Spheal) > 12 + 5 (helping hand) + (3-3 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [26 Damage] [8 Energy] (miss)

A1: Rock Slide > [5 Energy]
8 initial BP, 75% reduction
Against Firion: 6 + (2-1 x 1.5) + (1-2 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [5 Damage]
Against Bahamut: 6 + (2-2 x 1.5) + (0-2 x 1.5) = [3 Damage]
A2: Will-O-Wisp > [6 Energy] (miss)
A3: Stockpile > [7 Energy]

A1: Encore (Growlithe) > [10 Energy]
A2: Waterfall (Growlithe) > 8 + 3 + (2-1 x 1.5) + (0-1 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [17 Damage] [5 Energy]
A3: Rock Slide (concentration on Firion, +1 against Firion, -1 against Bahamut) > [6 Energy]
8 initial BP, 75% reduction
Against Firion: 7 + (2-1 x 1.5) + (1-1 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [13 Damage]
Against Bahamut: 5 + (2-2 x 1.5) + (0-1 x 1.5) = [2 Damage]

Tortferngatr's actions! Also, Flotsam's an amazing hax avoider.
flare is a girl, flotsam is a boy.

"Flotsam-use Waterfall until Growlithe is finished, then Ice Ball Dratini repeatedly!

Flare-Rock Slide to help take out Growlithe, then Take Down Growlithe! If Growlithe is finished off, Rock Slide instead, then use Rock Slide against Dratini!"
Ok, Firion, give Dratini a Helping Hand! Then follow up with reversal! If by any chance rock slide misses (only way you wil survive) use reversal again for over 9000 damage! If Dratini misses Spheal, helping hand again!

Bahamut, use your Thundaga again to finish off Spheal! Then use Wrap to incapacitate Numel! This means in order to hit you with Rock Slide, he will have to hit himself (I love creativity)! Then, Fire off a Close Range Dragon Pulse!

If Dratini Misses spheal, thunder again!

The chance of Flotsam avoiding all those full paralysises is a measly 23%. :-(

(M) | Bahamut (M)
HP: 16 | 74
Energy: 62 | 61
Others: Light Screen (both, 1 more action)
Actions: Helping Hand - Reversal - Reversal (assuming Spheal) | Thunder (Spheal) - Wrap (Numel) - Dragon Pulse (Numel)

Flare (F) | Flotsam (M)
HP: 90 | 28
Energy: 74 | 68
Boosts/Drops: -1 Atk (Flotsam), -2 Atk (Flare, due to Simple), +2 Def/SpD (Flare)
Others: Paralysis (Flotsam, 15%), Stockpile (Flare, 1)
Actions: Rock Slide - Take Down (Growlithe)/ Rock Slide (if Growlithe has fainted) - Rock Slide (Dratini) | FINISH HIM (Waterfall Growlithe) - Ice Ball (Dratini)

Speed Order: Firion - Bahamut - Flare - Flotsam



Action 1

Firion: Woof woof! (That means Imma Helpin' Hand Ya in doggy language!) Love you too!
Bahamut: BAM THUNDER! That dealt massive damage to Flotsam, but not quite KOing him yet!
Flare: ROCK SLIDE! They tumble, they rumble. This hits both targets and causes them to bleed for I have no idea why.
Flotsam: Paralysis check: What a lucky piece of blubber! Flotsam goes for the final hit with a Waterfall onto Firion, pushing him right into the waters and KOing him once and for all!

Oops, Firion's and Bahamut's Light Screen shatters hopelessly!

Action 2

Firion: Dinner
Bahamut: This guy seems pretty tired of Flare and her Rock Slides! He slivers across the gives her a nice, hard WRAP!
Flare: Looks like Flare's getting a bit disorientated from the Wrap! She's attempting to summon a Rock Slide, but without the concentration to do that, she can't!
Flotsam: Paralysis check: I don't understand how this ball walrus manages to escape all forms of paralysis hax. There he goes, into an Ice Ball! This smashes Bahamut quite hard with chilly on top! Did I actually say that? HAHAHAHHAHAHHA

Action 3

Firion: Dessert
Bahamut: Despite getting hit by Ice Ball, it was still at a weak stage and Bahamut's still on the wrap. He gathers dragonish energy in his mouth and fires off a point-blank Dragon Pulse! KAPOW!!!
Flare: Flare is not amused. Gladly, she's not hit into the waters or anything! She goes summon another Rock Slide that smashes onto Bahamut pretty decently.
Flotsam: Paralysis check: Bzzzzzzz!

Stockpile runs dry at the end here!


(M) | Bahamut (M)
HP: drowning as we speak | 61
Energy: 0 | 44

Flare (F) | Flotsam (M)
HP: 69 | 2
Energy: 64 | 59
Boosts/Drops: -1 Atk (Flotsam), -2 Atk (Flare)
Others: Paralysis (Flotsam, 15%, 10% next round)

A1: Helping Hand > [7 Energy]

A1: Thunder (Spheal) > 12 + 5 (helping hand) + (3-3 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [26 Damage] [8 Energy]
A2: Wrap (Numel) > 3 + (3-2 x 1.5) + (0-2 x 1.5) = [2 Damage] [3 Energy]
A3: Dragon Pulse (Numel) > 9 + 2 (arena effect) + 3 + 2 (very close ranged d-pulse) + (3-2 x 1.5) + (0-2 x 1.5) = [15 Damage] [6 Energy]

A1: Rock Slide > [5 Energy]
8 initial BP, 75% reduction
Against Firion: 6 + (2-1 x 1.5) + (0-2 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [7 Damage]
Against Bahamut: 6 + (2-2 x 1.5) + (0-2 x 1.5) = [3 Damage]
A2: Rock Slide > [5 Energy] (nope)
2 drain damage
A3: Rock Slide (single-target Bahamut) > 8 + (2-2 x 1.5) + (0-2 x 1.5) = [5 Damage] [5 Energy]
2 drain damage

A1: Waterfall (Growlithe) > 8 + 3 + (2-1 x 1.5) + (0-1 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [17 Damage] [5 Energy]
A2: Ice Ball (Dratini) > 4 + 3 + (2-2 x 1.5) + (0-1 x 1.5) x 1.5 = [8 Damage] [4 Energy]

Arcanite's actions!

edit: it's always been 28 HP so I'm not sure where you saw that?

Hey, don't worry, I can misread numbers too. It happens.
Hmph. Spheal had 26Hp when I posted. :-( (meaning it would have been KOed by thunder.)

Ok, Bahamut, Dragon Pulse Spheal to finish it off. Then, tighten your wrap, then hit Numel with a Dragon Pulse.
"Flotsam-if you somehow survive, Ice Ball Dratini repeatedly!

Flare-start out by STOCKPILING! When Dratini begins to squeeze, stun him with a Heat Wave! Finish things off with an Earthquake!"
Oh, I was thinking that the close-ranged Dragon Pulse would've blasted Flare into a distance and would've stopped the wrap, but I guess not? I've changed Flare's HP (-2) to reflect the scenario though.

Bahamut (M)

HP: 61
Energy: 44
Actions: Dragon Pulse (Spheal) - Wrap (Numel) - Dragon Pulse (Flare)

Flare (F) | Flotsam (M)
HP: 69 | 2
Energy: 64 | 59
Boosts/Drops: -1 Atk (Flotsam), -2 Atk (Flare)
Others: Paralysis (Flotsam, 10%)
Actions: Stockpile - Heat Wave - Earthquake | Ice... ball?

Speed Order: Bahamut - Flare - Flotsam



Action 1

Bahamut: He's mad! He's furious! And he lets NO SEAL GET IN HIS WAY! Poof! While still wrapping around Flare, Bahamut fires off a dreadful Dragon Pulse that smacks Flotsam out of the arena! DING DING DING!!!
Flare: Ahhhhh, resting action! Looks like Flare's just Stockpiling up his flames! Flames? I didn't know that was edible!

Action 2

Bahamut: Ooo, look at those eyes! He's in serious competition with Flare and he's not about to lose it! He Wraps around the camel even harder and tighter!
Flare: Squeezy-weeze! Flare's not liking this at all! She doesn't have to move a limb, though, to cause a Heat Wave from the air to sweep across the arena and give Bahamut some itches! Thanks to Bahamut's magnificent skin, however, it seems like he's still in squeezing action!

Action 3

Bahamut: While continuing the squeeze, Bahamut lets loose another dangerous Dragon Pulse that blasts Numel with a high amount of draconish energy!
Flare: Without Flotsam to worry about, Flare endures the painful wrap and stomps the ground, summoning an Earthquake! This causes Bahamut to let loose his wrap due to the lost of concentration and ultimately take some ground damage!


Bahamut (M)

HP: 39
Energy: 29

Flare (F) | Flotsam (M)
HP: 48 | arf arf... arf?
Energy: 45 | 0
Boosts/Drops: -2 Atk (Flare), +2 Def/SpD (Flare)
Others: Stockpile (1)

A1: Dragon Pulse (Spheal) > [did enough to KO] [6 Energy]
A2: Wrap (Numel) > 3 + (3-2 x 1.5) + (0-2 x 1.5) = [2 Damage] [3 Energy]
A3: Dragon Pulse (Numel) > 9 + 2 (arena effect) + 3 + 2 (very close ranged d-pulse) + (3-2 x 1.5) + (0-2 x 1.5) = [15 Damage] [6 Energy]

A1: Stockpile > [7 Energy]
2 drain damage
A2: Heat Wave > 10 + 3 + (4-1 x 1.5) x .67 = [12 Damage] [6 Energy]
2 drain damage
A3: Earthquake > 10 + 3 + (2-2 x 1.5) + (0-2 x 1.5) = [10 Damage] [6 Energy]

Tortfernfatr's actions!

Bahamut (M)

HP: 39
Energy: 29
Actions: Light Screen to the D-pulse!

Flare (F)
HP: 48
Energy: 45
Boosts/Drops: -2 Atk (Flare), +2 Def/SpD (Flare)
Others: Stockpile (1)
Actions: HEAT WAVE


ROUND 5: The Second Struggle

With their teammates fainted, Flare and Bahamut lift their spirits up and fight to the last man (or woman) alive! Bahamut begins by quickly combining his remaining energy forces together to create a sharp Light Screen (8 Energy) that wraps around his body. Flare doesn't take caution at how dreadful the screen may be and fires a Heat Wave! The winds of flame come quickly and shred Bahamut a new one! (10 + 3 + (4-1)x1.5 x .67 = 12 - 5 = 7 Damage/6 Energy)

Flare: 48 HP/39 Energy
Bahamut: 32 HP/21 Energy

That Light Screen definitely too a huge toll on the damage output! Bahamut feels a bit comfortable with the screen around and goes on the assault! Bluish energy is constructed from his mouth and blown into a raging Dragon Pulse that strikes Flare hard! (9 + 3 + 2 + (3-2)x1.5 + (0-2 x 1.5) = 13 Damage/6 Energy) The earlier Stockpile reduces the amount of pain urging through Flare's body. With that in mind, he forcefully creates another Heat Wave that washes through the sky and streams through Bahamut's face! (7 Damage/10 Energy).

Flare: 35 HP/29 Energy
Bahamut: 25 HP/15 Energy

The final action appears with Bahamut blasting another Dragon Pulse at Flare's face! (13 Damage/10 Energy) Flare repels the attack and fires another Heat Wave! There it goes, curving through the arena and blazing the little dragon with intense heat! (7 Damage/14 Energy).

And here we're left with weakened stranglers!


Bahamut (M)

HP: 18
Energy: 5
Others: Light Screen for like 3 more actions

Flare (F)
HP: 22
Energy: 15
Boosts/Drops: -2 Atk (Flare), +2 Def/SpD (Flare)
Others: Stockpile (1)
(hmm, i might have misread stockpile. it says "The Stockpile count goes down naturally by one (1) every other round" so i guess that means it goes down by 1 after the next round, since this wasn't the "other" round.)

Arcanite's actions!

Bahamut (M)

HP: 18
Energy: 5
Others: Light Screen for like 3 more actions
Actions: Chill - Dragon Pulse - Ice Beam

Flare (F)
HP: 22
Energy: 15
Boosts/Drops: -2 Atk (Flare), +2 Def/SpD (Flare)
Others: Stockpile (1)
Actions: Earthquake - Heat Wave - Ember


ROUND 6: The Final Struggle

Through the dark days of the Dragon's Den, we have one tired Bahamut chilling it out and a Flare causing a seismic reaction to the earth! This quake is shaking the entire arena! After the shaking ends, we find that one little dragon is deeply hurt as a result!

Bahamut: Chill > [+12 Energy]
Flare: Earthquake > 10 + 3 + (2-2 x 1.5) + (0-2 x 1.5) = [10 Damage/6 Energy]

Bahamut surely isn't looking too hot here! But he carries on! Blue energy form within his mouth and blast an enormous Dragon Pulse at Flare, making him stagger and drop on the ground... until he gets up and summons a lethal Heat Wave that crashes from the sky onto Bahamut! The heat intensifies, but Bahamut's draconish skin repels some of the attack and leaves him with a sliver of health! Well, 1 HP to be precise. In another scenario, the gods said that Heat Wave shall dealt 8 damage, thus burn Bahamut to crisp and granting Flare VICTORY! Another one says Bahamut shall live on!

Bahamut: Dragon Pulse > 9 + 3 + 2 + (3-2 x 1.5) + (0-2 x 1.5) = [13 Damage/6 Energy]
Flare: Heat Wave > 10 + 3 + (4-1 x 1.5) x .67 - 5 = [7 or 8 Damage/6 Energy]

With his last leash of life, Bahamut is determined to end this with a frost Ice Beam! The cold air from the water vaporize into a solid and fire at will at the awaiting Flare! This... combined with the earlier Dragon Pulse, does EXACTLY 22 DAMAGE! HOLY MOLY! As Flare's hit... he is completely blown skyward into a ice cube and soon THUMPS! into the waters in the Dragon's Den. Bahamut, with his 1 HP and 4 Energy, stands victorious, if only barely...

Bahamut: Ice Beam > 10 + (3-2 x 1.5) + (0-2 x 1.5) = [9 Damage/7 Energy]


Bahamut (M)

HP: ?
Energy: what

Flare (F)
Energy: 0

edit: changed scenario

KO Counters: Bahamut (2) | Flotsam (1) and Flare (1)
1 EC and DC: Bahamut and Firion | Flotsam and Flare
2 MC: Bahamut and Firion | Flotsam and Flare
2 Trainer Counters: Arcanite and Tortferngatr
4 Ref Tokens: Flora
Winner: TIE

Thanks for playing!

According to the damage calculator, Heat Wave should have dealt EXACTLY eight damage. Isn't LS supposed to be calculated before type damage?
Sorry. If that's so, this should have been more clear.

Light Screen: The Pokemon summons either a golden box to protect itself or golden erect walls to protect it and its teammates. The walls reduce the power of special attacks by 5. The effect lasts for six (6) actions after use.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 8 | Effect Chance: -- | Typing: Psychic

It says power, not Base Attack Power (usually the descriptions will say exactly "Base Attack Power" with caps, for example at Bulldoze). I have no idea if that's intended or not, but with that said, I have been doing -5 at the end of moves all my time throughout ASB.

If that's so, then it's pretty dumb. It'll definitely be an 8 though.

Heat Wave > 5 + 3 + (4-1 x 1.5) x .67 - 5 = [8.375 Damage/6 Energy]

How about we call it a tie then. Being confused is never fun. Flare will get a KO Counter alongside Bahamut.
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