Deposited: Murkrow lvl 1 M
Wanted: Murkrow
IGN: Inferno
Msg please trade Pokémon with me
Third times a charm
Deposited: Male level 24 fletchling
IGN: Momo
Msg please trade Pokémon with me
I hope no one snipe, tks a ton!
Deposited: Female Tentacool Lv 21
Wanted: Murkrow
IGN: Caio
Message: Please trade Pokémon with me. Thanks in advance.
Thank you!
Cannot find. Sniped?Deposited: lvl 51 male raichu
Wanted: Murkrow
IGN: Brandon
Message: Please trade Pokémon with me. Thanks in advance.
yupCannot find. Sniped?
Sent! :Dyup
Deposited: lvl 12 male cubone
Wanted: Murkrow
IGN: Brandon
Message: Please trade Pokémon with me. Thanks in advance.
Redeposited: male cubone lv 1
Ign: Haise
Message: i want to fill my pokedex
Sent! :DIGN Momo
Request Sneasel
Deposit male level 29 sandile
Tks a lot!
Hello, this is awesome thanks so much
IGN: Noah
Request lv. 1-10 Sneasel
Deposited: lv. 29 male sandile
Message: Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.
IGN: Adrian
Requested: Sneasel
Deposited: Grubbin lvl 1 (Female)
Message: Please trade Pokémon with me. Thanks in Advance.
Thank you!
Yes i got sniped
Redepositing: Mudbray lvl 27 Male
IGN: Adrian
Requested: Sneasel
Cannot find. Sniped?Deposited: Lv 37 Lunatis Nest Ball
IGN: Annie
Requested: Sneasel @ Razor Claw
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex.
Cannot find. Sniped?Deposited: Lv. 1 Male Snivy in an Ultra Ball
IGN: Veloso
Requested: Sneasel @ Razor Claw
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex.
Thank you in advance :)
Cannot find. Sniped?
Yes, redeposited: Lvl 10 Crabrawler Male in Great BallCannot find. Sniped?
Deposited A midday Lycanroc, lvl 43, IGN Annie same message.
Goofed and took Lycanroc out. Put it right back in so if you can't find that's probably why.
Yes, redeposited: Lvl 10 Crabrawler Male in Great Ball
IGN: Veloso
Requested: Sneasel @ Razor Claw Lv 1-10
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex.
Thank you!