A late to the party, casual place for people to trade cool mons, now with Sword.

Hi there. I'm interested in a Love ball Gubbin.
Is there a specific ball combo you're looking for? I have an extensive collection so, it would be easier if you let me know what you're looking for and i'll see what i have.
Hey there thanks for commenting.

Any chance you have any fossil mon in a combination I don't still have? I am shooting now for a Dream ball shieldon or Dream Ball Cranidos. Otherwise I am also looking for Dream Ball HA elemental monkeys (preferably Pansage).
Hey there thanks for commenting.

Any chance you have any fossil mon in a combination I don't still have? I am shooting now for a Dream ball shieldon or Dream Ball Cranidos. Otherwise I am also looking for Dream Ball HA elemental monkeys (preferably Pansage).
I have a Dream HA Shieldon that i can transfer from gen 6. I'll breed you one in gen 7.
I think it's Impish.
I have a Dream HA Shieldon that i can transfer from gen 6. I'll breed you one in gen 7.
I think it's Impish.
Nature, Egg Moves and Ivs don't matter, as long as it's the mon and the ball (they're a welcome bonus, but nothing more. I will breed you the Grubbin, flawless or spitback?
Nature, Egg Moves and Ivs don't matter, as long as it's the mon and the ball (they're a welcome bonus, but nothing more. I will breed you the Grubbin, flawless or spitback?
Ok, then i'll just transfer a spitback from my Y game. As for the Grubbin, any IVs will do but, are you able to get a Calm nature on it? It would speed up my breeding project.
Ok, then i'll just transfer a spitback from my Y game. As for the Grubbin, any IVs will do but, are you able to get a Calm nature on it? It would speed up my breeding project.
Of course, just give me some extra little time. I'm currently at work, let me check how much that will take once I'm home. Anyhow, either later this afternoon or tonight I should be ready.
Hey. You know the Deino in the list of unova mons for trade? I can resurrect a fossil Pokemon, give it to you, and make absolutely sure it's hold a apricornball that you want it to be. My FC is 2681-5612-5851 and my name on USUM is Gary. If we are both online at the same time, would you please give me the Deino?
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Hey. You know the Deino in the list of unova mons for trade? I can resurrect a fossil Pokemon, give it to you, and make absolutely sure it's in a apricornball that you want it to be in. My FC is 2681-5612-5851 and my name on USUM is Gary. If we are both online at the same time, would you please give me the Deino?
Fossil mons cannot legally be in Apricorn Balls. What are you talking about?
I'd take the one from your unova list of mons (not sure if that's spitback or flawless since this is only my second deal here) but uhh yeah I'll get something with an apricorn ball, and then I can trade for that, as I freaking love the Deino line.
I'd take the one from your unova list of mons (not sure if that's spitback or flawless since this is only my second deal here) but uhh yeah I'll get something with an apricorn ball, and then I can trade for that, as I freaking love the Deino line.
Don't worry, I just need to know for breeding purposes.

I'll try for the quickest flawless I can get once I get back from work. I will let you know when I'm ready.

You can either trade me a mon in an Apricorn ball I don't have yet or a trash mon holding an Apricorn ball, your pick.
Hello! Are you available to trade in Gen 6? May I ask if you have a Speed Boost Torchic available? I can transfer from hgss and breed for any apricorn ball mon you request with proofs if you want.
Sure, sounds good! I’ll breed it when i get home tonight.
Thanks. Sorry for the late reply. I have just gotten back from vacation. May you able to trade either tomorrow or Wednesday, CET afternoon/evening?
Hello! Are you available to trade in Gen 6? May I ask if you have a Speed Boost Torchic available? I can transfer from hgss and breed for any apricorn ball mon you request with proofs if you want.
I can certainly trade, will have to see if I have left a Torchic in any of the gen 6 games. If I have, I'm afraid it won't have all the egg moves you see here. Is that still fine? Will check tomorrow.
Hello! Are you available to trade in Gen 6? May I ask if you have a Speed Boost Torchic available? I can transfer from hgss and breed for any apricorn ball mon you request with proofs if you want.
I have checked it out. We can make the trade work. I'll drop you a PM w/details.