A New Rain Physical Sweeper

Hello. This is my first rate my team, and I've had only some competitive battle experience. I've gone through about ten battles with three different teams of mine, and this does the best. I would like to see some suggestions to my team that would help keep the same playstyle. Also, I'm am sorry in advance for no visuals. So let's get to it.

The Team
Lead/Sweeper: Toxicroak​
Defensive Core: Gliscor and Politoad​
Sweepers:Kingler, Kingdra, and Scizor​

In Depth​

Toxicroak@Choice Scarf
Dry Skin
Adamant 6hp/252attk/252s
Brick Break
Poison Jab
Ice Punch

Toxicroak is there as more of an anti-lead than an actual lead. The reason for have toxicroak out first over politoed is that poli might die from an anti-lead itself. With the scarf on toxicroak his speed reaches 404, an absolute speed demon. Brick Break for a stab move against T-tar, and to get barriers destroyed. Poison jab because of the nice stab bonus and a chance for poison. Also poison hits at regularly effective damage against most types. Ice Punch to take care of dragon types, such as Latias, Latios, and Draginite. Pursuit is for the Phychic types that come in on this, or to trap a ghost type. I was thinking of changing pursuit to suckerpunch, but I don't want to be stuck on sucker punch.

Scizor@Steel Gem
Adamant 28hp/252attk/128def/96sdef
Bullet Punch
Swords Dance
Aerial Ace

Scizor comes in on this team having only one weakness:Fire. The rain halves the power of fire moves, thus making scizor more of a priority troll than ever. The moves are pretty self-explainable. Bullet Punch for the Stab, Technician boosted priotity move. I further improved this by placing a Steel Gem as his item, making his first bullet punch almost always a 1HKO with the proper set-up. Swords Dance for the increase in attack, U-turn in case there is a powerful fire type like victini or heatran. Substitute on switches to make scizor that troll.

Kingler@Choice Scarf
Sheer Force(Is this released?)
Adamant 6hp/252attk/252s
Chip Away
Rock Slide

Kingler is a pokemon I don't see used a lot, and I have no clue why it's in NU. With a 130 base attack, and a stab and rained boosted Crabhammer, I don't see how its not used. The speed is low for a sweeper, with 75 base, but with the choice scarf, your speed becomes a whooping 372. His attack in this set reaches 394, and can be doubled by my baton passer. He also has a solid defense, with 110 defense. Ok, now that the rant is done, let's get on with the moves. Crabhammer, I already explained, being an amazing physical water move. Chip Away I actually find useful against baton basing teams or CM Latias. X-scissor for the coverage, and Rock Slide for more coverage, but with a Sheer Force boost. The only thing that I wonder about on this set is if Crabhammer gets the Sheer Force boost with its high critical-hit ratio.

Kingdra@Life Orb
Modest 80hp/252sattk/176s
Ice Beam
Draco Meteor

Kingdra swift swim is banned on a team with someone with drizzle, but I liked Kingdra's movepool, and how he gave me another dragon counter. His set is simple. Switch him in on something he has an advantage on, like Heatran. Use agility once as they switch and proceed to sweep as best you can with your movepool. Use Draco Meteor only if you can't take the pokemon out with the other two attacks with one hit. Then after the Draco Meteor, switch.

Calm 252hp/252sdef
Hydro Pump

The one you've all been waiting for....Politoed. Politoed has a strange movepool to me, and I mixed and matched some of the moves untill I got a perfect complement to my Gliscor. Hypnosis and Encore forces switches, and if the hypnosis or encore doesn't force the switch, then I have hydro pump to take them out. Toxic is there to take care of other special walls, which I have nothing for. Even though this set has been working, I need some suggestions for this set. I like the switch it forces, and I can switch to Gliscor to help it set-up for my physical sweepers.

Gliscor@ Leftovers
Hyper Cutter
Impish 128hp/128 Attk/ 252 def
Baton Pass
Swords Dance

This is a different Gliscor set then most peoples', but it falls in as a good Ying to my Politoad's Yang. As politoed forces a switch, most people switch into a physical sweeper, giving Gliscor a turn to set up, as they double switch. This doesn't always happen as I plan, but at least once per match I can get any of my physical sweepers a SD boost. Earthquake is a good stab move against Pokemon like Heatran. Roost of some of the damage before baton passing and your ready for another. Also, Gliscor takes the Electric attacks that my team is very weak to. His one of two weakness is covered by politoed, taking both at half damage. The core seems good, but any suggestions are welcome. I like the roost on gliscor though, I prefer it over Poison Heal, as going second is good while baton passing if I'm paralyzed, and I don't give a crap about burn.

I don't really know any big threats versus my team, except that water types give it some trouble. I'm thinking about Toxicroak with thunderpunch over ice punch, but ice punch has killed so many Dragons that usually laugh at rain teams. Your suggestions will be put to use.
Hey there,

First of all. Scarfed Toxicroak. Really?
Give it a Life orb with the moves: Swords dance, Ice punch, Sucker punch and Drain punch with Jolly nature.
Change Scizor's item with Leftovers and remove U-turn with Bug bite, and Substitute with Brick break or Roost.

When you're using inaccurate moves with Politoed, I'd suggest removing Leftovers with Wide lens.
I liked the scarfed toxicroak, as it outspeeds many other leads. The only inaccurate move of Plitoed is Hydro Pump, and he has no form of recovery, so leftovers it was. I changed the substitute to Aerial Ace, as it gets the technician boost, and covers up a grass weakness. The bug bite idea is good, with it getting technician and stab, but I will have no way to scout, since that is my only pokemon with scouting abilities. Also, I've been wondering about the kingler set. Any ideas?

EDIT: Your right, I forgot about hypnosis and toxic. I might add the wide lens, but I need some form of recovery, since he is part of my core, and if part of the core dies, then the team has only a defensive wall.
Hey there,

First of all. Scarfed Toxicroak. Really?
Give it a Life orb with the moves: Swords dance, Ice punch, Sucker punch and Drain punch with Jolly nature.
Change Scizor's item with Leftovers and remove U-turn with Bug bite, and Substitute with Brick break or Roost.

When you're using inaccurate moves with Politoed, I'd suggest removing Leftovers with Wide lens.

You can't have Drain Punch and Ice punch on the same Toxicroak set. If you use Swords Dance it's better to drop Drain Punch for an alternative Fighting move. The Smogon set uses Cross Chop, I believe.
Why? You have a toxicroak traded to Soul Silver from diamond with Drain Punch TM, and then you use the move tutor, and then import to BW.
hey man, you might want to put up some pictures to make things easier for us. First off, whether it's legal or not, if you want to scarf politoed then drain punch isnt necessary. It doesnt have the bulk to take more than a neutral stab one time anyway, so you way as well use a more powerful fighting move. And also, i'd use suckerpunch over pursuit. You cant switch in on a Psychic type anyway, and they wont be forced out, so you're hitting with an unSTABed 50 bp move. Sucker punch is just a better option IMO.

Also, I would replace hydro pump with scald on politoed, getting some nice burns along with the rain boost.

In all honesty, Kingdra doesnt have the power to get through much of anything without DD, so i wouldnt keep him. It just seems like deadweight to me.

And it may be worth noting that kingler gets agility, and i believe swords dance as well, but i'm not too sure about the latter. Happy Battling!
hey man, you might want to put up some pictures to make things easier for us. First off, whether it's legal or not, if you want to scarf politoed then drain punch isnt necessary. It doesnt have the bulk to take more than a neutral stab one time anyway, so you way as well use a more powerful fighting move. And also, i'd use suckerpunch over pursuit. You cant switch in on a Psychic type anyway, and they wont be forced out, so you're hitting with an unSTABed 50 bp move. Sucker punch is just a better option IMO.

Also, I would replace hydro pump with scald on politoed, getting some nice burns along with the rain boost.

In all honesty, Kingdra doesnt have the power to get through much of anything without DD, so i wouldnt keep him. It just seems like deadweight to me.

And it may be worth noting that kingler gets agility, and i believe swords dance as well, but i'm not too sure about the latter. Happy Battling!

Ok, I'll change the toxicroak set up, but any suggestions for dark type move besides sucker punch? I explained why I don't use sucker punch in the original post. I don't like being stuck on it. My scarfed toxicroak lasts many turns after being set up. If he uses sucker punch, then I have to switch so pokemon can't set-up on my team. I'll definately use the advice on a more powerful fighting move. Also, my Kingdra seems like a good fit, but maybe Starmie. The only reason why I'm debating that is because if I take out Kingdra, then my dragon counters lower, even though starmie can learn ice beam. I just like the extra bulk that Kingdra has. Lets me get a Agility in if I predict right, and the moves have good coverage, and gives me a gliscor, heatran, Latias,and latios counter. But I will try starmie if you give me a set. I like the Kingdra because of the synergy with scizor.

Edit: Kingler has Scarf btw, and is usually set up with swords dance by gliscor. And I'll try scald on politoed.
I like the idea of brick break to counter the growing HO Deoxys lead. But... Run swords dance and 3 attacks. Don't run pursuit and poison jab, run sucker punch and swords dance

Scizor set is interesting I guess... Desnt he get acrobatics? Then use that

Kinglet. LOL. Use DD gyarados with substitute and bounce

Make kingdra mixed or use something like dragonite instead. Also don't use scald on an offensive set

Politoed...... Scald.

Gliscor poison heal, use something standard if you are newer like the swords dance set.

GL, HOpe I helped
Why are you leading with Croak? Most standard leads destroy it.

I love Croak but try this set maybe?
Adamant@Lefties 252 Atk/Speed 4 HP
Cross Chop
Ice Punch
Sucker Punch
Swords Dance

Great coverage and sweeps unprepared teams!

Hope this helped!