NOC A Peaceful Week for the Town of Salem - WON BY THE MAFIA AND THE WITCH

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With no possible chance of losing, the Mafia and the Witch have WON THE GAME!

Congrats to:

Alice Kazumi (The Sicario)
pulsar512b (The Godfather)
StupidFlandrs48 (The Consort)
ImaginaryNeon (The Hypnotist)
saberslasher11 (The Witch)

Scum Discord:

Graveyard Discord:

Setup: Gun Game

Vigilante - Celever
Lookout (TI): genisu
Lookout (TI): master oden
Bouncer (TP): Psypsypsypsypsythe
Transporter (TS): sunny004
Retributionist (RT): Lechen
Bodyguard (RT):HydrogenHydreigon
Lookout (RT):Dead by Daylight
Veteran (RT): JALMONT

Sicario (MK): Alice Kazumi
Godfather (MK): pulsar512b
Consort (MS): StupidFlandrs48
Hypnotist (MD): ImaginaryNeon

Werewolf (NK): Redless
Witch (NE): saberslasher11

Thanks everyone for playing! This was always meant to be more of a quickie (as most ToS games go), but N2 ended up being truly unfortunate for everyone but the Mafia. It was truly the perfect storm, with NK dying, as well as both of Town's remaining forms of kill power (Trans and BG), ending up with town having no reliable kill power at night. The vote on day 3 solidified their win, removing all chance of a slight comeback due to Lechen the Retributionist being able to revive a fallen Bodyguard. Scum was intending on idling this night, so there's no real reason to keep on going now that mafia + witch also have the numbers advantage.

Setup wise, I think the town rolled very unfortunately with the Lookouts. While they're typically extremely strong as a source of info, both scum factions had ways of entirely ignoring them, with WW simply being able to kill Lookouts that were looking at someone with it's rampage, while scum was just using Godfather for their kills at night, avoiding the danger of getting seen. Celever dying N1 was very unfortunate as well.

I'd love to hear people's thoughts on the setup / mechanics! I'd really like to try hosting another one of these kinds of games another time.

Big thanks to Duskfall98 for helping me out with this!

Again, thanks to everyone for playing, had a really fun time managing this :)
Fuck power went out so I didn't get to post the

right before dl (pretend I did)
Also here's my last will btw
Don't worry, the most I actually did in scum chat was rant about how I like Tera and fucking hate Gliscor. And I haven't gotten approval to reuse the original one and also it was deemed a funny concept by one other person in there, so, introducing to you...

So, first off, some of the issues with Gliscor stem from the fact that it is an incredibly bulky Pokémon with a relatively great defensive typing. And by some, I mean all, but those are moreso the fault of it getting the combination of Poison Heal and Protect. This combination makes it to where it is completely impossible to kill it (assuming they don't actively throw) unless you have a Pokémon capable of at least 2HKOing it. This combination isn't the worst on other Pokémon that have it, such as Breloom, because they are far less bulky than Gliscor. But, on a mon as bulky as Gliscor, so few things actually threaten it that it makes me want to begin performing my best guillotine impression, but the cherry on top of that is the fact that, because it's using Protect as opposed to, say, Recover, it has far more PP than if it were just using Recover, plus there's the fact that, since it's using Protect and you can't affect it on those turns, it effectively has a passive 50% health per effective turn of possible damage. And then it can also, you know, actually use other moves on the other turns while still receiving the healing, so it can lay Spikes, Toxic your mons, or attack on the only turns you can actually hit it, which kinda pisses me off. Additionally, on the turn that it uses Protect, you still have to use a move, so it can scout for any possible 2HKO/OHKO setups you may have on it and switch out accordingly. Now, for the other moves it tends to run. Toxic is one of the worst non-Protect offenders on this set, because it does far more damage to you than normal, given that it effectively gets 2 turns' worth of Toxic damage for each 1 turn of "weakness" that the Gliscor itself has. Bear in mind that Gliscor itself has to be at least 2HKO'd, so you'd tend to have to use far lower PP moves to damage it, so, if you, say, Swords Dance on a turn when the Gliscor goes for the mixup of not pressing Protect, you've essentially wasted one of the few moments of Gliscor's "weakness" that your mon has left on this mortal plane. And don't think that you're free to switch out and back in to reset the Toxic counter, because their Gliscor comes with 3 layers of Spikes, absolutely free! And before you come up with the idea of switching in an earthbound Poison or Steel-typed mon, just know that I saw this in their mailbox.
Dear Kingambit:
Please come to the Spikes (x3). I've baked an Earthquake (or four) for you.
Yours truly- -
The opposing Gliscor
In conclusion, we need to ban Gliscor already, man.

Also, while I was writing this, they said I could use the original rant, so I'm just slapping that here (in another spoiler though).
Tera Blast is just a more fun version of Hidden Power because it's more powerful, works for both attacking stats, doesn't require IV fuckery, and is obviously attached to Tera, which I feel is a generally fun mechanic.
Plus, it requiring Tera also allows some niche interactions such as just acting as extra Hyper Voice PP on Sylveon.
Also Tera changing your type makes those sort of "You switched in this mon? You fool!" interactions play out far more consistently due to the whole concept of the type you Tera into to hit the thing you're normally weak to typically not also being weak to it (and sometimes even resisting it).
Anyways that's my TED Talk on why Tera is fun as fuck and should never be banned.
Especially since if Tera were banned, it would make nearly all tiering action done across all tiers (save for perhaps bans to AG) entirely null and void.
Plus, banning Tera would make the game way more one-dimensional, which, if you want a more one-dimensional modern generation, you'll never guess what number immediately precedes 9.
And even just banning Tera Blast (an idea I've seen tossed around) wouldn't work too well.
If there HAS to be a full ban regarding the Tera mechanic, I'd much rather it be Tera Blast, but removing Tera Blast still removes a lot of fun counterplay.
For instance, I run Pixilate Sylveon in SV OU (because I'm a dumbass). I run Tera Fire on it to hit Gholdengo (even with Air Balloon) and most other Steel types in the tier, including those such as Corviknight that may otherwise fuck over my whole team.
If I ran Tera Ground, I'd have to trade off hitting Air Balloon Gholdengo (a set that has annoyingly increased in popularity and the same that it was originally built to counter btw) for hitting Heatran and various other Ground-weak mons.
But then again I could just switch in my Mudsdale (still a dumbass) and force most of those out without expending my Tera.
The reason Tera Fire works better imo for Sylveon is that not only does it resist Steel, but it also is resisted by fewer secondary types of said Steel-types, whereas many Steel-types have secondary types (or items) that make them resistant or immune to Ground and Fighting.
And Tera Fire only fails against most Heatran sets, and I don't even think Heatran's that popular in OU currently, especially compared to the likes of Gholdengo and Kingambit.
Another case of Tera Blast being greatly helpful is Iron Moth.
Iron Moth's 4x weakness to Ground (that isn't helped by Air Balloon, since it typically would prefer to run Booster Energy or Choice Specs/Scarf) is a huge detriment, especially for what is currently the "6th slot mon of the week", if you will.
Its weakness is even further compounded by how prevalent Gliscor is, a Pokémon that my team pretty much is guaranteed to lose to.
So, there's some nuance between Tera Water, which is overly better against a fair amount of the rest of the tier, but can sometimes miss out on the OHKO on Gliscor if you're investing into Booster Energy Speed, and Tera Ice, which defensively crumbles to Steel, a fairly prevalent type, but does guarantee the OHKO on Gliscor.
But what even is so powerful about Gliscor that leads 90% of my team to lose to it?
Gliscor's sheer bulk and pretty good defensive typing makes it hard to kill as is, but it also gets both Poison Heal and Protect, which fundamentally means that it CANNOT DIE unless you at least 2HKO it. And this is far more powerful than if it just had access to, say, Recover, because Recover only has 8 PP as opposed to Protect's 16, and to achieve the same effective health gain per damagable turn, you'd have to spam Recover non-stop, whereas Gliscor is able to use other moves in between.
And that's even before you think about the fundamental fact that Protect makes you immune to nearly all effects for the full turn, so it even helps you scout out the enemy's moves. And because of that, even if you DO have a Gliscor counter that can OHKO it, you have to make sure (by which I mean just hope) that it doesn't Protect on that turn, because then they know of your counter and can just switch out their Gliscor.
And since Gliscor tends to run Toxic Orb to activate Poison Heal, it's not like you can just burn it. And since it also tends to run Toxic, you can't just stall for 32 turns until it runs out of Protect uses and you become able to kill it with moves that at least 4HKO. And it running Toxic also gives it a relatively non-committal option to put any offensive threats on a ticking timer, allowing it to just sit back and protect every other turn while you waste the PP of, for instance, Ogerpon-Wellspring's Ivy Cudgel. And you can't just switch in a Poison or Steel type such as Iron Moth or Kingambit because it runs Earthquake, so any earthbound Poison or Steel types just get fucked by that.
And on TOP of ALL OF THAT, it gets Spikes, so you can't even just repeatedly switch shit around to waste its Toxic, Earthquake, or Protect PP.
In conclusion, Gliscor cannot die.
I feel like whispers explained a lot of what was going on making it harder to spectate.
Agree with this. I did 95% of my talking in whispers to psy and Lechen.

From my perspective, Once I got my role and knew I could mech confirm myself, I intentionally disengaged with the thread (and made that wallpost right off of the bat) to intentionally seem scummy. I was thinking that if scum saw me as a viable lynch target d2 they would be less inclined to target me n1. I played this a lot more like an OC than a NOC, so all of that nuance is lost when you just look at the thread.

I shoulda made one big postgame wallpost to mark all of these thoughts, but whateva lol
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