A treatise on newly posted teams.

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Most of my teams are themed, or centralized around a certain strategy. Like my u-turn team, it lures things out and u-turn away from it and go to something that counters it.
I mean could you imagine a UU sweeping an OU team by suprise, it'd be awesome, people would love it! It'd make things more exciting.

I love using non-standard pokemon in OU play. Conversely, I don't like using the same pokemon that everyone else seems to have and only really use them to support my non-standard main attackers, especially Hariyama. Underestimate the power of Sub Punch Hariyama at your peril.
I agree and disagree with this post
It is important for people to have a team that works well together, and not just be random pokes, but I think that is solved by playtesting which should happen.
But I feel as if this becomes enforced the people will feel like you need to specify your team, to make a rain/sun/stall/offense/hail or whatever specified team. When that happens, Balance is lost. And for some like me, the only way to win is for a perfect Balance :).
I absolutely agree with you. Pokemon teams should at least have some sort of STRATEGY behind them: Thats what separates the great pokemon users and the STUNNING pokemon users. :toast::toast::toast::toast::toast::toast:

Well that was random.
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