
It does get Focus Blast...however without any SpA investments and its shakey accuracy
you are better off switching someone else to take care of Ferrothorn.
Shell smash really worked for me with aqua jet over EQ water/Rock already gets good coverage and it could combat opposing priority and excadrill well.
I've tried using this a couple of times and it's ok...but it's power leaves alot to be desired and while its def is good and it's special def is decent for a rock type even before sand (solid rock is pure win ) Water/rock is not best def typing out there.
shell smash imo is always a bit of gamble to use for anything.
I've tried using this a couple of times and it's ok...but it's power leaves alot to be desired and while its def is good and it's special def is decent for a rock type even before sand (solid rock is pure win ) Water/rock is not best def typing out there.
shell smash imo is always a bit of gamble to use for anything.

if you have sturdy you could lead with it very effectively just attack when you predict taunt and it makes a good anti lead
Edit:mental herb stops taunt use that as your item and your all set
if you have sturdy you could lead with it very effectively just attack when you predict taunt and it makes a good anti lead

I don't know...solid rock is a very good ability to have. it seems better to run sturdy ONLY when you are running some kind of sweeping set.
Change the title to "Carracosta"; the current title is still its Japanese name.

Anyway, yes, the options are pretty much Sturdy Ability for Shell Smash (with coverage at least a bit comparable to its cousin's), or Solid Rock for more defense (imagine if you gave your Eviolite to Solid Rock Tirtouga and compared its defenses to a Carracosta's!).
Solid Rock is terrible. Really. Eviolite Tirtouga is a complete joke: Eviolite Pokemon only work if they have reliable recovery. Which is why Chansey and P2 are so good. Tirtouga lacks reliable recovery.

Always, always use Sturdy. I don't think even with Solid Rock you're going to win against anything with grass moves.
This thing has the relationship with Omastar, that Scizor and Escavelier have. Carracosta does pretty much everything worse then Omastar including: Swift swimmer, Shell Smasher and Hazard support thanks to all 3 entry hazards. The only adavntage is slightly better bulk and aqua jet. Fr that reason you should capitalize on that bulk through something like curse or a tanking set. Shell smash set is just to inferior to Omastar
This thing has the relationship with Omastar, that Scizor and Escavelier have. Carracosta does pretty much everything worse then Omastar including: Swift swimmer, Shell Smasher and Hazard support thanks to all 3 entry hazards. The only adavntage is slightly better bulk and aqua jet. Fr that reason you should capitalize on that bulk through something like curse or a tanking set. Shell smash set is just to inferior to Omastar

carracosta runs a physical shell smash set omastar runs a special one how is it inferior?