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Ability Bridge

I think Mega Evolution takes the movepool of its base form, so Charizard X isn't ablee to take moves from Barbaracle, Aero and Metagross, but it is able to do so from Emboar and Typhlosion, or from Mega Houndoom annd Sunflora if Solar Power is your thing. On the other hand, Barbaracle could in theory have everything it wants from Charizard.

In other news, both Noivern and Gardevoir have Telepathy.
This thread seems to have a lot of discussion about Tornadus-I, but Tornadus-T looks to be a lot more reliable now. A lot of OU sets go mixed in order to make up for poor coverage on either side, but now with moves from Ho-Oh and Mienshao, it can go full physical and escape the inaccurate special moves of Hurricane, Focus Blast and Heat Wave. It's true that Torn-T has lower Attack than Special Attack, but the greater damage and accuracy completely negates this fact. I'm not exaggerating:

0 SpA Tornadus-T Hurricane vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Manaphy: 129-153 (37.8 - 44.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
0 Atk Tornadus-T Brave Bird vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Manaphy: 129-153 (37.8 - 44.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

0 SpA Tornadus-T Focus Blast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Manaphy: 94-111 (27.5 - 32.5%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
0 Atk Tornadus-T High Jump Kick vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Manaphy: 94-111 (27.5 - 32.5%) -- guaranteed 4HKO

Here's a possible variant on the standard Assault Vest set:


Tornadus-Therian (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 132 HP / 160 Atk / 216 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- High Jump Kick/Sacred Fire
- Knock Off
- U-turn

I just took the EVs from the damage calculator and switched them to physical, but you can run more or less Attack depending on what you want. High Jump Kick has better coverage and damage, but Sacred Fire has a 50% burn chance. I think both are equally valid picks. One advantage of ditching your Special Attack investment is now your Knock Off/U-turn combo is not just annoying, it hurts too. Don't forget that Regenerator makes the recoil from Brave Bird and the miss chance on High Jump Kick less detrimental.

You can also run utility moves on a Leftovers or Life Orb set. Roost/Recover/Slack Off allow you to recover off damage, and Spore is...Spore. Don't forget that you can nab Stealth Rock (Corsola), Defog (Ho-oh), Heal Bell (Audino) and Wish (Audino) to take on a more support-ish role.
I think Mega Evolution takes the movepool of its base form, so Charizard X isn't ablee to take moves from Barbaracle, Aero and Metagross, but it is able to do so from Emboar and Typhlosion, or from Mega Houndoom annd Sunflora if Solar Power is your thing. On the other hand, Barbaracle could in theory have everything it wants from Charizard.

In other news, both Noivern and Gardevoir have Telepathy.
gg meta. Agility + Boomburst Mega Gardevoir gogogogogo. The difficulty is that the lack of Trace makes it harder to get in and set up, but the power is simply nuts.

Edit: Not sure if this is relevant but Adaptability Trump Card Porygon-Z would deal a lot of damage on the final use of Trump Card.
Hmmm. Well, Unnerve Galvantula gets all of Mewtwo's and Tyranitar's moves, which could be interesting. It hates losing Compoundeys Thunder thugh... but then again, if it runs Compoundeyes it gets to use Quiver Dance, Sleep Powder etc from Butterfree. On the inverse, you could pack an Unnerve Tyranitar (if you don't want sand) with Sticky Web, Drain Punch etc. from Galvantula and Mewtwo.

Also, there are a LOT of Pressure users in Ubers which can lend their moves to lower-tier Pokemon, and each of the legal ones can lend moves to each other. Interesting Pressure users include:
- Sacred Fire Weavile.
- Aeroblast Zapdos.
- Brave Bird Aerodactyl (and you can go mega!)
- Fire Blast + Ice Beam Raikou.
- Mean Look + Perish Song Spiritomb.
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Bisharp: (Inner Focus) Dragon Dance, Fake Out, High Jump Kick, Roost (Defiant) Roost, Brave Bird, Thunder Wave, Close Combat, Aqua Jet, Aqua Tail, etc.
Dragonite: (Inner Focus) Drain Punch, Sucker Punch, Fake Out, Bullet Punch, High Jump Kick, Ice Shard, Knock Off, Baton Pass, Bounce, Hypnosis, Encore, etc. (Multiscale) Whirlwind, Stealth Rocks, Hydro Pump, Aeroblast,
Recover, etc.
gg meta. Agility + Boomburst Mega Gardevoir gogogogogo. The difficulty is that the lack of Trace makes it harder to get in and set up, but the power is simply nuts.

Edit: Not sure if this is relevant but Adaptability Trump Card Porygon-Z would deal a lot of damage on the final use of Trump Card.
Another extremely threatening one is ExtremeKiller Glalie. Thanks to Inner Focus Lucario it gains Swords Dance and Extreme Speed, which is Refridgerate boosted. If Swords Dance isn't your thing it also gains the infamous Fake Out+ExtremeSpeed combo with the help of Mienshao. It also has new moves such as Close Combat, Knock Off, Leaf Blade, U-Turn and even Hyper Voice, but I don't advise running special tbh.

Speaking of -ates, Mega Altaria has unblockable Fairy type Rapid Spin, but beyond that only Stealth Rocks and Nasty Plot really. Pinsir has no new Normal type options, but it gains Dragon Dance and Megahorn from Moxie users, and speaking of Gardevoir again, not only does it gain Boomburst, but on top of that it has many options to nullify would be checks and counters, such as Flamethrower, Aura Sphere, Nasty Plot, Agility etc.
Another extremely threatening one is ExtremeKiller Glalie. Thanks to Inner Focus Lucario it gains Swords Dance and Extreme Speed, which is Refridgerate boosted. If Swords Dance isn't your thing it also gains the infamous Fake Out+ExtremeSpeed combo with the help of Mienshao. It also has new moves such as Close Combat, Knock Off, Leaf Blade, U-Turn and even Hyper Voice, but I don't advise running special tbh.

Speaking of -ates, Mega Altaria has unblockable Fairy type Rapid Spin, but beyond that only Stealth Rocks and Nasty Plot really. Pinsir has no new Normal type options, but it gains Dragon Dance and Megahorn from Moxie users, and speaking of Gardevoir again, not only does it gain Boomburst, but on top of that it has many options to nullify would be checks and counters, such as Flamethrower, Aura Sphere, Nasty Plot, Agility etc.
Why would Mega Gardevoir need to Flamethrower when she gains access to Earth Power from the Sinnoh Creation Trio? That said, Nasty Plot is also threatening but for that she needs to have Agility passed to her. Although, she also gets Vacuum Wave. It may be a weak, non-STAB priority, but after a Nasty Plot with 165 base Sp. Attack it could easily prove quite powerful.

In fact, Nasty Plot is basically just complete overkill. Observe: (stat spread borrowed from a Pokémon Calculator at: http://gamut-was-taken.github.io/)

232 SpA Mega Gardevoir Earth Power vs. 248 HP / 192+ SpD Heatran: 340-400 (88.3 - 103.8%) -- 25% chance to OHKO
(340, 344, 348, 352, 356, 360, 364, 368, 372, 376, 380, 384, 388, 392, 396, 400)

232 SpA Mega Gardevoir Vacuum Wave vs. 248 HP / 192+ SpD Heatran: 76-90 (19.7 - 23.3%) -- possible 6HKO after Leftovers recovery

(76, 76, 78, 78, 80, 80, 80, 82, 82, 84, 84, 86, 86, 88, 88, 90)

Heatran's leftovers recovery is 24 HP per turn, and its max HP is 385.
So: 340 - 24 + 76 = 392. In other words, if Earth Power fails to OHKO, Vacuum Wave is guaranteed to finish it off even if both roll minimum damage.

But even then, you could also just click Earth Power twice since Heatran is slower. Who needs Nasty Plot when you can do this anyway? Well actually, you do, because otherwise Boomburst can't brute-force its way through resists.

If you decide not to run Vacuum Wave, you could also run either Flamethrower or Power Gem.

Gardevoir can't reliably beat Mega Charizard Y without Agility, however, as Drought Fire Blast can potentially OHKO her and Vacuum Wave is resisted. Even then, she needs both Agility and Power Gem.

But basically, Mega Gardevoir gets all the coverage. Pixi Boomburst, Earth Power, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Aura Sphere, Power Gem, Dark Pulse (basically pointless), and Vacuum Wave (priority!). As for boosting moves, she gets Agility, Nasty Plot, and Iron Defense.
So Mega Pidgeot finally gets the coveted Focus Blast, courtesy of Keen Eye Hitmonchan...

...and that's just the tip of the iceberg, really. It also gets Blizzard from Sneasel, Thunder from Watchog, Hydro Pump from Pelipper, Fire Blast from Skuntank, freakin' Boomburst from Chatot... basically, anything it could possibly want to run, it can run. It's going to be nigh- impossible to reliably wall this thing.
Heatran gets roost through flame body, althrough it could maybe settle for morning sun with flash fire.

Blastoise gets roost via rain dish Pelipper.

We should make an ubers version where every thing with pressure gets extreem speed(mega mence)
GLalie is power full between swords dance extreem speed and freeze dry not much can wall it

mega gallade can use extreem speed now
so can mega areodactyl
and mega dos
and mega mence (we should make ubers just for that)
and mega khan(and in case that didn't sell you there is this)

shiftgear gear grind mega gross

Serperior gets super power flame thrower thunderbolt dark pulse and phsyshock earth power sludge wave/bomb shadow ball wish sucker punch icy wind all the physical coverage it could want baton pass basricly meat the new and improved celebi

of corse malamar/shuckel /and spina get that to bUT they suck relitivly

Mega sceptile gets u turn finaly, electric ghost phycic (psyshock) poison fire ,vacuumed wave, nasty plot coverage, sucker punch

Uburden plus belly drum every where

Digersby plus belly drum
mega lupony gets Mach punch u turn and hone claws from limber.

And galvantula gets hurricane thunder a fare bit of coverage u-turn to get away from certain ground types, and quiver dance to boost it's power and speed. It also gets the various powders to help it set up

mega dactyl gets swords dance extreemSpeed suckerpunch and brave bird via pressure
via rock head it gets headSmash, wood hammer dragon dance/bellydrum/swordsDance and sucker punch

and maga t-tar gets sucker punch through unerve
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