Gengar @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 44 Def / 120 SpD / 96 Spe
Timid Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Taunt
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Punch
While it is traditionally known for its offensive prowess in other generations, one of Gengar’s most defining sets in ADV is its fully defensive set. This Gengar, which is commonly seen on balanced teams with Spikes and sand in order to capitalize on its spinblocking ability. Gengar’s unique typing gives it an immunity to Spikes and grounded moves letting it switch into most Skarmory and Forretress sets with impunity, allowing Gengar to harass opposing defensive teams. Thunderbolt + Ice Punch has near perfect coverage in the tier, only missing out on Magneton and the extremely uncommon Lanturn. Most would be switch-ins to Will-O-Wisp such as Celebi and Blissey have their Leftovers negated by the omnipresent sand in this tier. Even though Taunt only lasts 2 turns, with the help of Spikes, this can suffice in chipping common checks to Gengar to an uncomfortable amount of HP, opening a pathway for Gengar’s teammates.
With the given EV spread, Gengar becomes deceptively bulky, and is able to survive a +1 Hidden Power Flying from maximum Attack Salamence and a Crunch from Maximum Special Attack Tyranitar, allowing it to flee from Pursuit and live to spinblock another turn.
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