ZU [ADV] Pivot Ariados [QC 2/2] [GP 0/1]


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name: Defensive Pivot
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Sludge Bomb / Toxic
move 3: Baton Pass
move 4: Protect / Signal Beam / Giga Drain
item: Leftovers
ability: Swarm
nature: Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
ivs: 20 Spe

Ariados sets itself apart by being the best defensive pivot available in the tier. When combined with its great defensive typing and superb stats for the tier, Ariados becomes a staple for many teams, checking physical attackers such as Meditite, Mightyena, and Beedrill. Psychic threatens Poison-types such as Beedrill, Koffing, and opposing Ariados. Sludge Bomb hits most Pokemon hard with neutral damage, and Poison-resistant Pokemon such as Rhyhorn and Onix dislike being poisoned by it. Toxic threatens bulky Pokemon such as Castform and Noctowl that hate status on the switch-in. Baton Pass acts as a pivoting move, allowing frail offensive Pokemon such as Meditite, Abra, and Elekid to find entry more commonly due to Ariados's low Speed. Protect gives Ariados extra Leftovers recovery and allows it to scout Choice-locked Pokemon such as Aipom and Meditite. Alternatively, Signal Beam pressures Mightyena more immediately. Giga Drain threatens Rock-types such as Rhyhorn, Corsola, and Onix on the switch in while also giving Ariados some recovery. A Relaxed nature makes Ariados more offensively threatening as a mixed attacker while 20 Speed IVs is used in order to underspeed Pokemon like Koffing, keeping frail teammates like Abra safer. Ariados can also lower its Speed IVs to 0 to pivot more slowly than opposing pivot Ariados, or it will at least speed tie with them.

Ariados's flexibility allows it to fit on offense and balance teams alike, as they can appreciate a slow pivot to support Pokemon that struggle to find entry. Frail offensive Pokemon such as Ponyta, Meditite, Abra, and Elekid benefit from the addition of a pivot like Ariados giving them more opportunities to come in safely to wallbreak. Ponyta notably checks Fire-types such as Quilava and Magby, which threaten Ariados. Abra threatens to OHKO Ariados, so Pokemon such as Mightyena and Drowzee are good partners to help check Abra. Clamperl and Cubone are amazing teammates, as they appreciate Ariados bringing them in to break teams, while both punish Rock-type and Fire-type switch-ins into Ariados. Both also appreciate Ariados checking Gloom. Other Pokemon that punish these switch-ins, such as Seaking, Wartortle, and Cubone, are also good partners for Ariados. Ariados is not bulky on the special side, so special walls such as Noctowl, Drowzee, and Porygon can accommodate this weakness. Delcatty can make a great partner to cover Ariados's mediocre special bulk while forming a Baton Pass core on offensive teams. Ariados is walled by Corsola, as Giga Drain is unable to 2HKO it, and used as set up fodder. As a result, Pokemon such as Clamperl and Gloom are great to punish Corsola trying to set up.

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Excellent work, QC 1/2 when implemented
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name: Defensive Pivot
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Sludge Bomb
move 3: Baton Pass
move 4: Protect / Signal Beam / Giga Drain
item: Leftovers
ability: Insomnia Swarm (since Porygon is in the tier and Insomnia is useless, all Ariados should run the same ability so they can't be scouted by Trace. This also helps because you added Signal Beam)
nature: Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
ivs: 0 20 Spe

Ariados sets itself apart by being the best defensive pivot available in the tier. When combined with it's its great defensive typing and superb stats for the tier, Ariados becomes a staple for many teams in the tier, blanket checking a large majority of physical attackers in the tier such as Mightyena and Beedrill. Psychic threatens Pokemon Poison-types such as Beedrill, Koffing, (AC) and opposing Ariados. Sludge Bomb hits threatens (repetition) a large majority of the tier for most Pokemon hard with neutral damage, (AC) and while Poison-resistant Pokemon such as Rhyhorn and Onix dislike being poisoned by it. Baton Pass acts as a pivoting move, allowing frail offensive Pokemon such as Abra and Elekid to find entry more commonly due to Ariados's low Speed. Protect gives Ariados extra Leftovers recovery while also allowing it to scout Choice-locked Pokemon such as Aipom and Meditite. Alternatively, (AC) Signal Beam can alternatively be used to give Ariados a way of threatening pressures Mightyena more immediately. Finally (RC) Giga Drain is also a viable option to threaten threatens Rock-types such as Rhyhorn, Corsola, and Onix on the switch in while also giving Ariados some sustain recovery. (You can also mention that a Relaxed makes Ariados more offensively threatening as a mixed attacker) A Relaxed nature with 0 Speed IV's IVs is used in order to underspeed Pokemon like Koffing, (AC) keeping frail teammates like to keep Pokemon such as Abra safe on the safer. Ariados can also lower its Speed IVs to 0 to pivot while also underspeeding more slowly than opposing pivot Ariados, (AC) or it will at least speed tie with them to get the advantage on the pivot.

Ariados's flexibility allows it to fit on offense and balance teams alike, (AC) as they can that appreciate a slow pivot to support Pokemon that struggle to find entry. Frail offensive Pokemon such as Ponyta, Abra, and Elekid benefit from the addition of a pivot to give like Ariados giving them more opportunities to break teams, with come in safely to wallbreak. (AP) Ponyta notably checking checks Fire-types such as Quilava and Magby, (AC) which threaten Ariados. Abra itself threatens to OHKO Ariados, so Pokemon such as Mightyena and Drowzee are good partners to help check Abra. Clamperl is an amazing partner teammate, (AC) as it appreciates Ariados pivoting bringing it in to break teams, (AC) while additionally punishing it punishes Rock-type and Fire-type switches switch-ins into Ariados (I would group Cubone and Meditite with Clamperl to emphasize how they're all wallbreakers that benefit from Ariados and that all of them threaten Rock-types and appreciate Ariados checking Gloom). Other Pokemon that punish these switches switch-ins, (AC) such as Seaking, Wartortle and Cubone, (AC) are can also be good partners for Ariados as well. Ariados is not bulky on the special side, so special walls such as Noctowl, Drowzee, and Porygon can pair well to accommodate this weakness. (I would specifically highlight Pokemon that beat Corsola, as Ariados can't 2HKO it with Giga Drain and can be setup fodder to Calm Mind sets)

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name: Defensive Pivot
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Sludge Bomb / Toxic
move 3: Baton Pass
move 4: Protect / Signal Beam / Giga Drain
item: Leftovers
ability: Swarm
nature: Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
ivs: 20 Spe

Ariados sets itself apart by being the best defensive pivot available in the tier. When combined with its great defensive typing and superb stats for the tier, Ariados becomes a staple for many teams, blanket checking physical attackers such as Meditite, Mightyena, and Beedrill. Psychic threatens Poison-types such as Beedrill, Koffing, and opposing Ariados. Sludge Bomb hits most Pokemon hard with neutral damage, and Poison-resistant Pokemon such as Rhyhorn and Onix dislike being poisoned by it.(insert sentence about Toxic here) Baton Pass acts as a pivoting move, allowing frail offensive Pokemon such as Meditite, Abra, and Elekid to find entry more commonly due to Ariados's low Speed. Protect gives Ariados extra Leftovers recovery while also allowing and allows it to scout Choice-locked Pokemon such as Aipom and Meditite. Alternatively, Signal Beam pressures Mightyena more immediately. Giga Drain threatens Rock-types such as Rhyhorn, Corsola, and Onix on the switch in while also giving Ariados some recovery. A Relaxed nature makes Ariados more offensively threatening as a mixed attacker while 20 Speed IVs is used in order to underspeed Pokemon like Koffing, keeping frail teammates like Abra safer. Ariados can also lower its Speed IVs to 0 to pivot more slowly than opposing pivot Ariados, or it will at least speed tie with them.

Ariados's flexibility allows it to fit on offense and balance teams alike, as they can appreciate a slow pivot to support Pokemon that struggle to find entry. Frail offensive Pokemon such as Ponyta, Meditite, Abra, and Elekid benefit from the addition of a pivot like Ariados giving them more opportunities to come in safely to wallbreak. Ponyta notably checks Fire-types such as Quilava and Magby, which threaten Ariados. Abra threatens to OHKO Ariados, so Pokemon such as Mightyena and Drowzee are good partners to help check Abra. Clamperl and Cubone are amazing teammates, as they appreciate Ariados bringing them in to break teams, while both punish Rock-type and Fire-type switch-ins into Ariados. Both also appreciate Ariados checking Gloom. Other Pokemon that punish these switch-ins, such as Seaking, Wartortle, and Cubone, are also good partners for Ariados. Ariados is not bulky on the special side, so special walls such as Noctowl, Drowzee, and Porygon can accommodate this weakness.(insert Delcatty sentence as they form a BP core with wish passing as well) Ariados is walled by Corsola, as Giga Drain is unable to 2HKO it, and used as set up fodder. As a result, Pokemon such as Clamperl and Gloom are great to punish Corsola trying to set up.

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Good work 2/2

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name: Defensive Pivot
move 1: Psychic
move 2: Sludge Bomb / Toxic
move 3: Baton Pass
move 4: Protect / Signal Beam / Giga Drain
item: Leftovers
ability: Swarm
nature: Relaxed
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
ivs: 20 Spe

Ariados sets distinguishes itself apart by being as the best defensive pivot available in the tier. When combined with Thanks to its great defensive typing and superb stats for the tier, Ariados becomes is a staple for many teams, checking physical attackers such as Meditite, Mightyena, and Beedrill. Psychic threatens Poison-types such as Beedrill, Koffing, and opposing Ariados. Sludge Bomb hits most Pokemon hard with neutral damage, and Poison-resistant Pokemon such as Rhyhorn and Onix dislike being poisoned by it. Toxic threatens bulky Pokemon such as Castform and Noctowl that hate status on the switch-in switch in. Baton Pass acts as a pivoting move, allowing allows frail offensive Pokemon such as Meditite, Abra, and Elekid to find entry more commonly due to Ariados's low Speed. Protect gives Ariados extra Leftovers recovery and allows it to scout Choice-locked Pokemon such as Aipom and Meditite. Alternatively, Signal Beam pressures Mightyena more immediately. Giga Drain threatens Rock-types such as Rhyhorn, Corsola, and Onix on the switch in while also giving Ariados some recovery. A Relaxed nature makes Ariados more offensively threatening as a mixed attacker, (AC) while 20 Speed IVs is are used in order to underspeed Pokemon like Koffing, keeping frail teammates like Abra safer. Ariados can also lower its Speed IVs to 0 to pivot more slowly than opposing pivot Ariados, (RC) or it will at least Speed tie with them.

Ariados's flexibility allows it to fit on offense and balance teams alike, as they can both playstyles appreciate a slow pivot to support Pokemon that struggle to find entry. Frail offensive Pokemon such as Ponyta, Meditite, Abra, and Elekid benefit from the addition of a pivot like Ariados giving them more opportunities to come in safely to wallbreak. Ponyta notably checks Fire-types such as Quilava and Magby, which threaten Ariados. Abra threatens to OHKO Ariados, so Pokemon such as Mightyena and Drowzee are good partners to help check Abra. Clamperl and Cubone are amazing teammates, as they appreciate Ariados bringing them in to break teams, (RC) while both and can also punish Rock-type Rock- and Fire-type switch-ins into Ariados. Both also appreciate Ariados checking Gloom. Other Pokemon that punish these switch-ins, such as Seaking, Wartortle, and Cubone, are also good partners for Ariados. Ariados is not bulky on the lacks special side bulk, so special walls such as Noctowl, Drowzee, and Porygon can accommodate this weakness. Delcatty can make a great partner to cover Ariados's mediocre special bulk while forming a Baton Pass core on offensive teams. Ariados is walled by Corsola, as Giga Drain is unable to 2HKO it, and used as set up setup fodder. As a result, Pokemon Teammates such as Clamperl and Gloom are great to punish Corsola trying to set up.

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gp 1/1 :blobthumbsup:

GP Team done