Gen 3 ADV ZU Lead Voltorb (DONE)


Shrouded in shadows
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Weather Lead (Voltorb) @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Rain Dance
- Explosion
- Thunder
- Taunt / Hidden Power Water

Voltorb is a threatening lead option for rain teams thanks to its high Speed stat and access to Explosion. Rain Dance is almost always used first, setting up the rain for sweepers such as Seaking and Horsea. Once rain has been set up, Voltorb can use Explosion to safely get in rain sweepers like Horsea without wasting any more turns of rain. Thanks to Silk Scarf, Explosion OHKOes bulky Pokemon such as Gloom and Noctowl. Thunder 2HKOs Corsola, preventing it from tanking Explosion. Thunder can also pressure Protect users like Mightyena and Seaking, stopping them from absorbing Explosion with Protect. Taunt can stop opposing weather setters, notably Koffing, Tropius, Gloom, Ponyta. As an alternative option, Voltorb can use Hidden Power Water to threaten Ground-types like Onix and Rhyhorn, which would otherwise safely wall Voltorb. Voltorb takes full advantage of Static when against physical attackers such as Aipom, potentially hindering them for the whole game. A Naive nature is used over Hasty to keep Voltorb's attacks strong while also surviving Earthquake from sun sweeper Tropius. With the full Attack investment, Explosion OHKOes bulky foes such as Gloom.

Pokemon that benefit from rain, like Seaking, Wartortle, Horsea, and Lombre, are all great partners for Voltorb, as they all highly appreciate Voltorb as a rain setter that safely gets them in with Explosion. Even with Taunt at Voltorb's disposal, Tropius is still an issue, as it can take Voltorb's attacks and come back later to set sun. For this, rain sweepers that carry Ice-type coverage like Seaking help pin Tropius. Ice-type coverage also covers other Grass-types like Lileep. Rhyhorn and Onix can wall Voltorb if it lacks Hidden Power Water, though Voltorb's teammates cover for its inability to hit Ground-types.

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This is a really good start! Please @ me once you've finished implementing this so I can recheck it before proceeding
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Lead (Voltorb) @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Explosion Rain Dance
- Thunder Explosion
- Rain Dance Thunder
- Taunt / Hidden Power Water

Voltorb is a threatening lead option for rain teams thanks to its high Speed stat and explosive power. (This sentence sort of makes it sound like Voltorb can't use Explosion unless rain is up, so I strongly suggest rewording this to make it clearer that Voltorb is just using its moves in order. Also elaborate on how using Explosion helps a rain beneficiary on the field quickly) Once rain is has been set up via Rain Dance, Voltorb has the option to can use Explosion. (AP) Thanks which, thanks to the Silk Scarf Boost, it OHKOs bulky Pokemon such as Gloom and Noctowl. Thunder is great when paired with Rain, dealing deals heavy amounts of damage and easily 2HKOing huge threats to rain teams such as Corsola (Corsola is pretty threatened by dedicated rain teams bc it has to set up and faces Lombre, so I'd mention Thunder keeps Corsola from absorbing Explosion. Also emphasize that Thunder means Protect users like Seaking and Mightyena aren't safe against Voltorb). (make this part your second sentence to match the new move order) Rain Dance is almost always Lead Voltorb's used first move used, setting it up for sweepers such as Seaking and Horsea. (since Voltorb is a lead here, it's not likely to see Heal Bell or Toxic really, so focus on Taunt is good for as a lead) Taunt is able to not only deny Toxic and Heal Bell from foes such as Wartortle and Mightyena, but can also stop opposing weather that can be set by a variety of Pokemon setters, but notably Koffing, Tropius, Gloom, Ponyta. (Add in a part here for Hidden Power Water so that Voltorb isn't safely walled by Rhyhorn and Onix. Briefly bring up why Voltorb runs Static instead of Soundproof. This might be splitting hairs, but you could mention that Voltorb runs Naive instead of Hasty both to keep all of its attacks strong but also to survive EQ from sun Tropius.)

Rain abusersPokemon that benefit from rain, (AC)
like Seaking, Horsea, and Lombre, (AC) are all great partners for Voltorb, as they all highly appreciate Voltorb's ability to set Rain and Voltorb as a rain setter that safely get gets them in a ally, thanks to with Explosion. Even with Taunt at its Voltorb's disposal, Sun Setters that resist Voltorb's Electric-type STAB and can stomach a Explosion like Tropius are is still an issue, as Tropius it can take in its attacks and come back later to set sun. For this, (Rephrase this to name specific rain sweepers that run Ice-type coverage. I'd also add how they help overwhelm Lileep too). (AP) Rhyhorn and Onix Ice-type coverage on at least one Rain Sweeper can be really helpful in pinning Tropius. Rhyhorn wall Voltorb if it lacks Hidden Power, although not very common, can also wall Voltorb, although it they gets taken care of by the abundance of Water-types on rain teams. (Consider rephrasing this to emphasize that Voltorb's teammates make up for its inability to touch these Pokemon without HP Water)
Weather Lead (Voltorb) @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Rain Dance
- Explosion
- Thunder
- Taunt / Hidden Power Water

Voltorb is a threatening lead option for rain teams thanks to its high Speed stat and access to Explosion explosive power. Rain Dance is almost always used first, setting it up for sweepers such as Seaking and Horsea. Once rain has been set up, Voltorb can use Explosion to safely get in rain sweepers like Horsea without wasting anymore turns of rain. Thanks to Silk Scarf, it OHKOs bulky Pokemon such as Gloom and Noctowl. Thunder 2HKOs Corsola, preventing it from absorbing Explosion. Thunder can also pressure Protect users like Mightyena and Seaking, stopping them from absorbing Explosion. Taunt can stop opposing weather setters, notably Koffing, Tropius, Gloom, Ponyta. As an alternative option, Voltorb can use Hidden Power Water to threaten Ground-types like Onix and Rhyhorn, which would otherwise safely wall Voltorb. Voltorb takes full advantage of Static when against physical attackers such as Aipom, potentially hindering them for the whole game. A Naive nature is used over Hasty to keep Voltorb's attacks strong while also surviving Earthquake from a sun sweeper Tropius. (mention Explosion calcs here that warrant Voltorb being fully Attack invested. The other evs don't need to be talked about)

Pokemon that benefit from rain, like Seaking, Wartortle, Horsea, and Lombre, are all great partners for Voltorb, as they all highly appreciate Voltorb as a rain setter that safely gets them in with Explosion. Even with Taunt at Voltorb's disposal, Tropius is still an issue, as it can take Voltorb's attacks and come back later to set sun. For this, rain sweepers that carry Ice-type coverage like Seaking, help pin are helpful in pinning Tropius. Ice-type coverage also covers for other Grass-types like Lileep. Rhyhorn and Onix can wall Voltorb if it lacks Hidden Power, although Voltorb's teammates cover for its inability to hit Ground-types.

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Weather Lead (Voltorb) @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Rain Dance
- Explosion
- Thunder
- Taunt / Hidden Power Water

Voltorb is a threatening lead option for rain teams thanks to its high Speed stat and access to Explosion. Rain Dance is almost always used first, setting it up the rain for sweepers such as Seaking and Horsea. Once rain has been set up, Voltorb can use Explosion to safely get in rain sweepers like Horsea without wasting anymore any more turns of rain. Thanks to Silk Scarf, it OHKOs Explosion OHKOes bulky Pokemon such as Gloom and Noctowl. Thunder 2HKOs Corsola, preventing it from absorbing tanking Explosion. Thunder can also pressure Protect users like Mightyena and Seaking, stopping them from absorbing Explosion with Protect. Taunt can stop opposing weather setters, notably Koffing, Tropius, Gloom, Ponyta. As an alternative option, Voltorb can use Hidden Power Water to threaten Ground-types like Onix and Rhyhorn, which would otherwise safely wall Voltorb. Voltorb takes full advantage of Static when against physical attackers such as Aipom, potentially hindering them for the whole game. A Naive nature is used over Hasty to keep Voltorb's attacks strong while also surviving Earthquake from a sun sweeper Tropius. With the full Attack attack investment, Explosion warrants OHKOs onto OHKOes bulky foes such as Gloom.

Pokemon that benefit from rain, like Seaking, Wartortle, Horsea, and Lombre, are all great partners for Voltorb, as they all highly appreciate Voltorb as a rain setter that safely gets them in with Explosion. Even with Taunt at Voltorb's disposal, Tropius is still an issue, as it can take Voltorb's attacks and come back later to set sun. For this, rain sweepers that carry Ice-type coverage like Seaking help pin Tropius. Ice-type coverage also covers other Grass-types like Lileep. Rhyhorn and Onix can wall Voltorb if it lacks Hidden Power Water, although though Voltorb's teammates cover for its inability to hit Ground-types.

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