Tournaments ADVPL IV - Administrative and Commencement Thread

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You don't get to tell me about sad
is a Site Content Manageris a Community Contributoris a Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Battle Simulator Moderator
UPL Champion

Artwork by Hoku.

Host Team: susciety, Murm, Lialiabeast
Tournaments Rules and General Guidelines
(coming soon!)

This thread will handle all the information that players and manager will need for the tournament. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either one of the hosts. The reward for winning this tournament is a custom avatar to be used on Pokemon Showdown.

How does ADVPL work?

There will be 8 teams, each with their own manager and assistant manager. Management duos will do a SPL-style auction on Pokemon Showdown!, where they will take turns nominating and bidding in an auction for players who signed up to assemble their teams with limited credits available. The teams will then play one another for 7 weeks, with a new opponent each week. This will culminate with a Playoffs week consisting of the Top 4 teams overall from the 7-week main season.

How does one signup as a player?

Player signups are projected to begin Sunday March 17th and will be open until 24 hours before the auction (see below; about two weeks). You should include your name, timezone, metagames you are willing to play, and any expected inactivity. Do not sign up if you cannot commit to the entire tournament. ADVPL IV is expected to run from the first week of April to the end of May.

If I am selected as a captain, can I still play for my team?

Each team will be allowed to self-purchase one manager for 15k or both for 40k auction credits. Managers must inform the tournament hosts 24 hours before the auction date.

When is the ADVPL IV Auction?

The auction will occur Sunday, March 31st at 2pm -4.

When does ADVPL IV Week 1 start?

Monday April 1st.
The General Manager of a team is essentially the boss of a team. The GM is the final word in all decisions (barring the hosts) regarding their team. The GM decides which players play on the team, who plays in what position, and even handles the team finances. Managers also make sure that the team keeps running on a day to day basis. If a team fails to complete their matches by the end of the allotted time, the onus is on the manager to inform the hosts as to what happened in order to make sure that proper activity calls are made.

Because of these responsibilities, The General Manager is probably the most important part of the team. As such, the position of GM is not one to be taken lightly.

• General Managers are chosen largely on a subjective opinion of the hosts as well as ADV Moderation Team as to who they believe would be fit for the position. Being fit for the position includes the knowledge of excellent battlers in the community (for fielding a competent team), having above average activity on the forums, Pokémon Showdown and/or Discord (in order to ensure that you don’t abandon your team), as well as possessing a necessary amount of “gravitas” (If you can’t make a player do what you tell them to, such as play an undesirable metagame, you’re not going to make a good manager).

General Managers are required to acquire one Assistant Manager. The General Manager gets full sovereignty in choosing their assistant manager. The assistant manager is essentially the second in command for the team. They have all of the functions and roles as the General Manager does, the GM just trumps them in head-to-head decisions.

Lastly, the General Manager has the following duties:

• They shall choose one Assistant Manager.
• They shall make the hosts aware of any player retentions by the time player signups close.
• They shall be present at the live auction, or appoint someone (the Assistant Manager) to participate in the live auction in their stead.
• They shall send the hosts weekly rosters.
• They shall ensure to the best of their abilities that their battlers complete their matches on time.
• In the event that a match fails to be completed, they shall inform the hosts as to why the match failed to be completed, and what their battler did in order to finish the match.
• They shall communicate any grievances with the hosts.
Total money for teams is 140,000 credits.

In the weeks preceding the Live Auction, a time will be chosen where at least 1 Manager or Assistant Manager from each team can meet and perform a live auction in order to choose players. The Manager and/or Assistant Manager present will be expected to remain at the auction for the entire duration, which should take approximately 3 hours.

Once a time is set, all attending Managers + Hosts will enter the place where the auction will be held - most likely a group chat for the auction. Spectators are allowed to join in to watch the auction, but will not be able to speak. Discussion on the bidding should be relegated to the ADV Discord.

The hosts will first ask a team to nominate a player. The order by which teams will nominate players will go in a randomized snaking pattern from the first chosen team to the last chosen team, then the last chosen team to the first chosen team. Details of said player will be displayed and bidding will commence, starting at 3000 credits, with the nominating team automatically placing the first bid. The auction will then be in real time. Managers will simply put in their bids in the chat, raising a minimum of 500 credits. If after 15 seconds there are no new bids, the player is sold to the highest bid in the channel. Updated credit totals will be displayed and then the next manager in the rotation will be prompted to nominate a player.

Managers: it is necessary for you to field a roster of 10 starters and a minimum of 4 substitutes. Playing Managers and retains are included in the roster number. Players will be locked into playing only the tiers they signed up for the entirety of the regular season. This does not apply to players who go for 3k or between OU and OU Bo3.

There is no midseason this year. Therefore, it is highly recommended that all teams spend all of their credits in the auction, as there is no use for them afterwards.
The league stages consist of a Round Robin tournament. Every team will face every other team once through 7 weeks of play. Each manager will submit to the hosts a roster no later than the deadline of the previous week. This roster will list the starting players and what metagames they will play.

When the week starts, teams' players will face off in their respective metagames / tiers. The ADV OU 1 from Team A will face the ADV OU 1 from team B, ADV OU 2 will face ADV OU 2, and so on. Whichever team wins the most battles will be declared the victor for the week. Rather than score based on how many individual battles a team wins, the primary thing that matters is who beat the most teams. As such, points are awarded based only on wins and losses versus teams as a whole, not individual players. Beating a team in a week’s matchups is worth two points, tying with a team is worth one point, and losing is worth none, simple as that. At the end of the round robin, the top four teams in the points proceed to the playoffs. Semifinals will see #1 vs. #4 and #2 vs #3, Finals will be the winner from each of the semi-final rounds.

There are a few regulatory things during the league stages that need to be outlined.

1. Substitutes – At any point in time during the week, a team may make a substitution for a currently slotted player. In order to do this a manager must post in the thread, tagging the hosts, the opposing managers and the opposing player stating which player is substituting out, and which player is substituting in. A player that has substituted out for a week cannot be substituted back in. In addition, in order to catch any attempts at garnering favorable matchups in RBY OU (where the lineup you choose affects pairings), all substitutions are subject to veto by the hosts if the substitution is suspected to be attempting to “game” the system.

2. Trades - Trades are allowed before the start of Week 1. Both managers must confirm with the host team to complete a trade. Hosts can veto a trade if it is deemed completed lopsided.

3. Activity decisions – There are inevitably times where two players simply fail to complete a match; however, the nature of the tournament system sometimes makes it advantageous to purposely fail to play (such as when a team is up 5-4 in a week). Because of this, it is necessary to make activity decisions on matches. Hosts are required to make thorough investigations regarding each and every potential failed match during a week. If both parties are deemed to be equally apathetic or enthusiastic about getting the match done, but just have not had the opportunity to make it happen, the match will result in a no contest. However, if it is deemed that one party made significantly more effort than the other in attempting to get the match done, then a win will be awarded to that player. Things that will make it very likely that you will lose via activity include: failing to VM your opponent immediately upon the week’s start, scheduling a match and being documented as missing the match time, failing to provide any concrete times for which you can be reached, failing to respond to an opponent’s VM at all. Note that this is a tournament that requires a very high level of activity and diligence, if you don’t think you can get your matches done, quite simply don’t sign up.

4. Rule Breaking – There is no excuse for breaking any of the predetermined rules. If you are caught breaking a rule, you will lose your match. There is no lenience with regards to this. Break a rule, you lose. Period.

5. Reversing Rulings - No ruling will be retroactively overturned once the week following the week that the ruling has been made has ended. This includes: activity rulings / rulings based on rule breaking / anything else under the sun. I'm not going back in time to reevaluate every single decision I've made throughout the tournament on Week 9 because you think you were gypped 1-2 wins along the way and now they're the difference between you and a playoff spot. Any appeals to a ruling must be made during the week that the ruling is made; beyond that, all rulings are final once the week ends.
Tournament Schedule:

Week 1

:gastly: Spartoi Elites vs Girafarig Gang :girafarig:
:chinchou: Aquacorde Anglerfish vs Goo Goo Claydolls :claydol:
:kingdra: Whirlands Kingdras vs Scythe Lords :scyther:
:salamence: Sky Pillar Salamences vs Locked In Magnetons :magneton:

Week 2
:chinchou: Aquacorde Anglerfish vs Sky Pillar Salamences :salamence:
:girafarig: Girafarig Gang vs Whirlands Kingdras :kingdra:
:magneton: Locked In Magnetons vs Spartoi Elites :gastly:
:claydol: Goo Goo Claydolls vs Scythe Lords :scyther:

Week 3
:salamence: Sky Pillar Salamences vs Scythe Lords :scyther:
:gastly: Spartoi Elites vs Aquacorde Anglerfish :chinchou:
:kingdra: Whirlands Kingdras vs Goo Goo Claydolls :claydol:
:girafarig: Girafarig Gang vs Locked In Magnetons :magneton:

Week 4
:magneton: Locked In Magnetons vs Whirlands Kingdras :kingdra:
:chinchou: Aquacorde Anglerfish vs Girafarig Gang :girafarig:
:scyther: Scythe Lords vs Spartoi Elites :gastly:
:claydol: Goo Goo Claydolls vs Sky Pillar Salamences :salamence:

Week 5
:gastly: Spartoi Elites vs Goo Goo Claydolls :claydol:
:magneton: Locked In Magnetons vs Aquacorde Anglerfish :chinchou:
:girafarig: Girafarig Gang vs Scythe Lords :scyther:
:salamence: Sky Pillar Salamences vs Whirlands Kingdras :kingdra:

Week 6
:salamence: Sky Pillar Salamences vs Spartoi Elites :gastly:
:claydol: Goo Goo Claydolls vs Girafarig Gang :girafarig:
:kingdra: Whirlands Kingdras vs Aquacorde Anglerfish :chinchou:
:scyther: Scythe Lords vs Locked In Magnetons :magneton:

Week 7
:chinchou: Aquacorde Anglerfish vs Scythe Lords :scyther:
:girafarig: Girafarig Gang vs Sky Pillar Salamences :salamence:
:gastly: Spartoi Elites vs Whirlands Kingdras :kingdra:
:magneton: Locked In Magnetons vs Goo Goo Claydolls :claydol:

:chinchou: Aquacorde Anglerfish - SEA and Hclat
:salamence: Sky Pillar Salamences - Jirachee and Colteor
:magneton: Locked In Magnetons - ima and lax
:girafarig: Girafarig Gang - Glue and Zacpz
:kingdra: Whirlands Kingdras - -Howkings and Fogbound Lake
:scyther: Scythe Lords - Elian and BigFatMantis
:gastly: Spartoi Elites - ziloXX and Endill
:claydol: Goo Goo Claydolls - seroo and Lhions

Retains and Self Manager Purchases:
The deadline for retains and manager self purchases is Friday, March 29th.

  • Replays are required for all matches.
  • Each team will have minimum 14 players (10 starters + 4 substitutes). You will have 140k credits to work with.
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Auction Results:


Shitrock enjoyer 35000
Sadlysius 28500
Empo 27500
Star 25000
Mako 22500
Bouff 22500
JabbaTheGriffin 21000
Expulso 21000
FatFighter2 21000
Heysup 21000
Conflict 20500
LpZ 20000
fatty 19000
oliveroddish 19000
Real FV13 17500
Xrn 17000
Pak 17000
Monai 16500
Lily 16000
Void 15500
Hiro' 14500
Triangles 14000
ojr 14000
Beraldo 14000
Laurel 13500
Banbadoro 12500
Quinn 12500
Grandmas Cookin 12000
ElectricityCat 11000
BIG WILL 11000
hellpowna 11000
Kollin7 10000
Drud 10000
Redless 10000
Raichy 9500
plznostep 9500
temp 9000
Siglut 8500
Dj Breloominati♬ 8500
SaDiSTiCNarwhal 8000
mitana 8000
Genesis77 7500
Voyager 7500
SergioRules 7500
Sapientia 7000
tko 7000
The Strap 7000
reggg 7000
Beleth 7000
BluesEnergy00 6500
mielke 6500
Lazuli 5500
BlazingDark 5500
airports 5000
CyberOdin✝ 5000
Slowbroth 5000
Alice Kazumi 5000
Torchic 5000
Quarante8 5000
Micciu 5000
Hyogafodex 4500
Oblivion Wing 4500
naere 4500
Melt Gibson 4500
Cawil Maxamad 4500
Parpar 4500
TyCarter 4500
pokology 4500
zoe 4500
UDM 31 4500
DarthTyros 4500
devin 4000
Kenix 4000
ImposterOCE 4000
avarice 4000
Railgun 4000
Javi 4000
Akaru Kokuyo 4000
goldmason 4000
HSOWA 4000
PichuFlash 3500
Bughouse 3500
DugZa 3500
Zcarlett 3500
Hacker 3500
Stockings 3500
Queen of Bean 3500
Medeia 3500
Kaboom 3500
Smudge 3500
BeeOrSomething 3000
Trade 3000
fakenagol 3000
Stories 3000
eragon 3000
3d 3000
Funkybeangamer 3000
A plague doc 3000
RoyalReloaded 3000
Bag of Trixx 3000
Mimikyu Stardust 3000
Arcanine1929 3000
Éric 3000
A Hero's Destiny 3000
Mashing 3000
Django 3000
Ainzcrad 3000
AC7 3000
Lasen 3000
spell 3000
John Madden 3000
roxie 3000
xtinaxendrix 3000
Ina fable 3000
nicole7735 3000
BlackKnight_Gawain 3000
Sheik : 3000
feen 3000
For 4LOM 3000
Sato07 3000
Oathkeeper 3000
Taka 3000
tier 3000
swinubfan44 3000
Mizuhime 3000
THE918th 3000
Zelph 3000
Larry 3000
Rhmsitb 3000
charizardsnuts 3000
aurora 3000
pixie909 3000
Zpanther19 3000
Shock3600 3000

Girafarig Gang
JabbaTheGriffin 21000
Expulso 21000
Xrn 17000
Triangles 14000
ojr 14000
ElectricityCat 11000
temp 9000
Sapientia 7000
BluesEnergy00 6500
airports 5000
Hyogafodex 4500
BeeOrSomething 3000
Trade 3000
fakenagol 3000

Locked in Magnetons
Shitrock enjoyer 35000
Empo 27500
Pak 17000
SaDiSTiCNarwhal 8000
tko 7000
mielke 6500
Oblivion Wing 4500
devin 4000
PichuFlash 3500
Stories 3000
eragon 3000
3d 3000
Funkybeangamer 3000

Whirlands Kingdras
Star 25000
LpZ 20000
Void 15500
Beraldo 14000
Laurel 13500
Grandmas Cookin 12000
CyberOdin✝ 5000
Slowbroth 5000
A plague doc 3000
RoyalReloaded 3000
Bag of Trixx 3000
Mimikyu Stardust 3000
Arcanine1929 3000

Spartoi Elites
FatFighter2 21000
Conflict 20500
fatty 19000
Kollin7 10000
Raichy 9500
Genesis77 7500
Alice Kazumi 5000
naere 4500
Melt Gibson 4500
Kenix 4000
ImposterOCE 4000
Bughouse 3500
Éric 3000
A Hero's Destiny 3000
Mashing 3000

Sky Pillar Salamences
Mako 22500
Monai 16500
Banbadoro 12500
Siglut 8500
Dj Breloominati♬ 8500
Voyager 7500
Lazuli 5500
Torchic 5000
Cawil Maxamad 4500
Parpar 4500
avarice 4000
DugZa 3500
Zcarlett 3500
Hacker 3500
Django 3000
Ainzcrad 3000
AC7 3000
Lasen 3000
spell 3000
John Madden 3000
roxie 3000
xtinaxendrix 3000
Ina fable 3000
nicole7735 3000

Goo Goo Claydolls
Heysup 21000
BIG WILL 11000
hellpowna 11000
Drud 10000
SergioRules 7500
The Strap 7000
reggg 7000
Beleth 7000
Quarante8 5000
Railgun 4000
Javi 4000
Stockings 3500
BlackKnight_Gawain 3000
Sheik : 3000
feen 3000
For 4LOM 3000
Sato07 3000
Oathkeeper 3000
Taka 3000
tier 3000

Scythe Lords
Sadlysius 28500
Real FV13 17500
Hiro' 14500
Quinn 12500
plznostep 9500
mitana 8000
TyCarter 4500
pokology 4500
Akaru Kokuyo 4000
Queen of Bean 3500
swinubfan44 3000
Mizuhime 3000
THE918th 3000
Zelph 3000
Larry 3000
Rhmsitb 3000

Aquacorde Anglerfish
Bouff 22500
oliveroddish 19000
Lily 16000
Redless 10000
BlazingDark 5500
Micciu 5000
zoe 4500
UDM 31 4500
DarthTyros 4500
goldmason 4000
HSOWA 4000
Medeia 3500
Kaboom 3500
Smudge 3500
charizardsnuts 3000
aurora 3000
pixie909 3000
Zpanther19 3000
Shock3600 3000


Week 1

:gastly: Spartoi Elites vs Girafarig Gang :girafarig:
:chinchou: Aquacorde Anglerfish vs Goo Goo Claydolls :claydol:
:kingdra: Whirlands Kingdras vs Scythe Lords :scyther:
:salamence: Sky Pillar Salamences vs Locked In Magnetons :magneton:

Week 2
:chinchou: Aquacorde Anglerfish vs Sky Pillar Salamences :salamence:
:girafarig: Girafarig Gang vs Whirlands Kingdras :kingdra:
:magneton: Locked In Magnetons vs Spartoi Elites :gastly:
:claydol: Goo Goo Claydolls vs Scythe Lords :scyther:

Week 3
:salamence: Sky Pillar Salamences vs Scythe Lords :scyther:
:gastly: Spartoi Elites vs Aquacorde Anglerfish :chinchou:
:kingdra: Whirlands Kingdras vs Goo Goo Claydolls :claydol:
:girafarig: Girafarig Gang vs Locked In Magnetons :magneton:

Week 4
:magneton: Locked In Magnetons vs Whirlands Kingdras :kingdra:
:chinchou: Aquacorde Anglerfish vs Girafarig Gang :girafarig:
:scyther: Scythe Lords vs Spartoi Elites :gastly:
:claydol: Goo Goo Claydolls vs Sky Pillar Salamences :salamence:

Week 5
:gastly: Spartoi Elites vs Goo Goo Claydolls :claydol:
:magneton: Locked In Magnetons vs Aquacorde Anglerfish :chinchou:
:girafarig: Girafarig Gang vs Scythe Lords :scyther:
:salamence: Sky Pillar Salamences vs Whirlands Kingdras :kingdra:

Week 6
:salamence: Sky Pillar Salamences vs Spartoi Elites :gastly:
:claydol: Goo Goo Claydolls vs Girafarig Gang :girafarig:
:kingdra: Whirlands Kingdras vs Aquacorde Anglerfish :chinchou:
:scyther: Scythe Lords vs Locked In Magnetons :magneton:

Week 7
:chinchou: Aquacorde Anglerfish vs Scythe Lords :scyther:
:girafarig: Girafarig Gang vs Sky Pillar Salamences :salamence:
:gastly: Spartoi Elites vs Whirlands Kingdras :kingdra:
:magneton: Locked In Magnetons vs Goo Goo Claydolls :claydol:
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If anyone wants to enter in :claydol: Goo Goo Claydolls , we are not doing tryouts, but watching replays instead, send us a pm here on in discord (we are in the adv discord), with replays or whatever you think is gonna help you
RE: Self-Purchases

The Aquacorde Anglerfish have self-bought SEA for 15k auction credits. They have 125k credits remaining

The Whirlands Kingdras have self-bought Fogbound Lake for 15k auction credits. They have 125k credits remaining

The Locked In Magnetons have self-bought ima for 15k auction credits. They have 125k credits remaining

The Scythe Lords have self-bought BigFatMantis for 15k auction credits. They have 125k credits remaining

The Spartoi Elites have self-bought Endill for 15k auction credits. They have 125k credits remaining

The Goo Goo Claydolls have self-bought Lhions for 15k auction credits. They have 125k credits remaining

Reminder to remaining managers they have until Saturday, March 30th @ 2pm -4 for any other self-buys. They will be announced on this post if they choose to do so.
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So Dou is gonna be BO1 or BO3? . In the previous thread it was proposed to be bo3 and everyone supported the idea, so I expected it to be bo3. But now I see that there is a OU bo3 slot and in the DOU slot the bo3 doesn't appear.

Is a typo? only OU has bo3 because there is OU bo1 too and to be differentiate? Or is DOU really gonna be bo1?.

If it is the latter I found it strange due to the nature of the tier and that there is already a bo3 slot in the tournament, of a tier that needs bo3 less and is slower and more time consuming.

I dont play DOU but I have watched and talked about it with DOU players and all of them said to me that it needs BO3 to be a really good tier. Between 50% protects, how spread damage works in this gen ( +the fact that a fainted pokemon is insta changed, instead of waiting to the end of the turn) , twave prevalence and how fast the games are in both play and preparation, seems like the ideal tier to do bo3 by default.

PD: And lets be honest, having OU bo3 and not DOU when they asked for it , seems kinda like a contempt to DOU playerbase and i would understand them being upset about it.
As someone who has had polar opposite experiences in bo3 vs bo1 ADV DOU tours, I'm really left wondering why DOU was kept bo1 with such a massive amount of support from native players for it to be bo3, especially considering ADV OU got a bo3 slot, making it evident bo3 slots were by no means off the table for this tour. It's not like ADV DOU doesn't have good reason to be bo3 either, as outlined by Lhions's post here (and some others but most of those are agreeing with this one), so the lack of transparency around why DOU was kept bo1 despite all of this is even more confusing to me.

I know that a substantial portion of the playerbase would appreciate for the decision to be reconsidered, or at the very least any reasoning to be given, especially considering how much more people tend to enjoy the tier when it's bo3 as opposed to bo1, including myself.
Speaking as a manager I would also greatly appreciate dou being a bo3 slot. For one a season deciding game taking 4 turns in bo1 is just a fucking terrifying thought. For actual reasons almost all the playerbase is either for bo3 or neutral on it, the games are extremely fast so scheduling/burnout are less likely to be issues, and it obviously makes the slot much more competitive. FTR Lhions and I brought it up in the manager chat and were just told "mods already agreed bo1" which personally doesn't give me any reason we couldn't change the format to bo3 now.
Hello. ADV DOU (former? I have no idea) tier leader here, I’ve been here since the tier’s actual inception. Bo3 makes this tier significantly better. Building is not hard, the games are lightning fast, and almost every single person who wants to play this tier would greatly support a change to Bo3. It’s not an unreasonable commitment, or a risk of burnout, or whatever other reason. We all want it.
i deleted signup because i cba to play this tier in bo1 for 7 weeks

pls make it bo3 i will sign up again and all the players will be happier

building in this tier takes like 5-10 minutes, games take even less than that to play, your dou teammates will thank you for changing the tier to bo3

e: do any mods even play adv dou??? youd think someone wouldve at least tried to reach out to the pool or read the format discussion thread
RE: Arcanine1929

Arcanine1929 has failed to join the Kingdra's Discord after the draft has shown zero interest in doing so. As a result, Arcanine1929 will be banned from participating in the next iteration of ADVPL. The Kingdra's have been granted a pick from the undrafted pool and have chosen Charmflash as their replacement.

Edit: It turns out Arcanine1929 Discord had been compromised but it was not brought up to the attention of anyone until this announcement. As a result the replacement will stand and Arcanine1929 will be eligible to play in ADVPL V.
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RE: Endill vs Hiro, week 4

As the week has been decided, both players have agreed to deadgame.

RE: Mako vs hellpowna, week 4

Both scheduled their match on Thursday 9pm +2 with Mako not being present. The Claydolls tagged the Salamences' managers but were unable to provide a sub within 45 minutes since scheduled time. Therefore hellpowna will be granted the activity win over Mako.
RE: UDM 31 vs Void, week6

Both scheduled their match on Sunday 10am +8 with Void not being present. The Anglerfish tagged the Kingdras' managers but were unable to provide a sub within 30 minutes since scheduled time. Therefore, UDM 31 will be granted the activity win over Void.
RE: Deadgames, Week 7

The following games have been declared dead either due to lack of communication between both parties or mutual agreement:

Conflict vs void

RE: zoe vs Mizuhime, Week 7

Both were scheduled to play at 11am -4 with Mizuhime not being present, the Anglerfish tagged the Scythe Lords managers but were unable to provide a sub within 30 mins of the tag. As a result, zoe will be granted the activity win over Mizuhime.
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