Aerodactyl (QC: 3/3) (GP: 2/2)

Texas Cloverleaf

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RoAPL Champion

<p>Aerodactyl is a versatile Pokemon in RU with its blazing Speed that allows it to outspeed any unboosted Pokemon in the tier bar Accelgor. From there, Aerodactyl is capable of threatening the opposition with its strong Attack stat and good offensive movepool, or using its decent support movepool to boost its own team. However, Aerodactyl also suffers from poor defensive stats and a weakness to Stealth Rock, although the former can be amended with some investment in bulk. Regardless, this makes it difficult for Aerodactyl to switch in safely, as even against resisted hits it will often lose around half of its health. Its low defenses also mean that it is very vulnerable to opposing priority and Choice Scarf users, both of which threaten Aerodactyl. That said, it is difficult to wall Aerodactyl; few Pokemon are able to always come in safely against it. Whether providing team support or requiring it, Aerodactyl is always a Pokemon to watch for in RU.</p>

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Stealth Rock / Taunt
move 4: Roost / Taunt
item: Life Orb
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>Perhaps no set demonstrates Aerodactyl's versatility better than this one, which is capable of being used effectively regardless if it's leading. Stone Edge is Aerodactyl's best offensive weapon, being a strong STAB option, although the accuracy will often be detrimental to Aerodactyl. Earthquake complements Stone Edge nicely, both providing excellent coverage alongside it and being a more reliable move. Stealth Rock is necessary for any team, and in conjunction with Roost, allows Aerodactyl to support the team as well as recover off its own damage. However, Aerodactyl also leads effectively with Stealth Rock and Taunt, shutting down opposing leads from setting up entry hazards or dual screens, while simultaneously setting up its own entry hazards. Finally, the combination of Taunt and Roost allows Aerodactyl to improve its longevity by healing off passive damage it may accrue while also ensuring that it doesn't become set-up fodder for the likes of Claydol.<p>


<p>Life Orb is the preferred item choice, as it makes Aerodactyl's offensive moves quite powerful, warding off potential switch ins. If Aerodactyl is used as a lead, however, Focus Sash is an acceptable item choice to ensure that Aerodactyl is able to set up Stealth Rock. As Aerodactyl does not use Double-Edge, Pressure is the preferred ability, as it can be used in tandem with Roost to provide a safeguard against opposing Pokemon and to stall strong moves out of their meager PP. The EV spread is typical for an offensive Pokemon, with a Jolly nature to outspeed every unboosted Pokemon except Accelgor. 84 Speed EVs can be moved to HP to slightly boost Aerodactyl's bulk while still outspeeding Sceptile and other base 120 Speed Pokemon, but this leaves it vulnerable to opposing Aerodactyl as well as additional Choice Scarf Pokemon.</p>

<p>When using Aerodactyl offensively, spinners are good teammates for Aerodactyl, as they allow it to switch in and out more freely than if Stealth Rock is present. Ground-type Pokemon such as Gligar or Steelix are solid teammates as well, absorbing Volt Switches and Thunderbolts from common Scarfed Pokemon such as Manectric. In that vein, strong special walls such as Lickilicky can be used to sponge attacks from those Pokemon that outspeed Aerodactyl after a boost. Wynaut is also an excellent partner for Aerodactyl, trapping and removing those Choice Scarf Pokemon that threaten Aerodactyl.</p>

name: Hone Claws
move 1: Hone Claws
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Aqua Tail
item: Life Orb / Leftovers
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>Aerodactyl can be quite an effective sweeper when played properly thanks to its new boosting move, Hone Claws, along with is strong moves, coverage, and excellent Speed. Hone Claws boosts not only Aerodactyl's Attack, but also the accuracy of many of Aerodactyl's moves, particularly Stone Edge, which becomes both incredibly strong and incredibly reliable after a boost. After a boost, Earthquake can 2HKO Steelix after Stealth Rock, which goes along well with its naturally excellent coverage. Aqua Tail is the best complement to the first two options, hitting those Pokemon that Stone Edge can't super effectively, most notably Gliagar and Claydol.</p>


<p>Life Orb is once again the item of choice to allow Aerodactyl to sweep, boosting its damage output even further. Leftovers is also a good item choice, ensuring that Aerodactyl doesn't kill itself too quickly from Stealth Rock damage, as well as whatever prior damage it may have suffered while setting up. Pressure is once again the preferred ability, although neither ability is particularly useful for this set. A typical EV investment is used, with full Speed investment to ensure that Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Medicham cannot cut Aerodactyl's sweep short. Double-Edge is a useful choice in the fourth slot, hitting Pokemon such as Torterra harder than any other move. Although it has little use in terms of coverage, it gets neutral coverage against most Pokemon in the tier. Even more than the physical attacker set, Aerodactyl appreciates Wynaut's ability to remove Choice Scarf users early in the game that would otherwise stop Aerodactyl cold. It also greatly appreciates Spikes support, as some grounded threats, including Gallade and the aforementioned Torterra, are capable of tanking one attack from Aerodactyl and OHKOing it in return. Scolipede and Crustle are strong choices in this regard.</p>

name: Choice Band
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Aqua Tail
move 4: Double-Edge / Fire Fang
item: Choice Band
ability: Rock Head
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>The hallmark of any strong attacker, Aerodactyl is able to utilize an excellent Choice Band set with its good Attack and blistering Speed. Stone Edge's virtues have been previously mentioned as Aerodactyl's best offensive option, but when boosted by a Choice Band it becomes brutally powerful, cleaning through Pokemon with ease. With its good coverage and perfect accuracy, Earthquake is an excellent "safe" move to use, hitting the Steel-types that wall Stone Edge. Aqua Tail is an excellent coverage move, hitting Ground-types that could normally wall Aerodactyl super effectively. Fire Fang is useful for hitting Ferroseed and Torterra super effectively, but Double-Edge is usually preferred for its ability to be used repeatedly with little consequence before attempting to sweep with Stone Edge.</p>


<p>Choice Band is the requisite item to enable Aerodactyl to utilize its power. Along with full EV investment, Aerodactyl is capable of hitting as hard and fast as possible. Jolly is usually the better nature for the ability to outspeed almost every common threat, but Adamant is an option to pressure the defensive Pokemon that comfortably take Aerodactyl's attacks. Rock Head is the ability of choice here, to ensure that Aerodactyl can use Double-Edge without any repercussions. As Aerodactyl will be switching in and out more frequently with this set than with others, spinners are necessary. Hitmonchan makes a great partner to Aerodactyl, as it resists Rock-type attacks that threaten Aerodactyl. Cryogonal is also a good teammate, as it can tank the Water- and Ice-type attacks aimed at Aerodactyl with ease. Offensively, Slowking is an excellent partner, as it can take the common priority attacks, Mach Punch and Aqua Jet, that cripple Aerodactyl, and threaten the opposition in return with its dangerous Choice Specs and Trick Room sets.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Despite having a few specific sets that Aerodactyl excels at, it also has an incredibly diverse movepool that can surprise an opponent. Ice Fang and Thunder Fang have nice coverage but low Base Power, though the latter hits Pokemon such as Poliwrath harder than any other option. One of Aerodactyl's defining characteristics is its lack of a good secondary STAB option. Aerial Ace is the best Flying STAB Aerodactyl can muster but is generally not a good choice due to its low Base Power. Crunch is another weaker option, although it can be used in some circumstances to hit Ghost- and Psychic-type Pokemon harder. Dragon Claw has little use in RU, but is useful for hitting Druddigon. With its insane Speed, Aerodactyl becomes an excellent weather supporter, having access to all weather moves except Hail. Aerodactyl does actually get a strong Flying STAB move, as Sky Attack with a Power Herb is immensely powerful, albeit a one-time attack. Whirlwind is a lesser used option that can be used on more defensive sets, preventing opposing Pokemon from setting up in front of Aerodactyl. Aerodactyl also has the excellent team support move, Tailwind, which is a good last ditch move to double the Speed of whatever teammate comes in after Aerodactyl faints.</p>

<p>Aerodactyl also has a few unlisted sets that are generally less useful overall. Aerodactyl is able to use a unique stall set alongside Pressure, using the combination of Substitute, Roost, and Fly or Rock Slide to whittle away at the PP of opposing Pokemon, many of which have only one move with which to hit Aerodactyl. This set can also be used alongside Toxic Spikes or Toxic itself, to slowly kill opposing Pokemon with poison while Aerodactyl remains in good health. Aerodactyl is also capable of using Agility along with significant defensive investment to outspeed key threats while also becoming defensively resilient. Aerodactyl also has a varied special movepool, with options such as Heat Wave, Dragon Pulse, AncientPower, and Air Cutter, making it a great recipient for a Nasty Plot on a Baton Pass team! Finally, Curse, Rest, and Sleep Talk can be used in conjunction to create a bulky boosting Aerodactyl that can sweep given enough boosts.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>While Aerodactyl's movepool may be diverse, its list of checks and counters are not, with all carrying the common themes of bulky or fast. Claydol is capable of combating Aerodactyl, OHKOing it with Ice Beam or setting up Stealth Rock. Torterra resists both of Aerodactyl's main attacks, and can either OHKO with Stone Edge or Wood Hammer, or support its team with Stealth Rock and Leech Seed. Similarly, Tangrowth is capable of taking Aerodactyl's attacks and can OHKO with Giga Drain, recovering its health in the process. Gligar is a solid Aerodactyl check, taking any attack except a boosted Aqua Tail comfortably. Although gimmicky, Eviolite Bronzor is likely the best counter to Aerodactyl, taking little damage from any attack and KOing Aerodactyl with Gyro Ball in order to bypass Taunt. Accelgor and Choice Scarf users such as Manectric are excellent checks to Aerodactyl, able to outspeed and KO Aerodactyl with Hidden Power Rock and Volt Switch, respectively. Finally, priority is an excellent means of beating Aerodactyl; both Hitmonchan and Feraligatr can take an attack and retaliate with Mach Punch and Aqua Jet, respectively.</p>
A good way to "cover" the lead set would changing the first set's name to Physical Attacker and slashing Stealth Rock with Roost along with a Focus Sash mention in AC. I know it's been considered OO material by the QC team in the past, but after using it on the ladder and for my SPL match against SGV (where it did its job and would have done even better if I didn't missplay with it) I definitively think that if it doesn't deserve its own set, it should at least receive a huge mention. Something like this:

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Taunt
move 4: Roost / Stealth Rock
item: Life Orb
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

The Stall set would be pretty cool if Hippopotas was RU, but since it's not, that set should be left in OO.

Last, but not least: Can you explain me the point of Dragon Claw on the Choice Band set? Double-Edge looks much better than it and Dragon-types aren't that common, with the exception of Druddigon.
Dragon Claw is pretty much pointless on any Pokemon that doesn't have it as a STAB move. It is very weak against most targets, and despite its good neutral coverage, doesn't hit anything for super effective damage other than Dragon-types.

It might be worth mentioning Substitute on the LO Roost set, to block retarded status and stuff, AC only though imo. You should also deslash Leftovers on the Hone Claws set, since Aero really needs all the power it can get.
RE: Physical attacker, we (me, nails, upstart and shake) discussed it last night on irc and agreed that Roost is essential on that set, LO Roost being its best set that it can eun, and that Focus Sash should almost never be used in RU.

Dragon Claw was solely for Druddigon. Since your posts I removed D-E from the HC set, and slashed Fire Fang on the CB set for Ferroseed, although a Fire Fang / Double-Edge slash may fit better.
I've used an offensive SubRoost set to great effect. Easily cockblocks stuff like Siggy and Honchkrow, and can set up a sub on stuff that it forces out, like Moltres (can aero counter Moltres? I think it can :O). Plus SubRoost is, and always has been, and effective efficient offensive strategy, especially with entry hazard support.

Rock Head is preferred, as pressure has little use on a sweeper set

I'm sorry if I'm misunderstanding something here, but this makes no sense to me whatsoever. Sure Pressure isn't great, but it can burn PP from ExtremeSpeed, Fire Blast, which Aero resists, but especially since you're not using any recoil-inducing moves, Rock Head is completely worthless. I'd mention Rock Head and DE in AC
I've used an offensive SubRoost set to great effect. Easily cockblocks stuff like Siggy and Honchkrow, and can set up a sub on stuff that it forces out, like Moltres (can aero counter Moltres? I think it can :O). Plus SubRoost is, and always has been, and effective efficient offensive strategy, especially with entry hazard support.

I'm sorry if I'm misunderstanding something here, but this makes no sense to me whatsoever. Sure Pressure isn't great, but it can burn PP from ExtremeSpeed, Fire Blast, which Aero resists, but especially since you're not using any recoil-inducing moves, Rock Head is completely worthless. I'd mention Rock Head and DE in AC

ya, Pressure should be the main ability on the Hone Claws and the LO + Roost set. However, on the Choice set, Rock Head should be used alongside Double-Edge.

Also, Cherub, A++ avatar
Sorry for the double post, but Texas won't leave me alone if I don't do this:


Using an Adamant nature is a very viable option and deserves at least an AC mention imo. You gain a very needed power boost (105 attack is good but not great), and the only thing that i can think off that outspeeds you without a Jolly nature is Sceptile. I would go as far as to tell it should be the primary option in all the sets, but i am waiting for the opinion of the QC members.

Also the stall set is quite good and deserves a main set imo. It completely counters Moltres, which is a big threat for any stall team, and generally takes Fire attacks like a boss, checks Honchkrow pretty good and breaks stall like a boss.

Here is the set i have beed using :

Ability: Pressure
Item: Leftovers
EVs: 248 HP / 104 Def / 44 SpD / 112 Spe
Nature: Jolly

- Rock Slide
- Taunt
- Roost
- Toxic


The speed evs allow you to outspeed Scolipede and Taunt it preventing it from using SD or setting up hazards, while the HP evs alongside with Def evs ensure that you will never be 2hkoed by Scolipede's Rock Slide (w/o LO). So you lead with Aero, and use Taunt as they either attack or try to setup. If they attack then you can 2hko while they can't. If it is a LO variant simply bring in a counter since it can't set-up and handle it. You can't stay in because if you use Roost Megahorn or EQ can easily kill you and Rock Slide doesn't ohko dealing 70.99 - 84.73% to 4 HP Scolipede. If you run Stone Edge you always ohko after 1 round of LO recoil but the pps and accuracy suck. If you decided to include this set put SE on the AC for its ability to ohko LO Scolipede.

This set also easily counters any Moltres variant, and is a generally a useful asset for many stall teams, since it provides some much needed speed and prevents any kind of setup, which could be problematic to handle. Pressure is a very good ability allowing you to burn very fast, moves like Flare Blitz, Sucker Punch, Fire Blast etc. Btw the S.Def evs ensure that you always will be able to survive 2 Fire Blasts from Scarf Modest Moltres, after SR and lefties, the only Moltres that may stay in against you, attempting to 2hko you.

It also deals decently vs Moxie Krow, taking ~50% (54,26% max) from Brave Bird, allowing you to easily stall out the hits, waiting for it to Roost. When it Roosts, you will both be at full health because you will just have Roosted too. Then break the sub with Rock Slide while it deals 61.43 - 72.72% with Sucker Punch and the next turn either use Toxic or Rock Slide, depending on what you expect him to do. Eventully you will win because Sucker Punch gets stalled out very easily with Pressure having only 4 pps, and Sucker Punch is the only thing that Krow has which you fear.

Sub is also an option to stall better, since Roost + sub + Pressure is a very good combo. Use it over Toxic and mention that T-Spikes support is mandatory if you go that way.

Anyway that's all i had to say. It's up to the QC members now to decide if they want this set included.
I agree, Adamant is worth a mention, if not a slash. Does it outspeed max jolly Scolipede? I know outspeeding things is messed up past 115, and I'm on my wii so I can't check PO
RE Stall: no
Re Adamant: no

Adamant is a good option in some cases but you then aren't using Aerodactyl's main weapon, its speed, effectively. Yes, you still outspeed Scolipede, congrats. You also fail to outspeed anything that hits base 115 or higher which includes some pretty important threats, such as Sceptile and Adamant Scarf Medicham. Yes, it is a good choice at times, which is why its slashed but it does not deserve to be a primary slash.

Staller set is just plan no. We had a discussion among 5 QC members last night on irc and all agreed that it, along with the lead set were AC material at best. I'm sure its a good set when given the right support but by no means is it always or even often an effective one, which is why it is OO. That said, staller and lead are full sets in OO, and as such, by their nature, they will receive a larger mention in OO than would be normal for a simple move or item.
I get why the stall set won't be a main set but for the reject on Adamant you didn't really give us any reasoning.
The only mons you listed are Adamant Scarf Medicham and Sceptile. So are 2 pokes worth the power loss? Sometimes yes, and sometimes no, but i don't see how the boost in speed is the preffered choice. If your team can handle Sceptile, then there is no reason not to run Adamant (risking the 50% chance that the opposing scarf Medicham is Adamant is not a strategy and most players would simply switch out). You are also saying that Aero's biggest plus is his speed, and that if we don't focus on this we are not doing it good. Well the thing is that we do focus on it. Thx to its huge speed Aero can even use a + nature, while still outspeeding almost anything relevant.

So any other reason why Adamant shouldn't be a main slash except from Sceptile?
Finally found the speed tiers, every common Pokemon that you miss between Adamant and Jolly with be listed forthwith.
ScarfHonchkrow, +1 Sharpedo, Sceptile, ScarfAbsol, +2 Crustle, +1 Lilligant, Swellow, +1 Ataria and Braviary and Gallade and Medicham, neutral Accelgor, +2 Kabutops

That's a fair number of threats that you lose to when Adamant, notably losing the ability to Revenge Kill Sharpedo, Lilligant and Kabutops under Rain (who then wont be using Aqua Jet). Not to mention that by running Adamant you auto-lose to any other Aerodactyl.
Finally found the speed tiers, every common Pokemon that you miss between Adamant and Jolly with be listed forthwith.
ScarfHonchkrow, +1 Sharpedo, Sceptile, ScarfAbsol, +2 Crustle, +1 Lilligant, Swellow, +1 Ataria and Braviary and Gallade and Medicham, neutral Accelgor, +2 Kabutops

That's a fair number of threats that you lose to when Adamant, notably losing the ability to Revenge Kill Sharpedo, Lilligant and Kabutops under Rain (who then wont be using Aqua Jet). Not to mention that by running Adamant you auto-lose to any other Aerodactyl.
Ok let's see that list. For any relevant poke i will give you one point.

ScarfKrow: 1 point
+1 Sharpedo: 1 point
Sceptile: 1 point
Absol: I can't really give a point to this. Absol is somewhat rare and not RU as we speaking, but even if we count it we should count relevant sets like the SD one. I don't think that Scarf Absol should be a benchmark for any RU mon. Imo anyway.
+2 Crustle: 1 point
+1 Liligant: 1 point
Swelow: 1 point
+1 Altaria: I don't think i should comment on this.
Scarf Braviary: Braviary has a 2,33% use in the normal stats and is used exactly 9 times in the 1200 Stats, so i don't think he is relevant
Scarf Gallade: Never seen one, and i don't think it is worth it so i won't give it a point. However if you disagree i can count him in.
Scarf Medicham: As said again it is difficult to deduce whether a scarfer runs a positive nature or not, so i wouldn't risk my Aero anyway but for the sake of it i will give it a point so 1 point
neutral Accelgor: a Modest nature is only mentioned in the AC of any set so i will give to this 0,5 point
+2 Kabutops in rain: most Kabutops that run an Adamant nature prefer Aqua Jet to make up for the speed loss, but i will give this 0,5 point

So in total we have 8 points.

Now let's see if Aero gets any ohko or 2hko with the added power of Adamant. I will be using LO for all calcs...

Adamant SE vs ParaShuffler Drudigon : 43.57 - 51.39%, great chance of 2hko after SR and lefties
...same with Jolly: 39.38 - 46.36%, zero chance of 2hko after SR and lefties

Adamant SE vs Defensive Cofagrigus : 45 - 52.81%, great chance of 2hko after SR and lefties
...same with Jolly: 40.31 - 47.81%, small chance of 2hko after SR and lefties

Adamant SE vs Calm Mind Cofagrigus: 34.68 - 41.25%, small chance of ohko after SR + Spikes and lefties
...same with Jolly : 31.87 - 37.5%, zero chance of 2hko after SR + Spikes and lefties

Adamant EQ vs Defensive Qwilfish: 46.7 - 55.08%, sure 2hko after SR and lefties
...same with Jolly: 42.51 - 50.29%, smaller than 50% chance of 2hko after SR and lefties

Adamant EQ vs Curse Quagsire: 38.83 - 45.68%, small chance of 2hko after SR + Spikes and lefties
...same with Jolly: 35.53 - 41.87%, zero chance of 2hko with SR + Spikes and lefties

Adamant EQ vs SubPunch Poliwrath: 39.83 - 46.89%, small chance of 2hko after SR + Spikes and lefties
...same with Jolly: 35.87 - 42.37%, zero chance of 2hko with SR + Spikes and lefties

Adamant EQ vs Support Omastar: 48.39 - 57.14%, sure 2hko after SR and lefties
...same with Jolly:43.73 - 51.89%, a little more than 50% chance to 2hko after SR and lefties

Adamant SE vs Scarf Rotom-C: 78.42 - 92.53%, small chance of ohko after SR, sure ohko after 2 SR switch-ins
...same with Jolly:71.36 - 84.64%, zero chance of ohko after SR, big chance of ohko after 2 SR switch-ins

Adamant EQ vs Shell Smash Omastar: 78.72 - 92.9%, small chance of ohko after SR, sure ohko after SR + Spikes
...same with Jolly: 71.63 - 84.39%, no chance of ohko after SR, big chance of ohko after SR + Spikes

Adamant EQ vs Klinglang: 80.95 - 95.91%, small chance of ohko after SR, ~50% chance of ohko after SR, big chance of ohko with SR + Spikes
...same with Jolly: 73.46 - 87.07%, zero chance of ohko after SR, zero chance of ohko after Spikes, ~50% chance of ohko after SR + Spikes

Adamant EQ vs LO Drapion : 88.25 - 103.91%, sure ohko after SR.
...same with Jolly: 80.42 - 94.66%, ~50% chance of ohko after SR

Adamant SE vs Offensive QD Lilligant: 90.42 - 106.73%, sure ohko after SR
...same with Jolly: 82.26 - 97.16%, big chance of ohko after SR

Anyway these are some calcs. I tested LO EQ and SE against some important RU mons and as you quite a few mons get into the ohko or 2hko zone with Adamant. Whether they are enough or not is up to you and the other QC members. I just provided the evidence. If you want you can also count every of those mons that i mentioned and matters as a point and then compare it to the points i got from your examples...
Anyway i know i am being too nitpicky but some extra discussion never hurts right? Opinions?
I wanna play this game (because I have nothing better to do)! :toast:

Scarf Braviary: Braviary has a 2,33% use in the normal stats and is used exactly 9 times in the 1200 Stats, so i don't think he is relevant
imo Scarf Braviary is relevant, its a threat along the lines of Swellow.
Scarf Medicham: As said again it is difficult to deduce whether a scarfer runs a positive nature or not, so i wouldn't risk my Aero anyway but for the sake of it i will give it a point so 1 point
Most Medicham's are Adamant afaik

So in total we have 8 points.

Now let's see if Aero gets any ohko or 2hko with the added power of Adamant. I will be using LO for all calcs...

Adamant SE vs ParaShuffler Drudigon : 43.57 - 51.39%, great chance of 2hko after SR and lefties
...same with Jolly: 39.38 - 46.36%, zero chance of 2hko after SR and lefties
Is this even really used? iirc i've only seen one on the ladder, most are CB :/ at present i'd say no point.
Adamant SE vs Defensive Cofagrigus : 45 - 52.81%, great chance of 2hko after SR and lefties
...same with Jolly: 40.31 - 47.81%, small chance of 2hko after SR and lefties
1 point
Adamant SE vs Calm Mind Cofagrigus: 34.68 - 41.25%, small chance of ohko after SR + Spikes and lefties
...same with Jolly : 31.87 - 37.5%, zero chance of 2hko after SR + Spikes and lefties
Isn't used, its either defensive or Nasty Plot. No point
Adamant EQ vs Defensive Qwilfish: 46.7 - 55.08%, sure 2hko after SR and lefties
...same with Jolly: 42.51 - 50.29%, smaller than 50% chance of 2hko after SR and lefties
1 point
Adamant EQ vs Curse Quagsire: 38.83 - 45.68%, small chance of 2hko after SR + Spikes and lefties
...same with Jolly: 35.53 - 41.87%, zero chance of 2hko with SR + Spikes and lefties
two layers of hazards isnt great at the best of times and curse quag is pretty uncommon so I'm gonna say no point
Adamant EQ vs SubPunch Poliwrath: 39.83 - 46.89%, small chance of 2hko after SR + Spikes and lefties
...same with Jolly: 35.87 - 42.37%, zero chance of 2hko with SR + Spikes and lefties
1 point
Adamant EQ vs Support Omastar: 48.39 - 57.14%, sure 2hko after SR and lefties
...same with Jolly:43.73 - 51.89%, a little more than 50% chance to 2hko after SR and lefties
1 point
Adamant SE vs Scarf Rotom-C: 78.42 - 92.53%, small chance of ohko after SR, sure ohko after 2 SR switch-ins
...same with Jolly:71.36 - 84.64%, zero chance of ohko after SR, big chance of ohko after 2 SR switch-ins
as a scarfer, especially with volt switch, rotom will be switching in and out more frequently so adamant and jolly are even in this. no point
Adamant EQ vs Shell Smash Omastar: 78.72 - 92.9%, small chance of ohko after SR, sure ohko after SR + Spikes
...same with Jolly: 71.63 - 84.39%, no chance of ohko after SR, big chance of ohko after SR + Spikes
1 point
Adamant EQ vs Klinglang: 80.95 - 95.91%, small chance of ohko after SR, ~50% chance of ohko after SR, big chance of ohko with SR + Spikes
...same with Jolly: 73.46 - 87.07%, zero chance of ohko after SR, zero chance of ohko after Spikes, ~50% chance of ohko after SR + Spikes
1 point
Adamant EQ vs LO Drapion : 88.25 - 103.91%, sure ohko after SR.
...same with Jolly: 80.42 - 94.66%, ~50% chance of ohko after SR
0.5 point as both are pretty even
Adamant SE vs Offensive QD Lilligant: 90.42 - 106.73%, sure ohko after SR
...same with Jolly: 82.26 - 97.16%, big chance of ohko after SR
0.5 point for same reason/B]
Anyway there are some calcs. I tested LO EQ and SE against some important RU mons and as you quite a few mons get into the ohko or 2hko zone with Adamant. Whether they are enough or not is up to you and the other QC members. I just provided the evidence. If you want you can also count every of those mons that i mentioned and matters as a point and then compare it to the points i got from your examples...
Anyway i know i am being too nitpicky but some extra discussion never hurts right? Opinions?

Ends up with a score of 8 points vs 7 points. Look I see where you are coming from with the Adamant vs Jolly discussion but i firmly believe that Aero should be running max speed, if for nothing else than to speed tie other aero, with the other threats being the icing on the cake. As I mentioned previously Adamant is already slashed on CB, which is the most relevant set for this argument. The first set should absolutely not be adamant with the taunt slashes at any rate, and the Hone Claws set is boosting its attack anyway.

At any rate I appreciate your contribution, clarifying the points for and against natures which could definitely be put in the analysis.
add/replace with


<p>Aerodactyl is a versatile pokemon in RU, with its blazing Speed that allows it to outspeed any unboosted Pokemon in the tier bar Accelgor. From there, Aerodactyl is capable of threatening the opposition with its strong Attack stat and good offensive movepool, or using its decent support movepool to boost its own team. However, Aerodactyl also suffers from poor defensive stats and a weakness to Stealth Rock, although the former can be amended with some investment in bulk. This makes it difficult for Aerodactyl to switch in safely, as even against resisted hits it will often lose around half of its health. Its low defenses also mean that it is very vulnerable to opposing priority and Choice Scarf users, both of which can quickly threaten Aerodactyl out. That said, it is difficult to wall Aerodactyl; few Pokemon are able to always come in safely against it. Whether providing team support or requiring it, Aerodactyl is always a Pokemon to watch for in RU.</p>

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Stealth Rock / Taunt
move 4: Roost / Taunt
item: Life Orb
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>Perhaps no set demonstrates Aerodactyl's versatility better than this one, which is capable of being used effectively regardless if it's leading. Stone Edge is Aerodactyl's best offensive weapon, being a strong STAB option, although the accuracy will often be detrimental to Aerodactyl's detriment. Earthquake complements Stone Edge nicely, providing excellent coverage alonside it, as well as being a more reliable move option. Stealth Rock is necessary for any team, and in conjunction with Roost, allows Aerodactyl to support the team, as well as recover off its own damage. Aerodactyl also leads effectively with the combination of Stealth Rock and Taunt, shutting down opposing leads from setting up entry hazards or Dual Screens while simultaneously setting up its own entry hazards. Finally, the combination of Taunt and Roost allows Aerodactyl to improve its longevity by healing off passive damage it may accrue while also ensuring that it doesn't become set-up fodder for the likes of Claydol., Taunt stopping such attempts in their tracks.</p>


<p>Life Orb is the preferred choice, as its makes Aerodactyl's offensive moves quite powerful, warding off potential switch ins. If Aerodactyl is used as a lead, however, Focus Sash is an acceptable item choice to ensure that Aerodactyl is able to set up Stealth Rock. As Aerodactyl does not use Double-Edge, Pressure is the preferred ability, as it can be used in tandem with Roost to provide a safeguard against opposing Pokemon, and to stall strong moves out of their meager PP. The EV spread is typical for an offensive Pokemon, with a Jolly nature to outspeed every unboosted Pokemon except Accelgor is outspeed. 84 Speed EVs can be moved to HP to slightly boost Aerodactyl's bulk while still outspeeding Sceptile and other base 120 Speed Pokeomn, but this leaves it vulnerable to opposing Aerodactyl as well as additional Choice Scarf Pokemon.</p>

<p>When using Aerodactyl offensively, spinners are good teammates for Aerodactyl, as they allow it to switch in and out more freely than if Stealth Rock was present. Ground-type Pokemon such as Gligar or Steelix are solid teammates as well, absorbing Volt Switches and Thunderbolts from common Scarfed Pokemon such as Manectric. In that vein, strong special walls such as Lickilicky can be used to sponge attackers from those Pokemon that outspeed Aerodactyl after a boost. Wynaut is also an excellent partner for Aerodactyl, trapping and removing those Choice Scarf Pokemon that threaten Aerodactyl.</p>

name: Hone Claws
move 1: Hone Claws
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Aqua Tail
item: Life Orb / Leftovers
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>Aerodactyl can be quite an effective sweeper when played properly thanks to its new boosting move that BW gave it, Hone Claws, along with is strong moves, coverage, and excellent speed. Hone Claws not only boosts Aerodactyl's Attack, but also boosts the accuracy of many of Aerodactyl's moves, especially Stone Edge, which becomes both incredibly strong and incredibly reliable after a boost. After a boost, Earthquake can 2HKO Steelix after Stealth Rock,which goes along well with its naturally excellent coverage. Aqua Tail is the best complement to the first two options, hitting those Pokemon that Stone Edge can't super effectively, most notably Gliagar and Claydol.</p>


<p>Life Orb is once again the item of choice to allow Aerodactyl to sweep, boosting its damage output even further. Leftovers is also a good item choice, ensuring that Aerodactyl doesn't kill itself too quickly through a combination of Stealth Rock and Life Orb damage, as well as whatever damage it may have suffered while setting up. Pressure is once again the preferred ability, although neither ability is particularly useful for this set. A typical EV investment is used, with full Speed investment to ensure that things such as Choice Scarf Medicham cannot cut Aerodactyl's sweep short. Double-Edge is a useful choice in the fourth slot, hitting Pokemon such as Torterra harder than any other move. Although it has little use in terms of coverage, it gets neutral coverage against most Pokemon in the tier. Even moreso than the last set, Aerodactyl appreciates Wynaut's support for its ability to remove Choice Scarf users early in the game that would otherwise stop Aerodactyl cold. It also greatly appreciates Spikes support, as some grounded threats including Gallade and the aforementioned Torterra are capable of tanking one attack from Aerodactyl and OHKOing it in return. Scolipede and Crustle are strong choices in this regard.</p>

name: Choice Band
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Aqua Tail
move 4: Double-Edge / Fire Fang
item: Choice Band
ability: Rock Head
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>The hallmark of any strong attacker, Aerodactyl is able to utilize an excellent Choice band set, with its good Attack and blistering Speed. Stone Edge's virtues have been previously mentioned as Aerodactyl's best offensive option, but when boosted by a Choice Band it becomes brutally powerful, cleaning through Pokemon with ease. With its good coverage and perfect accuracy, Earthquake is an excellent "safe" move to use, also hitting the Steel-types that wall Stone Edge. Aqua Tail is an excellent coverage move, hitting Ground-types that could wall Aerodactyl super effectively. Fire Fang is useful for hitting Ferroseed and Torterra super effectively, but Double-Edge is usually preferred, for its ability to be used repeatedly with little consequence before attempting to sweep with Stone Edge.</p>


<p>Choice Band is the requisite item to enable Aerodactyl to utilize its power. Along with full EV investment, Aerodactyl is capable of hitting as hard and as fast as possible. Jolly is usually the better nature for the ability to outspeed almost every common threat, but Adamant is an option to pressure the defensive Pokemon that comfortably take Aerodactyl's attacks. Rock Head is the ability of choice here, to ensure that Aerodactyl can use Double-Edge without any repurcussions. to its health. As Aerodactyl will be switching in and out more frequently with this set than with others, spinners are necessary. Hitmonchan makes a great partner to Aerodactyl as it resists Rock-type attacks that threaten Aerodactyl., also easing its ability to remove them. Cryogonal is also a good teammate, as it can tank the Water- and Ice-type attacks that will be aimed at Aerodactyl with ease. Offensively, Slowking is an excellent partner, as it can take the common priority attacks, Mach Punch and Aqua Jet, that will cripple Aerodactyl, while threatening the opposition in return with its dangerous Choice Specs and Trick Room sets.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Despite having a few specific sets that Aerodactyl excels at, it also has an incredibly diverse movepool that can surprise an opponent. Ice Fang and Thunder Fang have nice coveragebut, although a low Base Power, though the latter hits Pokemon such as Poliwrath harder than any other option. One of Aerodactyl's defining characteristics is its lack of a good secondary STAB option. Aerial Ace is the best Flying STAB Aerodactyl can muster, but is generally not a good choice due to its low Base Power. Crunch is another weaker option, although it can be used in some cirumstances to hit Ghost- and Psychic-type Pokemon harder. Dragon Claw has little use in RU, but is useful for hitting Druddigon specifically. With its insane speed, Aerodactyl becomes an excellent weather supporter, having access to all weather moves except Hail. Aerodactyl does actually get a strong Flying STAB move, as Sky Attack with a Power Herb is immensely powerful, albeit a one-time attack. Whirlwind is a lesser used option that can be used on more defensive sets, preventing opposing Pokemon from setting up in front of Aerodactyl. Aerodactyl also has the excellent team support move, Tailwind, which is a good last ditch move to double the Speed of whatever teammate comes in after Aerodactyl faints.</p>

<p>Aerodactyl also has a few unlisted sets not listed above that are generally less useful overall. Aerodactyl is able to use a unique stall set alongside Pressure, using the combination of Substitute, Roost, and Fly or Rock Slide to whittle away at the PP of opposing Pokemon, many of which have only one move with which to hit Aerodactyl. This set can also be used alongside Toxic Spikes, or with Toxic itself, to slowly kill opposing Pokemon with Poison while remaining in good health. Aerodactyl is also capable of using Agility along with significant defensive investment to outspeed key threats while also becoming defensively resiliant. Aerodactyl also has a varied special movepool, with options such as Heat Wave, Dragon Pulse, Ancientpower, and Air Cutter making it a great recipient for a Nasty Plot on a Baton Pass team! Finally, Curse, Rest, and Sleep Talk can be used in conjunction to create a bulky boosting Aerodactyl that can sweep given enough boosts.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>While Aerodactyl's movepool may be diverse, its list of checks and counters are not, with all carrying the common themes of bulky or fast. Claydol is capable of combating Aerodactyl, OHKOing it with Ice Beam or setting up Stealth Rock. Torterra resists both of Aerodactyl's main attacks, and can either OHKO with Stone Edge or Wood Hammer, or support its team with Stealth Rock and Leech Seed. Similarly, Tangrowth is capable of taking Aerodactyl's attacks and can OHKO with Giga Drain, recovering its health in the process. Gligar is a solid Aerodactyl check to Aerodactyl, taking any attack except a boosted Aqua Tail comfortably. Although gimmicky, Eviolite Bronzor is likely the best counter to Aerodactyl, taking little damage from any attack, and KOing Aerodactyl with Gyro Ball in order to bypass Taunt. Accelgor and Choice Scarf users such as Manectric are excellent checks to Aerodactyl, being able to outspeed and KO Aerodactyl with Hidden Power Rock and Volt Switch respectively. Finally, priority is an excellent means of beating Aerodactyl; both Hitmonchan and Feraligatr can take an attack and retaliate with Mach Punch and Aqua Jet respectively.</p>


GP Approved (1/2)

coin operated boy


<p>Aerodactyl is a versatile pokemon in RU with its blazing Speed that allows it to outspeed any unboosted Pokemon in the tier bar Accelgor. From there, Aerodactyl is capable of threatening the opposition with its strong Attack stat and good offensive movepool,[comma] or using its decent support movepool to boost its own team. However, Aerodactyl also suffers from poor defensive stats and a weakness to Stealth Rock, although the former can be amended with some investment in bulk. Regardless, this makes it difficult for Aerodactyl to switch in safely, as even against resisted hits it will often lose around half of its health. Its low defenses also mean that it is very vulnerable to opposing priority and Choice Scarf users, both of which threaten Aerodactyl. That said, it is difficult to wall Aerodactyl; few Pokemon are able to always come in safely against it. Whether providing team support or requiring it, Aerodactyl is always a Pokemon to watch for in RU.</p>

name: Physical Attacker
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Stealth Rock / Taunt
move 4: Roost / Taunt
item: Life Orb
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>Perhaps no set demonstrates Aerodactyl's versatility better than this one, which is capable of being used effectively regardless if it's leading. Stone Edge is Aerodactyl's best offensive weapon, being a strong STAB option, although the accuracy will often be detrimental to Aerodactyl's[remove]. Earthquake complements Stone Edge nicely, both providing excellent coverage alonside it and, as well as being a more reliable move. Stealth Rock is necessary for any team, and in conjunction with Roost, allows Aerodactyl to support the team as well as recover off its own damage. However, Aerodactyl also leads effectively with Stealth Rock and Taunt, shutting down opposing leads from setting up entry hazards or Dual Screens dual screens,[comma] while simultaneously setting up its own entry hazards. Finally, the combination of Taunt and Roost allows Aerodactyl to improve its longevity by healing off passive damage it may accrue while also ensuring that it doesn't become set-up fodder for the likes of Claydol.p>


<p>Life Orb is the preferred choice, as it makes Aerodactyl's offensive moves quite powerful, warding off potential switch ins. If Aerodactyl is used as a lead, however, Focus Sash is an acceptable item choice to ensure that Aerodactyl is able to set up Stealth Rock. As Aerodactyl does not use Double-Edge, Pressure is the preferred ability, as it can be used in tandem with Roost to provide a safeguard against opposing Pokemon and to stall strong moves out of their meager PP. The EV spread is typical for an offensive Pokemon, with a Jolly nature to outspeed every unboosted Pokemon except Accelgor. 84 Speed EVs can be moved to HP to slightly boost Aerodactyl's bulk while still outspeeding Sceptile and other base 120 Speed Pokeomn, but this leaves it vulnerable to opposing Aerodactyl as well as additional Choice Scarf Pokemon.</p>

<p>When using Aerodactyl offensively, spinners are good teammates for Aerodactyl, as they allow it to switch in and out more freely than if Stealth Rock was present. Ground-type Pokemon such as Gligar or Steelix are solid teammates as well, absorbing Volt Switches and Thunderbolts from common Scarfed Pokemon such as Manectric. In that vein, strong special walls such as Lickilicky can be used to sponge attackers from those Pokemon that outspeed Aerodactyl after a boost. Wynaut is also an excellent partner for Aerodactyl, trapping and removing those Choice Scarf Pokemon that threaten Aerodactyl.</p>

name: Hone Claws
move 1: Hone Claws
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Aqua Tail
item: Life Orb / Leftovers
ability: Pressure
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>Aerodactyl can be quite an effective sweeper when played properly thanks to its new boosting move that BW gave it, Hone Claws, along with is strong moves, coverage, and excellent speed. Hone Claws boosts not only boosts Aerodactyl's Attack, but also boosts the accuracy of many of Aerodactyl's moves, especially Stone Edge, which becomes both incredibly strong and incredibly reliable after a boost. After a boost, Earthquake can 2HKO Steelix after Stealth Rock,[space]which goes along well with its naturally excellent coverage. Aqua Tail is the best complement to the first two options, hitting those Pokemon that Stone Edge can't super effectively, most notably Gliagar and Claydol.</p>


<p>Life Orb is once again the item of choice to allow Aerodactyl to sweep, boosting its damage output even further. Leftovers is also a good item choice, ensuring that Aerodactyl doesn't kill itself too quickly from through a combination of Stealth Rock and Life Orb [can't have Lefties and LO :P] damage, as well as whatever prior damage it may have suffered while setting up. Pressure is once again the preferred ability, although neither ability is particularly useful for this set. A typical EV investment is used, with full Speed investment to ensure that things such as Choice Scarf Medicham cannot cut Aerodactyl's sweep short. Double-Edge is a useful choice in the fourth slot, hitting Pokemon such as Torterra harder than any other move. Although it has little use in terms of coverage, it gets neutral coverage against most Pokemon in the tier. Even moreso than the last physical attackerset, Aerodactyl appreciates Wynaut's ability to remove Choice Scarf users early in the game that would otherwise stop Aerodactyl cold. It also greatly appreciates Spikes support, as some grounded threats including Gallade and the aforementioned Torterra are capable of tanking one attack from Aerodactyl and OHKOing it in return. Scolipede and Crustle are strong choices in this regard.</p>

name: Choice Band
move 1: Stone Edge
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Aqua Tail
move 4: Double-Edge / Fire Fang
item: Choice Band
ability: Rock Head
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


<p>The hallmark of any strong attacker, Aerodactyl is able to utilize an excellent Choice band set with its good Attack and blistering Speed. Stone Edge's virtues have been previously mentioned as Aerodactyl's best offensive option, but when boosted by a Choice Band it becomes brutally powerful, cleaning through Pokemon with ease. With its good coverage and perfect accuracy, Earthquake is an excellent "safe" move to use, hitting the Steel-types that wall Stone Edge. Aqua Tail is an excellent coverage move, hitting Ground-types that could wall Aerodactyl super effectively. Fire Fang is useful for hitting Ferroseed and Torterra super effectively, but Double-Edge is usually preferred, for its ability to be used repeatedly with little consequence before attempting to sweep with Stone Edge.</p>


<p>Choice Band is the requisite item to enable Aerodactyl to utilize its power. Along with full EV investment, Aerodactyl is capable of hitting as hard and fast as possible. Jolly is usually the better nature for the ability to outspeed almost every common threat, but Adamant is an option to pressure the defensive Pokemon that comfortably take Aerodactyl's attacks. Rock Head is the ability of choice here, to ensure that Aerodactyl can use Double-Edge without any repercussions repurcussions. As Aerodactyl will be switching in and out more frequently with this set than with others, spinners are necessary. Hitmonchan makes a great partner to Aerodactyl,[comma] as it resists Rock-type attacks that threaten Aerodactyl. Cryogonal is also a good teammate, as it can tank the Water- and Ice-type attacks aimed at Aerodactyl with ease. Offensively, Slowking is an excellent partner, as it can take the common priority attacks, Mach Punch and Aqua Jet, that cripple Aerodactyl, and while threaten the opposition in return with its dangerous Choice Specs and Trick Room sets.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Despite having a few specific sets that Aerodactyl excels at, it also has an incredibly diverse movepool that can surprise an opponent. Ice Fang and Thunder Fang have nice coverage[space]but low Base Power, though the latter hits Pokemon such as Poliwrath harder than any other option. One of Aerodactyl's defining characteristics is its lack of a good secondary STAB option. Aerial Ace is the best Flying STAB Aerodactyl can muster but is generally not a good choice due to its low Base Power. Crunch is another weaker option, although it can be used in some cirumstances circumstances to hit Ghost- and Psychic-type Pokemon harder. Dragon Claw has little use in RU, but is useful for hitting Druddigon. With its insane speed, Aerodactyl becomes an excellent weather supporter, having access to all weather moves except Hail. Aerodactyl does actually get a strong Flying STAB move, as Sky Attack with a Power Herb is immensely powerful, albeit a one-time attack. Whirlwind is a lesser used option that can be used on more defensive sets, preventing opposing Pokemon from setting up in front of Aerodactyl. Aerodactyl also has the excellent team support move, Tailwind, which is a good last ditch move to double the Speed of whatever teammate comes in after Aerodactyl faints.</p>

<p>Aerodactyl also has a few unlisted sets that are generally less useful overall. Aerodactyl is able to use a unique stall set alongside Pressure, using the combination of Substitute, Roost, and Fly or Rock Slide to whittle away at the PP of opposing Pokemon, many of which have only one move with which to hit Aerodactyl. This set can also be used alongside Toxic Spikes or Toxic itself, to slowly kill opposing Pokemon with Poison while remaining Aerodactyl remains in good health. Aerodactyl is also capable of using Agility along with significant defensive investment to outspeed key threats while also becoming defensively resiliant resilient. Aerodactyl also has a varied special movepool, with options such as Heat Wave, Dragon Pulse, Ancientpower, and Air Cutter making it a great recipient for a Nasty Plot on a Baton Pass team! Finally, Curse, Rest, and Sleep Talk can be used in conjunction to create a bulky boosting Aerodactyl that can sweep given enough boosts.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>While Aerodactyl's movepool may be diverse, its list of checks and counters are not, with all carrying the common themes of bulky or fast. Claydol is capable of combating Aerodactyl, OHKOing it with Ice Beam or setting up Stealth Rock. Torterra resists both of Aerodactyl's main attacks, and can either OHKO with Stone Edge or Wood Hammer or support its team with Stealth Rock and Leech Seed. Similarly, Tangrowth is capable of taking Aerodactyl's attacks and can OHKO with Giga Drain, recovering its health in the process. Gligar is a solid Aerodactyl check, taking any attack except a boosted Aqua Tail comfortably. Although gimmicky, Eviolite Bronzor is likely the best counter to Aerodactyl, taking little damage from any attack and KOing Aerodactyl with Gyro Ball in order to bypass Taunt. Accelgor and Choice Scarf users such as Manectric are excellent checks to Aerodactyl, able to outspeed and KO Aerodactyl with Hidden Power Rock and Volt Switch respectively. Finally, priority is an excellent means of beating Aerodactyl; both Hitmonchan and Feraligatr can take an attack and retaliate with Mach Punch and Aqua Jet respectively.</p>
I wanna play this game (because I have nothing better to do)! :toast:

Ends up with a score of 8 points vs 7 points. Look I see where you are coming from with the Adamant vs Jolly discussion but i firmly believe that Aero should be running max speed, if for nothing else than to speed tie other aero, with the other threats being the icing on the cake. As I mentioned previously Adamant is already slashed on CB, which is the most relevant set for this argument. The first set should absolutely not be adamant with the taunt slashes at any rate, and the Hone Claws set is boosting its attack anyway.

At any rate I appreciate your contribution, clarifying the points for and against natures which could definitely be put in the analysis.
Fair enough. Anyway i wasn't even sure myself if Adamant or Jolly is the preffered nature. I just did some calcs, so we could have some facts to back up our claims. So Adamant slashed in the CB set and mentioned in the AC of the other sets seems fine. (Also glad to see you playing my game xd)
<p>... Finally, the combination of Taunt and Roost allows Aerodactyl to improve its longevity by healing off passive damage it may accrue while also ensuring that it doesn't become set-up fodder for the likes of Claydol.</p>

You forgot that.