I was persuaded to make this, so….
SV AG Player Rankings
(*assuming managers that signed up for the pool will selfbuy)
The Strap
The Strap.
Glory is practically carrying the teambuilding development of the DLC2 AG metagame by himself, so his presence should be incredibly valuable.
Suzuya has participated in all 5 SV AG team tournaments so far, and has the most overall wins.
In each AG tournament he has participated in, Adhiraj8202 has had a better record.
Though Taka hasn’t played DLC2, he is exceedingly skilled and has been successful in SV AG in the past.
Beleth had an impressive performance in AGWL, putting up a 5-2 record to help the Legendary Spammers win the tournament.
A Bread Sandwich
AGL has quite a bit of DLC2 AG experience between AGWL, Winter Seasonal, and AGLT
RL has shown to be an increasingly capable teambuilder, and has played his fair share of AG games.
I’m not certain what tier Temp plans on playing, but he did very well in UMPL and is a skilled player overall.
0.5 Mirror
0.5 Mirror could realistically play SS, but he is fairly up-to-date on the SVAG metagame and did well in AGLT.
Skyview had a solid introduction to AG in AGWL, and may stand out as a familiar face to managers who have seen him play Ubers.
It’s not easy to gauge what tier Trade is going to play and how committed he will be, but he is an incredible player and teambuilder.
Tier has been somewhat hit-or-miss across all of the SVAG team tournaments, but he has the most overall games and can certainly pull off a great record.
Lord Rekkuza
Rekkuza made his SVAG tournament debut in AGWL, and has shown a good amount of promise between that and ladder/roomtours.
xu9 is new to the scene, but they did very well in AGLT and had some neat teambuilding ideas.