Alakazam (OU) [WIP]

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Alakazam is capable of supporting it's teammates that I think should have a role in the GSC gen and OU tier.
Alakazam fulfills a role in GSC in my opinion, working as an defensive wall with Recover to annoy it's opponents, having access
to Thunder Wave coupled with high speed and it's ability to make good plays with a STAB move like Psychic makes
Alakazam a very good paralysis spreader in the game. Also having access to Encore to trap Curse or other setup users
like Snorlax, Machamp, Skarmory, Steelix, CM Suicune, etc. This gives Alakazam a chance to attack, switch, or paralyze
the opponent. Psychic also has an ability to lure out opponents, even the 3 best walls, Snorlax, Chansey, and Blissey lets
Alakazam spread paralysis as long as the opponents that have switched in has not been paralyzed yet.

name: Encore
move 1: Encore
move 2: Thunder Wave
move 3: Recover
move 4: Psychic
item: Leftovers

This is an defensive Alakazam set with paralysis support thrown in for slow teammates.
Psychic and Recover are must-haves, and Encore is used to catch or trap Curse users or
other setup users like Steelix, Machamp, Skarmory, etc so that Alakazam can T-Wave, attack,
or switch out. If Alakazam can't really damage the opponent that much with Psychic, leave the
opponent paralyzed just for speed loss and a chance of a full paralysis in case.

Other Options
The Alakazam set is defensive, but it could support decently. Alakazam could set up Light Screen
and Reflect for the entire team. Counter would be a good option because Alakazam's defenses
are so weak meaning it's HP gets chipped a lot. So, when it gets damaged a lot, it can Counter back
for massive damage raising the chance of an OHKO! If an Snorlax uses Double-Edge, Counter can really
hit back but harder, it could even OHKO Snorlax! Toxic would be another good option because it can
wear down Blissey and Snorlax.

Checks and Counters

Blissey and Snorlax give problems with their good HP and Special Defense that easily wears Alakazam down. Blissey can use Toxic or Light Screen, while Snorlax is capable of hitting much harder with Double-Edge or Body Slam.

Dark-type Pokemon are also good checks with their immunity to Psychic. They can all potentially carry Pursuit to punish Alakazam for switching out, and Houndoom and Tyranitar can also carry Crunch.

Psychic- and Steel-type Pokemon are viable with a Psychic resistance, but beware of a potentially super effective Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, or Hidden Power.

Ghost-type Pokemon are also good checks to Psychic. They carry ghost-type moves to beat Alakazam

- Written by: [[majority,475761]]
- Quality checked by: [[, ], [, ], [, ]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]
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This analysis has numerous problems.

- The only moveset you have included has an illegal move combination (TWave + Encore). This shows you have not tried to use this set.
- You mention CM Suicune when CM doesn't exist in GSC.
- The checks and counters section is mostly copied from the existing one on-site with a few small edits.
- It is difficult for me to comprehend a lot of what you have written in the overview.

Overall I don't believe you are making a genuine effort, so I would prefer that someone else writes the Alakazam analysis.
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