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Username: Endrism PS! Username: Endrism Your timezone: EST (GMT -5)
Usual Hours of Availability: 1PM-Midnight Wednesday-Friday + Monday Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon: I've been playing on and off since 2016, Playing VGC in the early days, but migrated over to OU. SSOU is the hardest I've committed to a meta, and recently have becoming more active on the forums due to that. Recently I've been able to get myself up to the high 1500s on my best days, but every time I reach that height I stall out and begin to fall. I believe my biggest problem to be my gamesense, as I will a lot of times over or under predict, and I can never tell exactly what I should be doing in every scenario. My teambuilding could also use some work because I just don't understand complex EV spreads, and tend to favor the recommended spreads showdown gives despite the fact that I know I shouldn't. Are you able to use Discord?: Yep! Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: Redgoop115 PS! Username: Redgoop115 Your timezone: EST (GMT-4) Usual Hours of Availability: Weekdays 9 PM - 11PM, Weekends can do just about anything Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Picked up showdown in gen 7 and mostly played random battles, but I played a little bit of the standard tiers once I realized I could just use teams I didn't have to build myself. Didn't play very seriously until gen 8 though when I picked up Natdex over OU because im not a fan of the dex cuts. I started around the Spectrier meta and have been playing pretty consistently since. I've only recently tried to play in some tours here and there but I'm finding that I'm out of my depth so I'm turning here for some help in getting better. Are you able to use Discord?: Yes Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: Ithi PS! Username: Absinthea Your timezone: American CST Usual Hours of Availability: I am almost always available anywhere from 10 am up until 9 pm Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Hi! I played a lot during ORAS and monotype was my main tier(peaked 1500 on ladder), I ended up quitting towards the beginning of Su/Mo and I got back into gen 8 a while ago! I've been playing a lot of uu and although I've been seeing improvements on my own, I want to get better at the tier/become a better player as a whole. Are you able to use Discord?: Yep! -> Ithi#9452 Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: TDNT PS! Username: TDNT Your timezone: GMT -3 Usual Hours of Availability: I'm available everyday from my 8PM-2AM, can flex to my afternoons on weekends Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I play mons since 2019 and I'm an OU mainer, besides playing LC in the past. I already have experience with tournaments and stuff, recently qualifying for OLT playoffs. I want to learn this tier again because I like it and I'm playing it on another tour, so I think that now, after Vulla's ban, it's the ideal moment to start playing it again.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes (TDNT#7171) Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: blubird252
PS! Username: blubird
Your timezone: gmt + 3
Usual Hours of Availability: sundays cause that's my only day off of work
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): been playing mons for a few years. dou looks nice. just wanna have fun with the tier
Are you able to use Discord?: y
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: y
Username: FireBlastingNinetales PS! Username: EonDuoLatias Your timezone: +8 Usual Hours of Availability: Saturday most of the day from 9-10 am onwards. Sundays after 11am and before 3 pm, though I may need to break for lunch. Timings may change due to COVID. Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I mainly played AG for most of my competitive career, starting from unviable teams in Gen 7 AG, to making a relatively successful team in Gen 8 NatDex AG. I also sometimes play Galar AG as well. Though inexperienced, I have obtained midladder in multiple other tiers such as National Dex OU and Galar OU, but I have had not any tournament success. (The one tournament I did enter, I lost to a relatively experienced NatDex AG player.) Are you able to use Discord?: Yes. Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes.
Username: Kaisser PS! Username: TheKaisser Your timezone: GMT +2 Generation: GSC Usual Hours of Availability: Weekdays 8 PM - 11 AM, weekends anytime Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing competitively in late ADV era/ begining of DP era on NB and SB battle simulators. I've never been a very skilled player but I got enrolled in Smogon community in 2010 while BW was the main generation and since then I've been fascinated exclusively by old gens (gen 1-5). I've only played minor tournaments without any successful and from all over the generations I play I feel GSC is the hardest one to get better with and I'd like to improve as a player. As a side note take into account that my english is very crappy so please whoever wants to help me, please, be patient. Are you able to use Discord?: Yes Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: Emil Heskey PS! Username: Emil Heskey Your timezone: +5.5 Usual Hours of Availability: I can do between 5am-7:30am and 12:30pm to 10:00pm my time Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I came back to pokemon in march 2020 and have been playing mostly higher tiers in old gens. From January I have been posting every now and then in the nu projects, as well as participated in a couple of nu tours and a few other tours. Are you able to use Discord?: Yes Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: Zangoose5000 PS! Username: Zangoose360 Your timezone: GMT-4 Usual Hours of Availability: 9 am-3 pm, 9 pm-1 am my time. (School is starting in a week for me, so availability may change.) Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing Pokemon competivetly late 2020. I'm decent I guess. I usually play lower tiers often, especially NU. I sometimes have trouble building teams, especially when I try to make a Pokemon core or want to try out a set for a certain Pokemon. I would like some tips on teambuilding and how to make Pokemon cores. Are you able to use Discord?: Yes Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: Nezloe PS! Username: Nezloe Your timezone: -5 gmt
Usual Hours of Availability: 8am - 9pm or 10pm my time
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I first got into competive about 2 months ir so before the announcement of SWSH,at first I played vgc but slowly shifted towards singles as I found it far more exciting and fun. I started in OU since it was the main tier and needless to say I was not the best,a couple months past and I feel more confident as a player but I also realize I am not as good as I want to be,fast forward to 1-2 weeks before rypherior and zarude left RU,I enjoyed the tier a ton as it showed me mons that wouldn't normally be good in higher tiers can actaully be good in the right environment basically RU was like a whole new world to me.
Are you able to use Discord?: yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: yes.
Username: FordPrefect PS! Username: F0rdPrefect Your timezone: GMT+1 Usual Hours of Availability: After 6pm until midnight usually Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've been playing pokemon showdown since January 2020
and even if I learned some things I'm clearly lacking teambuilding skills, I reached ladder several times with teams I made and managed to beat some really good players (this is called luck). I really want to be better at teambuilding (especially other things than HO) and making decisions but I don't know were to begin. Are you able to use Discord?: Yes (Ford Prefect#0042) Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: implaser PS! Username: implaser01 Your timezone: +5:30 for now. Will be British time in 2 weeks.
Usual Hours of Availability: will be free all day for the next two weeks, will be free on weekends after
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): used to play a lot of OU and monotype from 2016 to 2018. not played competitively since then. got upto 1500 in OU ladder and got upto top 10 with several typesin monotype using a fairy team. i also plaayed some tournaments here and there and didn't place well as I just joined them for funs sake. challenging myself to reach top 50 of ladder after hiatus
Are you able to use Discord?:Yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?:Yes
Username: Ardy
PS! Username: winterloom67
Your timezone: EST (GMT -4)
Usual Hours of Availability: After 10 on weekdays, usually all day on sundays
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Ive been playing competitive since BW first came out, have played every gen OU since then, and Gen 6 onward UU and RU as well. Very little experience in Doubles (basically just the odd Doubles randbats) and I've got the itch to learn now. I know the basics of theory, since I read the discussion threads every now and then for fun and I keep up with Flying Press and used to read the Smog, but theres probably gaps in my knowledge I would love to fill.
Are you able to use Discord?: y
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: y
Username: Pixxels
PS! Username: Pixxels or Pixxels VGC
Your timezone: GMT + 3
Usual Hours of Availability: Almost free after 1pm till 10pm (This might change when school starts. If my school starts I would be around from 3:00PM till 10:30 PM)
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):I have been playing VGC since 2020. I have had alot of success with VGC with making Top 16(plyrs: 39) in BDC and Top 16 in Mt.Silver (plyrs :64+) and other grassroots tourneys. I have battled against alot of top player in VGC. As for DOU I am quite okayish at it I have 65-70% GXE and 1400 (iirc). I want to learn more of DOU since I really like playing with 2 mons on the field. I have posted some stuff on the Doubles OU forum from what I have seen while playing the meta game.
Are you able to use Discord?: yes sir
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: yes sir
Username: Mendeez PS! Username: Mendeez Your timezone: gmt -4 Usual Hours of Availability: usually with free time Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):I want to improve, since I want to play important tournaments, represent my country or things like that, I want to have a solid base and be a victory slot when the teams choose me Are you able to use Discord?: Yes (Mendez#0332) Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: AtraX Madara PS! Username: AtraX Madara Your timezone: GMT+2 Usual Hours of Availability:13pm-24pm this month,17-23pm from september towards Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I play since 2 years,i prefer ou and mono as tiers,i'm an offensive player which like pivotting.
I'm focussing on the monotype tier this time,but i would like to improve my game in the uber tier.
I don't have too much experience in the tier,but i played a bit. Are you able to use Discord?: Madara#6901 Do you understand how the blacklist works?: yes
Username: Red Witch PS! Username: AkaiMajo Your timezone: Pacific Standard Time (UTC -8:00) Usual Hours of Availability: Most weekdays from 5:00PM-8:00PM; dependent on work schedule; Sundays from 12PM-3PM Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I am very bad at it. The more I play, the more I realize I understand absolutely nothing. This is not like the competitive fighting games I play, and I feel very lost; need someone to guide me because these YouTube tutorials are NOT cutting it. Are you able to use Discord?: Yup. Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Mmhm. I can read.
Personal Note: I promise i'm not here to waste anyone's time. Competitive video games are a comfortable environment for me and I understand that I need to learn. Please don't hold the soft requirements against me; i'd post on the forums, but i'm generally the lurker type unless it is a IRC style chatroom *cough, Discord*, or I have relevant data to add; of which I do not currently for Pokemon.
Username: Bouki PS! Username: Bouki Your timezone: Gmt+2 france
Usual Hours of Availability: it depends , i have one week with a lot avaibility near all days , and other week with only the evening free. work suck :/
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Main Lc since a lot of years , i'm used to build a lot.
I would be serious because the goal of this tutoring for me is to participate in the next smogon competitions in monotype
Are you able to use Discord?:Yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?:Yes
Username: j3b4it33d PS! Username: johnathan madden Your timezone: GMT +10 Generation: DPP OU Usual Hours of Availability: All day Thursdays, weekday mornings between 9am and 11am and nights from 5pm up to 11:30pm-12am Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Started playing competitive in early 2015 with ORAS OU, before taking a hiatus in early 2017. I started playing older gens, particularly DPP OU, around October 2020 where I had a wifi battle with BKC. Around this time, I also participated in a few Discord tournaments, particularly a premier league on Jamvad‘s Discord channel. I’ve played quite a few ladder games, across different alts, but only manage to sit in the 1300s, and have lasted to round 3 of the last DPP Global. I participate RoA room tours from time to time, where I’ve won for DPP NU more recently. DPP is my all-time favourite metagame, and the one I find the most joy in playing, hence it is the metagame where I strive to be the best I can be in. I want to greatly improve on my teambuilding knowledge and ability, as well as my piloting skills, while continuously learning about the metagame. I feel like i’m inconsistent in my plays, where I make great plays one moment, and chokes the next. Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, Rich Homie Madden#7367 Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: Porydonk PO/PS! Username: Porydonk, but i use more than one account especially for VGC Your timezone: GMT +2 (CEST) Generation: RBY/GSC/ADV Usual Hours of Availability: mostly in the evening after 20:30 or sometimes between 17:30 and 19:00, but i will accomodate the requests of the tutor Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon: I started playing competitive with SWSH in the VGC format. I won a couple of locals (PC and MSS) and then when the lockdown hit i transitioned to online tournaments and got a 3rd place in a Pardini's Battle Dome.
Regarding singles i started playing with GSC OU and competed in a GSC PU Smogon tour. I then explored RBY and ADV by myself. I'd like to become a better overall player and start competing in Smogon seasonal tournaments! Are you able to use either Discord?: Yes Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: RuthlessDragon6 PS! Username: RuthlessDragon6 Your timezone: +5:30 Usual Hours of Availability: 9 AM IST to 12 PM IST Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I'm a middle ladder guy (1400-1600) with almost 76-84% GXE, started playing Ubers 2 Months ago and I see a lot of progress, I struggle with teambuilding, and Uhhh, maybe my WIncons, tho I have tried to improve it in past few weeks, but it's not enough, so I have decided to signup here. Are you able to use Discord?: RuthlessDragon6#9041 Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes I do.
Please Assign me to IoSonoNeon since he has already agreed to Teach me in our conversation via Discord.
Username: waffle2O2O PS! Username: waffle2O21 Your timezone: gmt +2
Usual Hours of Availability: most of the time I'm free usually in afternoons (17.00-19.00) and sometimes in evening Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I play pokemon since 2016, but I started playing competively on 2018. I want to make my pokemon skills better, and I chose Uber because seems a great tier. I have been playing dou for a year, even with decent but not relevant results. Are you able to use Discord?: yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: yes
Username: Paulluxx PS! Username: I use alts, but currently I'm using Paul(Paulluxx) Your timezone: EST/EDT -5/-4 Generation: BW OU
Usual Hours of Availability: Normally 3-7 my time on the weekdays(depending on the circumstance), Almost all day on weekends Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing Pokemon last year around when covid started, and I played months and months of competitive VGC on cartridge, when DLC 2 I started to transition to singles, but didn't fully switchover into singles until I joined Smogon on christmas for the OU seasonal, as expected went out round 1 but that made me want to play more, and since then I've been playing Pokemon very frequently, around march I fully joined the Pet Mods community and have been a constant contributor to the competitive environment there and have gotten a lot better as a player. I decided to participate in the BW Cup for the classic, and made it to round 5. I want to get better at every aspect of BW, teambuilding and playing. Are you able to use Discord?: Yes Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: Ibby0034 PS! Username: I alt most the time but I'm usually on applezucchini Your timezone: EST -5 Generation: BW OU Usual Hours of Availability: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 6pm to 12am and Saturday Sunday 12pm to 6pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive pokemon: I started playing BW OU since 2016ish and quit after getting bored of mons. I wasn't super competitive about playing BWOU but now since I am better than what I was 5 years ago I want to improve my skills and become better. I have not had a lot of tournament showings except for the recent BW CUP where I was eliminated R1. I want to get better in not only battling but team building :).
Are you able to use discord: Yeah (i b b e r t#0495) Do you understand how blacklisting works?: Yes
Username: NinjaSnapple PS! Username: NinjaSnapple Your timezone: BST (GMT +1) Usual Hours of Availability: 12am - 8pm (though this depends entirely on work schedule) Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I got into showdown around november 2020 and at first only played the singles formats. But then about 4-5 months ago I started playing Doubles OU and I have really enjoyed it and played on ladder quite a lot. But I feel like I have hit a ceiling in terms of my skill and am looking to improve at the format. Are you able to use Discord?: Yes (NinjaApple#8687) Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes