Assigned to: cy
Username: doodler or fnnnjd
PS! Username: fnnnjd
Your timezone: GMT +1
Usual Hours of Availability: Usually like 11am-11pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing all the way back in late XY, was pretty bad, got better, was alright if I do say so myself in late ORAS and most of SM format, juggled a bunch of tiers, had pretty good ladder rankings for SM OU, SM Ubers, then slowly played less and less through USUM and quit in early SS. Looking to get back into the game and mono seemed fun but I'm not too great at it. :)
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: doodler or fnnnjd
PS! Username: fnnnjd
Your timezone: GMT +1
Usual Hours of Availability: Usually like 11am-11pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing all the way back in late XY, was pretty bad, got better, was alright if I do say so myself in late ORAS and most of SM format, juggled a bunch of tiers, had pretty good ladder rankings for SM OU, SM Ubers, then slowly played less and less through USUM and quit in early SS. Looking to get back into the game and mono seemed fun but I'm not too great at it. :)
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes