Assigned to Togkey
Username: havocknight
PS! Username: h4v (I changed it literally today, it will be my main, but i used to play as esdeaf)
Signup Format: SV NU
Your timezone: GMT -2
Usual Hours of Availability: Im usually from 4.30pm to 7pm my time, but sometimes i play more and some less than that.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Uh, i used to play alot of XY competitive on my 3ds back then.. Im not really into Switch competitive. As for showdown, i was decent on ORAS OU and SM OU, but i didnt play it alot. Trying to get good on Lowtiers now.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes. My discord is havocknight
Username: havocknight
PS! Username: h4v (I changed it literally today, it will be my main, but i used to play as esdeaf)
Signup Format: SV NU
Your timezone: GMT -2
Usual Hours of Availability: Im usually from 4.30pm to 7pm my time, but sometimes i play more and some less than that.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Uh, i used to play alot of XY competitive on my 3ds back then.. Im not really into Switch competitive. As for showdown, i was decent on ORAS OU and SM OU, but i didnt play it alot. Trying to get good on Lowtiers now.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes. My discord is havocknight
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