All Official B101 Pairing Records

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Assigned to Togkey

Username: havocknight
PS! Username: h4v (I changed it literally today, it will be my main, but i used to play as esdeaf)
Signup Format: SV NU
Your timezone: GMT -2
Usual Hours of Availability: Im usually from 4.30pm to 7pm my time, but sometimes i play more and some less than that.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Uh, i used to play alot of XY competitive on my 3ds back then.. Im not really into Switch competitive. As for showdown, i was decent on ORAS OU and SM OU, but i didnt play it alot. Trying to get good on Lowtiers now.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes. My discord is havocknight
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Assigned to: Swiffix

Username: SwordIsBored
PS! Username: SwordIsBored
Signup Format: SV Monotype
Your timezone: GMT + 1
Usual Hours of Availability: Friday-Sunday mainly past 6 PM
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've played a variety of tiers, a few oldgen OUs which I'd consider myself alright at. I have basic knowledge of the game and have played Monotype tiers in the past, especially NatDex.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yea
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Assigned to Monai

Username: Pawwz
PS! Username: Calaeb
Signup Format: BW OU
Your timezone: EST (GMT -4)
Usual Hours of Availability: Weekdays, anytime from noon onwards. I'm usually on a lot during the afternoon as I'm not a morning person, sometimes occupied on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've been on showdown for 7 years, mostly just playing Monotype throughout the generations. I've peaked ladder multiple times in every gen single ORAS, and I've placed Top 8 in Monotype Seasonals. I'm looking to learn some older gens of OU to sharpen my skills and hopefully become a better player overall, thank you in advance!
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
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Assigned to Kenix

Username: Murman
PS! Username: Murman
Signup Format: RBY OU
Your timezone: EST (GMT -4)
Usual Hours of Availability: Around 12 PM to 12 AM but if needed I can be more flexible.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've played 1v1 for many years at this point, but I haven't branched out into too many other tiers. I've played a few tiers like VGC and Gen 7 RU casually but nothing to the point where I'd say I could compete in tournaments or anything. I also play a lot of RBY 1v1 so I understand most of the important mechanics, for me its primarily difficulty in the builder and actual in-game decisions.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
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Assigned to matte

Username: 15terms
PS! Username: Unban Kyogre
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: PST
Usual Hours of Availability: After 4 PM weekdays, after 12 AM weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing during the Isle of Armor and stayed in low ladder the whole time. During Crown Tundra I plateaued at 1450-1500 and stayed there through prehome SV. In the past week I've been improving my play and rising up the ladder, peaking at low 1600s and making much less errors than before.
Are you able to use Discord?: yes

Edit: peaked high 1700s, had 79.9% gxe when blood moon voter id thread closed
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Assigned to Bella

Username: genius1
PS! Username: genisu x org
Signup Format:sv pu
Your timezone:gmt-7
Usual Hours of Availability: after school pretty much throughout day (sometimes)
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): lc player,not the best. I;m trying to get into PU and want a tutor to help me improve. I am not active on smogon but I am on discord so I hope the communication can mainly be on discord.
Are you able to use Discord?:
Yes genius1nomorezr
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Assigned to Bella

Username: blooclipse
PS! Username: bitchclipse
Signup Format: svpu
Your timezone: -4
Usual Hours of Availability: most days later evenings
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): bella forced me to do this. been playing for ~a year and i'm an ou player, tours ladder whatever whatever. trying to get into other tiers so. pu seems cool
Are you able to use Discord?: blooclipse
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Assigned to adem

Username: nap00
PS! Username: nap97.4
Signup Format: NDOU
Your Timezon: PDT(GMT-7)
Usual Hours of Availability: Weekdays: 4-9pm PDT(11pm-am GMT) Weekends: About any time.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I began playing late gen 8 and I was genuinely terrible. I began actually learning pokemon's in and outs in early S/V, eventually hitting a 25-0 streak, although I fell off pretty ahrd immediately afterwards. I'm a mediocre to above average player and I don't know how to improve further. I hope being tutored could help me improve.
Are you able to use Discord? Yes
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Assigned to phosphor

Username: D4vdav
PS! Username: d4vdav
Signup Format: BW ou
Your timezone: +1
Usual Hours of Availability: After 17 roughly
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I got introduced to gen 9 ou and showdown just earlier this year (peak 1575) and really enjoyed it since i used to play pokemon in my childhood. Now i want to learn past gens where there are more mons that i remember from the games i played as a child.
Are you able to use Discord?: d4vdav
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Assigned to Ina fable

Username: Shiritu
PS! Username: Shiritu
Signup Format: SS OU
Your timezone: GMT +2
Usual Hours of Availability: Usually at night
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I started at the begining of natdex gen 8. I wanted to make a good team and I played to reach top ladder as a goal. I achieved it (top 50).
Then I heard about a pokemon vgc tournament (players cup I) and I wanted to enter as it was official. In order to participate, I asked for help in a showdown room and someone helped me make my first team. Then, since that time (s4 swsh) I participated in lots of tournaments (VRs, LEPEs, Locals, etc) reaching high results in some of them. I want to keep competing as much as I can because right now I can't afford going to regionals because of money.
Apart from vgc (that is from then my main tier), I have participated in 3 multibattle drafts (top 2/8/1), the two sv drafts (SM/Kick of) and the ones from oras, usum and swsh (top 64 swsh and top 48 sv kick of, made out of pools in the others). I participated in the instinct mixed league, a league from pokeinstinct (we are now in finals) where I played lots of different tiers. Also, I am playing right now in EPL.

Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, it is shiritu
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Assigned to Melt Gibson

PS! Username:Starbitstorm
Signup Format:SV UU
Your timezone: EST (GMT -5)
Usual Hours of Availability: weekdays 12:01 PM-3 PM and 8 PM - 12 AM, weekends 12 PM - 12 AM
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I am a UU player who got into UU this year. I have been able to make it to top 16 in UU Open and UU Masters. I started trying to play mons competitively in Gen 8. In gen 8 ou I had no relevant tour success.
Are you able to use Discord?:
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assigned to dawn to the dusk

Username: Nashrock
PS! Username: Nashrock
Signup Format: BWOU
Your timezone: GMT -4/-5
Usual Hours of Availability: everyday after 7pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing competitive mon at late BW2 period. I left for a long period and I'm now seeking for some training on the meta. And I'd like to learn from dawn to the dusk if possible :)
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
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Assigned to Swiffix for SV Monotype

PS! Username:Landshark1283101
Signup Format:Nat Dex Ou
Your timezone:Pst
Usual Hours of Availability: Weekdays: 8pm-12pm Weekends:8pm-12pm PST
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon:Ive had 4 years of competitive singles experience. It was casual at first but then i got into nat dex for the diverse team building and ive been playing ever since.
Are you able to use Discord?:Yes
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Assigned to BIG loven for DPP OU

Username: Pakawaka
PS! Username: Pakawaka
Signup Format: DPP OU
Your timezone: GMT+1
Usual Hours of Availability: anytime
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I wanna get better at DPP OU because its my favorite gen!
Are you able to use Discord?:
Yes!, #nintendofan2000
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Assigned to fatBatman

Username: silver grace
PS! Username: sapphire stardust
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: GMT+5.5
Usual Hours of Availability: 9pm onward, sometimes afternoon
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): i've been playing since ss era, mostly monotype and lower tiers. i have participated in multiple large-scale team tours since then: mpl, ruwc, nuwc, monowc. wanna expand my domain so i wanna learn ou
Are you able to use Discord?: yes, its.silver
I'd like fatBatman to be my tutor, we've discussed this topic beforehand
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Assigned to Yellow Paint

PS! Username:Lost_Pheoniix; MasterBlaster1375; Test 98 ou; Test 99 ou; some more i can‘t remember
Signup Format: SV DOU
Your timezone: UTC +2
Usual Hours of Availability: 8-10 maybe earlier
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): i have played hundreds of battles and know what i am doing but i want to learn more about the more advanced stuff. I tried VGC and didn‘t like it at all and i have tried OU and AAA before but i didn‘t stick with those. i never got into turnament play and i a currently just fooling around with strategies i think are underrated.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
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Assigned to Century Express

Username: Jhonx~
PS! Username: EG Jhonx
Signup Format: GSC OU
Your timezone: -3
Usual Hours of Availability: Since im working my avaibilities are after 5:30pm then after a week with that time I get free after 8:20pm to restart again that cycle
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon: I ve been playing Pokemon since many years and im known into tournaments scenario, im a good builder into most old gens bolding BW and ADV, this last GSC Cup I played GSC without know how the gen is but readings the basic mechanics only and got to Quarterfinals defeating 3 SPL players in the process, so I could say im experienced and skilled into playing
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, (jhonx is my discord tag), I can do calls too but my speaking skills are bad, if we talk slowly I can understand and speak better.
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Assigned to Stories

Username: latias999999999
PS! Username: latias999999999
Signup Format: SV NU
Your timezone: -5 GMT
Usual Hours of Availability: Tuesdays and Thursdays but generally free after 3:30
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Always lurked on this site but never tried any gamemodes other than randbats or building my own teams. I play a lot rand bats tho. Hoping to learn to make less mistakes.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
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Assigned to Thor

Username: latias999999999
PS! Username: latias999999999
Signup Format: GSC OU/ADV OU
Your timezone: -5 GMT
Usual Hours of Availability: Tuesdays and Thursdays but generally free after 3:30
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I play a lot of random battles and want to learn about some of the older tiers. I realized that gen 3 and 2 were my weakspots so I want to see what other players are thinking when they make decisions. Particularly gen 2 because I'm really bad at playing the long game and want to know what's the best move every turn.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
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Assigned to Ina fable

Username: seroo
PS! Username: seroo
Signup Format: SSOU
Your timezone: +2
Usual Hours of Availability: my evenings , most of the day weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Im pretty experienced all things considered , been drafted in quite a few tours, had positive records all around and understand most of the tiers and gens. My only issue is i cant play gen8/SS to save my god damn life these days
Are you able to use Discord?: yes , acrumbofserotonin
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Assigned to Ina fable

Username: Foufakirby
PS! Username: FFK Foufakirby
Signup Format: SS OU
Your timezone: GMT+2
Usual Hours of Availability : 4:30 - 7pm on weekdays, more flexible on weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing SS Natdex AG (was just trolling with cloyster team). But when I came back from my break, I focused in OU and started real strat at the beginning of gen9. I‘m a pretty good player. My objectif would be to improve my building, and my ingame, I made a good run during OLT (SV) (#3 cycle 4 even if I choked at the end), I didn’t really play SS OU but I should learn quickly thanks to my ingame
Are you able to use Discord?:
Yes foufakirby / Foufakirby #7395
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assigned to RoyalReloaded

Username: TrueIssue
PS! Username: TrueIssue
Signup Format: SV Monotype
Your timezone: EDT (GMT -4)
Usual Hours of Availability: Sunday/Monday 7 PM - 10PM, Tuesday 6 PM - 10 PM, Wednesday 2 PM - 10 PM, Thursday - Saturday 9 AM - 7 PM
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I would watch some competitive in Gen 7, but didn't really pick it up til Gen 8. I mostly play on my phone as I'm on the move at work. Mostly did Gen8NationalDexMonotype, ended the series on elo1125 with 700 wins and 673 losses. This gen, my Gen9Monotype is at Elo1367 with 384 wins and 360 losses. I want to take Monotype a lot more seriously, but I'm feeling out of touch with building and playing.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, TrueIssue
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Assigned to roxie

Username: FadedCharm
PS! Username: FadedCharm
Signup Format: SV monotype
Your timezone: GMT- 5
Usual Hours of Availability: 7pm-11pm Monday-Sunday
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've been playing pokemon showdown on and off since gen 6. I've only recently (Later half of 2022) gotten into being actually competive aspect of things. I've been doing mainly oms and national dex monotype (mompl and ndmpl). SV monotype has had mixed results for me. I just want to be able to improve at playing the game I've come to really enjoy.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes.
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Assigned to RoyalReloaded

Username: finncepti0n
PS! Username: finncepti0n
Signup Format: SV Monotype
Your timezone: GMT -7
Usual Hours of Availability:
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I like monotype. i watch wolfeyvgc videos. i also like starmie.
Are you able to use Discord?: yes, finncepti0n
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assigned to SwordIsBored

Username: genisu
PS! Username: genisu x org
Signup Format: SV 1v1
Your timezone: GMT-7(pst)
Usual Hours of Availability: after school and random times
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): lc main thats benched for a teamtour and 1v1 looks fun and chill
Are you able to use Discord?:
yes yourgenisu
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