RU All out attacker Entei [QC 3/3][GP 1/1]


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name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Extreme Speed
move 2: Sacred Fire
move 3: Stone Edge
move 4: Crunch / Double-Edge
item: Choice Band / Heavy-Duty-Boots
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
tera type: Normal / Dark

Set Details
Entei is a phenomenal wallbreaker that can eviscerate common Pokemon like Bisharp, Jirachi, and Slither Wing. Extreme Speed is used to help Entei pick off faster Pokemon, such as weakened Noivern, Cyclizar, and Choice Scarf Krookodile. It's especially useful against more offensive teams, being able to revenge kill foes like Weak Armor Armarouge, Dragon Dance Salamence, and Barraskewda after some chip damage. Stone Edge hits targets such as Volcanion, Armarouge, and Salamence. Crunch is used to target Slowbro, which would otherwise come in comfortably. Double-Edge can be substituted for Crunch, granting Entei the opportunity to hit foes that resist its Fire-type STAB moves like Gastrodon, Suicune, and Cyclizar harder. Choice Band is usually preferred, as it gives Entei the opportunity to OHKO foes like Noivern with Stone Edge. Heavy-Duty Boots is good for teams that lack entry hazard removal, in exchange for being weaker than Choice Band. On Choice Band sets, Tera Normal boosts Extreme Speed to secure a 2HKO on faster foes like Noivern. Tera Normal also provides decent defensive utility, providing an immunity to Ghost-type STAB moves from the likes of Gengar and Mimikyu. Tera Normal grants Entei the opportunity to 2HKO targets such as Slowbro and Suicune, which would otherwise come in comfortably on Entei, with Choice Band-boosted Double-Edge. Tera Dark can also be used to further boost the power of Choice Band Entei's Crunch, being able to cleanly 2HKO maximum Defense Slowbro while also being able to OHKO Basculegion-F and Armarouge.

Entei is an excellent fit on balance and bulky offense teams, as they appreciate its ability to dispatch common threats, spread burns, and provide strong priority. Pokemon such as Krookodile and Bisharp appreciate Entei's ability to directly threaten bulky Pokemon such as Chesnaught and Slither Wing, in addition to possibly crippling Hippowdon and Rhyperior with burn from Sacred Fire. This opens up teammates such as Choice Scarf Krookodile and Bisharp to sweep. In return, Krookodile sets Stealth Rock and utilizes Knock Off to help wear down Pokemon that like to come in on Entei, such as Slowbro, while Bisharp directly threatens Slowbro and can blow holes in the opposing team to allow Entei a clean sweep late-game. Bisharp has the ability to threaten faster Pokemon that Entei is vulnerable to like Gengar with its Sucker Punch. Special attackers like Gardevoir and Basculeigon-F pair well with Entei, as it can deal significant damage to their checks such as Hisuian Goodra and Empoleon. Choice Band Entei can struggle to get in if Stealth Rock is up, so it appreciates hazard removal from Pokemon such as Cyclizar and Galarian Weezing. In addition to this, Cyclizar brings Entei in safely against Pokemon that like to come in on it, such as Mamoswine and Chesnaught, which Entei takes advantage of. Entei also appreciates entry hazard support from Pokemon such as Jirachi and Chesnaught. This helps weaken checks such as Slowbro and Hippowdon and weakens other Pokemon to be picked off with Extreme Speed. Jirachi also provides U-turn, which allows Entei to come in safely against foes such as Registeel.

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All-Out Attacker
move 1: Extreme Speed
move 2: Sacred Fire
move 3: Stone Edge
move 4: Crunch / Double-Edge
item: Choice Band / Heavy-Duty-Boots
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
tera type: Normal / Dark

Set Details

Entei is a phenomenal wallbreaker being able to eviscerate common Pokemon like Bisharp, Jirachi, and Slither Wing. Extreme Speed is used to help Entei pick off faster Pokemon such as weakened Noivern, Cyclizar, and Choice Scarf Krookodile Rain isn't super relevant but it's nice to mention that ESpeed is great vs weather in general, Barraskewda especially. Stone Edge is also used as coverage to hit targets such as Volcanion, Armarouge, and specially based variants of Salamance. Crunch is used to hit major threats like Slowbro, Armarouge, and Jirachi. Double Edge can be substituted for Crunch, which In in conjunction with Tera Normal and Choice band Band enables Entei to score 2HKOs on bulky waters Water-types such as Slowbro, Suicune, and Vaporeon. Tera Normal also provides decent defensive utility providing an immunity to Ghost STAB from the likes of Gengar and Mimikyu. Tera Dark can also be used To to further boost the power of Crunch being able to cleanly 2HKO max physically defensive Slowbro without the drawback of recoil while also being able to hit Pokémon such as Basculeigon-F Basculegion-F which would otherwise come in on it freely.

Entei is mostly for Bulky Offense teams. These teams appreciate Entei’s ability to dispatch many common threats. Restructure the first sentence here to flow into the second better, such as "Entei is a great fit on balance and bulky offense teams as they appreciate its ability to dispatch common threats and provide strong priority" Pokémon such as Krookodile and Bisharp appreciate Entei’s ability to threaten physical walls such as Chesnaught and Slither Wing. In return, Krookdile sets Stealth Rock to help wear down Pokemon that like to come in on Entei such as Slowbro. While Bisharp directly threatens Slowbro. In addition to providing support in Knock off Off, while also answering faster threats to Entei such as Gengar through its Priority Sucker punch Punch. Entei can struggle to get in safely especially if it’s Choice Band so, it appreciates hazard removal from Pokemon such as Cyclizar and Galarian Weezing through rapid spin. In addition to this Cyclizar brings it safely against Pokemon that like to come in on it such as Registeel and Magnezone which Entei takes advantage of. Add a sentence or two going over entry hazard setters that it pairs with, like Jirachi and Chesnaught to help wear stuff down for it to clean with ESpeed.

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A fair amount of grammatical errors that could use cleaning up, along with some qc stuffs. Implement and tag me so I can review before moving to QC2.
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All-Out Attacker
move 1: Extreme Speed
move 2: Sacred Fire
move 3: Stone Edge
move 4: Crunch / Double-Edge
item: Choice Band / Heavy-Duty-Boots
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
tera type: Normal / Dark

Set Details
Entei is a phenomenal wall breaker wallbreaker who can eviscerate common Pokemon like Bisharp, Jirachi, and Slither Wing. Extreme Speed is used to help Entei pick off faster Pokemon, such as weakened Noivern, Cyclizar, and Choice Scarf Krookodile. In addition to being a decent revenge-killer against rain teams picking off faster threats such as Barraskewda and weakened Overqwil. be a little broader here and say that it's especially useful against offensive structures and then give examples like Armarouge and Gyarados for HO and Barra for rain Stone Edge is also used as coverage to hit targets such as Volcanion, Armarouge, and specially based variants of Salamance Salamence. Stone Edge hits every Salamence sets Crunch hits major threats like Slowbro, Armarouge, and Jirachi. rephrase this, Crunch is mostly here to hit Slowbro, Arma folds to Stone Edge and Jirachi takes Sacred Fire, if you want a second example you can use Cresselia since Crunch is the best option to hit it but Crunch belongs in the set only because Slowbro is top tier Double Edge can be substituted for Crunch, which in conjunction with Tera Normal and Choice Band enables Entei to score 2HKOs on bulky Water types such as Slowbro, Suicune, and Vaporeon. don't mention calcs with Tera yet, say that Double-Edge is a good midground option because it hits Pokemon that resist Entei's STAB hard like Gastrodon, Suicune and especially Cyclizar which can faint after rock chips Tera Normal also provides decent defensive utility providing an immunity to Ghost STAB from the likes of Gengar and Mimikyu. so here mention Extreme Speed first and some calcs, then defensive utility and then Double-Edge Tera Dark can also be used to further boost the power of Crunch being able to cleanly 2HKO max physically defensive Slowbro without the drawback of recoil while also being able to hit Pokémon such as Basculegion-F which would otherwise come in on it freely. KO Basculegion-F and Armarouge, therefore denying an eventual Weak Armor boost.

Entei is an excellent fit on balance and bulky offense teams as they appreciate its ability to dispatch common threats, spread burns and provide strong priority. Pokémon Pokemon such as Krookodile and Bisharp appreciate Entei’s ability to directly threaten physical walls bulky Pokemon Slither Wing is not a wall such as Chesnaught and Slither Wing add that it can also cripple Hippowdon and Rhyperior with Sacred Fire's burn. In return, Krookodile sets Stealth Rock to help wear down Pokemon that like to come in on Entei, such as Slowbro. While Bisharp directly threatens Slowbro and can blow holes in the opposing team to allow Entei a clean sweep during the late-game. In addition to providing support in Knock Off, while also answering faster threats to Entei, such as Gengar, through its Priority Sucker Punch this sentence is confusing since it seems like you're talking about Bisharp so add Knock Off support to the part about Krook and Sucker Punch to the one about Bisharp. Entei can struggle to get in safely, especially if it’s Choice Band, you're writing about the Choice Band set here so yes it is Choice Band no need to mention it again so it appreciates hazard removal from Pokemon such as Cyclizar and Galarian Weezing. In addition to this, Cyclizar brings it safely against Pokemon that like to come in on it, such as Registeel and Magnezone Mamoswine and Chesnaught, which Entei takes advantage of. Entei also appreciates entry hazard support from Pokemon such as Jirachi and Chesnaught. This will help weaken checks such as Slowbro and Hippowdon and pick off other weakened Pokemon with Extreme Speed. The former also provides U-turn which allow Entei to come in safely against foes such as Registeel.

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Good work, implement this to the best you can and we'll have a third qc check come after.
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All-Out Attacker
move 1: Extreme Speed
move 2: Sacred Fire
move 3: Stone Edge
move 4: Crunch / Double-Edge
item: Choice Band / Heavy-Duty-Boots
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
tera type: Normal / Dark

Set Details
Entei is a phenomenal wallbreaker who can eviscerate common Pokemon like Bisharp, Jirachi, and Slither Wing. Extreme Speed is used to help Entei pick off faster Pokemon, such as weakened Noivern, Cyclizar, and Choice Scarf Krookodile. It’s especially useful against more offensive teams being able to revenge kill foes like Weak Armor Armarouge, Dragon Dance Salamence and Barraskewda in rain after some chip damage. Stone Edge is also used to hit targets such as Volcanion, Armarouge, and Salamence. Crunch is to target Slowbro which would otherwise come in comfortably. Double-Edge can be substituted for Crunch, granting Entei the opportunity to hit foes that resists its STAB like Gastrodon, Suicune, and Cyclizar harder. Talk about CB vs Boots: cb is good for pure damage (mention a KO or 2 that CB can get but Boots can't) but boots can be needed on teams with less reliable hazard removal On Choice Band sets, Tera Normal boosts Extreme Speed to secure a 2HKO on faster foes like Noivern. Tera Normal also provides decent defensive utility providing an immunity to Ghost STAB from the likes of Gengar and Mimikyu. Tera Normal grants Entei the opportunity to becom 2HKO targets such as Slowbro and Suicune which would otherwise come in comfortably on Entei with Choice Band-boosted Double-Edge. Tera Dark can also be used to further boost the power of Choice Band Entei's Crunch being able to cleanly 2HKO max physically defensive Slowbro while also being able to OHKO Basculegion-F and Armarouge, therefore denying an eventual Weak Armor boost.

Entei is an excellent fit on balance and bulky offense teams as they appreciate its ability to dispatch common threats, spread burns and provide strong priority. Pokemon such as Krookodile and Bisharp appreciate Entei’s ability to directly threaten bulky Pokemon such as Chesnaught and Slither Wing in addition to possibly crippling Hippowdon and Rhyperior with burn from Sacred Fire Add that this can help Scarf Krook and Bisharp pull off a sweep. In return, Krookodile sets Stealth Rock and utilizes Knock Off to help wear down Pokemon that like to come in on Entei, such as Slowbro. While Bisharp directly threatens Slowbro and can blow holes in the opposing team to allow Entei a clean sweep during the late-game. In addition to providing support in Knock Off, Bisharp has the ability to threaten faster Pokemon Entei is vulnerable to like Gengar with its Sucker Punch. Add that special attackers like Gardevoir and Herscu can also pair well with Entei as it can deal big damage to Hoodra, Umbreon, Cyclizar, Empoleon etc. Choice Band Entei can struggle to get in safely if Stealth Rock is up, so it appreciates hazard removal from Pokemon such as Cyclizar and Galarian Weezing. In addition to this, Cyclizar brings it Entei in safely against Pokemon that like to come in on it, such as Mamoswine and Chesnaught, which Entei takes advantage of. Entei also appreciates entry hazard support from Pokemon such as Jirachi and Chesnaught. This helps weaken checks such as Slowbro and Hippowdon and pick off other weakened Pokemon with Extreme Speed. The former also provides U-turn which allow Entei to come in safely against foes such as Registeel.

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Great work, implement and ready for GP
AMGP: You still need an Official GP check
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All-Out Attacker
move 1: Extreme Speed
move 2: Sacred Fire
move 3: Stone Edge
move 4: Crunch / Double-Edge
item: Choice Band / Heavy-Duty-Boots
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
tera type: Normal / Dark

Set Details
Entei is a phenomenal wallbreaker who that can eviscerate common Pokemon like Bisharp, Jirachi, and Slither Wing. Extreme Speed is used to help Entei pick off faster Pokemon, such as weakened Noivern, Cyclizar, and Choice Scarf Krookodile. It’s especially useful against more offensive teams, (AC) being able to revenge kill foes like Weak Armor Armarouge, Dragon Dance Salamence, (AC) and Barraskewda after some chip damage. Stone Edge is also used to hit targets such as Volcanion, Armarouge, and Salamence. Crunch is used to target Slowbro, (AC) which would otherwise come in comfortably. Double-Edge can be substituted for Crunch, granting Entei the opportunity to hit foes that resists resist its Fire-type STAB moves like Gastrodon, Suicune, and Cyclizar harder. Choice Band is usually preferred, (AC) as it gives Entei the opportunity to OHKO foes like Noivern with Stone Edge. Heavy-Duty Boots is good for teams that lack hazard removal, (AC) in exchange for being weaker than Choice Band. On Choice Band sets, Tera Normal boosts Extreme Speed to secure a 2HKO on faster foes like Noivern. Tera Normal also provides decent defensive utility, (AC) providing an immunity to Ghost Ghost-type STAB moves from the likes of Gengar and Mimikyu. Tera Normal grants Entei the opportunity to 2HKO targets such as Slowbro and Suicune, (AC) which would otherwise come in comfortably on Entei with Choice Band-boosted Double-Edge. Tera Dark can also be used to further boost the power of Choice Band Entei's Crunch being able to cleanly 2HKO max maximum physically defensive Slowbro, (AC) while also being able to OHKO Basculegion-F and Armarouge.

Entei is an excellent fit on balance and bulky offense teams, (AC) as they appreciate its ability to dispatch common threats, spread burns, (AC) and provide strong priority. Pokemon such as Krookodile and Bisharp appreciate Entei’s ability to directly threaten bulky Pokemon such as Chesnaught and Slither Wing, (AC) in addition to possibly crippling Hippowdon and Rhyperior with burn from Sacred Fire. This opens up teammates such as Choice Scarf Krookodile and Bisharp to sweep. In return, Krookodile sets Stealth Rock and utilizes Knock Off to help wear down Pokemon that like to come in on Entei, such as Slowbro (RP), (AC) while Bisharp directly threatens Slowbro and can blow holes in the opposing team to allow Entei a clean sweep during the late-game. Bisharp has the ability to threaten faster Pokemon that Entei is vulnerable to like Gengar with its Sucker Punch. Special attackers like Gardevoir and Basculeigon-F pair well with Entei, (AC) as it they can deal significant damage to their checks such as Hisuian Goodra and Empoleon. Choice Band Entei can struggle to get in if Stealth Rock is up, so it appreciates hazard removal from Pokemon such as Cyclizar and Galarian Weezing. In addition to this, Cyclizar brings Entei in safely against Pokemon that like to come in on it, such as Mamoswine and Chesnaught, which Entei takes advantage of. Entei also appreciates entry hazard support from Pokemon such as Jirachi and Chesnaught. This helps weaken checks such as Slowbro and Hippowdon and pick off other weakened Pokemon with Extreme Speed. The former Jirachi also provides U-turn, (AC) which allow Entei to come in safely against foes such as Registeel.

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name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Extreme Speed
move 2: Sacred Fire
move 3: Stone Edge
move 4: Crunch / Double-Edge
item: Choice Band / Heavy-Duty-Boots
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
tera type: Normal / Dark

Set Details
Entei is a phenomenal wallbreaker that can eviscerate common Pokemon like Bisharp, Jirachi, and Slither Wing. Extreme Speed is used to help Entei pick off faster Pokemon, such as weakened Noivern, Cyclizar, and Choice Scarf Krookodile. It’s It's (Fix apostrophe) especially useful against more offensive teams, being able to revenge kill foes like Weak Armor Armarouge, Dragon Dance Salamence, and Barraskewda after some chip damage. Stone Edge is also used to hit hits targets such as Volcanion, Armarouge, and Salamence. Crunch is used to target Slowbro, which would otherwise come in comfortably. Double-Edge can be substituted for Crunch, granting Entei the opportunity to hit foes that resist its Fire-type STAB moves like Gastrodon, Suicune, and Cyclizar harder. Choice Band is usually preferred, as it gives Entei the opportunity to OHKO foes like Noivern with Stone Edge. Heavy-Duty Boots is good for teams that lack entry hazard removal, in exchange for being weaker than Choice Band. On Choice Band sets, Tera Normal boosts Extreme Speed to secure a 2HKO on faster foes like Noivern. Tera Normal also provides decent defensive utility, providing an immunity to Ghost-type STAB moves from the likes of Gengar and Mimikyu. Tera Normal grants Entei the opportunity to 2HKO targets such as Slowbro and Suicune, which would otherwise come in comfortably on Entei, (AC) with Choice Band-boosted Double-Edge. Tera Dark can also be used to further boost the power of Choice Band Entei's Crunch, (AC) being able to cleanly 2HKO maximum physically defensive Defense Slowbro (RC) while also being able to OHKO Basculegion-F and Armarouge.

Entei is an excellent fit on balance and bulky offense teams, as they appreciate its ability to dispatch common threats, spread burns, and provide strong priority. Pokemon such as Krookodile and Bisharp appreciate Entei’s Entei's (Fix apostrophe) ability to directly threaten bulky Pokemon such as Chesnaught and Slither Wing, in addition to possibly crippling Hippowdon and Rhyperior with burn from Sacred Fire. This opens up teammates such as Choice Scarf Krookodile and Bisharp to sweep. In return, Krookodile sets Stealth Rock and utilizes Knock Off to help wear down Pokemon that like to come in on Entei, such as Slowbro, while Bisharp directly threatens Slowbro and can blow holes in the opposing team to allow Entei a clean sweep late-game. Bisharp has the ability to threaten faster Pokemon that Entei is vulnerable to like Gengar with its Sucker Punch. Special attackers like Gardevoir and Basculeigon-F pair well with Entei, as they it (Consulted with author in Discord DMs) can deal significant damage to their checks such as Hisuian Goodra and Empoleon. Choice Band Entei can struggle to get in if Stealth Rock is up, so it appreciates hazard removal from Pokemon such as Cyclizar and Galarian Weezing. In addition to this, Cyclizar brings Entei in safely against Pokemon that like to come in on it, such as Mamoswine and Chesnaught, which Entei takes advantage of. Entei also appreciates entry hazard support from Pokemon such as Jirachi and Chesnaught. This helps weaken checks such as Slowbro and Hippowdon and pick off weakens other weakened Pokemon to be picked off with Extreme Speed. Jirachi also provides U-turn, which allow allows Entei to come in safely against foes such as Registeel.

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GP Team done
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