Invalid Allow Utility Umbrella to work against Desolate Land + Primordial Sea

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The Utility Umbrella is stated to ignore rain and sun based effects. Therefore I believe it should work against the Primal's effects. When the holder uses the Utility Umbrella against Desolate land for example, the Pokemon is allowed to use water type attacks and in Primordial Sea the Pokemon should be allowed to use fire type attacks.


time heals all
is a Programmeris a Battle Simulator Moderator
First of all, Utility Umbrella doesn’t affect the attacks used by the holder, it affects attacks targeted at the holder. So what you described wouldn’t even be what would happen if Utility Umbrella worked for primal weather. Second, Utility Umbrella has already been tested in game for primal weather before, and it was proven to not affect the failure of fire/water moves (see end of this post). So this is an invalid suggestion because it’s asking to change mechanics.

mia edit: thanks for details. closing
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