This has been a long time coming (I did promise you matte) but I've been constantly been putting this post on the backburner due to being busy from IRL, the constant flow of tournaments and just plain laziness but now that APAC who I've been supporting though OMWC has been knocked out in semi-finals I decided to finally finish off this post, especially with the current state of the meta we find ourselves in and without any IRL issues to bother me anymore.
OMPL Week 1:
[W] Glaliegoesboom vs MZ +
[W] Envy1 vs sealoo (OMFL W2)

by LordBox + Glaliegoesboom
There wasn't much of a collective idea this time around, I simply dumped various pastes of the teams I had been working on pre-OMPL and asked Glalie to test some of them out to see what they liked. I remember working on some ideas in the background like Soundproof Iron Hands but eventually Glalie settled on this idea and made a few tweaks to the team, changing the previously Moldy offensive to a more defensive EE Tusk which was better. SpDef Manaphy might be preferred as you are quite suspicious into the various special breakers floating around but Physdef did manage to clutch up versus the very annoying Kingambit that MZ brought. I already went through the game in my one review but MZ had a pretty good MU but thankfully Glalie managed to play well and capitalise off a big mistake by MZ. Funnily enough the one week when sealoo went to build their own stuff they ended up encountering this same team that Osake stole from the teamcord which ended up winning against them (It even used Moldy Tusk which was the original version before Glalie edited it to use EE, though EPack was their idea)
[W] shiloh vs abriel 

by racool
While a few ideas and pastes were floated like generic MGLO RMoon offense and even some FutureSight stuff shiloh decided to bring a racool team versus abriel. Not much to say as I didn't have much input into making this team obviously but it was pretty cohesive and worked well enough to make for a win versus abriel despite the annoying CB RMoon that abriel brought.
OMPL Week 2:
[L] shiloh vs Betticus IV 

by racool
An annoying loss, Dragonite was a predicted bring by Betticus and shiloh ultimately ended up loading a racool team that was coincidentally quite weak to Dragonite with all our breakers allowing easy entry for Dragonite and very flimsy defensive checks. Originally I remember working on some Primsea Archaludon stuff beforehand, though it didn't end up panning out too well in tests but I still think Arch is a pretty neat mon that a better builder could make work.
[W] Career Ended vs Clas 

by matte
A fairly generic matte team I didn't have much involvement in, though I did test it quite a bit and made a few variants to amend some of the poorer matchups of the team (like opposing Dragonite) Ultimately Career brought the original team and it worked out well enough versus Clas though the opposing Dragonite was a bit scary Career was good enough to never let it in until he already had a mon advantage to win.
OMPL Week 3:
[W] shiloh vs pyu 

by LordBox
Looking at some of the stuff they had brought in AAA and Bo3 and also based off what I knew their preferences in the past we were pretty wary of annoying offense. Glalie suggested the initial premise of using SFLO Prima to exploit their very flimsy defensive cores and I agreed so we rolled with it and I made some generic balance around Prima with stacked special breakers to pressure and win once any RegenVest was gone. In game we rolled a stacked MU with Itemless Defensive Ghold vs Ceruledge and Zama-H, Shocks into AV Swamp and RegenVest Primarina into Heatran that led for a very easy win. In retrospect, PrimSea Primarina is probably a better pick here due to the popularity of Heatran but we managed to get away with it here.
[W] Career Ended vs astralydia +
[W] sealoo vs autumn (OMFL W1)

by matte + LordBox
Astralydia's team were fairly similar with rather suspicious defensive integrity so we bounced around a few ideas like HO, Boulder and Chien-Pao, though they didn't pan out too well in tests so we went a fairly decent MGLO Ghold team that seemed alright though after a bit of testing I changed the Ghold to be Specs since MGLO kinda sucks and can't win fast enough. Forgot to specify the ability but Career ended up bring Adapt and it mauled through astralydia's team pretty efficiently and got us a pretty neat win. Once we had used it I passed it to sealoo for OMFL and it did quite well there though, though the ability was amended this time to Hadron Engine.
OMPL Week 4:
[W] Glaliegoesboom vs Glory 

by LordBox
I had known Glory and I had known they didn't like using Corv much and I knew they liked using Deoxys-Speed so I put out a few pastes with stuff like Vabs Corv out for Glalie to use and we ended up settling on this CB RMoon one. The speed control is quite poor but Pecha can handle annoying setup if need be and we had mostly covered over fast mons so I thought eh good enough. Lo and behold they bring a Tusk-Pecha Corv with a Deoxys-Speed and Glalie plays well enough for a very comfortable win here.
[W] Career Ended vs Ivar57 +
[W] sealoo vs Dahness (OMFL W3)

by LordBox
Again I was busy and I don't remember too well what happened with the prep here but I remember pumping out like 5 pastes a day before the game for Career who after talking with matte settled on this EE Hands team. I don't remember making this with anything particular in mind except for the fact that Iron Hands was a bit unexplored and potentially cool and it eventually ended up working well to clean up here. Vabs Corv core again for the paranoia of Deoxys-Speed and also making up for no GTusk removal though this time it ended up working out well to nullify Shocks (bad mon). I did want to use this Hadron Deoxys-S set for a while as it's
really strong and it still is but is a bit clunky to use (as seen in the game) but still worked pretty well.
OMPL Week 5:
[W] shiloh vs Lana 

by matte
I wasn't really too involved this week as I was still busy, shiloh did originally make some kind of weird offensive into Lana but matte eventually came in clutch to provide a stall team that worked well enough versus Lana, though the lack of testing did almost come in a bit deadly versus the Moldy Tusk but shiloh played well around it to clutch up a win.
[L] Career Ended vs xavgb 

by matte + LordBox
I'm not sure why but for some reason we had decided on SpD Regen Ting-Lu which I wasn't too much of a fan of but we rolled with it. Matte sent out the initial 3 mon core of Ting-Lu + STail and Heatran and I filled out the rest quickly utilising a theorised offensive core of Ogerpon-W and Gambit. There was quite a bit of debate on WBB or Adapt as our Heatran MU was quite bad but ultimately we loaded Adapt into Heatran and so the rest is history... We did realise quite a few flaws actually quite late on and I made 2 variants quickly but since it was so close to the match I told career to just load what they were comfortable with and had tested... which proved a poor decision in hindsight. In foresight the offensive core was also a bit suspect as Kingambit kinda sucks given Tusk is a fat asshole but oh well.
OMPL Week 6:
[L] Glaliegoesboom vs Atha 

by Glaliegoesboom
Glalie really wanted to load Stall this week to cteam Atha, I didn't really mind as I don't think Atha would cteam it (in fact they just re-used what Bo3 loaded...) but I was pretty uncomfortable with some of the wild concepts like pain-split Toxapex... ultimately it didn't do
too badly in tests and we rolled with it and loaded into an annoying TrickScarf Ghold matchup that eventually reversed the use of Sticky Barb onto us.
[W] shiloh vs Potatochan +
[L] sealoo vs DaMMu

by LordBox
When we asked shiloh what they wanted to bring this week they advised us not to make anything too standard as apparently racool knew their playstyle very well so we settled on bringing some fuck it we ball HO. I am somewhat sad we didn't get to bring Surge Surfer Thundurus as that set is a bit broken but regardless we got the easy 6-0 matchup, not much else to say for the game. PsySurge is pretty neat on HO I've figured as Dragonite is a bitch though its gone now so lol.
OMPL Week 7:
[W] Glaliegoesboom vs Sulo +
[W] sealoo vs Gimmicky (

by LordBox + matte
Sulo's team was already out this week so we didn't expect too much, perhaps some wild HO to meme or otherwise just some pretty standard stuff and we thought Glalie was better so we just gave them a variant of a balance that worked well in w3. In the actual match the mu was actually pretty sus without EBall Deoxys-Speed but thankfully Sulo let Swamp get sacked into Heatran SBeam leading for a clean win afterwards. But in hindsight, relying on Heatran for Swampert probably isn't a great idea as more people catch onto SBeam Heatran being a pain (as well as other Grass coverage Fires). I'm not sure if it was intentional but for sealoo we decided on running some Ogerpon-C to cteam Gimmicky's structures but I ended up using the exact same structure, just replacing Deoxys-Speed. Unfortunately we ran into a Ghold and WBB Kingambit but sealoo still managed to clutch up and remove Swamp to clean up in a tight endgame with Zapdos.
AAAPL Week 1:
[L] AM vs Dragonilis 

Team is very generic offense-balance slop with Pecha Tusk and RMoon and Ogerpon-Wellspring to shore up what Swamp is annoyed by, Molt does suck with this team but you can modify Wellspring slot for it probably. In game AM played mostly well around the annoying Pao matchup to go into a favourable sack-war endgame until they sacked their Pecha to the STail which was otherwise key with its ability to force a trade versus Pao or irritate everything with Malignant.
AAAPL Week 2:
[W] berry vs damflame 3 

Damflame wasn't someone with an extensive scout or anything so I just dumped a bunch of teams including some of the decent ones from OMPL and they ended up choosing this one, almost choosing the Pickpocket Tusk which would've been funny to see but alas. The team I did end up modifying to remove Azelf with no Dragonite that forced its usage and berry and DFM made some tweaks like making Ghold EE which helped in-game (though I still prefer WBB)
AAAPL Week 3:
[W] AM vs MZ 

To be honest I've put this post on the backburner for so long I've forgotten the process we used but I'm fairly sure it was similar to the last week where I gave AM a list of teams to run with and they ended up coincidentally running another rerun from OMPL. A very tight game that ended up with AM cinching the win vs MZ with a speedtie on RMoon vs Ace.
AAAPL Week 4:
[L] berry vs O1V7O2X9O 

by LordBox + Quantum Tesseract
I carved up a generic first 5 mons for berry to use and QT and berry figured out to try out DDance Kommo-o which was an interesting idea however the lack of a Ground-type and even rock-setter did end up hurting us with the bad MU, though there might've been chances for Kommo-o to win with Sub and DDance it would've tight even with perfect play.
AAAPL Week 5:
[W] ojr vs Kaif 

At this point we were guaranteed out so I decided to just fuck around with a random niche set being Storm Drain Ursaluna. Originally I concocted a WBB Corv core for this but then I realised it got completely stomped by Pao so I ended up defaulting back to very generic Zap-Corv and Swamp stuff with a MGLO Cob as extra offensive pressure and a rock setter + Ghold speed control and bait for Swamp. In retrospect this team could've been better, having a poor MU into Deo-S but given we were out I didn't really mind. Weirdly enough I also saw the same 6 used by the Ceruledges later on in playoffs (though with different sets like TWave Zapdos) even though this team was a 10-minute concocted mess with a meme set.
OMWC Week 3 (The Erased Game)
(A Spiritual Win) O1 vs DeepFriedMagikarp

by LordBox + O1
Game that got erased from the face of the earth with the server crash but a spiritual win since we were up two and the IDBP Zama was the only chance to win and with full Malig PP up it'd be easy to force Rest then kill it with Heatran or even Sacred Sword Pao (252 Atk Choice Band Sword of Ruin Chien-Pao Sacred Sword vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Zamazenta: 164-194 (42.2 - 50%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery). I only occasionally looked over pastes and provided some when asked but since DFM was good I was asked to help a bit more so I took a look at the scout and MGLO Tusk seemed pretty funny into most of their builds and WBB Corv was also an interesting idea since I knew they liked abusing Fire-types very often. Though there was no Fire-type to check and an annoying EE Ghold, O1 still managed to pilot pretty well to be up 6-4 in a fairly leading position until the server cut out.
OMWC Week 3 (The Actual Game)
[W] O1V7O2X9O vs DeepFriedMagikarp

I was a bit annoyed that we were robbed from a likely win and given it was so late in the week I just passed what I had created for Lana that week (though they didn't use) and tweaked it a bit to optimise. No real consideration for scout here, just an interesting idea in non-choiced SOR Zama (not IDBP cause it sucks) with a Fluffy Lando structure to pressure walls to make up for Zama's lower power + MGLO RMoon to cteam Pecharunt and then a Vabs Corv was obvious stuff to check annoying fast mon Deo-s and necessary removal. Game was pretty tight, Zama did have a kind of goated MU but the opposing Ceruledge was quite annoying and the Zama got Toxic'd which made it far more limited as it needed to get predicts right, however it did weaken the Mandibuzz severely which ultimately let RMoon clean the rest of everything up and even though they preserved the Zama last the fat Fluffy Lando with EP came in clutch for the win.
OMWC Semi-Finals
[W] O1 vs Atha 

by O1 + LordBox
Atha was obviously quite the tough opponent so we did take more of a look at their scout, we knew they loved spamming ETerrain and generally BO/Offense type stuff so I started off with Scarf Azelf + CB Meow stuff as their Corv usage wasn't too high and I also slapped on a Ghold as STail could be a bit annoying. Did get a bit lazy with the build though and O1 finished off the rest of the core with their choice of Physdef Regen Prima as they knew they liked Pao stuff and WBB Corv to shore up the annoying Fire MU given they can eternally block the Flip Turn. Vabs Ghold was a remnant from the initial concept that was pretty shaky and the Adapt Scarf Ghold that Atha brought was actually pretty scary and I did recommend at one point replacing the Corv with BProof Treads for this exact mon but either way a fairly nice win with Meow and Prima putting in heavy work and the Adapt Ghold being caught out by O1 to secure the win.
Other Teams:
Teams that didn't quite make the cut to use in these tours or just random experimental teams in my builder (was too lazy to scroll through all the teamcords for pastes) that I didn't feel confident in bringing to a tour game because why do that when you can spam the same good mons lazily and have a fat positive record for your teams instead. Mostly tried to avoid variant structures but with the centralisation in the structures well not much I can do about it lol.

Incoherent Ramblings:
Some of my thoughts on the current controversial mons (as I see them) and also some cool mons I want to talk about (because talking about the boring good mons is boring):

Pretty much unanimously agreed upon to be the best mon in tier overall, boasting an extraordinarily high usage rate throughout both OMPL and AAAPL (70-60%) beating out even unique and key defensive staples like GTusk or Corv which have historically dominated the usage statistics. I don't really need to explain why it's good since everyone has caught on, but I would like to say that in spite of its extraordinarily high usage rate I don't believe it's a "mandatory" mon. It does fairly seamlessly fit onto many, many structures for its great defensive utility, speed control and consistency in applying pressure with the classic Knock U-Turn combo but despite these great traits nothing is particularly irreplaceable to me and I've never found a team worse because it didn't have a RMoon (actually, maybe ONE case). My position on Ban/DNB remains the same as I've outlined in previous posts and rn I am too cooked to really elaborate further now but as a short summary it has tons of checks and doesn't free up much (arguably the opposite), I saw someone mention that GTusk had a "massive surge" in popularity correlated to the rise in RMoon but during the AAA Open when RMoon had half its usage at around 30% Tusk still had a fat 45% usage (where in AAAPL/OMPL it had a decent increase of 51-55%) and it was historically so good (and spammed) it got banned in pre-Home so I'm not really seeing that angle at all I'm NGL.

Chien-Pao is an interesting mon, on-paper it doesn't seem particularly broken given the other options open in AAA, its base attack is ok but nothing special, the power of its STAB attacks are also fairly middling compared to the power of stuff like CC spam, the Weathers and so on and while its speed is obviously great it also suffers from being extraordinarily fragile. However the typing and ignoring Fluffy just work very well to allow it to be very threatening (along with the lack of 2AC to explore physdef Regen options). I find Pao quite a fun and skillful mon to play and build around with but I can understand it can be a bastard at times in the builder.

Ceruledge is kind of a bastard for slower defensive teams but at the same time they are more willing to slap on some fat hard answer anyway so meh. While it's not definitively broken given itemless checks are "good enough" (sometimes) I could see it going, whether it would change teams much is debatable given most are offensive and even outside of those most teams are pretty lazy in their checks with some random Itemless thing slapped on.

Deo-S is still pretty strong and can roll through cores, though most people have mostly acclimatised to its existence there haven't really been any new checks (bar like, BProof Treads if it isn't mixed). People just don't like using Deo-S much since it can be quite finnicky to use being fragile and at times somewhat prediction reliant so people get by spamming their RegenVests and forgetting about it. I don't really mind it as I am Vabs Corv spammer (one of the few more reliable checks) but once people remember about it once other threats get nuked I could see it resurging again as it still can be pretty nuclear especially if it's most popular offensive check (Scarf RMoon) gets wiped.

All of these mons fall into the "niche fighting resists that are kind of cool but not really that good and I won't use more than once" category that I mentioned once before. All have their unique merits and most would love to afford Regen but alas, I would've tried put more of my physical Regen teams into the dump but they end all being pretty similar with their cores which is a bit sad but someone better than me can probably make it work. Otherwise tried Levitate/WSpirit on the Poisons and Corrosion on Okidogi which can be cool but without Regen the survability is really quite gimped. Glowking is a bit different and I mainly tried to leverage slow pivot + Future Sight but the defensive utility is gimmicky and it's still hard to maintain momentum with it but it's usable-ish.

Niche fighting resists that are kind of cool that are ok and maybe I'll use more than once or twice. Rocks, pivot and typing is pretty cool though generally only fits on fast paced offense teams that can afford to play around the limited no recovery nature of these sets but generally fits pretty well on them and can abuse the removers fairly well (at least Lando-I anyway). RegenVest also was like a thing I saw once but I doubt it's actually good (g8 cope is not real...)

This mon is cool probably? At least the chainchomp variant which I saw DFM use to blow up Glalie's stall which was quite funny. Main issue I've found with Chomp is it just is really hard to find a place on teams given there's so many Ground-types and better Fire resists but someone better than me can probably leverage it on offense. Regen variants are dead but I did try once, just turns out to be too fragile for what it wants to do, its best partner is definitely Empoleon but you still have Deo-S, Specs Ghold which aren't surmountable but even the part that Garchomp is supposed to fill (Fire check, Electric check) it can often fail at with all the Fires spamming Wisp and the Electrics often able to just brute force their way through Chomper. A sad fall for what once was the premier Regen and Ground-type in the tier but powercreep is a bitch!

Categorising these as kind of fat balance exclusive mons that have been always been quite niche but especially now with the archetype hanging in the complete shadow of all the offense and balance going around I still think it has some neat tricks that it can try to do, I have some of my prototyped versions of the archetype in my dump but nothing refined so maybe someone better than me can make it work wonders, full stall on the other hand... I don't know about that.

It's too bad that I WANT to make this thing work because it's another fogger bird but man it just feels so ass I play it. I do have a few teams in the dump that use it to moderate success but nothing special, being able to complement Pecha (kind of) and that's basically it. Gamefreak please free removal... (that isn't utter ass)

Funny mon, I find the only decent set is Storm Drain that can leverage some defensive utility while completely trolling Swamp and bad Mana teams but that's mostly it. Still, I've come around on it and it can definitely do big stuff but needs to be enabled properly to come in against offensive teams.

Saved the suspect star for last as I wish to talk about the meta and its future more in-depth when talking about Zama.
Even from those who do like the meta as it currently is I think even they can agree this meta is certainly not perfect and there have been many complaints about the meta as evidenced in the drop in the enjoyability of the meta as compared to the previous metas and the general average. From my own experience and from those who I've talked to and also observed I believe
most of these issues can be linked mainly to the general stagnation that can be found within the builder which is almost undeniable at this point. Looking at my teams, other teams in the threads or even the samples you can see this and you can see in the usage statistics for the most recent tournaments as well with the dominance of select favourites such as Roaring Moon, GTusk and Corv.
There have been other complaints about HO (particularly screens) in the tier so I'll quickly spell out my thoughts on HO and Light Clay. Yes HO is annoying but I don't believe the playstyle to be fundamentally broken. The playstyle can be somewhat linear and with the strong speed control around it generally is playable around, but I can certainly acknowledge it can be frustrating to play against especially when they fish correctly (I did lose to one on my suspect run). It hasn't made any big splash in the tour scene with a couple of wins and losses there but I suspect that the suspect forcing everyone to go on ladder where HO is everyone has reminded people "hey this exists and is annoying af to play". I don't really care about a Light Clay ban until I see it actually doing notable stuff but if people were to push for it I wouldn't necessarily oppose it, really just a comfort ban and with action on Volc likely incoming and people no longer having to ladder I doubt this push will manifest but maybe I will be mistaken. I certainly don't think HO is a core issue and stuff like Prank Pecha has been seeing notable use far back due to simple meta innovation not really because of HO.
Back on track to the core issue at hand. While certainly I'm not saying there has been no innovation and the meta has remained completely stagnant, with innovations like BProof Treads, Moltres, Hands and other sets falling and rising have occurred, most people have been predominantly trapped to the same permutation of mons and structures. Some may vaguely scream "skill issue", and I can acknowledge, though rare, there have been a few interesting unorthodox teams/structures (primarily very offensive-oriented which I'll talk about later) like Atha's ESurge team (though you still see a lot of staple mons on there) However speaking from my own personal experience, I've made it somewhat of a personal habit to shove away unorthodox sets/structures in favour for these bog standard archetypes for tournament games and from the record of these teams I can't really say it doesn't work (though it does certainly help that I get better players than myself to pilot them... but I digress) I've seen some interesting structures from the likes of racool/Jrdn but from what I've heard and seen these structures aren't that great and don't provide much of an edge compared to the standard offense of today (but hey at least they work!).
So I think most people can agree that this is the core issue we want to try to address and if we want to address an issue we must try to find the root cause of the issue, so what is it? This is where it can get a bit tricky. I'll do a bit of a reverse Uno-card and bring it back to what I was mainly supposed to talk about, the dog, and the paths we find ourselves on.
Firstly, my perspective on the Ban side. Zama is a strong mon and more importantly a fast mon. STAB CC means it can exert a lot of pressure onto cores and has sufficient coverage to hit most resists at least well enough to pressure them. Moreover there are also IDBP sets that can try to bypass conventional methods of outplaying Choiced Zama that can work and be annoying with coverage and weird options. So thus banning Zama in theory should alleviate some stress on the builder (which I will address later on). But this is hardly satisfying to the issue at hand and I don't think anyone agrees a Zama ban would alone be enough to truly attack the issue at hand.
What a Zama ban would really entail would be to serve as a catalyst for further bans, its speed and defensive utility is important in maintaining the offensive pace of the meta, checking dangerous threats like Chien-Pao and Roaring Moon. Chien-Pao is already complained about enough and with an extra excuse I can't really see it staying. Oh now you've banned two of the fastest mons in the tier that served as offensive checks to controversial mon Roaring Moon, well why don't we ban it as well? And since we've banned Roaring Moon why don't we also ban Ceruledge since the meta has slowed significantly?
Why don't we ban Iron Boulder as well?
The point of this ban and further using it as a catalyst to ban more offensive mons can be mostly derived from
the view that this stagnation in the builder is primarily the fault of overwhelming pressure of the current pool of offensive mons within the meta. That if we ban the top 5 or whatever offensive mons that are the most annoying there'll be enough freedom revitalised within the builder and we can move away from this centralised offensive metagame. This is of course mainly my view on what others views are so some things have probably been lost in translation but this sentiment isn't complete delusion, you can see it in Hera's post and Greybaums older proposal that outline a similar approach in nuking the top bracket of power and similar lists of bans when discussing with people like Betticus or racool (though of course they do not all share the identical perspective this is the main philosophy and path I see possible with a Zama ban).
Now it's time to get around to my own personal perspective around the DNB side. There are two core elements (or three, kind of) that make this argument and path to me not preferable.
The first core element is that it's my view that a core cause to this to the
general sense of stagnation in structures is not primarily due to the pressure from the offensive mons present but due to the limitations of the dex we are given and that even if we ban these offensive mons that structures will still remain mostly stagnant. Powercreep in mons is an interesting topic, of course more powerful mons and moves are introduced but to a degree this form of creep can be limited with said bans but a different form of this limitation just comes in the defensive tools we are given at hand and we can see this fact played out very obviously in front of us in G9. Hazard removal has been completely gutted this generation while hazard setters remain extraordinarily good and prevalent, even bootspam isn't entirely consistent due to the very generous Knock distribution given out by Gamefreak, leading to centralised structures around the two (or three) removers who also aren't complete dogshit and retain great utility (Corviknight, Great Tusk, Gholdengo, the RegenVests, etc*). These mons, and structures will remain great (and have) pretty much regardless of what you wipe out. I heard a point by Betticus that Great Tusk usage "skyrocketed" alongside Roaring Moon but if you take a look at the
usage statistics in AAA Open and then later in the meta in
OMPL and
AAAPL usage stats you can see Roaring Moon essentially double in usage (35% -> 61% and 70%) while Great Tusk still had substantial usage at 45%, increasing somewhat to 55% and 51% which certainly is not "skyrocketing" in proportion with each other and let us remember the time Great Tusk got BANNED for being so good and spammed (though somewhat unfairly ngl) when RMoon was practically irrelevant with Crunch. The core of the issue isn't really being addressed at all with this line of reasoning, but you may say (as others have) so what? What better is there to do? At least we are "lowering the offensive floor" but I'm not sure I even agree with this which leads to the second core element on my belief.
This second core element is that
I don't believe this push to "de-offense" the meta by banning all the "fast, strong guys" (Zama -> Pao -> RMoon) will even lower the offensive floor as it simply opens the door for many other slower threats. Remember when everyone was complaining about the Ogerpon formes? Remember when they were broken and people were complaining about the centralisation of the DLC1 meta but now we have one extra good mon to check them (Pecharunt) and the quickened pace of the meta to keep them in check "enough" and now remove the top 3 fastest mons including one that was a popular soft-defensive check to two of them. Remember other strong Fighting-types that also gave us reason to use Fluffy (remember Zamazenta was only introduced mid-DLC2 and before then people even used to want to ban the likes of Zama-C and Gapdos at points) Remember Gengar? These mons have been threatening, and still pretty much are but with a few extra checks (that we want to stop spamming) and with the faster offensive pace keeping them in check and allowing teams to be flexible around them.
I have observed some tiring of this philosophy that we can just ban our way out to solving all our issues drawn from our past tiering action. While we haven't done anything as wide-sweeping yet, observing far more warping past mons (Gouging Fire, Walking Wake) you can see even though they distorted the builder considerably, have our structures truly notably changed? You no longer need to run a random immunity or some random double resist but despite it structures have continued to decay and centralise around the majority of our top picks as more time has been sunk into optimising cores and sets fall into irrelevance (remember Deo-D?). I still mostly agree with these bans, but the comparisons to Zama are bad as I don't think Zama is nearly half as warping (addressed later and addressed by people like Glory) and I see Zama as having more directly healthy traits with the structures it enables and the mons it checks. I also should point out our very last suspect, Dragonite, how it went when we banned one of our best speed control options with strong defensive utility, while I did appreciate that I didn't have to run Malignant Pecharunt anymore or Zapdos on most teams, structures still tended to centralise further especially with the rest of the offensive mons that appreciated its removal. Nothing really in the meta really matches the warping that was caused by the like of Gouging and Wake and even
I think partly believe this belief that we can just nuke our way out of this harkens back to somewhat to previous metagames, arguably the best metagame we've had this generation is the Home meta where while structures were still quite centralised (Corviknight, Garchomp were the main offenders) there was far more variation in cool sets (remember the Diancie sample?) but the Home meta and other metas outside of DLC2 all have had the luxury of a timer on their existence as well a reduced dex. A reduced dex that, sure, cut down on a lot of the offensive mons as one but also cut out a lot of the better defensive options we so spam in our cores now which helped increase variety in a way and a timer before another large meta shift helped the endstates of the metagame as it prevented the further centralisation of cores as people optimised sets and structures like we have had. You can both see this in how people enjoyed the early DLC2 metagame in spite of the large amount of offensive bullshit that roamed around (Wake, Gouging, even stuff like Bundle, Keldeo, no Pecha) and the decay metas like pre-Home experienced nearing the end of its tenure with CorvChompScreamMoth being an extremely spammed core and I remember being quite thankful to get out of the meta by the end.
So, big TLDR for my beliefs on the future of the meta and Zama;
I don't believe that banning Zama and proceeding to use it as a catalyst to nuke the "strongest, fastest guys" in the meta will truly address the core issues of the stagnant meta-game, key mons and the structures that surround them will continue to be spammed the hell out of (as they always have) and even the promise of at least lowering the offensive floor falls into the issue of just other offensive mons rising to interrupt those totally epic different structures you might be able to use. The issues are structural to the 1AC dex and the fact as people optimise the hell out of the few good mons we have for defensive structures people will naturally get bored.
Of course, some may say "So what? Are we going to live in this same offensive meta forever?" and my answer to that is yeah, with an asterisk.
I think that the current offensive state of the metagame is fairly enjoyable to a point. Generally most people can agree that the actual gameplay of the meta is fine. Most games are quick, offensively-minded and dynamic, the only real opposition to this sentiment I've seen is Hera's post with anecdotal evidence but I've spoken to various people that find it mostly fine, the survey results for competitiveness of the tier remaining high throughout the period of markedly lower enjoyment and I have my own anecdotal experience to the contrary, taking games from my team's AAAPL performance (w1
MZ vs Dragonilis w2
berry vs damflame 3) where there's some pretty bad MUs. MZ played around Pao vs Pecha Zama as only checks leveraging their momentum to not let Pao get free kills and using Pecha to play around Pao when necessary and should've won if they didn't sack Pecha for no reason, w2 features not as annoying matchup but HElec vs Swamp with only Scarf RMoon (which is super threatened by TWave) and an offensive Heatran is not fun and yet berry played excellently around the matchup, avoiding the TWave and juggling Heatran well to not take too much from VSwitch (and this team was fairly balanced). Most games I've seen have been fairly balanced with a few flops here and there and even for those matchups the games weren't really dire (bar the times they just couldn't break the defensive core) I could go more in-depth and look over more games but I haven't seen much sentiment in opposition apart from the one post so I'll leave it here.
Linking back to the lack of a timer on this meta, I believe at least part of the discontent of the meta was somewhat inevitable (in a 1AC limited environment), with 3 back-to-back tournaments (OMPL, AAAPL, OMWC) people were going to get tired of the meta, especially with its structural issues. Obviously this is not a core factor but I believe it has exacerbated the discontent present, this is mostly just a personal perspective on things because I have had more fun personally after building less for tournaments and more just messing around with gimmicky sets that aren't meta defining but have a small niche and can do some cool things, which I think is really the best we're going to get this generation. Linking back to earlier, there certainly have been some cool innovations! Bulletproof Treads, Moltres, Iron Hands even some Sinistcha stuff which is pretty funny and those unique Eterrain offenses that Atha used to great success.
I think that the best approach we have going forward in this 1AC future is to continue working and optimising with the mostly offensive pace of the meta and keep Zamazenta (and most of the others) with its important role in maintaining this balance. Of course this does not mean we have to live in a completely static meta (see, with an asterisk), I think we can still look at some comfort bans on some just plain annoying ass mons that won't really cause any downsides, Volcarona, Ceruledge, maybe Chien-Pao. Hey maybe we can even look at re-introducing stuff like Dragonite or even Triage at a point!
Some extra notes (even though this is already long enough): I don't really talk much about Zama itself, (which is funny given this was supposed to the be the section on Zama but oh well) only the long-term impacts of a Ban or Do Not Ban vote that much except for the some vague details about the pressure it has been exerted to emit as well as the fact it's an important lynchpin in maintaing this offensive meta with its ability to act as speed control and bulk/typing to let it check things like RMoon and Pao. Other people have already gone into great detail about this, and my personal view aligns fairly closely to what
Glory has described in the thread on if Zama is actually "broken" and also does mention how Zama can be healthy and enable structures with examples they have brought up, but I'll go on a small talk on my perspective on why Zamazenta isn't broken.
-> Fluffy and Pecharunt are two very big things that already check Zama quite well but I've never had the experience that "I'm forced" into those archetypes either to deal with Zama, sure Intimidate Corv or some fat Tusk is weaker but it's still more than do-able with those mons and just a decent Fighting resist/immunity (Scream-Tail, defensive Moltres, Gholdengo, Ceruledge, etc*), and loading 2 soft checks to something sometimes when you want isn't any indication it's broken. If you want an example there's berry's w2 game utilising Intim Corv and some soft-checks (that were good anyway) and it was a clean sweep and a lot of these Intim Corv just leverage it and some other random resists, and Glory also has good examples with Regen Tusk. Also I'm mainly talking about CB/SoR variants because IDBP is ass.
-> On IDBP I don't believe that IDBP is meaningfully awful as a fish. I went through my own memory and can't find a single tournament win, with the 4 (or 5) examples when it was brought ALL being losses. Here's
Binacle Pinnacle vs Kinetic and
QT vs Kinetic (for some reason people like using IDBP against Kinetic lmao). These uses were in OMPL and AAAPL respectfully, before when this craze was going on so you can hardly say people are "hard prepping" for it, there's also
DFM vs O1 and
Nashrock vs Glory. I find it a bit absurd people keep on bringing up Soundproof Zama even though the set is awful and no one actually has ever used the thing. Wow you beat STail. That's basically it. You don't even beat Pecha since it beats you not by PShotting but by clicking the damaging move. You can always fish in theory with some moveset and ability but the relevance is questionable.
The other thing is that I constantly mention is that how this is a structural issue that we have to live in a 1AC environment. Well originally this was meant to be a post detailing how if we want to truly fix this structural issue of having terrible options in the builder outside a few non-shitmons like Corv, Tusk, Ghold we should try 2AC but since the People™ have said no I've had to put my ambitions to rest and focus on what we have, because why would introducing more options particularly on the physically defensive side ever help the stagnation and improve the long-term potential of exploration in the meta at all? (Yes I'm mad, now I will stop talking about it)
The very last thing I will talk about concerns some sentiment I have seen brought up by people like
Glory and
Chessking345 this sentiment is that action should be based off a pragmatic view of what can and will be banned but I think this sentiment is somewhat flawed. Of course it shouldn't be predicated on something completely ridiculous like freeing Arceus or Magnet Pull or whatever but for the action concerned here I don't see it unreasonable that say action will follow a Zamazenta ban on mons like Chien-Pao and possibly RMoon and similarly that action can definitely happen even if Zama stays around.
Now, finally, that is most of my thoughts wrapped up, I could go on for more but this is an incoherent mess that I didn't really properly structure as I was trying to finish this before the Zama suspect ended but I've been wanting to truly try to pour my thoughts on what the core issues (and our paths to address them) are in the metagame even if it won't make much of a difference for Zama given how late this post is lol. If you have read all of this, congratulations! You've made it to the end. I could barely read through this ramble myself and I hope that Zama does stay, but even if it doesn't at least I hope at least this post is valuable in sparking discussion for how we can address these core issues in the new meta to come.