Sandshrew-Alola @ Eviolite
Ability: Slush Rush
Level: 5
Tera Type: Ice
EVs: 36 HP / 236 Atk / 36 Def / 196 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Icicle Spear
- Earthquake
- Swords Dance
- Rapid Spin
Alolan Sandshrew rolls into the LC metagame with the release of the Teal Mask DLC! Alolan Sandshrew is one of the best sweepers in the tier due to its good matchup against some of the most centralizing threats. Alolan Sandshrew threatens common Pokemon such as Hisuian Voltorb and Vullaby. Earthquake punishes Pokemon that switch into Alolan Sandshrew like Koffing, Tinkatink, and Pawniard. Loaded Dice is an alternative to Eviolite, as it improves the damage of Icicle Spear but weakens Alolan Sandshrew's setup potential. Tera Ice maximizes Alolan Sandshrew's offensive power, boosting each hit of Icicle Spear. Alolan Sandshrew's full potential shines in snow; with its ability Slush Rush Alolan Sandshrew is able to outpace all common Choice Scarf users. Alolan Sandshrew struggles against some of the most common threats: Mienfoo and Timburr; therefore, Fighting-type checks such as Koffing, Foongus, and Gothita are its best partners. It also appreciates entry hazard support to weaken Pokemon that switch in, making the common hazard setter, Glimmet, a great partner.

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