Doryuuzu rarely run LO now. Balloon is far more popular from personal experence.
Claw Sharpen is a pure gimmick at best, best to stick to Dragon Dance for your attack boost move.Altaria @ Leftovers
Ability: Cloud Nine
Claw Sharpen
Dragon Rush
Fire Blast
This set would be an amazing check for Sunny Day teams, and I'm constructing a team to oppose all of the common 5th gen teams, so I feel like this guy would actually be a huge benefit.
Average Dory even without his speed boost outspeeds all variations of Altaria except the DD version after +1 boost. Though you'll probably get annihilated by a +2 Rock Slide before you can DD if you switch in...Or does he outspeed me? Dory can outspeed all Altaria with the spread stated above, so if he outspeeds and I roost, the roost lasts until my next move, giving him a free EQ and removing the need for prediction?
I see Altaria being a decent weather check this time round
Oh yeah :/ well, I suppose he'll be good for sun teams/ ninetails check?
If only Roost and Cloud Nine were legal on the same set...
Due to all the new toys I think altaria might make it into OU in wich it would be a shame.
I love Altaria though and Cotton Guard is badass. I want a dragon to be in the lower tiers anyway...
Agreeing with Zangoose
Cotton Guard is only going to be prolonging its life... Not helping it do anything more
Lets check Altaria's new Egg Moves
Hyper Voice
Steel Wing
As you were saying?
If you're not playing on the Dream World tier, afaik Altaria hasn't been released with Cloud Nine. If you are, then it's a bug.It says they are illegal together on Pokemon Online though.