Anti Rain Sun Team



Hello everyone! This is the Version 2.0 of my Sun Team. It is more balanced than the V.1.1 and its focused on Rain Teams, because i hate Politoad! haha so please help me to improve this team! :D


In depth:

The Sun Summoner:​


Shiranui (Ninetales) @ Leftovers
Ability: Drought
EVs: 88 HP / 252 SpA / 168 Spe
Nature: Timid (+Spe, -Atk)
- Fire Blast
- SolarBeam
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hypnosis

Its not a ou sun team if you dont have a Ninetales! I need a fire move to abuse the sun and solar beam to do some damage to Politoad. Will-o-wisp to burn Tyranitar or Scizor and Hypnosis because to be asleep is broken this gen.

Support Pokemon:


ForStress (Forretress) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SDef
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Volt Switch

Due to the huge number of switchs I'm gonna do to bring the weather, and Dragonite/Volcarona are weak to Seatlh Rocks will need a spinner. And because my opponent will do the same number of switches, laying the hazards is never a bad idea.

I think Forretress should become a good team member, while procuring a great resistance to the omnipresent Dragon Stab, like Latios. The doubled fire weakness, doesn't matter, it would die to it anyway. The Good news are that in the Sun it resists Water, making a total of 10 resistances; it's also a great answer to Rock Polish Terakkion. Volt switch helps to escape from Magnet Pull Magnezone and a usefull counter.

Wish Support:


JIRACHI (Jirachi) @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Nature: Careful (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Wish
- Calm Mind/Iron Head
- T -Wave
- Thunderbolt/Fire Punch

Though Jirachi brings weaknesses to Ground- and Fire-type moves, its a great supporter with a decent offensive presence. It provides huge 202 HP Wishes, but im not sure if i should use Healing Wish to revitalize a sweeper. Thunder Wave can assist in crippling Choice Scarf users on the opposing team. I could use U-turn to grant Ninetales a safe switch-in. The specially defensive set consisting of Calm Mind and Thunderbolt can take do great damage Rain team, and the Iron Head/Fire punch can flinch the opponent to death and abuse the sun with fire punch.

Sun Abusers:


Korvelicus (Sawsbuck-Autum) (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Chlorophyll
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Return
- Jump Kick
- Horn Leech
- Swords Dance

Alongside Venusaur (wich i have no access to) and Lilgant, Sawsbuck is one of the best user of Chlorophyll. It's 95 base speed allows him to reach 578 Speed while the Sun is shining with an Adamant nature. Nobody will be able to outspeed him : it's a good answer to Scarf users like: Latios or Terrakion. After one SD (wich can be a bit risky considering that Sawsbuck is no bulky Pokemon), Sawsbuck will be able to pierce many holes in the opponent's team.

I need Horn Leech to recover some HP after Life Orb damage and do something to Politoad, Rotom-W and Gastrodon, Jump Kick let me do some damage to ice Pokemon that can outspeed him and Return can hit everthing except gosht.. in other words Chandelure can wall me all day long, But an earthquake from Dragonite should deal with it.


Intizama (Volcarona) @ Leftovers
Ability: Flame Body
EVs : 240 HP / 252 Def / 16 Spe
Nature: Bold (+Def, -SpA)
- Quiver Dance
- Fiery Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Morning Sun

I wanted Volcarona to be as bulky as possible, i hate getting OHKO with any Rock move. The Field must be free from entry hazards (thanks Rapid Spin) so Volcarona can set up some Quiver Dances and proceed to sweep. Fiery Dance is the primary Stab move with possibility of raising Volcarona's SAtk even more. Bug Buzz is good against Cresselia and Morning Sun recover Volcaronas's HP in 66% while the sun is shining.



Thundurus @ Expert Belt
Ability: Volt absorb
EVs: 4 Hp / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid (+Spe, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power Ice
- Volt switch
- Grass Knot

Thundurus might not directly abuse sun in any way, With excellent coverage Thunderbolt/Grass Knot for rain sweepers, hidden Power Ice for sand sweepers, Gliscor and Dragon-types—it also provides the team insurance against other weather mainly Politad and Rotom-W, while maintaining an offensive presence.


So this is my Sun team ready to take Rain teams down! Please feel fre to rate it and suggest changes or new team memebers!

First of all, you should fix your Heatran weakness. It beats all your pokemon except Sawsbuck which can lose anyway to Protect Heatran. To solve your Heatran weakness, I'd personally use HP Ground on Volcarona, replacing Morning Sun. In this way you can bypass Heatran and if Heatran dies, Volcarona can sweep more easily and the other member of your team can do their job better.

Second, I notice another big weakness to any Dragon-type mon, especially to Dragonite. It can setup on your Ninetales thanks to Lum Berry, on your Volcarona and even on your Jirachi and then smash your whole team, your only switch into it are Forretress (and sometimes Jirachi i guess) but they both fear Fire Punch. In my opinion, to solve your Dragonite problem you may try Choice Scarf Thundurus-T to revenge-kill it after a Dragon Dance. CS Thundurus-T would work fine as revenge-killer, especially in this team which is quite slow (only Sawsbuck can revenge-kill things, but in many battles you won't have the sun up all the time so it isn't really reliable), so try it and see how it works.

As last thing, imo you should replace Hypnosis on your Ninetales. While is broken be asleep in this gen, as you already said, Hypnosis has a poor accuracy and you can't lose your Ninetales for a Hypnosis miss (which will happen often) so you may try Roar instead, it allows to not be setup fodder for many mons and it's in general a better move in my opinion.

That's all i guess, gl with your team
Interesting build, Alexander already covered the Heatran weakness and I would like to affirm his suggestion. Your team seems pretty decent but there are a few small changes I would suggest. First, I would put Gyro Ball on Forretress in place of either volt switch or spikes. This would allow you to deal with a surprising amount of scarf users and allows you to counter the physical dragons more easily. Second I would change your Sawsbuck to a Victreebel.

Victreebel @ Life Orb
Nature: Naive
EVs: 120 Atk/ 136 SpA/ 252 Spe
Leaf Blade
Sludge Bomb
Weather Ball

This set is able to work without a growth although it prefers it and is not as easily walled. On the off chance you have to deal with toxic spikes it can absorb them as well. You should also think of getting a scarf user, you could put one on your Thundurus but if you do you should change t to a modest nature as you don't need the extra speed. Lastly on your Ninetales you should consider committing to either a more defensive set or offensive Nasty Plot set.
To abuse the sun better and still have a spinner, i would switch foretress with torkoal.
Shell armor @leftovers
calm 252hp/252def/4spatk
lava plume
rapid spin
stealth rock
So a few things:
I agree with Donovan. Torkoal is a bit better than forretress for a sun team. Surprisingly, I like to use Kabutops. He gives water/rock coverage for your team, as well as in other weathers, completely fuck up the other team. Rocks for hail, water for sandstorm, and swift swim is legal if the other team has a rain team, so your kabutops becomes incredibly fast.

Also, under Sawsbuck you mention a dragonite....what are you talking about? I don't see a dragonite on your team mate.

Your Ninetales is kind of a mixed set. This doesn't really work well imo. Either go for a Nasty Plot Life Orbed set or a Defensive set, because Ninetales lacks the power on its own to do jackshit.

Here is the set I use:
Ninetales @ Leftovers
Trait: Drought
Nature: Bold
252 HP / 120 Def / 136 Spd
Flamethrower/Fire Blast
Sunny Day

Flamethrower/Fireblast obviously is the sun boosted stab attack move, Will-O-Wisp is to burn things (obviously) Sunny Day is a bit odd, since you have Drought but let me explain. let's say you're fighting a rain team and you haven't taken politoed out. Well, when the politoed switches in, you can go for a substitute. The next turn, unless the Politoed is a weird choice scarf set, you will be able to outspeed and bring sun back up, forcing a switch on the politoed. Finally, Substitute is for stall shenanigans.

Hope that helps :)
This is a very interesting team! Sun is always nice to see, as it gives us all a breath of fresh air from all the other stuff we usually see. Another thing I like seeing is bulky Volcarona. While I almost hate to admit it, that set seems to be my Achilles heel, as none of my teams are ever prepared for it during the late game. Its definitely something to watch out for!

Now on to the rate! I see a couple of bloopers here and there, but for the most part this seems solid. You will have to be somewhat cautious against Specs Politoed, as your team does not have a sure fire switch in to its boosted Hydro Pumps. Venusaur would have been the go to Pokemon for that, although I can see that you have opted for Sawsbuck and do not have access to Venusaur. Furthermore, other common enemies to drought teams are Garchomp and Terrakion, who you do not seem to have immediate answers for. The lack of Gyro Ball on Forretress does not help with that, but I have a good idea on how you can beat all three of these dangers!

I recommend replacing Jirachi with Cresselia on this team. Cresselia has the natural bulk to immediately deal with most of the top tier threats you may come across. Here is my suggested move set:

Cresselia (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 120 Def / 136 SDef
Calm Nature
- Ice Beam
- Reflect
- Sunny Day
- Moonlight

With Sunny Day, you can catch Politoed by surprise and steal his rain, and then heal off a whopping 75% damage with Moonlight! Reflect will bolster your teams defense for 5 turns, and also throw Tyranitar and Scizor for a loop when they switch in on you and find that they have just lost their KO potential. Ice Beam is the primary damaging move, as it will prevent Garchomp and Dragonite from safely setting up.

Now, as Alexander. has said, Heatran is another thing to watch out for. To help with this issue, I am suggesting that you use Dugtrio in place of Thundurus-T. Dugtrio has the ability to trap the likes of Heatran, Tyranitar, and Politoed, and then finish them off so that you no longer need to worry about having weather control. Dugtrio also has some fair synergy with Forretress, as you can Volt Switch off incoming Heatrans and Magnezones who may try to take advantage of you and then trap them with Dugtrio. The moveset could vary depending on what you want to accomplish. For instance, you could use the Focus Sash set with Stealth Rock and Reversal, which would free up a slot on Forretress so that you can use Gyro Ball or HP Ice. There is also the CB Dugtrio set, which can deal some hefty damage right away and seal the deal without needing to lose too much HP. CB Dugtrio could also allow you to trap Blissey, which would allow your Volcarona to sweep much easier in the late game. I hope these suggestions help you!