Anyway, RBY recently formed a ZU council (composed of Sabelette, Gangsta Spongebob, gastlies, NotVeryCake, Medeia, torkonpeter, BeatsBlack) in the wake of two major tournaments - Zoomer, an individual double elimination tournament, and ZU Olympiad II, a team tournament that featured RBY ZU. Throughout the tournaments, no topic was more hotly discussed than Arbok’s impact on the tier, and majority sentiment trended toward banning it, prompting a suspect test. Arbok relies heavily on the inconsistent combination of Glare and Wrap to chip down and sometimes single-handedly defeat entire teams; it is only outsped by a handful of Pokemon, of which only one, Abra, has a consistent way to neutralize it. Top threats like Primeape and Pidgeot fall to Wrap after taking paralysis, and Arbok is capable of wiping out entire teams once faster threats are eliminated. Every team now carries a minimum of two Arbok checks, with many carrying anywhere from 3-5 due to the inconsistency of said checks. Beating Arbok is often a game of luck, often requiring Primeape and Pidgeot to hit it with Hyper Beam and usually get KOed in retaliation (as well as risking Hyper Beam hitting a target like Marowak, which can then use Counter freely). Arbok also packs coveted QuakeSlide coverage, hitting most foes for significant damage and allowing it to quickly finish tier staples like Pidgeot, Flareon, and Tentacool. However, Arbok’s inconsistency and terrible defensive typing leave a few lanes open for counterplay. Sandslash, Onix, Marowak, and Rhyhorn can stay in on Wrap and wait for a miss to immediately chip it into range of faster threats, though this is predictable and allows in threats like Tentacool and Poliwag. Arbok also can be chipped down by Quick Attack from Flareon and Pidgeot, and a number of faster Pokemon like Primeape, Ponyta, and Poliwag can chip it or threaten status, as Arbok falls apart when paralyzed or burned, to say nothing of sleep. However, Arbok’s bulk is just enough that foes like Ponyta and Poliwag cannot beat it one-on-one even without Wrap, and they also can't get it into Pidgeot range in a single attack, so Arbok often manages to status and KO multiple Pokemon.
As a result, the ZU council is opening this discussion thread and will be suspecting Arbok. Voting reqs are as follows:
Played at least 3 games and won at least 1 game of RBY ZU in ZU Olympiad II: nicole7735, SaDiSTiCNarwhal, Ice Yazu, Sabelette, gastlies, NotVeryCake
Made top 16 of Zoomer: A RBY ZU Tournament: sinnabyss, NotVeryCake, Melbelle, torkonpeter, Medeia, Sceptross, Ice Yazu, BeatsBlack, Murm, acluh1, Gangsta Spongebob, Sabelette, YBW, Toxin boost, Maris Bonibell, JonAmon 25
This thread will remain open for discussion for 2 weeks (until April 1) before the vote commences. Both voters and nonvoters are invited to post in the thread; see here to request posting access if you are not badged. A 60% majority will be required for a ban.