Archen @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Defeatist
Level: 5
EVs: 180 Atk / 76 Def / 196 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dual Wingbeat
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- U-turn
The First Bird Pokemon is a dangerous cleaner with Choice Scarf! Archen is a trendy pick as a Choice Scarf user thanks to its high Attack and STAB Dual Wingbeat, which OHKOes Mienfoo and hits almost the entire metagame for neutral damage. Furthermore, 17 Speed and Choice Scarf outspeeds boosted foes like Dragon Dance Tyrunt, Choice Scarf Porygon, and Carvanha. Earthquake hits the few Pokemon that do resist Dual Wingbeat, such as Pawniard, for super effective damage. Knock Off softens up common switch-ins like Ferroseed, and U-turn gains momentum for Archen's teammates. Entry hazard removal from teammates like Drilbur and Staryu is important to prevent Stealth Rock chip from activating Defeatist. Knock Off users like Mienfoo and Pawniard help weaken the opposing team so Archen can clean. Pokemon that resist Grass like Koffing and Natu can switch into Grookey, which can revenge kill Archen or bring it into Defeatist range with Grassy Glide.
Check out this replay from the LC Open featuring Archen!
Ability: Defeatist
Level: 5
EVs: 180 Atk / 76 Def / 196 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dual Wingbeat
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- U-turn
The First Bird Pokemon is a dangerous cleaner with Choice Scarf! Archen is a trendy pick as a Choice Scarf user thanks to its high Attack and STAB Dual Wingbeat, which OHKOes Mienfoo and hits almost the entire metagame for neutral damage. Furthermore, 17 Speed and Choice Scarf outspeeds boosted foes like Dragon Dance Tyrunt, Choice Scarf Porygon, and Carvanha. Earthquake hits the few Pokemon that do resist Dual Wingbeat, such as Pawniard, for super effective damage. Knock Off softens up common switch-ins like Ferroseed, and U-turn gains momentum for Archen's teammates. Entry hazard removal from teammates like Drilbur and Staryu is important to prevent Stealth Rock chip from activating Defeatist. Knock Off users like Mienfoo and Pawniard help weaken the opposing team so Archen can clean. Pokemon that resist Grass like Koffing and Natu can switch into Grookey, which can revenge kill Archen or bring it into Defeatist range with Grassy Glide.
Check out this replay from the LC Open featuring Archen!
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