VGC Armarouge


* Armarouge is an amazing Trick Room setter and powerful offensive Pokemon. Few Pokemon resist Psychic + Fire, and Armor Cannon and Expanding Force in Psychic Terrain are very powerful attacks. With minimum Speed, Armarouge in Trick Room outpaces a large portion of the metagame.

* Armarouge appreciates Pokemon that can help it set Trick Room, like Choice Scarf Annihilape thanks to Final Gambit, and redirectors such as Amoonguss and Indeedee-F; Indeedee-F is a particularly good teammate due to Psychic Surge massively improving Expanding Force.

* Hydreigon, Garchomp, and Tyranitar are all strong and common Pokemon that can give Armarouge a hard time. Fighting-type teammates like Hariyama, Paldean Tauros-W, and Annihilape help check Hydreigon and Tyranitar. Garchomp can be checked by Pokemon like Rotom-W, Abomasnow, and Tera Steel Hydreigon.

name: Trick Room
move 1: Armor Cannon / Heat Wave
move 2: Trick Room
move 3: Psychic / Expanding Force
move 4: Protect / Wide Guard / Energy Ball / Aura Sphere
item: Life Orb / Safety Goggles
ability: Flash Fire
nature: Quiet
tera type: Grass / Dark
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
ivs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe


* Armor Cannon is a nuclear single-target attack that can OHKO Amoonguss, OHKO Kingambit, and even give a good shot to 2HKO Grimmsnarl through Light Screen. Alternatively, Heat Wave is a strong spread move option alongside Life Orb, which compensates for its considerably lower power than Armor Cannon. Being a spread move, it doesn't mind redirection users like Rage Powder Amoonguss or make Armarouge choose between targeting one of two Protect users.

* Psychic is used when not paired with Indeedee-F. Expanding Force is preferred alongside Indeedee-F, which makes Expanding Force much stronger and a spread move via Psychic Terrain.

* Wide Guard protects Armarouge and its teammates from attacks like Garchomp's Earthquake and Tyranitar's Rock Slide. Energy Ball lets Armarouge OHKO Rotom-W and TeraGround Garchomp with Tera Grass,and it has a good chance to 2HKO Tyranitar with Life Orb, even without Terastallizing. Aura Sphere 2HKOes Hydreigon and Tyranitar, and with Life Orb, it OHKOes them with minimal damage.

* Life Orb makes Armarouge very powerful, securing OHKOs against Pokemon like Maushold, slightly chipped Hatterene, and, with Expanding Force in Psychic Terrain, slightly chipped Garchomp and Rotom-W. Safety Goggles grants Armarouge immunity to Amoonguss's Spore and Rage Powder.

* A Grass Tera type gives Armarouge Ground and Water resistances, which are good against Garchomp and Rotom-W. Tera Dark is a good option to improve matchups against Ghost- and Psychic-types like Ceruledge, Skeledirge, and opposing Armarouge, make Armarouge immune to Prankster Murkrow's Taunt, and give it a resistance to Kingambit's Sucker Punch. Dark Pulse can be used alongside Tera Dark to more heavily damage Ghost- and Psychic-types, though outside of opposing Armarouge, Life Orb Psychic can usually 2HKO them.

- Written by: [[yourwelcomethanku, 541847]]
- Quality checked by: [[yuki, 294287]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
Last edited:


* Armarouge is an amazing Trick Room setter and powerful offensive Pokemon in Series 1. Psychic and Fire is resisted by few Pokemon, and Armor Cannon and Expanding Force in Psychic Terrain are very powerful attacks. With the lowest possible Speed stat it can have, Armarouge in Trick Room outpaces a large portion of the metagame.

* Armarouge appreciates Pokemon that can help it set Trick Room like Choice Scarf Annihilape and redirectors such as Amoonguss and Indeedee-F; Indeedee-F is a particularly good teammate due to Psychic Surge massively buffing Expanding Force.

* Hydreigon, Garchomp, and Tyranitar are all strong and common Pokemon that can give Armarouge a hard time. Fighting-type teammates like Hariyama, Tauros-W Paldean Tauros-A, and Annihilape help check Hydreigon and Tyranitar. Garchomp can be checked by Pokemon like Rotom-W, Abomasnow, and Tera Type Steel Hydreigon.

name: Trick Room
move 1: Armor Cannon / Heat Wave
move 2: Trick Room
move 3: Psychic / Expanding Force
move 4: Protect / Wide Guard / Energy Ball / Aura Sphere
item: Life Orb / Safety Goggles
ability: Flash Fire
nature: Quiet
tera type: Grass / Dark
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
ivs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe


* Armor Cannon is a nuclear single target attack that can OHKO Amoonguss, Kingambit, and even has a good shot to 2HKO Grimmsnarl behind Light Screen. Alternatively, Heat Wave is a strong spread move option alongside Life Orb, to compensate using a weaker spread move, that doesn't have to deal with redirection like Rage Powder Amoonguss and not having to choose between targeting one of two Protect users.

* Psychic is used when not paired with Indeedee-F. Expanding Force is preferred alongside Indeedee-F which massively buffs Expanding Force via Psychic Terrain.

* Wide Guard protects Armarouge and its teammates from attacks like Garchomp's Earthquake and Tyranitar's Rock Slide. Energy Ball lets Armarouge OHKO Rotom-W and Terastalized Ground Garchomp with Tera Type Grass, and has a good chance to 2HKO Tyranitar with Life Orb. Aura Sphere 2HKOs Hydreigon and Tyranitar, and with Life Orb, Aura Spere OHKOs them with minimal damage.

* Life Orb makes Armarouge very powerful, letting it secure OHKOs against Pokemon like Maushold, slightly chipped Hatterene, and with Expanding Force in Psychic Terrain, slightly chipped Garchomp and Rotom-W. Safety Goggles grant Armarouge immunity to Amoonguss's powder moves.

* Grass Tera type gives Armarouge a Ground and Water resist which is good against Garchomp and Rotom-W. Dark Tera type is a good option to improve matchups against opposing Ghost- and Psychic-types like Ceruledge, Skeledirge, and opposing Armarouge, make Armarouge immune to Prankster Murkrow's Taunt, and give it a resistance to Kingambit's Sucker Punch; Dark Pulse can be alongside Dark Tera type to more heavily damage Ghost- and Psychic-types, though outside of opposing Armarouge, Life Orb Psychic can usually 2HKO them.

- Written by: [[yourwelcomethanku, 541847]]
- Quality checked by: [[yuki, 294287]]
- Grammar checked by: [[name, id]]

Happy with this, QC 1/1
Add/Fix Remove Comment
(AC): Add Comma

* Armarouge is an amazing Trick Room setter and powerful offensive Pokemon in Series 1. Psychic and Fire is resisted by few Pokemon, Pokemon. Few Pokemon resist Psychic + Fire, and Armor Cannon and Expanding Force in Psychic Terrain are very powerful attacks. With the lowest possible Speed stat it can have, With minimum Speed, Armarouge in Trick Room outpaces a large portion of the metagame.

* Armarouge appreciates Pokemon that can help it set Trick Room, (AC) like Choice Scarf Annihilape (briefly point at why scarf annihilape helps here: eg "thanks to Final Gambit" if that's the reason) , (AC) and redirectors such as Amoonguss and Indeedee-F; Indeedee-F is a particularly good teammate due to Psychic Surge massively buffing improving Expanding Force.

* Hydreigon, Garchomp, and Tyranitar are all strong and common Pokemon that can give Armarouge a hard time. Fighting-type teammates like Hariyama, Paldean Tauros-A, Tauros-W, (recently got changed due to popular demand and simulator restrictions) and Annihilape help check Hydreigon and Tyranitar. Garchomp can be checked by Pokemon like Rotom-W, Abomasnow, and Tera Steel Hydreigon.

name: Trick Room
move 1: Armor Cannon / Heat Wave
move 2: Trick Room
move 3: Psychic / Expanding Force
move 4: Protect / Wide Guard / Energy Ball / Aura Sphere (this moveslot ordering implies no-spread move armarouge is the most common deal. if armarouge runs a spread move more often than not, you should probably slot either heat wave or expanding force first in its moveslot, and then adjust the relevant set comments bullet to match.)
item: Life Orb / Safety Goggles
ability: Flash Fire
nature: Quiet
tera type: Grass / Dark
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
ivs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe


* Armor Cannon is a nuclear single-target (added hyphen) attack that can OHKO Amoonguss, OHKO Kingambit, and even has give a good shot to 2HKO Grimmsnarl in through Light Screen. Alternatively, Heat Wave is a strong spread move option alongside Life Orb, to compensate using a weaker spread move, that which compensates for its lower power than Expanding Force. Being a spread move, it (I imagine this makes sense? change if needed) doesn't have to deal with mind redirection users like Rage Powder Amoonguss and not having to or make Armarouge choose between targeting one of two Protect users.

* Psychic is used when not paired with Indeedee-F. Expanding Force is preferred alongside Indeedee-F, (AC) which massively buffs Expanding Force makes Expanding Force much stronger and a spread move via Psychic Terrain.

* Wide Guard protects Armarouge and its teammates from attacks like Garchomp's Earthquake and Tyranitar's Rock Slide. Energy Ball lets Armarouge OHKO Rotom-W and Terastalized Ground Garchomp with Tera Type Grass,and it has a good chance to 2HKO Tyranitar with Life Orb. (either "and Tera Grass." or ", even without Terastallizing." before the period. i imagine this add is worthwhile, but not strictly required if you disagree) Aura Sphere 2HKOs 2HKOes Hydreigon and Tyranitar, and with Life Orb, Aura Spere OHKOs it OHKOes them with minimal damage.

* Life Orb makes Armarouge very powerful, letting it secure securing OHKOs against Pokemon like Maushold, slightly chipped Hatterene, and, (AC) with Expanding Force in Psychic Terrain, slightly chipped Garchomp and Rotom-W. Safety Goggles grant grants Armarouge immunity to Amoonguss's powder moves. (if it is only spore and rage powder, id just say those two)

* A Grass Tera type gives Armarouge a Ground and Water resist which is Ground and Water resistances, which are good against Garchomp and Rotom-W. Dark Tera type Tera Dark is a good option to improve matchups against opposing Ghost- and Psychic-types like Ceruledge, Skeledirge, and opposing Armarouge, make Armarouge immune to Prankster Murkrow's Taunt, and give it a resistance to Kingambit's Sucker Punch. (semicolon -> period) Dark Pulse can be used alongside Dark Tera type Tera Dark to more heavily damage Ghost- and Psychic-types, though outside of opposing Armarouge, Life Orb Psychic can usually 2HKO them.

- Written by: [[yourwelcomethanku, 541847]]
- Quality checked by: [[yuki, 294287]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]

GP Team done