* Armarouge is an amazing Trick Room setter and powerful offensive Pokemon. Few Pokemon resist Psychic + Fire, and Armor Cannon and Expanding Force in Psychic Terrain are very powerful attacks. With minimum Speed, Armarouge in Trick Room outpaces a large portion of the metagame.
* Armarouge appreciates Pokemon that can help it set Trick Room, like Choice Scarf Annihilape thanks to Final Gambit, and redirectors such as Amoonguss and Indeedee-F; Indeedee-F is a particularly good teammate due to Psychic Surge massively improving Expanding Force.
* Hydreigon, Garchomp, and Tyranitar are all strong and common Pokemon that can give Armarouge a hard time. Fighting-type teammates like Hariyama, Paldean Tauros-W, and Annihilape help check Hydreigon and Tyranitar. Garchomp can be checked by Pokemon like Rotom-W, Abomasnow, and Tera Steel Hydreigon.
name: Trick Room
move 1: Armor Cannon / Heat Wave
move 2: Trick Room
move 3: Psychic / Expanding Force
move 4: Protect / Wide Guard / Energy Ball / Aura Sphere
item: Life Orb / Safety Goggles
ability: Flash Fire
nature: Quiet
tera type: Grass / Dark
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
ivs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
* Armor Cannon is a nuclear single-target attack that can OHKO Amoonguss, OHKO Kingambit, and even give a good shot to 2HKO Grimmsnarl through Light Screen. Alternatively, Heat Wave is a strong spread move option alongside Life Orb, which compensates for its considerably lower power than Armor Cannon. Being a spread move, it doesn't mind redirection users like Rage Powder Amoonguss or make Armarouge choose between targeting one of two Protect users.
* Psychic is used when not paired with Indeedee-F. Expanding Force is preferred alongside Indeedee-F, which makes Expanding Force much stronger and a spread move via Psychic Terrain.
* Wide Guard protects Armarouge and its teammates from attacks like Garchomp's Earthquake and Tyranitar's Rock Slide. Energy Ball lets Armarouge OHKO Rotom-W and TeraGround Garchomp with Tera Grass,and it has a good chance to 2HKO Tyranitar with Life Orb, even without Terastallizing. Aura Sphere 2HKOes Hydreigon and Tyranitar, and with Life Orb, it OHKOes them with minimal damage.
* Life Orb makes Armarouge very powerful, securing OHKOs against Pokemon like Maushold, slightly chipped Hatterene, and, with Expanding Force in Psychic Terrain, slightly chipped Garchomp and Rotom-W. Safety Goggles grants Armarouge immunity to Amoonguss's Spore and Rage Powder.
* A Grass Tera type gives Armarouge Ground and Water resistances, which are good against Garchomp and Rotom-W. Tera Dark is a good option to improve matchups against Ghost- and Psychic-types like Ceruledge, Skeledirge, and opposing Armarouge, make Armarouge immune to Prankster Murkrow's Taunt, and give it a resistance to Kingambit's Sucker Punch. Dark Pulse can be used alongside Tera Dark to more heavily damage Ghost- and Psychic-types, though outside of opposing Armarouge, Life Orb Psychic can usually 2HKO them.
- Written by: [[yourwelcomethanku, 541847]]
- Quality checked by: [[yuki, 294287]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
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