Nat Dex Ash-Greninja [QC 1/1] [GP 1/1]


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Ash-Greninja @ Choice Specs
Ability: Battle Bond
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Dark Pulse
- Water Shuriken
- Spikes / U-turn

Ash-Greninja has great Special Attack and Speed, being able to offensively threaten targets like Landorus-T, Kartana, and Heatran to activate its Battle Bond. Dark Pulse can break certain Pokemon Hydro Pump cannot like Slowking, Ferrothorn, and Toxapex. Water Shuriken hits Mega Lopunny, Speed-boosted Mega Garchomp and Magearna, and Choice Scarf users that can outspeed Ash-Greninja. Spikes can chip down Ferrothorn, Toxapex, and Tapu Fini that would come in to take a hit, as well as making it more difficult for them to switch into Ash-Greninja repeatedly. U-turn is used to pivot out of Pokemon like Blissey, Tapu Fini, and Toxapex to get a teammate in to pressure them like Mega Medicham, Kartana, or Rillaboom; however, it can't force progress as easily against the aforementioned Spikes targets without supplementary Spikes support. Teammates in Magearna, Gliscor, and Zapdos address Ash-Greninja's weaknesses in Fairy, Electric, and Grass while providing support in Defog or Volt Switch to get it in as safely and healthy as possible.
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Ash-Greninja @ Choice Specs
Ability: Battle Bond
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Dark Pulse
- Water Shuriken
- Spikes / U-turn

Ash-Greninja stands as a great offensive threat in National Dex OU, having great offensive stats and STAB moves i wouldn't say "offensive stats" since it implies that it uses its Physical Attack which isn't true, just say great Special Attack and Speed since that's the focus of this set . Hydro Pump can break past walls with its high power, hydro pump is straightforward, not worth talking about i feel while Dark Pulse can break certain Pokemon Hydro Pump cannot like Slowking, Ferrothorn, and Toxapex, while also being more spammable due to more PP, 100% accuracy, and a flinch chance. the specific details aren't necessary at all, remember to just make it concise since this is a spotlight and not an analysis. It has a great speed tier, being able to outspeed a large chunk of Pokemon except for Mega Lopunny, setup sweepers, and Choice Scarf users who can outpace it so Water Shuriken can let it act as a great revenge killer. you shouldn't stretch this out, just simplify it to "Water Shuriken hits Pokemon that may outspeed it such as x, y and z Spikes can be used against Ferrothorn, Toxapex, and Tapu Fini that would typically come in to take a hit, as well as making it more difficult for them to switch into Ash-Greninja repeatedly. U-turn can chip down Blissey and Hydreigon overtime while keeping up all momentum against them the focus is off here, U-turn isn't good because it chips them down (which it doesn't really do well because they just recover the damage off) but because they can use them for momentum to bring in something that threatens them out, reword this. , but can't force progress as easily against the aforementioned Spikes targets without Spikes. Ash-Greninja also doesn't have great bulk, so teammates in Garchomp, Heatran, and Corviknight can help with its weaknesses how do these help Ash-Greninja? this is pretty vague as it is currently. , along with being able to pressure teams to succumb to activating Battle Bond. make sure to mention Pokemon that can help with its poor matchups vs stuff like Blissey and Tapu Fini if you can

i'll take another look once this is implemented.
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Ash-Greninja @ Choice Specs
Ability: Battle Bond
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Dark Pulse
- Water Shuriken
- Spikes / U-turn

Ash-Greninja stands as a great offensive threat in National Dex OU, having great Special Attack and Speed along with great STAB moves. this introduction is very barebones and doesn't really paint a good enough representation of Ash-Greninja's role in the metagame; you can apply this introduction to any offensive Pokemon so Ash-Greninja isn't special in this regard. Talk about how it threatens a huge portion of the metagame with these attributes.What does it offensively check? What Pokemon are heavily threatened by it? Emphasize just how hard it is to switch into. Dark Pulse can break certain Pokemon Hydro Pump cannot like Slowking, Ferrothorn, and Toxapex. Water Shuriken hits Pokemon that can outspeed it like Mega Lopunny, Choice Scarf users, and setup sweepers. setup sweepers such as? Spikes can be used against Ferrothorn, Toxapex, and Tapu Fini that would typically come in to take a hit, as well as making it more difficult for them to switch into Ash-Greninja repeatedly. U-turn can pivot out of Pokemon like Blissey, Tapu Fini, and Toxapex to get a teammate in to pressure them like Mega Medicham, Kartana, and Rillaboom, but can't force progress as easily against the aforementioned Spikes targets without Spikes. Teammates in Magearna, Gliscor, and Zapdos help Ash-Greninja's defensive weaknesses while providing support in Knock Off, Defog, or Volt Switch for Ash-Greninja to succeed in battles. This is way too vague, how does this support help Ash-Greninja? what Pokemon do those stuff you mention check that Ash-Greninja can't deal with? expand on this point more

lmk when you implement this and I'll give you the stamp
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Ash-Greninja @ Choice Specs
Ability: Battle Bond
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Dark Pulse
- Water Shuriken
- Spikes / U-turn

Ash-Greninja has great Special Attack and Speed, with being able to offensively threaten targets like Landorus-T, Kartana, and Heatran being offensively threatened by it and allowing it to activate its Battle Bond. Dark Pulse can break certain Pokemon Hydro Pump cannot like Slowking, Ferrothorn, and Toxapex. Water Shuriken hits Mega Lopunny, Speed-boosted (added hyphen) Mega Garchomp and Magearna, and Choice Scarf users that can outspeed it Ash-Greninja. Spikes can chip down Ferrothorn, Toxapex, and Tapu Fini that would come in to take a hit, as well as making it more difficult for them to switch into Ash-Greninja repeatedly. U-turn can is used to pivot out of Pokemon like Blissey, Tapu Fini, and Toxapex to get a teammate in to pressure them like Mega Medicham, Kartana, and Rillaboom, but or Rillaboom; however, it can't force progress as easily against the aforementioned Spikes targets without supplementary Spikes support. (i assume you mean "without teammates that can set Spikes in its stead") Teammates in Magearna, Gliscor, and Zapdos help address Ash-Greninja's weaknesses in Fairy-, Electric-, and Grass-types Fairy, Electric, and Grass while providing support in Defog or Volt Switch to get Ash-Greninja it in as safely and healthy as possible.