Ask a Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer (IRC Edition) Mark 2

Have any general questions about #pokemon or any of the other Smogon-affiliated IRC channels? Do you need help with any IRC or client-related problems? You can ask in this thread for assistance. Make sure to search the thread before asking any general questions that might have already been answered. Please only ask questions related to IRC; general questions go in the Smogon Metagames SQSA thread.

For setting up clients, we have several onsite guides.
Currently, we have guides for Colloquy, Linkinus, mIRC, and mobile devices.

If you are having issues connecting with a specific client, please post which client you are using and what error you are getting so that we can best help you.
So I've been trying to figure out how to use IRC and I've been running into a couple issues. I'm using mIRC because it seemed easier to figure out how to do stuff and the first few times it worked fine, but now it keeps telling me that my nick is already in use (which I think is possibly me stuck logged in from before but I'm not sure; does that happen?), and when I quit, I get the help message below that I don't really understand (I tried to follow the download link but my computer stopped downloading about half way through for some reason, which admittedly might have been my apartment's internet acting up, but I tried a couple times).


Are either of these actual issues or are these things I could fix easily? Is there a better IRC client I could be using that would stop them from happening?
If your nickname is actually still logged on, use /ns ghost melvni password (password being your actual password) to get rid of the nick, so you can log on.
hi, I want to connect on the irc of PS, but it doesn't work, i tried #showdown on synirc and I get this:

*** Looking up localhost
*** Connecting to localhost [] port 7002
*** Closing Link [] (Throttled: Reconnecting too fast) -Email for more information.

Connecting to localhost ? wtf ?
the closest thing to an irc "account" is a registered nickname. note that you do NOT need to have a registered nick to be active on IRC, or join channels, etc. you can use an unregistered nick and you will be fine (but sometimes #pokemon blocks nonregistered nicks because of spammers so I can understand if you want to get one right away). here is how you go about that process:

this command will change your nick to whatever it is you want to be called

/msg nickserv register yourdesiredpass youremail
yourdesiredpass is the password you want to use for the nickname. youremail is your email address. a confirmation email will be sent to this address containing a code

/msg nickserv confirm yourcode
confirm the nick using the code you received in the email

now whenever you want to use your nick, you will also have to type in
/msg nickserv identify yourdesiredpass
this indicates to the server that "i am the owner of this nick". depending on your client, there may be a way to do this automatically as soon as you start up.

finally you might want to use the command
/msg nickserv set kill on
i don't think this is set by default on synirc. what this does is, if another user attempts to use your nickname, they will have to identify within one minute, otherwise they will be forcibly changed to a guest12345 nick. basically what this allows you to do is protect your nickname from being impersonated by other people.

there are various other functionalities that become available once you register a nick so you can check those out with
/msg chanserv help
/msg nickserv help
/msg hostserv help

finally note that many clients support short forms for these commands
instead of typing /msg hostserv xxxxx you can type /hs xxxxx
instead of typing /msg nickserv xxxxx you can type /ns xxxxx
instead of typing /msg chanserv xxxx you can type /cs xxxxx
hopefully you see the pattern

anyway i hope that helps, let us know if you have any other questions
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How many posts do you need to have to access IRC?
pikachuun is basically correct, we don't care how many posts you have as long as you aren't an idiot. there are people in our channel who i think don't even have a smogon account

Are there any new channels I should keep an eye out for related to X/Y?
check out the uncharted territory and orange islands sections. a few channels i can think of include #xyresearch (this channel is mostly for coordinating research activity so stick to #pokemon for general discussion) and #safari (for getting friend safaris from other people and sharing your own - this is a postgame thing, if you haven't beaten the game yet you will find it soon)
Don't forget #orangeislands which has a lot of XY talk (mostly breeding now but w/e) and movie nights every Thursday night - there should be one in about five and a half hours from this post!
Don't forget #orangeislands which has a lot of XY talk (mostly breeding now but w/e) and movie nights every Thursday night - there should be one in about five and a half hours from this post!

There is still a lot of great ingame discussion to be had in #OrangeIslands :) We are all pretty friendly guys and gals on there!

Best case is don't be scared to get involved :)
been trying to join #pokemon but it says i need to register a username don't know what is going on

To register a nickname, type /ns register password e-mail. password is a five letter or more case sensitive password. e-mail is a legitimate e-mail address. This is very important, as an activation key will be sent to you. You will then need to enter that activation key to finish registering. If a nickname is already registered, you must choose a different nickname to register.

Any other questions we have a bunch of tutorials here:
I am having trouble getting into IRC using HexChat. Whenever I try to add server details it just goes to newserver then a number :/ I can't connect? Why does mirc expire bleehh.

EDIT: Downloaded a different version. Works fine.
Mirc doesn't expire, it just prevents you from using it for a day (unless you use an older version of it which they don't have available for download). I'm not experienced with Hexchat at all and whenever Mirc gives me lip I just use mibbit until it allows me to log on again.
I've been trying to join #smogon with Colloquy but everytime I try to join the server it says:

You need to identify with network services to join the room "#smogon" on "".

Server Details:
You need a registered nick to join that channel.

How do I do this?
I've been trying to join #smogon with Colloquy but everytime I try to join the server it says:

You need to identify with network services to join the room "#smogon" on "".

Server Details:
You need a registered nick to join that channel.

How do I do this?
Connect to the server and type /msg nickserv identify password email

Obviously replace "password" with a password you create and replace "email" with a functioning email.
Connect to the server and type /msg nickserv identify password email

Obviously replace "password" with a password you create and replace "email" with a functioning email.
It won't even let me connect to the server. When I click "Join" a pop-up window with the bolded message comes up.
Ok after I do this is it supposed to send me an email? I typed that in and I got: "nickserv: Your nick isn't registered."
Whoops, I mistyped. It is /msg nickserv REGISTER password email

I'm used to identifying rather than registering and typed it out of habbit. :pirate: Sorry!