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I heard other metagames, like the Japanese and non-English European ones, have drastically different tier lists. Is there any place to see these, including translated explanations of placements? I think it would be an interesting read.
is there any link to translate emloop to english instead of japanese

also, is there anyway that u get perfect IV ditto without hacking or cheating (i dont mind SR) in Emerald quick in like 10-20 mins
Would you guys think this set would work.. at all?:

Tyranitar @ Leftovers
252 HP / 252 SATK / 6 SDEF
Modest / Sandstream
~ Sub
~ Ice Beam
~ Fire Blast
~ Thunderbolt

I thought it up in only a couple of seconds, heh. It's partially the Boah of all Boahs', and surprises the opponent even more.
Would you guys think this set would work.. at all?:

Tyranitar @ Leftovers
252 HP / 252 SATK / 6 SDEF
Modest / Sandstream
~ Sub
~ Ice Beam
~ Fire Blast
~ Thunderbolt
It doesn't really do anything to stop its normal counters, plus it doesn't get any STAB. As most Boah's tend to run Ice Beam, you wont hit Salamence with it, and Scizor will likely U-Turn and will always be faster. Thunderbolt might catch Gyarados but it really isn't worth it.

In the current metagame Tyranitar is more useful as a Choice Bander or Dragon Dancer, killing off the likes of Latias and Choice Rotoms.
So if I breed a male snorlax that knows Self Destruct from the XD move tutor, the baby will not know self destruct correct?
Timid nature, Natural Cure trait
Rapid Spin
Works with Hail?

Hmm.. It could.. With Blizzard's high accuracy during hail.. But since Starmie isn't immune to hail leftovers recovery would compensate for the damage..
For me I think it would work.. But Starmie wouldn't have any way of recovering HP.. Consider Recover I suppose?
Timid nature, Natural Cure trait
Rapid Spin
Works with Hail?

Since I suppose you're going to use that starmie on a hail team, I think that you already have enough ice moves and so, I would replace blizzard with recover. Also, since you're using it as a spinner, maybe a more defensive oriented EV spread would be preferable.
What about:
Timid nature, Forwarn trait
~Calm Mind
~Focus Blast/Psychic/Shadow Ball
I want two attacking moves for coverage. Also, what option is best for the last slot?
for Dittos, you just have to keep chaining until you get something good.

if there's a specific nature you need, be sure to use a syncher.
Just a quick question. When I edit my signature from the User Control Panel, in the 'Signature Permissions' section, it says the following:

Allow Basic BBCode Yes
Allow Color BBCode No
Allow Size BBCode No
Allow Font BBCode No
Allow Alignment BBCode Yes
Allow List BBCode Yes
Allow Link BBCode Yes
Allow Code BBCode Yes
Allow PHP BBCode Yes
Allow HTML BBCode Yes
Allow Quote BBCode Yes
Allow HTML No
Allow Code [B]No[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Allow Smilies [B]Yes[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=black]Can Upload Images for Signature [B]No[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=black][I]Can Upload Animated GIF for Signature [B]Yes[/B][/I][/COLOR][/quote]

However, when I attempt to put an animated GIF in my signature, it refuses to accept it. Is this a bug, or have I misinterpreted something?
Just a quick question. When I edit my signature from the User Control Panel, in the 'Signature Permissions' section, it says the following:

However, when I attempt to put an animated GIF in my signature, it refuses to accept it. Is this a bug, or have I misinterpreted something?
i believe you have to have a badge to have an image in your sig.
Okay this is kind of like a request but in question form. I need parents, and i actually have a decent pogey to pimp out to anyone who cna give me parents for the following groups

water 1, 2, 3
Plant 1, 2
i need a parent for Pretty much every group.

I have to give a pretty awesoem spiritomb.

Egg Moves: Does Not need, but it has Pain Split if it's your fancy.

Please PM if y9u cna trade me some of the redis pogeys goign around so i can get my number of pokemon back up.
What do I need to do in order to find out what my Secret ID is in Emerald?
"The only way to find the Secret Trainer ID is to hack it.

There are a couple of ways to find it.

Somebody made a ActionReplay for GBA code
that showed the Secret Trainer ID on the Trainer ID Card in the game BUT
some Secret Trainer IDs cause the game to crash and lockup.

The older ActionReplays could link to a computer with a USB cable.
The program could download 64k of the 128k Pokemon GameSave.
Then use a Hex editor to find the Secret Trainer ID.
NOTE: Do NOT upload a 64k GameSave using this
program. It will corrupt the GameSave and you might have to
start a new Game.

There was a ActionReplay device that you could play
GBA games on the GameCube.
It had a program where you could see the "GBA" memory.
With it you could scan though and find the Secret Trainer ID."

I took that from the gamefaqs board from a user named kpdavatar. Im sure kamikazeking is right that you could use r4 too (or the other ds flash cart things.
If you've caught a shiny on that game, you can use the IVs to PID applet, and then input that and your trainer ID into Emloop's SID calculator...

Also, I think it's been asked already, but I don't see an answer. Is there any translation for the part of the Emloop counter that maps shinies? I'm trying to do it on my own, but the Japanese use very different terms for things, so I'm obviously clueless.
Alright, I have a question. Why isn't shoddy working for me? I know that is about as vague as it gets, but seriously. Every time I run it, it only shows the "official server" or whatever. Also, everytime I start it up it say

error- java


I really want to play, but its being a pain. I have gotten on twice, then this started happening. All help is much appreciated.
What about:
Timid nature, Forwarn trait
~Calm Mind
~Focus Blast/Psychic/Shadow Ball
I want two attacking moves for coverage. Also, what option is best for the last slot?

For the last slot it all depends upon what your team can and can't counter.
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