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What's a good replacement move for Hidden Power on Magnezone? Mine has HP Ghost :pirate:.

And can someone check the IVs of my Lv. 100 Timid Untouched Celebi with these stats? The IV Calculator keeps saying it has all 31 IVs, and I doubt that's right.

HP 341
Atk 212
Def 236
SpAtk 236
SpDef 236
Spd 259

From a single glance I can can tell HP, Def, SpAtk, SpDef and Atk are all perfect. Without a calculator. Looks like you have a hack on your hands.

Flash Cannon is ok on Magnezone instead of Hidden Power. It hit's Rhyperior nice and hard, harder then HP Ice.
That would be 31's across the board, with no EV's, which is almost certainly hacked. Either that, or someone really played the EV's correctly to make it look "perfect". (Id bet hacked if you have a Jirachi with the same stats)
I hope the guy gives me a refund.
And can someone check the IVs of my Lv. 100 Timid Untouched Celebi with these stats? The IV Calculator keeps saying it has all 31 IVs, and I doubt that's right.

HP 341
Atk 212
Def 236
SpAtk 236
SpDef 236
Spd 259

Are you sure it's untouched? Are you sure you didn't hack it with perfect IV's or something? (Mine shows perfect IV's as well.)

Question of my own:

Is the only way to get Amnesia on Tangela without using one of the grass starters? I was thinking about going

Amnesia Slaking --> Venusaur/Torterra --> Tangela

but I really don't want to have to try and get a female form of one of the starters because of the extremely low female percentage. Any other way to do this?
I just saw in the anylasis that curselax gets self-destruct. How does snorlax learn self-destruct? Its not a tutor move or an egg move unless i overlooked something.
Is Swampert any good as a wall, i am thinking counter and mirror coat

Swampert makes a decent physical-defender with only one weakness (not physical) , ...If you desperately fear special attacks, you have two options... you can pray you will survive a grass-knot/energy-ball/hp grass (not looking good) and use mirror coat, or you can have an effective special-defender on your team that you can swap out to. The most common swapout is blissey, but if you're not a fan of overly-pink, you could go with the slightly darker pink slowking... even less pink, grumpig can handle moderate special-threats, and not pink at all, you can toss in hypno, who has the potential to really tick off your opponents if they were using sleep-powder(or something) when they expected a swapout.

Swampert's sexy hp and decent defenses are nice and all, making it a decent wobbuffet, but it has many more options... for example, if you really fear grass types, you could just as well use avalanche, killing most plants with swamperts nice attack-stat, while simultaneously having something to kill dragons and flyings with.
Stealth-rock is amazingly fun and handy, mainly because if you switch in swampert onto something that can't really hurt it, you've got a free-turn to stealth-rock as they switch, requiring little prediction at all in regards to what they have coming in. Waterfall finally gives her 110 base-attack stat a stab'd to hit other grounds with, as well as hitting many many types for neutral damage. (Ground is handy, but commonly countered, seeing as how earthquake is such a common move... especially on swampert.) That being said though, earthquake is usually on swampy for a reason. It hits many types for excellent damage... Ice/ground provides decent coverage, so if you really want to drop waterfall and just use avalanche/earthquake, that leaves you two spots open, of which, I'd reccomend stealth-rock, and if you really really want to, you could put mirror-coat or counter in that last spot.

Bleh, suddenly after re-reading that I feel nasty. Oh well.

Alright, my question:

What do ya'll think about the concept of using a bulk-up/wish gallade as a physical-attacking version of a CMbro... with slightly better coverage, but slightly weaker set-up-ability?
Ok, maybe I was dreaming things, or I've just been out of the loop that long, but isn't the move Destiny Bond limited to a certain amount of turns?

Don't know why, but I always assumed it lasted one 3 turns or so. ^^;

I feel like such an idiot.
How do i put pictures in my posts?
[img-](stick image URL here)[/img]

put that code in and ommit the "-" after [img

Basic HTML stuff

My question: how do you soft reset? I always forget how to.
Ok, maybe I was dreaming things, or I've just been out of the loop that long, but isn't the move Destiny Bond limited to a certain amount of turns?

Don't know why, but I always assumed it lasted one 3 turns or so. ^^;

I feel like such an idiot.

I think what you're talking about is PERISH SONG, which kills the opponent after 3 turns if neither you or he/she doesn't switch out.

Destiny Bond is a move that if used first, and the opponent's next attack kills your pokemon, their pokemon which killed you will die as well.

So Basically:

Gengar Used Destiny Bond!
Weavile used Nightslash!
Gengar lost 100% of its health!
Gengar fainted.
Gengar took down Weavile with Destiny Bond!
Weavile fainted.
I think what you're talking about is PERISH SONG, which kills the opponent after 3 turns if neither you or he/she doesn't switch out.

Destiny Bond is a move that if used first, and the opponent's next attack kills your pokemon, their pokemon which killed you will die as well.

So Basically:

Gengar Used Destiny Bond!
Weavile used Nightslash!
Gengar lost 100% of its health!
Gengar fainted.
Gengar took down Weavile with Destiny Bond!
Weavile fainted.

Ah okay, I see I see!

Man, now that you've refreshed my memory I feel like a fucking moron! >_<

Anyways, thanks!
What do you breed with to get an Abra with Encore?

Mr. Mime.

Is the only way to get Amnesia on Tangela without using one of the grass starters? I was thinking about going

Amnesia Slaking --> Venusaur/Torterra --> Tangela

but I really don't want to have to try and get a female form of one of the starters because of the extremely low female percentage. Any other way to do this?

Jumpluff gets Amnesia as an egg move and is in the fairy group. I'm thinking Quagsire -> Marril -> Jumpluff -> Tangela off the top of my head, but now that I've given you a lead, perhaps you'll find an easier way. :)
Hmm some more questions...

I have a great dugtrio with spectacular IVs and I've EV trained it...problem is...


It has sand veil.

Anyways, do you think it's still a viable pokemon? The way I figure it, the opponent will assume it's arena trap and not switch out, so this way I COULD get the effect of arena trap (psychologically from the opponent's perspective) and the added evasion from Sand Veil. Is this viable? Should I breed for a whole new dugtrio?

Also, if an opponent mirror move's my metrenome, will he actually use metrenome, or the move that randomly popped up as a result of metrenome. I'm sorry I can't word it better, hopefully you guys understand what i'm getting at.


Togekiss uses Metrenome
Togekiss used Fire Blast
Fearow used Mirror Move
Fearow used: A) Metrenome or B) Fire Blast?

Thanks :D
Are you sure it's untouched? Are you sure you didn't hack it with perfect IV's or something? (Mine shows perfect IV's as well.)

Question of my own:

Is the only way to get Amnesia on Tangela without using one of the grass starters? I was thinking about going

Amnesia Slaking --> Venusaur/Torterra --> Tangela

but I really don't want to have to try and get a female form of one of the starters because of the extremely low female percentage. Any other way to do this?
They're both Lv. 70, which is the level that you get them at at the events. The guy said that they're both legit, even though I know he has hacked other games. Do you think I could trade them for anything?
If I am using a Gliscor with SandVeil and Brightpowder (during a sandstorm) and my opponent uses stone edge what is the accuracy of it hitting? I know that sandveil is a 20 percent boost, brightpowder is 10 percent, and stone edge is already 80 percent accurate as is.

just a random thought, if chaining for shinies on a pokeradar works because you saw the same pokemon a lot, has anyone ever tried chaining a magikarp with an old rod?
Indeed, the bracer is for attack.

To blatantly copy,

Power Anklet - Speed
Power Band - Sp. Def
Power Belt - Def
Power Bracer - Attack
Power Lens - Sp. Attack
Power Weight - HP

The Power Herb doesn't do anything for EVs.

A question of my own: Are Staryu or Starmie able to pass moves down, or does their genderless nature prevent them from doing so? I'm hoping to save some money on TMs.

Edit: I see I was beaten.
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