Ask here for D/P Little Cup

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Wild Eep

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Ask in this thread for 4th Gen or D/P Little Cup battles here.

All battles in this thread are assumed to follow the following rules:

6v6 Singles
Species Clause - A player cannot have two of the same Pokémon on a team.
Sleep Clause - A player may not put two of the opponent's Pokémon to sleep. If the opponent causes their own Pokémon to fall asleep, that does not fall under Sleep Clause.
Evasion Clause - A Pokémon cannot use Double Team or Minimize.
OHKO Clause - A Pokémon cannot use Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold.
Level 5 Maximum - Only Pokémon and moves obtained at or before Level 5 may be used. Pomeg Glitch is allowed.
Baby Pokemon - Only stage 1 Pokémon can be used. Pokémon must also have at least 1 Evolution in order to be eligible for use.
Pokemon Banlist - A team cannot have any of the following Pokémon: Meditite, Misdreavus, Murkrow, Scyther, Sneasel, Tangela, Yanma.
Item Banlist - A team cannot have a Pokémon holding any of the following items: Berry Juice, Deepseatooth.
Move Banlist - No Pokémon on a team may know any of the following moves: Dragon Rage, Sonicboom.
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