Baton Pass with Class

Team At A Glance:


Team Building Process:

In the past, ive had alot of problems dealing with Dual Screen Teams, so i decided to make my own. I tryed Bronzong, but his lack of speed made things difficult, so i went with Azelf.


My next idea was a baton passer. With the screens up, i should be able to set up easily. My first choice was Ninjask


From here i went for power. My first choice, Dragonite, because in the GB games, he ran shop


My next choice was Metagross, with his epic attack stat, a little speed is all he needs to sweep nearly uncontested


I started thinking. i have a DSer, a BPer, and two powerfull sweepers. but i was still lacking any kind of support. for this, i called upon Vaporeon

From here, i noticed everyone was physical, meaning i could be easily walled. With this in mine, i introduced empoleon to my gang.


This was my team for a while, and i had alot of success with it. However, i noticed that i had a glareing weakness to EQ in Gross and Emp. So i Traded Empoeon for machamp

This here team was pretty epic. than i hit another issue. Ninjask=Frail as hell. solution, Gliscor. does the same job, but is a bit bulkier, and has acess to Taunt

This was a pretty good team. I can put up Screens, than 'splode. than while im protected, i can stat up with Gliscor, than pass to the sweeper of my choice. No glaring weaknesses, only thing i noticed, Dragonite<Mence. so i took care of that.

This was My team. Had a high amount of success, but phazers still destroyed me. With afew reccomendations, i fixed that problem.

So thats the team how it stands. i still feel like i can improve a few things, i just cant put my finger on the specifics. any comments are greatly appreciated :D

Abyss (Azelf) @ Light Clay
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/4 Def/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Explosion
- Taunt
The lead is one of the key parts to your team. I chose Azelf because A) he has a good speed stat, and B) he has a varity of sets, so the opponet really has problems predicting what im coming at them with. I went with a Dual Screen Azelf because it allows my passers to stat up without taking too much damage. this way if the recipient of the pass feints, i can set up another. Explosion allows my passer to come in unharmed, and at the very least takes a big chunk out of almost everything in the OU teir, bar ghosts.


Clamps (Gliscor) (M) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Hyper Cutter
EVs: 252 HP/60 Spd/196 SDef
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Rock Polish
- Swords Dance
- Taunt
- Baton Pass
This is my primary passer. with Screens up, i can rock polish up, taunt if i feel its neccisarry, than proceed to SD up untill im either content with the boost, the screens end, or im getting low on health. My main goal is to get up one Rock Polish, and at least two SD's. if i accomplish that, my sweepers can do alot of damage


Smeargle (M) @ Shed Shell
Ability: Own Tempo
EVs: 96 HP/120 Def/252 Spd/40 SDef
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Baton Pass
- Ingrain
- Spore
- Substitute
Smeargle is here due to a suggestion from Chomper the Trex. He mentioned that If i run into a phazer, i could have some trouble. He recomended Smergle with Ingrain, so here you go. Once im Ingrained, i can get a sub up, and pass to one of my three Power Houses. Not only does Ingrain prevent me from being Roared or Whirlwinded, it also replenishs your health (Slowly, but its better than nothing right?). Spore is just basic on Smeargle, its never bad to put someone to sleep.


Striker (Machamp) (M) @ Lum Berry
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Dynamicpunch
- Thunderpunch
- Ice Punch
- Fire Punch
This is my main Sweeper. With the speed boost and attack boost from a rock polish and two SD's, theres isnt much that can survive any of the four attacks. Dynamic punch is the main attack here, Providing both a STAB bonus, and 100% chance of confusion if the opponent survives it. Not much can wall this set. i originally had Stone Edge over Fire punch, but i received a lot of trouble from Forry, and i could already OHKO Gyra with TPunch. Swampert gives me a bit of an issue, but is usally 2HKOed by DPunch, provided i get my 2 SD's.


Metagross @ Life Orb
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 112 HP / 252 Atk / 12 Def / 132 Spe
Adament nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Meteor Mash
- Earthquake
- Zen Headbutt
- Thunderpunch
Gross makes another good option to pass to. With a diverse physical movepool, and already high attack stat, all he really lacks is speed. If i can Only get off a Rock Polish with Gliscor, this is my guy. Zen headbutt handles all of the rotom forms and gengar without fail. Meteor Mash is just pure power, plus a chance to raise attack. Earthquake takes care of fire switch ins, and thunderpunch handles the flyers i cant hit with EQ


Saphira (Salamence) (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly nature (+Spe, -sAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Roost
Salamence is a massive threat. after one DD, he can 2HKO damn near anything. i got roost there to heal life orb damage, and stealth rocks. EQ trashs anything that Outrage wont. Being flying type, in can come in on something trying to EQ Metagross, and than proceed to set up.

-Trick Room

Coverage List:

EV updates in bold thanks to Rising Dusk

Defensive Threats:

Ok, so lets assume that i have passed at least a Rock Polish when reading these. Also, im simply going to list the move that i use to handle each threat. I will specify if it needs a SD boost and how many.
Blissey – Dynamic Punch SD:1
Bronzong – Fire Punch SD:1
Celebi – Fire Punch SD:0, Ice Punch SD:1
Cresselia – This is a toughy... Fire/Thunder/Ice punch SD:2...luckily i dont run into this much
Dusknoir- Same as Cress...and pray he cant get up a Trick Room
Forretress – Fire Punch SD:0
Gliscor – Ice Punch SD:0
Gyarados - Thunder Punch SD:1
Hippowdon – One of two True worries to me... if hes around, i kinda just have to hope ive set up ingrain than chip away
Jirachi – Fire Punch or EQ both SD:1
Rotom-A – Zen Headbutt SD:1

Skarmory – Fire/Thunder/Ice Punch SD:1 (two for a bulkier varity)

Snorlax – Dynamic Punch SD:0 (provided no cursing has takin place)
Suicune – Thunder Punch SD:2

Swampert – My other Threat... Dynamic Punch SD: 1

Tyranitar – Dynamic/Ice Punch SD:0/1 EQ SD:1
Vaporeon – Thunder Punch SD:1

Zapdos – Dynamic/Ice Punch SD:1

Still working on Offensive Threats, Should be up tomorrow or later tonight
Hello, gettajob40, I'd like to mention that you have an excellent Baton Pass team going on here. The use of Azelf as a suicide DS lead is excellent for starting things off and you have the passes and sweepers to really put it to use! Great job! I have a few comments, though, that will improve individual members of your chain.

First, Vaporeon. Without Roar, you have no real reason to outspeed Skarmory with Vaporeon. You need only 12 Speed EVs to outspeed 8 Speed Scizor and only 56 to outspeed 252 EV Rhyperior if for some reason he scares you. You can then dump the rest of those EVs into HP for bulkier subs that will be nigh-impossible to break with physical attacks after an Acid Armor. In the end, I recommend 244 HP / 252 Def / 12 Spe just to get the edge over the standard Scizor. It also buffers your special durability a bit to boost your HP.

Also, my next recommendation is for Metagross. Meteor Mash is going to obliterate Gengar anyways, and Zen Headbutt is both relatively unreliable with its accuracy and carries poor coverage in general. You should also be running an Adamant nature on Metagross. If you're aiming to pass it some quick speed boosts, then Adamant's significant boost to its attacks will help tons. Adamant also doesn't reduce its Special Defense, which Naughty does. (If you want speed, use Jolly, you're not running a mixed set) Furthermore, why are you running SpA EVs without a special attack? Run the following:

Metagross @ Life Orb
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 112 HP / 252 Atk / 12 Def / 132 Spe
Nature: Adamant
Meteor Mash
Ice Punch

112 HP EVs put you at a LO number, 132 Speed EVs are needed for +2 speed Gross as you already have, 252 Atk is needed for smashing hard, and the last 12 EVs go into Defense. Note that this is the general AgiliGross EV spread, and for good reason! Ice Punch is generally more useful on the whole than Zen Headbutt, although if you really want to OHKO defensive Rotom-A after a SD boost, Zen Headbutt is still viable.

Your Salamence has a similar problem to your Metagross. Because you're running Roost over Fire Blast, you don't need to run the Naughty nature or the 24 SpA EVs. Use the following spread instead.

Salamence @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Nature: Jolly
Dragon Dance

These are the most glaring issues I saw. This is a cool team, good luck with it!
Thank you rising dusk, im gonna go with the Ev and nature changes, but im gonna stick with Zen Headbutt, because i hate Rotom with a Passion lol. And thank you for the Compliments :D
I can attest to this being a solid team having played it, but I have to second Rising Dusk's suggestion on Meteor Mash. Zen Headbutt only hits hits him neutrally anyway. Going off of the spread he gave against the Standard Rotom-H.

Meteor Mash
28.9% - 34.2%

Zen Headbutt
46.4% - 54.6%

Ice Punch
29.3% - 34.5%

Zen Headbutt does have a little utility, but it isn't a guaranteed 2HKO without SR and with BP'd attack boosts you'd be better off with his set.

Most BP teams need Smeargle or Mr.Mime but yours seems to do fine without it, unless of course they come in on Vaporeon which I'd recommend giving roar or even scrapping for something else.
i have been thinking, possibly switching Vaporeon for either Smeargle w/ Ingrain or Cradily due to suction cups, im not sure which, any suggestions?
Smeargle can keep your pass alive, meanwhile Cradily/Octillery are excellent receivers for their immunity to phazing. I don't think your team needs any of them. These are my reasons:

  • You use a fast DS lead to set up ASAP and get passes done quick. Because of this, most people won't be expecting a Baton Pass chain and won't send out their best Pokemon for the job. Gliscor comes out after the explosion and sets up immediately as they switch to their phazer and get Taunted.
  • Vaporeon and Gliscor cover eachother's weaknesses excellently for a BP team, with the primary types used against Gliscor being resisted (Ice) and absorbed (Water) while the primary attacks against Vaporeon Gliscor is immune to (Electric).
  • Smeargle makes your team very weak to reasonably fast water-types, such as sweeper Suicune and especially Swampert for his EQ against Metagross.
  • You're not using a very long baton pass chain, so having the embedded immunity to phazing really isn't that important.
You can experiment with the Smeargle, but I think it will prove not as useful on the whole as your Vaporeon was given that you carry three sweepers and aren't running a gigantic or very long baton pass chain.

I also am concerned with the Lum Berry used on Gliscor. I feel that Leftovers would help with his bulk given his importance on the team. If you do keep a Smeargle, though, Yache Berry could merit some use since you really need to be able to pass the boosts off successfully and won't have a good Ice-resist in the chain.

Also, consider a Life Orb on Machamp. It'll boost his attacks tremendously, especially when backed by a Swords Dance. Without it, you really don't have many options for beating Rotom-A. (You may even consider using Guts and Close Combat if defensive Rotom-A proves a real problem, since defensive Rotom-A will be trying to burn you)

Anyways, cheers.
Thank You, Rising Dusk, So far, Smeargle is working out pretty well. As it was with Vaporeon, I only switch to Him when i feel i can. about 80% of the time, i go right from Gliscor to This Sweeper or That sweeper. As For the Double Lum Berry... I cant count the number of times that just before i pass, my gliscor gets confused or burned or this or that, so i gave him a Lum Berry, and Machamp did have a Life Orb. The reason i decided to give him a lum berry also is because the opposing player most of the time he just did the same move. with the double Lum Berry's, the opponet basically wastes two turns, and allows me to come in with no damage. As for the Attack on Machamp, i almost always get Two SD's from gliscor, which gives me more than enough to plow through almost anything in OU, especially if I can pass him a sub and Ingrain from Smeargle

Once again, thank you for the suggestions :D