252+ SpA Mega Charizard Y Overheat vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Regice in Sun: 122-146 (65.2 - 78%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Wow! Why do noone ever uses regice?
- Garchomp hits you on the physical side. You probably can live one attack unless Stone Edge crits or something, but will take alot of damage in the process. If Chomp is Sash, you probably lose and you can't safely switch in. Chomp often runs Stealth Rock.
- Kangaskhan wins.
- Gengar's worst case scenario is forcing a trade with Destiny Bond. Otherwise you lose to Hypnosis + Fail Blast if the Gengar user gets lucky.
- Talonflame hits you on the physical side with a super effective STAB.
- Thundurus could be Nasty Plot Focus Blast or Life Orb Focus Blast. FB Thundurus is not common and Regice probably wins most of the time, but you can't really switch in especially if rocks are up. This is a matchup in Regice's favour though.
- Blaziken. lol
- Salamence. Ice Beam is obviously an OHKO, but Regice won't enjoy Aerilate Double-Edge at all and can't really switch in without risking a 2HKO.
- Mawile. ROFL
- Aegislash. Well...
- Rotom-W. Regice walls it. Rotom walls you. Rotom could trick you though or just use Volt Switch to create momentum. 1vs1 Regice wins, Volt Switch probably screws you in a realistic scenario though.
- Greninja's Low Kick hurts. You can't switch into Low Kick and live another one.
- Cresselia can Toxic the Regice. It can abuse it to Calm Mind. It can heal the damage with Moonlight. You probably lose, since AV Regice can't Toxic it back.
- Suicune wins the long game. It Calm Minds in Regice's face while you waste Thunderbolt PP to Pressure. Rest keeps Cune alive. If it's Toxic Cune... same story.
- Mamoswine doesn't give a shit about anything besides Focus Blast and hits your physical side. It can fish for Fissure kills. Can Superpower you. Can set SR to cripple Regice's bulk or simply hit you with EQ for solid damage.
- Landorus-T. Same story as Mence... Ice Beam is an instant kill, but switching Regice in is not easy, especially if the Lando-T has U-turn...
- Ferrothorn's Gyro Ball would be weak af, but it can still Leech Seed you, hit your weaker defense and Protect to stall and stay alive. It also often runs Stealth Rock. I could see Regice win this with some lucky Focus Blast hits or Hidden Power Fire, but it is hardly a great matchup for Regice.
- Azumarill hits you hard, because it hits you on the physical side. Superpower Azumarill does not give a fuck, but even if it doesn't have Superpower... Waterfall still hurts. Especially if it drums on the Regice switch in..
- Breloom Spores you, then Mach Punches you. It also probably has a Sash to survive Ice Beams from early wake ups...
- Charizard. Just because Max SDef AV Regice lives an Overheat with health to spare, doesn't make this a great matchup. Zard Y still heavily threatens you and Zard X sets up on you and outright kills you... Regice has no business dealing with these, even more so if you don't know what kind of Zard it is yet...
- Porygon2. Neither hits the other for big damage, but Porygon2 could Toxic you or just kill you in ~10 turns while staying alive with Recover. AssVest Regice obviously has no recovery.
These are the 20 most common Battle Spot Singles mons and AssVest Regice does not achieve very much at all against them.
Battle Spot Doubles is even worse. AssVest means no Protect and Rock Slide is the best move in doubles (besides Protect). Double targetting counteracts your insane special bulk too.