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Tournament Battle Stadium Premier League VIII - COMMENCEMENT THREAD


la pobreza me está respirando en la nuca Marce
is a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Dedicated Tournament Host

Welcome to the eighth iteration of BSPL, and the third edition of Battle Stadium Singles Premier League! In this team tournament, managers will draft their team from a pool and players and face off against a different team each week. The top three teams will continue on to playoffs to decide who will be the BSPL VIII champion! That's half the teams, a 50/50 shot, so you might as well sign up.
The champions will get a special role in the Smogon Battle Stadium discord and This year the prize will be a custom avatar for the winning team!

This year the tour will be hosted by Theia and Leru thank you very much for your help!

BSPL VIII tentative schedule:
  • July 24: Manager Signups
  • July 30: Players Signups
  • August 12/13: Draft (time TBD)
  • August 13: Week 1
  • August 20: Week 2
  • August 27: Week 3
  • September 3: Week 4
  • September 10: Week 5
  • September 17: Semifinals
  • September 24: Finals
As usual, this will serve as the general talk thread/meme hub of the tournament, as well as the place where pre-tournament discussions will take place.

Managers and teams for this year are:

:zapdos: Academy Railguns - luisin + Dybala jr
:dragonair: Dave's Dragonairs - Stone Cold + Z Strats
:manaphy: Manaphy City - Fluore + I want Atago to sit on me
:thundurus: Rustboro Rocky Helmets - NOVED
:sylveon: Pink Powerhous - Ferenia + Irene-2002
:azumarill: Blackthorn Belly Drummers - Thick Fat Azumarill + hunternoooob

PLAYERS SIGNUPS: https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/bsspl-viii-player-signups-custom-avatar-prize.3725331/

Tentative format:

  • SV Battle Stadium Singles Regulation D (1)
  • SV Battle Stadium Singles Regulation D (2)
  • SS Battle Stadium Singles Series 12
  • USUM Battle Spot Singles
  • ORAS Battle Spot Singles
  • GBU Singles (Gen 5 Battle Spot)
If there are enough signups, the tournament will be expanded from 6 slots to 8 slots, adding the following 2 slots to the lineup:
  • SV Battle Stadium Singles Regulation D (3)
  • SV Battle Stadium Singles Regulation D (4)
Happy posting!
very subjective and brief prs:

1) :Manaphy:
I don't know how but somehow Floure and TCO ended up drafting 4 BSS mains, all of whom are good. The starters that don't main the tier have both played in BSWC iirc, so they're at least familiar with the format.

2) :Rocky Helmet:
Very well-rounded team that looks well-eqipped to do well in SV in particular, though I'm pretty sure NOVED is one of two boomers that have kept up with the format since close to its inception so their oldgens support is nothing to scoff at. Looking forward to see how rarre and Ryuuji do, as I believe this is the former's first BSPL and I have 0 idea who the latter is.

3) Pink something I forget

Irene, Pearl, A Crayfish, and Quinn (who is benched for some reason??) are great players and getting them after throwing 30k on Pearl is honestly impressive. I would rank this team higher but I don't know how much effort Pearl will be putting in so..


I don't know what a railgun is (I think its a type of sprinkler??), but knowing luisin its some weeb shit

Good SV core, luisin is very good at BSS and seems to have drafted like half Latin America. I'm surprised they're this low but what can you do.

5) :Dragonair:

Good SS and BW, will struggle in the rest (bar Medeia's slot, they're fire) due to a seeming lack of support. I don't think anyone bar Mish, Breckinridge, and Medeia has ever even touched BSS in their lives, though I do not know any of these people so I wouldn't be surprised if they have. I'm really curious as to how Akaru Kokuyo will do as I recall a friend of mine who isn't on Smogon mention them, though I unfortunately don't remember the context. The daves somehow make playoffs in like 88% of the tours they participate in (which is frankly impressive) so I'm probably wrong here and maybe the power of Z Strats' foot fetish friendship will win. The teamcord is gonna be fun though, probably.


These were very hard to do and I swapped teams around 6 or 7 times before deciding on this order so good job to the managers for keeping things interesting. With that said, I hope you all take these very seriously and are offended by them

also please link ur games in the bss cord thanks