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Scenario: Carnival (T1)
Pokemon #1: Rage the Mawile Pokemon Ability: Sheer Force Pokemon Attitude: Rage is always angry. Even the littlest things will just set her off. The fact that Callit doesn't seem to acknowledge her anger makes her angrier. Pokemon Background: Rage was born angry. Nobody really knows why; she actually had a very loving and caring upbringing as a young Mawile. Since being caught by Eve, she has been working on channeling her anger in battle.
Pokemon #2: Callit the Quagsire Pokemon Ability: Water Absorb Pokemon Attitude: Callit is super easygoing and keeps his cool in any situation. He is also a big eater. Pokemon Background: Callit grew up with many Wooper siblings. Food was scarce in their habitat, and he often found himself competing with his siblings for scraps. Due to his easygoing nature, he often forfeited his share to one of his siblings. He now eats a lot to make up for it.
Attacks (92)
Acid Spray
After You
Ancient Power
Aqua Tail
Body Slam
Brick Break
Defense Curl
Double Kick
Double Team
Dynamic Punch
Earth Power
Eerie Impulse
Focus Blast
Focus Punch
Giga Impact
Guard Swap
Hidden Power (Fire)
High Horsepower
Hydro Pump
Hyper Beam
Ice Beam
Ice Punch
Icy Wind
Iron Tail
Mega Kick
Mega Punch
Mud Bomb
Mud Shot
Mud Sport
Muddy Water
Natural Gift
Power-Up Punch
Rain Dance
Rock Slide
Rock Smash
Rock Tomb
Secret Power
Sleep Talk
Sludge Bomb
Sludge Wave
Spit Up
Stomping Tantrum
Stone Edge
Tail Whip
Water Gun
Water Pulse
The Castelia Carnival has been in global headlines for weeks. Everyone knows about the delicious food that they have and the many trainers who will undoubtedly be using this as a chance to test their skills, and they've even rented theme park rides from the nearby Nimbasa City! You step off the boat at Unity Pier on the south side of the city, happy to be on dry land again and enjoying your chance to gaze at the skyscrapers that can't be found anywhere else in the region. The carnival is at the Central Plaza at the north end of town, so you head towards Narrow Street once you're ready to move.
Narrow Street is more of a back alley than you realized it would be, with garbage bags all over the place and very few buildings that you could enter, even if you wanted to. You call your Pokemon out of their Pokeballs to provide you with some comfort as you continue your walk. Suddenly, the lone lamp providing light to the entire street goes out! Even though it's early in the day, this alley is dark and cramped enough that you can't see nearly well enough to keep walking forward. After all, who knows what you might step on? You really don't want to fall and hurt yourself or your team, or even worse a wild Pokemon!
How will you light up the area so that you can walk safely?
"Hey, Eve! I have the perfect move for this! I'll use Flash to light up the alley!"
"Flash?! FLASH??!! How BORING can you be? UGH! No! You're not using Flash! Here, aim a Focus Blast at my mouth!"
"Are you sure?"
"OF COURSE I'm sure! 70% sure, that is. But it's more fun then using Flash!"
Quagsire will conjure a ball of energy with Focus Blast.
Mawile will grab onto the ball with Vice Grip, acting as a portable lamp as we navigate the alley.
As Rage catches Callit's energy orb in her maw, you ponder over what a ball made of energy is actually made of. One wouldn't expect it to be a physical material that a Pokemon can grab on to, but it clearly does damage when used to attack so it has to be able to interact with matter somehow. Regardless, with your Focus Blast lamp you are able to navigate through the rest of Narrow Street without much trouble.
Success! +2 TC
You've finally arrived at the carnival proper, and there are so many options for what you should do first. You spot a large Petilil plushie hanging above a ring toss game and the decision is made for you — you want that one! You wait in line as other people throw and miss the bottles, right until the Lady standing in front of you makes every throw and then claims the Petilil for her own. Well darn. Putting a hopeful expression on your face, you tap her on the shoulder and introduce yourself."
"Hello! Nice to meet you, my name is Carmilla."
And would she perhaps be willing to give you the plushie she just won? You're willing to pay for it...
"My mother is the dean of a prestigious private university, I have little need for money. But I'm always happy to have a Pokemon battle! And a battle with real stakes is far more exciting than one without."
Well then, a battle it is!
"Oh, this should be so much fun! Combusken, I choose you!"
Ancient Power
Aurora Beam
Aurora Veil
Body Slam
Calm Mind
Charge Beam
Dark Pulse
Double Team
Dragon Tail
Dream Eater
Earth Power
Echoed Voice
Flash Cannon
Frost Breath
Giga Impact
Hidden Power [Normal]
Hyper Beam
Hyper Voice
Ice Beam
Icicle Spear
Icy Wind
Iron Defense
Iron Head
Iron Tail
Light Screen
Magnet Rise
Mirror Coat
Mud Shot
Nature Power
Powder Snow
Psych Up
Rain Dance
Rock Blast
Rock Polish
Rock Slide
Rock Smash
Rock Throw
Rock Tomb
Secret Power
Sleep Talk
Stealth Rock
Stone Edge
Take Down
Thunder Wave
Weather Ball
Zen Headbutt
"Give me that plushie! My trainer NEEDS that plushie!"
"I think I should take care of this for now."
Sending out Quagsire
Earthquake > Liquidation > Earthquake
** [CASOA] IF Combusken is to use a D/E move AND Combusken is faster than Quagsire THEN use Dig (Default) and restart actions.
** IF Combusken is to use Counter THEN use Earth Power and restart actions.
** IF Quagsire is burned when it is to act THEN use Earth Power.
"Oh, that miss is really unfortunate. Aurorus, it's your turn now!"
Freeze-Dry+Hyper Beam~Freeze-Dry~Freeze-Dry
[CASOT] IF Quagsire is under P/E THEN Stealth Rock the first time, Barrier any further times, pushing back each time [CASOT] IF Quagsire is under DE AND NOT you are hovering THEN Magnet Rise and push back [CASOT] IF Quagsire is in the charge phase of Focus Punch AND Quagsire has a substitute up THEN Echoed Voice and push back
"Let me at 'em! LET ME AT 'EM! That plushie WILL be mine!"
Switching to Mawile
No counterswitch available (Whirlpool).
Iron Head > Iron Head > Iron Head
** [Once] IF Aurorus is to use Roar THEN use Taunt.
** [Non-Consecutive] IF Aurorus is to use a P/E move AND Aurorus is not to use Encore on the following action THEN use Stealth Rock on the first instance, Swords Dance any future instances.
[CASOT] IF Quagsire has a substitute up THEN Hyper Voice [CASOT] IF Quagsire is under DE AND NOT you are hovering THEN Magnet Rise [CASOT] IF Quagsire is under Endure AND NOT Quagsire is poisoned THEN Toxic
"Combusken, it's your turn again! Though this battle does seem to be over."
Fire Blast+Will-O-Wisp~Flamethrower~Fire Blast
[CASOA] IF damaging Psychic-type combo THEN Protect and push back [CASOA] IF Metal Burst THEN Dig and push back [CA +2] IF Mawile is under P/E THEN Feint and push back
HP: KO EN: KO Type: Water/Ground Stats: 6/6/5/5/35 Ability: Water Absorb SC/WC: 3/4 Other: KO
Field Effects: None
Team Lady Carmilla
HP: KO EN: KO Type: Fire/Fighting Stats: 6/5/6/5/55 Ability: Speed Boost SC/WC: 2/2 Other: KO
HP: KO EN: KO Type: Rock/Ice Stats: 6/5/7/7/58 Ability: Refrigerate SC/WC: 5/6 Other: KO
Carmilla sighs and hands over the plushie, and you go your separate ways. You spend more time playing games and winning prizes, and before you know it it's time for lunch. Which can be found, uh, ... where are all the food stands exactly? After some wandering aimlessly you spot a desk with a person sitting at it on their phone and a stack of maps on top! Jackpot!
You politely ask the employee to give you a map, but their phone game seems to be enticing enough that they don't notice your request. You clear your throat and ask again louder, startling them and making them drop their phone! They scramble to pick it back up, but their face falls as they see that they've died and will need to restart the level. You can ask them for a map now, but they're probably not inclined to be helpful...
How will you convince the employee to give you a map?
"Here, I'll distract them with my cuteness! That always works! Then, you snatch a map."
"Maybe we should just ask nicely?"
"Are you suggesting that I'm not cute?!?!"
Rage the Mawile will use Captivate and its natural tendency to cause opponents to let their guards down (see its various dex entries) to distract the employee.
With the employee's guard down, Callit the Quagsire will use Thief to take a map from the desk without the employee becoming concerned.
Rage walks up to the employee, putting on her cutest look. She bats her eyes, flutters her jaws, and even lowers the employee's Special Attack! Who knew that was a thing humans had? Regardless, while Rage is incredibly distracting, Callit does his best impression of a cartoon fox and swipes a map off the top of the pile. And in the nick of time, too — turns out Rage was a lot closer than you realized to fulfilling the other part of her Pokedex entry and chomping down on the employee!
Success! +2 TC
You reach the food court area, and the part splits up so you can each hunt down your favorite lunch option. No point in forcing all of you to buy from the same stand, after all! You reconvene and enjoy your meal, exactly the right kind of flavorful that you would expect from a carnival. Once you've finished, you start to wander out of the food section, when a cotton candy stand that you somehow failed to notice before beckons. Heedless of the wait time, you stand at the back of a very long line as cotton candy is spun for all the people in front of you. And by the time you reach the front, they're almost out! You manage to get the very last piece, but then you hear a voice behind you...
"Hey. I'm Paris. Local basketball player for the Castelia Cones. You should give me that."
"I'm a minor celebrity! I'll give you my autograph."
Yeah, you don't think so.
"Hey! Don't walk away from me!"
You continue walking away.
"I'll fight you! Pikachu, stop them!"
Well, drat. A battle it is!
Pikachu STAGE: 3* NATURE: Serious (no change) TYPE: Electric ABILITIES: Static
"I'm just a fan of whatever team is the underdog."
Sending out Quagsire
Earthquake > Earthquake > Earthquake
** [Once] IF Pikachu uses Bide THEN begin actions Stockpile > Stockpile > Earthquake.
** [Non-Consecutive] IF Pikachu is to use a P/E move AND Pikachu is not to use Encore on the following action THEN use Stockpile.
Earthquake > [Giga Impact + Ice Punch] > Earthquake
** IF Sliggoo successfully used a P/E move THEN use Recover the first instance, Chill the second instance, and push back actions each instance.
** IF Sliggoo is to use Counter THEN use Earth Power the first and third instances, Ice Beam the second instance, and push back actions each instance.
** IF Sliggoo is to use a Speed-Reducing move AND Quagsire is to use Earthquake THEN use Bulldoze.
HP: KO EN: KO Type: Electric Stats: 4/3/4/4/90 Ability: Static SC/WC: 1/1 Other: KO
*sigh* "Why am I bothering."
Sludge Wave~Sludge Bomb~Sludge Wave
[CASOA] IF Metal Burst THEN Acid Armor and restart queue [CASOA] IF damaging Fairy-type combo THEN Protect and restart queue [CASOT] IF NOT Mawile is corroded THEN Acid Spray and restart queue
HP: 49 EN: 84 Type: Steel/Fairy Stats: 6/6/4/4/20 Ability: Sheer Force SC/WC: 1/2 Other: Corroded (4a), -2 SpD (decays to 0), -2 Spe
HP: KO EN: KO Type: Water/Ground Stats: 6/6/5/5/35 Ability: Water Absorb SC/WC: 3/4 Other: KO
Field Effects: None
Team Hoopster Paris
HP: KO EN: KO Type: Dragon Stats: 6/4/6/8/60 Ability: Gooey SC/WC: 2/2 Other: KO
HP: KO EN: KO Type: Electric Stats: 4/3/4/4/90 Ability: Static SC/WC: 1/1 Other: KO
Paris runs off, grumbling to himself about how much he wanted the cotton candy. You shrug, put the entire incident out of mind, and go back to enjoying the carnival! You've got an entire afternoon ahead of you, after all. More games! More prizes! More rides! You run from activity to activity, your Pokemon following behind you and having just as much fun as you are.
Eventually, you start to tire. The sun beats down on you, reminding you that the north end of Castelia City connects to the brutal desert of Route 4. You reach for your water bottle, before remembering that you already finished it. And you didn't bring sunscreen or a sun hat either. This...could go very badly, very quickly, if you do not do something now.