Facility Battle Tree: Maxim

I'm told my sub was illegal so I edited the reffing. The change favors you so I'm assuming your decision to decline counterswitch doesn't change.

:dusknoir: "I know you guys aren't all that bad. And I'm not simply fighting you cause I'm some comic book wannabe like Palafin. So why do I have beef with you? The root of the matter is... I'm the ghost of one of those crabs you ate. And I'm very upset that you didn't dip me into butter before you ate me."

Shadow Ball > Shadow Ball > Shadow Ball
IF Crunch NOT in Combination THEN Counter.

Maxim to order.
Don looks at Bozo, genuinely concerned for his friend's well being.

:Tatsugiri: ("Hey, friend are you okay? Is there anything you need to talk about?")
:Dondozo: ("Aw no. You see I was watching an episode of a true crime cop show and I saw somebody curse out the officer to get him to go away, so I copied that to make him go away!")

The Tatsugiri's concern evaporated into condensed anger.

:Tatsugiri: ("Okay, first that Finizen wasn't a cop, he was just a nerd who's been watching too much My Hero Academia. Second, actually cursing at a cop is just going to get you arrested and/or fined. Third...")
:Dondozo: ("I mean, it worked didn't it?")
:Tatsugiri: ("I...I...no that's not...I...")

Just then, Dusknoir decided to chime in.

:dusknoir: "I know you guys aren't all that bad. And I'm not simply fighting you cause I'm some comic book wannabe like Palafin. So why do I have beef with you? The root of the matter is... I'm the ghost of one of those crabs you ate. And I'm very upset that you didn't dip me into butter before you ate me."

Maxim almost thought he could hear the gears of Tatsugiri's mind grind to a halt, as Don descends into incoherent babbling.

"Say did anybody get a good look at that dolphin? I'm not sure if that was a Finizen or a Palafin, and I'd rather not stick around if that was a Palafin..."

:Dondozo: Dondozo: Liquidation~Liquidation~Liquidation

Bozo (Dondozo) [M]
Level 1 EXP: 00 / 10
Advanced Techniques: None

Serious Nature ( +None, -None )
Typing: Water
Abilities: Unaware, Oblivious Hidden Ability: Water Veil [LOCKED]

HP: 115
Attack: 7
Defen.: 8
Sp.Atk: 5
Sp.Def: 5
Speed: 35
Size: 7
Weight: 6

Level 0:
Order Up
Rock Slide
Sleep Talk
Zen Headbutt

Level 1:
Ice Fang
Noble Roar
Rain Dance
Scary Face
Water Gun
Water Pulse

Don (Tatsugiri) [M]
Level 1 EXP: 00 / 10
Advanced Techniques: None

Serious Nature ( +None, -None )
Typing: Dragon/Water
Abilities: Commander Hidden Ability: Storm Drain [LOCKED]

HP: 85
Attack: 4
Defen.: 5
Sp.Atk: 9
Sp.Def: 7
Speed: 82
Size: 1
Weight: 1

Level 0:
Dragon Pulse
Nasty Plot
Sleep Talk

Level 1:
Dragon Dance
Helping Hand
Mirror Coat
Rain Dance
Rapid Spin
Water Gun
Water Pulse
Zero to Hero

Zero Forme
CR 0: 70/5/6/4/6/100 | 2/4

Hero Forme
CR 0: 70/11/7/9/7/100 | 3/4

Gimmick 1: This Pokemon's attacks deal four (4) bonus damage.
Gimmick 2: Once per battle, after the end of a Round: the ref may apply any one Effect. (Each Effect may only be used once per challenge. If a Pokemon faints and has not yet used an Effect, the ref must apply an Effect at the end of that Round.) The challenger cannot initiate a Switch Phase immediately after the ref applies this effect.

Aura Sphere
Focus Blast
Hyper Voice
Ice Beam
Ice Punch
Iron Head
Zen Headbutt

Flip Turn
Jet Punch
Drain Punch
Pressure, Frisk

CR 0: 70/8/10/6/10/45

Gimmick 1: This Pokemon's attacks deal four (4) bonus damage.
Gimmick 2: Once per battle, after the end of a Round: the ref may apply any one Effect. (Each Effect may only be used once per challenge. If a Pokemon faints and has not yet used an Effect, the ref must apply an Effect at the end of that Round.) The challenger cannot initiate a Switch Phase immediately after the ref applies this effect.

Brick Break
Dark Pulse
Double Team
Feint Attack
Fire Punch
Focus Blast
Ice Beam
Ice Punch
Rock Slide
Shadow Ball
Shadow Punch
Thunder Punch

Pain Split
Trick Room
Battle 2, Round 2
:dondozo: 108/80 | 7/8/5/5/[14]
Status: Attack Aid, Defense Aid, Mixed Aid, +2 Atk/Def (8t), -2 Speed (3t)

:dusknoir: 70/100 | 8/10/6/10/45
Status: OK, Gimmick Available
:palafin: 70/91 | 5/6/4/6/100
Status: OK, Gimmick Available
Step 1
Shadow Ball (20/24): no crit
dmg = 8+3+6-6+4 = 15 dmg (93 hp)
eff 9/10: no
-6 en (94 en)

Liquidation (18/24): no crit
dmg = 9+3+10-10+8 = 20 dmg (50 hp)
eff 7/10: no
-9 en (71 en)

Step 2
Shadow Ball (5/24): no crit
15 dmg (78 hp)
eff 2/10: -1 SpD (3t)
-6 en (88 en)

Liquidation (13/24): no crit
20 dmg (30 hp)
eff 5: no
-9 en (62 en)

Step 3
Shadow Ball (14/24): no crit
15 dmg (63 hp)
eff 5: no
-6 en (82 en)

Liquidation (24/24): no crit
20 dmg (10 hp)
eff 3: no
-9 en (53 en)
:dusknoir: "It was always my dream to be prepared at a fancy 5-star resort restaurant. Maybe on a bed of fresh veggies, alongside a heated pot of butter... So while the other crabs were living carefree lives, I dieted, exercised and kept myself clean. And for what? All I'll ever have been is mediocre slop for indiscriminating beach tourists!"

Dusknoir opens the japing maw on their stomach.

"You don't deserve me! The energy and nutrients you stole from my fair flesh, I will have repaid!"

Dusknoir's Gimmick 2 Activates: The ref's Pokemon immediately performs a non-damaging move that they know (without spending their action). Pain Split. +18 hp (28 hp), -18 hp (45 hp). -12 en (70 en).

The challenger cannot initiate a Switch Phase.

Bozo feels a certain energy leave his body, as if drawn into the void of Dusknoir's jowls. Why does his stomach now grumble? He just ate, but suddenly he feels as though he might collapse from hunger...

:dondozo: 45/53 | 7/8/5/5/35
Status: Attack Aid, Defense Aid, Mixed Aid, +2 Atk/Def (5t), -1 SpD (2t)

:dusknoir: 28/70 | 8/10/6/10/45
Status: OK, 1 Recovery
:palafin: 70/91 | 5/6/4/6/100
Status: OK, Gimmick Available

Maxim to order.
:dusknoir: "Ehhh, you might just be right. But until then, you know what they say about a crab in a bucket."
Counter > Shadow Ball > Shadow Ball

Reffing to follow.
Battle 2, Round 3
:dondozo: 45/53 | 7/8/5/5/35
Status: Attack Aid, Defense Aid, Mixed Aid, +2 Atk/Def (5t), -1 SpD (2t)

:dusknoir: 28/70 | 8/10/6/10/45
Status: OK, 1 Recovery
:palafin: 70/91 | 5/6/4/6/100
Status: OK, Gimmick Available
Step 1
Crunch (20/24): no crit
dmg = (8+10-10)*1.5+8 = 20 dmg (8 hp)
eff 10/10: no
-8 en (45 en)

30 dmg (15 hp)
EN cost = 6+(15*.5) = -13.5 en (56 en)

Step 2
Shadow Ball (9/24): no crit
dmg = 8+3+6-6+4 = 15 dmg (KO!)
-6 en (50 en)
:dondozo: KO

:dusknoir: 8/50 | 8/10/6/10/45
Status: OK, 1 Recovery
:palafin: 70/91 | 5/6/4/6/100
Status: OK, Gimmick Available

Maxim sends out Tatsugiri.
nightblitz42 to order.
:dusknoir: "Oh, it looks like my pity party will need to wait; Barnacle Boy or whoever is back."
:palafin-hero: "Sorry for the wait, citizen. I just finished my two-episode training arc, and I'm now ready to blow the production budget on this fight! Brace yourselves, evildoers, for my Super... Justice... PUNCH!!(tm)"

Switch to Palafin-Hero.
:palafin-hero: Zen Headbutt > Drain Punch > Zen Headbutt

IF Counter THEN Focus Blast.

Maxim to order.
:Tatsugiri: "Oh no not again!"

"Relax, as long as that was a Finizen and not a Palafin we'll be fine."

As if on cue, the Palafin emerged from the water.

"We're hosed."

Dragon Pulse x3
Battle 2, Round 4
:tatsugiri: 85/100 | 4/5/9/7/82
Status: OK
:dondozo: KO

:palafin-hero: 70/91 | 11/7/9/7/100
Status: OK, Gimmick Available
:dusknoir: 8/50 | 8/10/6/10/45
Status: OK, 1 Recovery
Step 1
Zen Headbutt (1/100, 8/24): no crit
dmg = 8+11-5+4 = 18 dmg (67 hp)
eff 9/10: no
-6 en (85 en)

Dragon Pulse (3/24): no crit
dmg = 9+3+9-7 = 14 dmg (56 hp)
-7 en (93 en)

Step 2
Drain Punch (8/24): no crit
dmg = 8+11-5+4 = 18 dmg (49 hp)
+5 hp (61 hp)
-9 en (76 en)

Dragon Pulse (18/24): no crit
14 dmg (47 hp)
-7 en (86 en)

Step 3
Zen Headbutt (48/100, 24/24): no crit
18 dmg (31 hp)
eff 1/10: Flinch
-6 en (70 en)

:tatsugiri: 31/86 | 4/5/9/7/82
Status: OK
:dondozo: KO

:palafin-hero: 47/70 | 11/7/9/7/100
Status: OK, Gimmick Available
:dusknoir: 8/50 | 8/10/6/10/45
Status: OK, 1 Recovery

:palafin-hero: "It's looking like the end of the line, Evil Bad Guys! Unfortunately for you, they don't serve crab legs in prison! ...Wait, come to think of it, I don't have the legal authority to throw you in jail (being a vigilante hero and all)... so what am I supposed to do with you if I win, exactly?"
:dusknoir: "Execute them."
:palafin-hero: "No!! Bro what is your problem??"

Maxim to order.
:palafin-hero: "Wait, don't run away! We can still work something out! I was just going to showboat for a bit and then make you apologize, or something like that! Come on, maybe we can even do a hero-villain teamup sometime in the future!"
:dusknoir: "No, that will not do! The sand must be stained with their blood!"
:palafin-hero: "Stop it, you're scaring them!"
:dusknoir: "Death!! Deeeaaaathh!!!"

:palafin-hero: Palafin-Hero: Drain Punch x3

Reffing to follow.
Battle 2, Round 5
:tatsugiri: 31/86 | 4/5/9/7/82
Status: OK
:dondozo: KO

:palafin-hero: 47/70 | 11/7/9/7/100
Status: OK, Gimmick Available
:dusknoir: 8/50 | 8/10/6/10/45
Status: OK, 1 Recovery
Step 1

Drain Punch (3/24): no crit
18 dmg (15 hp)
+5 hp (52 hp)
-9 en (61 en)

Dragon Pulse (5/24): no crit
14 dmg (38 hp)
-7 en (79 en)

Step 2

Drain Punch (KO!)
+5 hp (43 hp)
-9 en (52 en)
:tatsugiri: KO
:dondozo: KO

:palafin-hero: 43/52 | 11/7/9/7/100
Status: OK, Gimmick Available
:dusknoir: 8/50 | 8/10/6/10/45
Status: OK, 1 Recovery

Seeing that your odds of victory are slim to none, you order your Pokemon to turn tail and book it. Oddly, Palafin doesn't seem to want to chase you.

"Hey, they're getting away! You dolt, you're letting them escape!!"
:palafin-hero: "Yeah... it's unfortunate, but that's just how things go sometimes. In superhero comics, if the villain escapes, then that means the writers can re-use them in a future storyline. It's sensible writing."
Dusknoir: "Good... writing!?!"

Outraged, Dusknoir siezes Palafin by the head and Pain Splits the energy out of him.

:dusknoir: "How's this for a plot twist: I'm gonna steal your energy... and then I'm gonna pound those sons-of-fishes into oblivion myself! Think that'll sell some magazines, you insufferable mammal?!"

Palafin writhes painfully in Dusknoir's grip. His power leaves him, his muscles wither away, and he slowly morphs back into his civilian form.

:palafin: "They're comics... not magazines... (cough cough)..."

Dusknoir tosses him aside. His attention shifts away from the defeated Palafin and towards you and your Pokemon, sprinting across the sand.

:dusknoir: "Keep running, cowards. I'll chase you to the ends of the earth if I have to. Hahaha!!"

Battle Segment 2 complete. RP Segment 3 to follow.
RP Segment 3

You and your Pokemon do your best to run away, but the nefarious Dusknoir chases you at every turn. Being a Ghost-Type, -- a disembodied spirit of the afterlife -- this foe moves through paths unseen to the human eye and unknowable to mortals. A hand reaching out from the shadow of a beach parasol. A glowing eye that always seems to glare at you from just outside your field of view. A set of jaws that emerges from a shimmering portal, threatening to swallow you whole. It takes all your effort to dodge these and other unpredictable attacks.

:palafin: "Hey... Trainer... (cough cough)" The defeated Palafin weakly calls out to you. "Things are looking pretty bad. So I'm going to tell you something: the source of my power, it's... kelp. There's some kelp that grows at the bottom of the sea floor, and if I eat it, I transform into my Hero Form (you know, like Popeye when he eats spinach). Anyways, I'm too weakened to move from this spot, and it doesn't seem like you can handle Dusknoir on your own. But! If you could somehow bring me some of that kelp... then I think together, we can get through this."

You consider the Palafin's words. Even if you decide to help, there's no guarantee that you can make it to the bottom of the seafloor and back while evading the Dusknoir. And then there's the question of trust. Going out of your way to help the mon who got you into this mess? Seems a bit dicey. Then again, against a foe as dangerous as Dusknoir, you might just need all the help you can get. So what will it be? Gamble everything on this Palafin, or forge a path of your own?

Maxim to respond.
"Okay, I think we got aw---AAAGH!"

The wild Dusknoir was far from finished with Maxim, as evidenced by the hand that nearly grabbed him. A large chase scene ensues, as Maxim first tries to collect his umbrella, before nearly having his leg grabbed. He tries to call for help from his cellphone, only to nearly lose his ear when the cellphone grows teeth and tries to bite him. After several more escapades, he finally manages to get to the mobile Poke Center and evade detection long enough to heal Tatsugiri and Dondozo. However, with Dusknoir hot on his trail, Maxim has to come up with a plan, and fast!

"DANG IT YOU IDIOTS! This is all your fault! If you had just waited one second for me to figure something out we wouldn't be chased by this insane Dusknoir. Why does this always happen with you two!?"

The two Pokemon lower their heads, taking a submissive pose but saying nothing. At least until Don blurts out.

:Tatsugiri: ("Behind you!")

Had he ducked a moment later, Maxim might have lost his head to the saber swinging at him.

"Gah! What do we do?"

Several more chases happen, before Palafin finds the strength to chime in.

:palafin: "Hey... Trainer... (cough cough)" The defeated Palafin weakly calls out to you. "Things are looking pretty bad. So I'm going to tell you something: the source of my power, it's... kelp. There's some kelp that grows at the bottom of the sea floor, and if I eat it, I transform into my Hero Form (you know, like Popeye when he eats spinach). Anyways, I'm too weakened to move from this spot, and it doesn't seem like you can handle Dusknoir on your own. But! If you could somehow bring me some of that kelp... then I think together, we can get through this."

"You know what, I'll take any help I can get, but how can we get away from this Dusknoir long enough?"

:Tatsugiri: ("Leave this to me boss. You go grab the kelp, and I'll distract this guy.")


:Tatsugiri: ("Trust me, have I ever let you down?")

A silence hangs in the air for just a few moments, before Don realizes what he just said.

:Tatsugiri: ("Right, never mind that. Look just go and I'll take care of it. Oh, and Bozo, if you grab seaweed instead of kelp I swear I'll turn into a Dusknoir myself and kill you!")

Not having any better ideas, Maxim dashes away while Tatsugiri faces down the Dusknoir. Fortunately, Maxim is able to find a scuba rental place that is willing to loan him a tank on short notice, and he and Bozo sink into the water to find some kelp.

:Tatsugiri: ("Hey barnacle brains! You know I just realized, you were terrible! I've never eaten a worse crab in my life, and you're starting to give me indigestion! You're not even worthy of a low budget buffet's California Roll! Blek.")

Don distracts Dusknoir with a well placed Taunt (move) to get his attention away from Maxim and Dondozo. He relies heavily on acrobatic tricks and traps like Substitutes (move) and Mirror Coats (move) to stay one step ahead of Dusknoir.

Bozo dives with Maxim to the bottom of the sea, picks up some kelp, and returns to the Palafin, offering up the kelp by using Order Up (move). The kelp served this way is, oddly enough, presented in a fancy restaurant style, despite having come from the mouth of a Dondozo.

"It's time for a hero-villain teamup!"
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Bozo serves the weakened Palafin an elegant plate of kelp-covered sushi alongside a boquet of garnish made from aquatic plants -- unexpectedly refined plating to come from such an outwardly simple Pokemon.

:palafin: "Great scott! You didn't need to go
that far for me! But if this fine cooking is an expression of comeraderie, then I'll humbly accept."

The Palafin takes one of the sushi and pops it whole into his mouth. Immediately, he begins to glow with a blinding light. Bozo shields his eyes.


:dusknoir: "Be still, you overblown appetizer!! I don't care if you're just trying to taunt me; nobody compares me to imitation crab and lives!!" Dusknoir clasps his hands around Don, but when he opens them they're empty. He has missed once again. "GRRAAAHH!!"

:palafin-hero: "Hey! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

:dusknoir: "?? You? What? When? Huh??"

Palafin hums a catchy theme song as he curls his fingers into a tight fist and pulls back...

Pow! A super-strong jaw punch from Palafin! Wham! A full-body tackle from Bozo! Ker-Zap! An electrifying Dragon Pulse from Don! The lone Dusknoir is no match for three Pokemon. Tossed between the relentless attacks of Palafin, Bozo, and Don, he doesn't even get an opportunity to retaliate. Less than a minute passes before Palafin is standing triumphantly over Dusknoir's incapacitated body.

RP Segment complete! +2 RPT.

As Palafin poses for the growing crowd of onlookers, you notice two Pokemon approach from across the dunes: an Empoleon and a Vileplume, an imposing-looking pair. Palafin notices them too and nudges you excitedly.

:palafin-hero: "Ohh, I know those two! They're founding members of the Super Friends Alliance League(tm), the most prestigious superhero team in the region! I wonder if they got any of the applications I mailed them."

Palafin scoots over to greet them. "Pleasure to meet you! I loved your latest issue." He offers a handshake to the Empoleon, but sheepishly retracts it when he sees the Pokemon's razor-lined fins. "Ehehe... sorry. Nerves. So, what brings you here?"

Battle Segment 3 to follow.
:empoleon: "We got your applications. All... (sigh) 97 of them. We're here to tell you formally that we appreciate your enthusiasm, but..."
:vileplume: "But you're totally cringe! We don't want you."

:empoleon: "Hey! A little subtlety, please?"
:vileplume: "Whatev, we've got a press interview in, like, 30 minutes! We don't have time for this! Palafin. Buddy. You suck! I watched you get tricked by the most evil-looking moustache-twirling Dusknoir I've ever seen, you got your secret identity exposed, needed to be hard-carried by some randos, L, ratio, no B-words, etc etc. Stop sending us applications. Thx bai."

Although it's not an entirely false summary of the situation, it's far from fair. You glance at Palafin, expecting a rebuttal, but getting... nothing. He just looks deflated. Is he not going to stand up for himself? Palafin meets your gaze and recognizes your frustration.

:palafin-hero: "These guys are big-shot, capital-H Heroes," he whispers to you. "They're people I look up to. I owned their lunchbox when I was six! Who am I to tell them they're wrong?"

Poor choice of role models, it seems. Bozo and Don look quite incensed. And who could blame them? Palafin's frustration is distressing to witness.

:vileplume: "Come on Empoleon, we're wasting time, let's go already!"

:empoleon: "Wait. They haven't had a chance to say anything yet. Before we leave, does anybody here have any objections?"

Battle Segment 3

Bozo (Dondozo) [M]
Level 1 EXP: 00 / 10
Advanced Techniques: None

Serious Nature ( +None, -None )
Typing: Water
Abilities: Unaware, Oblivious Hidden Ability: Water Veil [LOCKED]

HP: 115
Attack: 7
Defen.: 8
Sp.Atk: 5
Sp.Def: 5
Speed: 35
Size: 7
Weight: 6

Level 0:
Order Up
Rock Slide
Sleep Talk
Zen Headbutt

Level 1:
Ice Fang
Noble Roar
Rain Dance
Scary Face
Water Gun
Water Pulse

Don (Tatsugiri) [M]
Level 1 EXP: 00 / 10
Advanced Techniques: None

Serious Nature ( +None, -None )
Typing: Dragon/Water
Abilities: Commander Hidden Ability: Storm Drain [LOCKED]

HP: 85
Attack: 4
Defen.: 5
Sp.Atk: 9
Sp.Def: 7
Speed: 82
Size: 1
Weight: 1

Level 0:
Dragon Pulse
Nasty Plot
Sleep Talk

Level 1:
Dragon Dance
Helping Hand
Mirror Coat
Rain Dance
Rapid Spin
Water Gun
Water Pulse
Torrent, Competitive

CR 0: 70/7/7/9/8/60

Aerial Ace
Brick Break
Double Team
Drill Peck
Flash Cannon
Ice Beam
Rock Slide
Shadow Claw
Signal Beam

Aqua Ring
Steel Wing
Chlorophyll, Effect Spore

CR 0: 70/6/7/9/8/50 | 3/2

Bullet Seed
Dazzling Gleam
Double Team
Energy Ball
Petal Blizzard
Poison Powder
Stun Spore

Leech Seed
Strength Sap
:palafin-hero: Palafin turns his face away. "...No."

Vileplume steps forward.
:vileplume: "Jeez, what a doormat! C'mon, Empoleon, I told you this was a waste of time. Let's ditch this joint."

Maxim to send out/order.
Maxim initially finds himself at a bit of a loss as to what to do about these rude "heroes". Don and Bozo steam in the background, indignant at the poor treatment of the Palafin. The two begin to go into a battle formation, but Maxim stops them.

"Ah, no, we're not going through that again. Let me handle this one."

A few moments pass, and the rude pair from the Super Friends Alliance League, seeing no challengers, decide to move on in their confident swagger. Palafin finds himself down in the dumps, and Maxim decides to offer some words of encouragement.

"Chin up pal." he hesitates a bit, trying to find the right words. "The actions of a hero are far more important than their bluster and their prestige. And you did a good thing today, helping stop that Dusknoir from murdering me. I am truly grateful. Yes there was a misunderstanding between us, but who doesn't make mistakes once in a while? The best way of earning the respect of your fellow heroes, if they are worthy of your respect, is to continue doing good for the citizens of the world. In fact, if you would like..." Maxim pulls out a Poke Ball. "You could take your journey with me for a while. I travel all over the place and get myself into weird hijinks all the time. I think you could make a great addition to the team. If you would prefer to stay here and protect this beach, that is also a noble endeavor. The choice is yours."

:Dondozo: ("Yeah, da boss is real cool.")

:Tatsugiri: ("Heh, you always were a big softie boss. Take it from a pair of reformed bandits, it ain't so bad in the employ of Maxim.")

"Mostly reformed bandits."

:Tatsugiri: ("Ahahaha...yeah.")

After their conversation, regardless of the Palafin's answer, the trio (and Palafin) get to finally enjoy a couple of relaxing, stress-free hours on the beach.

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:palafin-hero: "Aww, thanks for cheering me up. After careful deliberation... I'm taking you up on your offer! Woohoo! We're printing a new Issue #1 after today, buddy ol' pal! New adventures! New foes! Maybe a new title? 'Palafin and his sidekick Maxim' has a nice ring to it! And this beach? Don't even worry about it -- I'm sure somebody else will take up the mantle of Hero while I'm gone. Potential heroes are everywhere, you know! Justice is something that lives in the heart of everyone with a conscience; in the smile of every child; in th blah blah blah blah blah..."

You check to see if one of your Pokemon can relieve you from the conversation, but Don and Bozo are already off splashing about in the water. So, with no alternatives, you lie back and nod along as Palafin rambles about heroics to nobody in particular. It's in this moment of stagnation that you can really appreciate the beauty of the shore. The sunset is beautiful, the breeze is cool, and the salty aroma of the sea is invigorating. Ah, if only the day could never end...

-4 JC
+3 TC
+3 EXP for Dondozo and Tatsugiri
+6 RPT for Beach Day Titles (claim in your next signup post).


Thanks for playing!