Signups BBP Boasting Hall — Add extra challenge to your life!


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:ss/perrserker:BBP Boasting Hall:ss/perrserker:
"Is that so? Let's see you do it blindfolded, then!"

( Boast List | Boast Rewards )

What is Boasting?
Boasting is a display of your battling supremacy and your outstanding confidence, for all to see!​
Players must be T.Lv3 or higher to Boast.​
Boasting is a system for increasing the difficulty for almost any Battle Facility — taking on greater risk, for greater possible rewards.​
BBP offers a variety of challenges for players to undertake, from powerful boss trainers to mysterious wilderness treks. And yet, for some players, these challenges may not hold the same thrill they once used to. Some players have had to amuse themselves using increasingly asinine obscure strategies just to pass the time, while others simply spend their time neglecting most of what's on offer. That just won't do at all!​
To ensure players can always find that spark of excitement when they wish to, we offer the ability for players to boast about their challenges. Simply proclaim to the world that you can do BBP's content blindfolded, with one arm behind your back, and you'll be on your way to greater rewards!​
How do I boast?
1. First, post in this thread the facility you'll be challenging, and the boasts you'll use, like this:​
"I bet I can defeat N with only Dragon-type Pokemon, and without healing any HP!"​
2. In the facility's thread, when you sign up for your boasted facility, include your boasts and a link to your boasts in your signup post.​
3. Your referee will include your boasts when they set up your facility challenge. The effects of these Boasts will persist throughout your facility challenge, modifying its difficulty.​
4. If you lose, your referee will post here that you failed to achieve your aim. If you win, your referee will post here that you succeeded to achieve your boast.​
5. In the Prize Claim Tower, when claiming your rewards for your boast, link to your referee's Boast acknowledgement.​
Boasts are objects that exist on their boasting trainer during battle, whose effect modifies the game. A Boast can change the properties of their trainer's Pokemon, modify or forbid certain actions, change the posting schedule, and more. Some Boasts have effects that cause their boasting trainer to lose the battle if their conditions are met, so boast carefully!​
What if I win?
Each Boast has an amount of Bravado associated it. When you win a boasted challenge, the total Bravado of your boasts is used to determine your Boast Rewards, which you gain in addition to any rewards offered by the facility challenge you boasted in.​
Bravado can't be saved or transferred between attempts. You're expected to earn your target amount of Bravado in a single battle, in order to score a prize.​
Boast Rewards offer useful EXP Records that can be used to Level-Up Pokemon without sending them into battle. This is a great way to prepare many Pokemon at once... If you can stomach the challenge!​

What if I lose?
Better luck next time! You don't gain or lose anything special for Boasting — all boasting does it make it easier to lose. Boasting doesn't have any extra JC costs or other considerations. You'll gain the usual rewards for losing your boasted challenge, whatever they may be.​
What if I forget?
Don't do that. It's important that challenges that were Boasted stay Boasted. Otherwise, players are going to simply take Boasts every challenge, and "forget" when they become inconvenient, which is not an incentive we ever want to give. The purpose of Boasts should be to scale a challenge's difficulty to match your abilities, not just fish for lucky treats.​
Rounds reffed having "forgotten" a Boast, such as foregoing a Shuffle, are illegitimate. Such rounds must be stricken from the match and re-reffed; losing both the player and referee valuable time and effort. Both the player and referee are responsible for watching for these mistakes, to prevent having to re-do one or more rounds of gameplay.​
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Available Boasts
These are the boasts you may take when boasting about a challenge. They're divided between Generic Boasts, which are applicable to a wide range of venues; and Facility-Specific Boasts, which are self-describing.

Each Boast has an amount of Bravado associated with it. This is used to score your challenge and determine boasting rewards.

Boasts that are either too trivial or too punishing are candidates for re-scoring or replacement. Expect to see Boasts come and go, sometimes seasonally, as time goes on.

Can I recommend a Boast?
Of course, though we don't promise to incorporate every suggestion. We look for the following in our Boasts:
  • The Boast should make the battle more interesting. "No Abilities" or "No Items" increase difficulty, but they also remove large amounts of choices at once. The loss in choice would be more interesting if it pushed players towards unusual picks.
  • The Boast should broadly impact many teams. Boasts that remove a particular Ability, Move, interaction that isn't applicable to all teams are just giving out free points.
  • There should only be so many Boasts for a particular facility, counting generics. There's no set number, but it's understood that every possible Boast will have a team or battle that can use them trivially ("for free"). By making players take multiple Boasts before prizing kicks in, we can ensure they run out of "free" Boasts and have to take something impactful as well. If there's too many boasts, a team could play for high prizes without "feeling" any of their Boasts.
Generic Boasts
:pikachu-partner:These boasts may be taken in Realgam Tower, The Raid Frontier, The Safari Zone, The Battle Tree, and The Battle Pike.
Boast NameBravadoBoast EffectsConflicting Boast
You can't declare this Boast. It's assumed automatically when you take other Boasts in Level 2 content.
You can't declare this Boast. It's assumed automatically when you take other Boasts in Level 3 content.
You can't declare this Boast. It's assumed automatically when you take other Boasts in Level 4 content.
The braggart's Pokemon will have at most 8 Attack and Special Attack.

The braggart's Pokemon will have at most 100 Speed.
The braggart's Pokemon can't create Encore, Flinching, Imprison, Sealed, Sleep, Taunt, or Torment.
The braggart's Pokemon will have at most 85 maximum HP.

The braggart's Pokemon will have at most 6 Defense and Special Defense.
Pokemon the braggart sends out will be equipped at random, from among the items in the backpack that Pokemon could legally hold.
(Pokemon can legally hold just about anything that can end up in a Backpack, so beware, lest you end up holding Potions and Poke Balls.)
Take this boast only for challenges with 1 or more Technique Control.

The braggart will have 0 Technique Control.
The braggart will send a team where each Pokemon has the exact same type or types.
(The order of the types isn't important. You can match :rhydon:Rhydon and :golem:Golem.)
The braggart's Pokemon can't have their HP or Energy healed.
Not a Place of Honor​
When a Pokemon from the braggart's team enters play: That Pokemon takes 16 damage.
Boast NameBravadoBoast EffectsConflicting Boast
Monotype Team​
When taking this boast, declare a type.

The braggart will bring only Pokemon who have the declared Type.
Multi-Type Team​
Multi-Type Team​
The braggart will submit only Pokemon who do not share any Types with one another.
Monotype Team​
The braggart's Pokemon can't attempt combos.

Facility-Specific Boasts
:ho-oh:Realgam Tower
Boast NameBravadoBoast EffectsConflicting Boast
The referee will select the Realgam trainer's Pokemon from each slot, rather than rolling randomly.
Direct Methods​
The effectiveness of attacks, that are used by the braggart's Pokemon and don't share a type with their user, is at most x1.

The braggart's Pokemon can't create Switching or Phazing.
Dynamax Exhibition​
The NPC trainer's Pokemon have Dynamax access, regardless of their Level.

The NPC trainer's starting Technique Control is increased by one (1).
Terastal Exhibition,
Z-Move Exhibition​
The braggart's Switching rule is "Off".
Pokemon Shuffle​
If the braggart would select a Pokemon to send out; instead, they select at random from among all Pokemon they can legally send out.
Send in your Pokemon with no more than five (5) moves of each Level. (Remove the rest from their profiles as you send in.)

Your Pokemon can't change Species or borrow moves. (They can still change Formes.)
Direct Methods​
Terastal Exhibition​
During battle setup: The referee assigns each of the NPC trainer's Pokemon a different Tera Type of their choice.

The NPC trainer's Pokemon have Terastal access, regardless of their Level.

The NPC trainer's starting Technique Control is increased by one (1).
Dynamax Exhibition,
Z-Move Exhibition​
Z-Move Exhibition​
During battle setup: The referee puts three different Z-Crystals of their choice in the NPC trainer's backpack.

The NPC trainer's Pokemon have Z-Move access, regardless of their Level.

The NPC trainer's starting Technique Control is increased by one (1).
Dynamax Exhibition,
Terastal Exhibition​
Boast NameBravadoBoast EffectsConflicting Boast
Greater Numbers​
When one of the braggart's Pokemon faint, if the braggart has more Fainted Pokemon than any opposing team: The braggart loses the battle.
Greatest Numbers​
Greatest Numbers​
When one of the braggart's Pokemon faint: The braggart loses the battle.
Greater Numbers​
Take this boast only for challenges where the Selection Size would normally be greater than the Team Size.

The braggart's Team Size is limited to at most their Selection Size.
Order Shuffle​
After the braggart posts orders, their main orders are shuffled between Pokemon at random.

(Pool the main orders together, then slot them in at random, starting with the first Pokemon's first order. Don't shuffle substitutions.)

:kangaskhan:Safari Zone
Boast NameBravadoBoast EffectsConflicting Boast
The explorer can't replace the first Wayfinder they take in the expedition.
Call of Nature​
The braggart must switch their Pokemon whenever possible, every Switching Phase.
No Switching​
When the braggart uses a Medicine: Add a copy of that Medicine to the Trek's backpack, and to the backpack of each future Trek.

(The Wild team has a backpack, like all teams do, even though it initially starts empty.)
The braggart's Switching rule is "Off".
Call of Nature​
The explorer's backpack size is halved (x0.5).
Boast NameBravadoBoast EffectsConflicting Boast
Potion Recall​
Suppliers will offer no Medicines.
The mood of Wild Pokemon is worsened by one tier, to a maximum of "Threatened".

:eternatus:Raid Frontier
Boast NameBravadoBoast EffectsConflicting Boast
Double Major​
The braggart signs up with two different Vocations for each of their Pokemon. (For Raids with multiple Pokemon sharing a role, none of those Pokemon may share any Vocations.)

At the end of setup, and at the each round: Randomly designate one of each Pokemon's Vocations as "active", and the other as "inactive".

The effects of inactive Vocations are ignored.
The effectiveness of each core type against the Protector is at least x1.5.
At the end of each round: The braggart's Pokemon have their roles randomly shuffled. (And their vocations then move to their correct roles.)
The braggart's Effect Checks, Accuracy Checks, and Critical Checks are Unlucky.

The Raid's Effect Checks, Accuracy Checks, and Critical Checks are Lucky.
The Supporter can't attempt non-attack actions.
Boast NameBravadoBoast EffectsConflicting Boast
The braggart's Pokemon can't attempt attacks in the first round of the raid.
The braggart's Pokemon can't create Conditions on one another.
While the Protector is being attacked: The Protector's types resist nothing and are immune to nothing.
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Boasting Rewards
Once you've completed a boasted challenge, you can claim your hard-earned prize! You can earn both repeatable rewards, and special one-time achievement rewards.

Standard Boast Rewards
You may claim these rewards each time you qualify for them. They are divided by Facility, then by Bravado.

You can pick one reward, from among the columns whose Bravado requirement you have met.

:ho-oh:Realgam Tower
Select one of these options, from one column you qualify for.​
8 or more Bravado10 or more Bravado12 or more Bravado
  • :ability urge:Lo-EXP Record
  • :articuno:Articuno Lv1
  • :dire hit2:EXP Record
  • :moltres:Moltres Lv1
  • :x attack3:Hi-EXP Record
  • :zapdos:Zapdos Lv1

:floette-eternal:Safari Zone
Select one of these options, from one column you qualify for.​
8 or more Bravado10 or more Bravado12 or more Bravado
  • :ability urge:Lo-EXP Record
  • :strange ball:Strange Ball
Challenges scored at 8 Bravado start with
:articuno-galar:Articuno-Galar Lv1 as their Wayfinder.​
  • :comet shard:Comet Shard
  • :cherish ball:Cherish Ball
Challenges scored at 10 Bravado start with
:zapdos-galar:Zapdos-Galar Lv1 as their Wayfinder.​
  • :wellspring mask:Wellspring Mask
  • :master ball:Master Ball
Challenges scored at 12 Bravado start with
:moltres-galar:Moltres-Galar Lv1 as their Wayfinder.​

Wayfinder data for the Galarian Birds, including their unique Battle "Assists", can be found in Safari Data.​

:eternatus:Raid Frontier
Select one of these options, from one column you qualify for.​
8 or more Bravado10 or more Bravado12 or more Bravado
  • :regieleki:Regieleki Lv1
  • :tapu-koko:Tapu Koko Lv1
  • :ability urge:Lo-EXP Record
  • :tapu-fini:Tapu Fini Lv1
  • :dire hit2:EXP Record
  • :tapu-bulu:Tapu Bulu Lv1

Special Quest Boast Rewards
You may claim these rewards by qualifying for their own, special requirements and then winning the challenge. You can earn these rewards in addition to any standard rewards you may have earned.
  • Challenge The Clashing Cataclysmic Colossi! with a Bravado of 9 or more.​
  • Include :rayquaza:Rayquaza as one of your Protectors.​
  • When your :rayquaza:Rayquaza Faints: You lose the battle.​
100x Stardust​

Showdown with N
  • Challenge Team Plasma N with a Bravado of 9 or more.
  • Send out :kyurem:Kyurem or one of their Formes as your lead.
  • When your :kyurem:Kyurem Faints: You lose the battle.
Genesect Lv1​

Quell the True Beast
Z-Move Access
for each raider.*​

Rise to the Stage!
  • Challenge Kimono Girl Zuki with a Bravado of 7 or more.
  • At the start of battle, move :eevee:Eevee to your bench.
  • (Eevee can and probably will faint.)
:tapunium-z::big mushroom:
Z-Move + Dynamax
Access for that Eevee*​

Bring the Dawn!
  • Challenge Vs. The Source of the Enigma. with a Bravado of 9 or more.
  • While neither your Zacian, nor your Zamazenta, is attacking: Boss' HP can't be reduced below 1 by any means.
  • The Guest :Zacian-Crowned:The Crowned Sword and Guest :Zamazenta-Crowned:The Crowned Shield do not join you.
  • In addition to your normal PR, SU, and AG; send your own :zacian:Zacian and :zamazenta:Zamazenta as replacements for the Guests. They start on your bench with 1 remaining HP.
  • When either of your :zacian:Zacian or :zamazenta:Zamazenta faint: You lose the battle.
:rusted sword:
Rusted Sword
:rusted shield:
Rusted Shield​

Unknown Boast
  • Challenge an as-yet-unannounced Habitat with a Bravado of 9 or more.
  • Send
    an unannounced Pokemon as part of your team.
  • Your
    Pokemon will be your lead in each trek automatically. (You still have to equip them each time.)
  • When your
    Pokemon faints: You lose the battle.

Key Item​

Unknown Boast
  • Challenge an as-yet-unannounced Habitat with a Bravado of 9 or more.
  • Send exactly
    an unannounced Pokemon and
    another unannounced Pokemon as your team.
  • (Your Pokemon may, and likely will, faint.)

Held Item​

*The Pokemon will have this unlock on their profile, but it will only be of use to them once they're Level 4.​
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I am gonna say it again, I can beat the Spectacular Spore-verlord (1) with a multitype team (1), without any deaths (3) and a defense limit (1) [provided i don't mess up like last time]

Bravado level = (1+1+3+1) = 6
As good a time as any to nip these in the bud. We did promise to monitor for boasts that were too "free", after all!

We'll move the boasts Greater Numbers and Greatest Numbers to Realgam-Only. These "win without fainting" boasts were being taken as 3 free points into any Raid under the sun.

Greater Numbers -> Now Realgam-specific.​
Greatest Numbers -> Now Realgam-specific.​
Poorly Organized -> Raised to 2 Bravado (from 1).​
Monotype Team -> Removed entirely.​
Multitype Team -> Removed entirely.​
New Boasts:

Keeping the older boast charts in this post so that posts above this one can finish using them:
Generic Boasts
:pikachu-partner:These boasts may be taken in Realgam Tower, The Raid Frontier, The Safari Zone, The Battle Tree, and The Battle Pike.
Boast NameBravadoBoast EffectsConflicting Boast
The braggart's Pokemon will have at most 8 Attack and Special Attack.

The braggart's Pokemon will have at most 100 Speed.
The braggart's Pokemon will have at most 85 maximum HP.

The braggart's Pokemon will have at most 6 Defense and Special Defense.
Greater Numbers​
When one of the braggart's Pokemon faint, if the braggart has more Fainted Pokemon than any opposing team: The braggart loses the battle.
Greatest Numbers​
Greatest Numbers​
When one of the braggart's Pokemon faint: The braggart loses the battle.
Greater Numbers​
Take this boast only for challenges with 1 or more Technique Control.

The braggart will have 0 Technique Control.
The braggart's Pokemon can't have their HP or Energy healed.
Monotype Team​
When taking this boast, declare a type.

The braggart will bring only Pokemon who have the declared Type.
Multi-Type Team​
Multi-Type Team​
The braggart will submit only Pokemon who do not share any Types with one another.
Monotype Team​
None yet.
Facility-Specific Boasts
:ho-oh:Realgam Tower
Boast NameBravadoBoast EffectsConflicting Boast
The referee will select the Realgam trainer's Pokemon from each slot, rather than rolling randomly.
Take this boast only for challenges where the Selection Size would normally be greater than the Team Size.

The braggart's Team Size is limited to at most their Selection Size.
The braggart's Switching rule is "Off".
None yet.
:eternatus:Raid Frontier
Boast NameBravadoBoast EffectsConflicting Boast
The braggart's Pokemon can't create Conditions on one another.
Poorly Organized​
At the end of each round: The braggart's Pokemon have their roles randomly shuffled. (And their vocations then follow to the correct roles.)
None yet.
bet i can beat the shadow-wielding ninja master with shuffled orders (3) and and roughshod (1) assuming i can order this

protector: aaa
IF able THEN xxx

supporter: bbb
IF able THEN yyy

aggressor: ccc
IF able THEN zzz

and protector will always use xxx, supporter will always use yyy, and aggressor will always use zzz regardless of shuffled orders

otherwise, ill delete this post

I bet I can defeat the Spectacular Spore-verlord with the following boasts!
  • No Healing (1)
  • Poorly Organized (2)
  • Party Divide (1)
  • Vitriol (1)
And the Raid's level adds 1 to that!

(Total Bravado: 6)

"I bet I can defeat Trevor (1) while playing the Castelia City Shuffle! The Castelia City Shuffle is a special game mode with Pokemon Shuffle (2), Item Shuffle (2), and Order Shuffle (3)."

Bravado + Level: 1+2+2+3=8
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Alright, alright, we can move Order Shuffle to Realgam-only. Now to figure something for Raids at all...

(this doesn't affect the posts above because they're realgam challenges; and it wouldn't anyway because they've already boasted.)
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I was hoping to start this run before the above change was made, but I'll have to just run with this and see if it works

I bet I can beat The Shadow-Wielding Master and Students with Attack Limit (1) , Defense Limit (1), No Combos (1), No Healing (1), Party Divide (1), and Roughshod (1) for 6 Bravado total and 8 Bravado+Level.
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