"Is that so? Let's see you do it blindfolded, then!"
( Boast List | Boast Rewards )
Boasting is a display of your battling supremacy and your outstanding confidence, for all to see!
Players must be T.Lv3 or higher to Boast.
Boasting is a system for increasing the difficulty for almost any Battle Facility — taking on greater risk, for greater possible rewards.
BBP offers a variety of challenges for players to undertake, from powerful boss trainers to mysterious wilderness treks. And yet, for some players, these challenges may not hold the same thrill they once used to. Some players have had to amuse themselves using increasingly asinine obscure strategies just to pass the time, while others simply spend their time neglecting most of what's on offer. That just won't do at all!
To ensure players can always find that spark of excitement when they wish to, we offer the ability for players to boast about their challenges. Simply proclaim to the world that you can do BBP's content blindfolded, with one arm behind your back, and you'll be on your way to greater rewards!

How do I boast?
1. First, post in this thread the facility you'll be challenging, and the boasts you'll use, like this:
"I bet I can defeat N with only Dragon-type Pokemon, and without healing any HP!"
2. In the facility's thread, when you sign up for your boasted facility, include your boasts and a link to your boasts in your signup post.
3. Your referee will include your boasts when they set up your facility challenge. The effects of these Boasts will persist throughout your facility challenge, modifying its difficulty.
4. If you lose, your referee will post here that you failed to achieve your aim. If you win, your referee will post here that you succeeded to achieve your boast.
5. In the Prize Claim Tower, when claiming your rewards for your boast, link to your referee's Boast acknowledgement.
Boasts are objects that exist on their boasting trainer during battle, whose effect modifies the game. A Boast can change the properties of their trainer's Pokemon, modify or forbid certain actions, change the posting schedule, and more. Some Boasts have effects that cause their boasting trainer to lose the battle if their conditions are met, so boast carefully!

What if I win?
Each Boast has an amount of Bravado associated it. When you win a boasted challenge, the total Bravado of your boasts is used to determine your Boast Rewards, which you gain in addition to any rewards offered by the facility challenge you boasted in.
Bravado can't be saved or transferred between attempts. You're expected to earn your target amount of Bravado in a single battle, in order to score a prize.
Boast Rewards offer useful EXP Records that can be used to Level-Up Pokemon without sending them into battle. This is a great way to prepare many Pokemon at once... If you can stomach the challenge!

What if I lose?
Better luck next time! You don't gain or lose anything special for Boasting — all boasting does it make it easier to lose. Boasting doesn't have any extra JC costs or other considerations. You'll gain the usual rewards for losing your boasted challenge, whatever they may be.

What if I forget?
Don't do that. It's important that challenges that were Boasted stay Boasted. Otherwise, players are going to simply take Boasts every challenge, and "forget" when they become inconvenient, which is not an incentive we ever want to give. The purpose of Boasts should be to scale a challenge's difficulty to match your abilities, not just fish for lucky treats.
Rounds reffed having "forgotten" a Boast, such as foregoing a Shuffle, are illegitimate. Such rounds must be stricken from the match and re-reffed; losing both the player and referee valuable time and effort. Both the player and referee are responsible for watching for these mistakes, to prevent having to re-do one or more rounds of gameplay.
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