[Beginner] Heroic Characters Mafia: GAME OVER! Playable Characters win

Seriously, more people should post their names. It helps.

Also, I think we should read less into names. So far we have Faith and Arthur, who aren't really playable characters, Luigi, who isn't exactly what I would call a hero, and Red, whose claim I don't like for some reason, which I think is something to do with the fact it is like he is just claiming for the hell of it, but w/e. Anyway, this means that either both mafias and a wolf are all trying to lead, or lkk has deviated a bit. I'd also like to draw the distinction between slightly heroic villains (Darth, Cyrus) and slightly villainous heroes (Faith, as far as Wiki and my PM tell me).

Oh, and I agree that Jalmont looks bad because it is basically copied from myth, and even if he wasn't there then lkk was.

But either way, the inspect should target me. I've lead before, and even if we didn't win, we did well while I lead considering the position we were in, and that is the most important thing. It means that either the inspect finds a competent leader or a mafia: win/win. To be honest, I never really expected claims, because I know I have never claimed N0 to a leader in my life. We really just need the inspect on me.
Moles exist. LKK never said in the rules that he wouldn't lie to us. Take any result with a grain of salt - I am almost certain that the omission of said rule is conspicious.

E: Duly noted - don't I look like an idiot.

Note that I have nothing against you, Athenodoros, but I tend to tread very carefully around those styling themselves village leader.
From rule number one:

lkk said:
Inspections, however, will always be correct. This is beginner, I’m being nice.

And I understand. I am hugely paranoid as well, but hopefully when the inspect cleans me I can persuade you to play nice.

I don't mind the 48 hour schedule for the holiday break, but I'd prefer have 72 hours for christmas. Doesn't really matter either way though.

Don't claim N0. That'd be dumb.

Willing to be cleaned, but good luck finding a village leader. Hurray for the No-Mole rule.
Seriously, more people should post their names. It helps.

Also, I think we should read less into names. So far we have Faith and Arthur, who aren't really playable characters, Luigi, who isn't exactly what I would call a hero, and Red, whose claim I don't like for some reason, which I think is something to do with the fact it is like he is just claiming for the hell of it, but w/e. Anyway, this means that either both mafias and a wolf are all trying to lead, or lkk has deviated a bit. I'd also like to draw the distinction between slightly heroic villains (Darth, Cyrus) and slightly villainous heroes (Faith, as far as Wiki and my PM tell me).

Oh, and I agree that Jalmont looks bad because it is basically copied from myth, and even if he wasn't there then lkk was.

But either way, the inspect should target me. I've lead before, and even if we didn't win, we did well while I lead considering the position we were in, and that is the most important thing. It means that either the inspect finds a competent leader or a mafia: win/win. To be honest, I never really expected claims, because I know I have never claimed N0 to a leader in my life. We really just need the inspect on me.

While I wouldn't be suprised if Atheno was village, I still believe that the inspector should either inspect me/red_kryal. Note that Atheno still hasn't told us what his role his. And while Arthur isn't a playable character he is also not a slightly heroic villain or movie star (a 2004 movie that nobody's heard of should not count). I think he would be most likely to be a villager, but I guess that's just my opinion. I also want to point out again that I specifically asked lkk to be given a village role (logs can be provided upon request) that could be possibly used to lead the village. I understand if people suspect me, so I think it would be wise for the inspector to clean me. All I'm really trying to say is that as long as the inspector cleans me, kryal, or atheno, the village should be in a good position come day 1.

Oh and I won't be able to get on IRC tomorrow, so shoot me a pm if you need to talk to me. And for xmas deadlines, 48 hours is fine with me, although if you want to extend I don't mind at all.
Friendly reminder: No role PM sharing on Night 0. Data from your role PM(Such as saying role name, what your role is, that stuff) is cool, but don't share your actual role PM.

Also, it's less then 24 hours to deadline: Make sure to get those actions in! If you plan on doing nothing, please send in a PM to show you're idling, or just let me know via IRC.

If you haven't gotten on IRC yet, I welcome you to. It's a very nice chatroom. #heroic is where it's happening.
Hopefully it isn't too late for an obligatory good luck post. So...good luck everyone.

Also, seconding (or maybe more like fifth-ing) the thought that Jalmont is faking his claim. While I don't suppose it's too far out of the realm of possibility, it certainly looks sketchy at best. I'm trusting Atheno.
Don't trust Athendoros. He hasn't been nearly as transparent as jalmont or I, and jalmont has thrown his support to me. I mean, he says that Luigi isn't a hero? He's pretty much only the second most well known hero in the world - next to his big brother Mario! I'm also pretty sure he's a playable character in most of the Mario games too!

Not to mention that in the event of my death, we all have someone we can trust 100%, with all the information that I had. There's no danger of information falling into the wrong hands with me.

Support for red_kryal is support for the village.
red kyral said:
Not to mention that in the event of my death, we all have someone we can trust 100%, with all the information that I had. There's no danger of information falling into the wrong hands with me.

Here you're assuming that the existence of such a twin is proven.

Big Macintosh said:

Please, please, please, please, PLEASE, everyone keep your information to yourself until some inspection results shine some light on the situation, and even then, remember that the mafia can and will fake inspector. Furthermore, the leader in question could just as easily say that the inspector has cleaned them, while the inspector is too inactive to say otherwise.

TL;DR tread carefully, everyone. Things are not always as they seem.
Not to mention that in the event of my death, we all have someone we can trust 100%, with all the information that I had.

Hmm...what's wrong with this sentence? Oh yeah. When you're dead, you can't talk about the game, ergo there's nothing to trust. While you're alive, you can't be easily trusted unless Atheno is in fact mafia, as you seem to be implying. It's a vicious circle, and I think that it's best that we avoid vicious circles early in the game.

Although I do agree that it might be best if Atheno at least posts his name and/or role to make sure.
Hmm...what's wrong with this sentence? Oh yeah. When you're dead, you can't talk about the game, ergo there's nothing to trust.

he's not referring to deadtalking, but to the fact we're gonna have a backup 100% clean leader in the form of his twin, who is going to have as much information as he did. all we'd need is for his twin to step up, and if nobody counter-claims him, we can be sure he's the real deal. the problem here could be if both of them are mafia faking being village twins, but that is easily fixed by an inspection.

While you're alive, you can't be easily trusted unless Atheno is in fact mafia, as you seem to be implying.

there are 2 mafia factions. even if athenodoros was mafia, he could be on the other team.

Although I do agree that it might be best if Atheno at least posts his name and/or role to make sure.

he already posted his role name, but yeah i agree it would be better if he posted his role.
I think two things, one we should not claim to anyone till tommorow; two claim to me; three twin would be a good role to false claim as your mafia buddies could claim it to back you up.
Also if the mafia could kill Jalmont on night1 it would be very helpful.
Wait, wait, wait. We've got two people posting character claims that (to me at least) seem suspect and nothing at all about their roles, one person whose character claim is plausible but whose role claim is very unspecific and (if shuckles is right) easy to fake, and one person whose character claim is 99.99% likely to be fake. And I'm supposed to claim to one of these people?
I spoke with red_kyral today; he's been gone for about 10 minutes, so I'd presume that he won't be returning anytime soon. He seems to have been evading my questions to some extent, and was very slow to reply throughout; make of it what you will.

  1. 16:43 Terrador derp
  2. 16:43 Terrador testing, testing, 1, 2, 3
  3. 16:44 red_kryal yo
  4. 16:44 Terrador If you wouldn't mind
  5. 16:44 Terrador Would you give a brief summary of why you would be the best to lead the village?
  6. 16:47 red_kryal because i have a much safer claim than a
  7. 16:47 red_kryal oops, accidentally hit enter, lol
  8. 16:47 Terrador lol
  9. 16:49 red_kryal much safer claim than any of the other candidates, arthur (knights of the round table variant) isn't really a playable character, and faith from buffy is a ball game i think we'd all just rather not play
  10. 16:49 red_kryal i'm much cooler than athendoros and jalmont put together, and i also have jalmont throwing his support to me
  11. 16:50 Terrador "much cooler"?
  12. 16:50 Terrador Furthermore, two questions
  13. 16:51 Terrador 1) why did it take you so long to reply what appears to be a rehearsed and rehashed answer?
  14. 16:51 Terrador 2) Why should you lead, even if you are clean? What can you offer the village?
  15. 17:12 Terrador ...I'm waiting.
  16. 17:13 red_kryal ?
  17. 17:13 Terrador 1) why did it take you so long to reply what appears to be a rehearsed and rehashed answer?
  18. 17:13 Terrador 2) Why should you lead, even if you are clean? What can you offer the village?
  19. 17:13 Terrador I asked these questions twenty minutes ago.
  20. 17:13 red_kryal internet cut out
  21. 17:14 Terrador Erm
  22. 17:14 Terrador You were only offline from 16:56 to 16:59
  23. 17:14 Terrador I asked those at 16:51
  24. 17:15 red_kryal my irc log with you ends at 00:51 and continues at 1:12
  25. 17:15 Terrador Because I didn't say anything else
  26. 17:15 Terrador I was waiting for your answer
  27. 17:16 red_kryal :/
  28. 17:17 Terrador And I am still waiting.
  29. 17:20 red_kryal i should lead because my role is best for it (unless athendoros can pull something wacky that is), in the event of my death i have someone who i can absolutely trust to be 100% clean to take over. it also means that i don't risk handing over vital village information to the mafia because the information will go to my twin, and not someone i can shakily trust
  30. 17:21 Terrador Tell me, how can we be certaint that the person in question is your twin?
  31. 17:21 Terrador Names of other characters are /always/ snipped from inspection PMs
  32. 17:22 Terrador Furthermore, I don't see anything in that about who /you/ are as a leader. Are you really the kind of person who can singlehandedly root out scum, judge false from true, and create a sound battle plan?
  33. 17:23 red_kryal doesn't take a rocket scientist to do it, terrador
  34. 17:23 Terrador To the contrary
  35. 17:23 Terrador Even with all those claims
  36. 17:24 Terrador It takes a strong player to adequately lead the village.
  37. 17:24 red_kryal then if you think you're so strong with these super interrogations, why aren't you leading?
  38. 17:25 Terrador My reasons are threefold.
  39. 17:25 Terrador 1) Even though I am competent at empirical logic, I'm not a particularly strong mafia player
  40. 17:25 Terrador 2) My role doesn't lend itself to leadership
  41. 17:25 Terrador 3) I've been forced to play devil's advocate too early on, and I already look a bit scummy
  42. 17:27 Terrador Your extended silences do not make you look good.
  43. 17:28 red_kryal fair enough
  44. 17:28 Terrador You've still evaded my question
  45. (In main chat)17:28 *** red_kryal quit (Connection reset by peer)
I think two things, one we should not claim to anyone till tommorow; two claim to me; three twin would be a good role to false claim as your mafia buddies could claim it to back you up.
Also if the mafia could kill Jalmont on night1 it would be very helpful.

Can anyone explain to me what this even means? First off, anyone that claims to you is out of their mind, seeing as you've given no one any reason to trust you. Nothing you've said makes you any cleaner in my eyes; to me it looks like you are a mafioso looking to lead the village to its downfall. Twin is also a retarded role for a mafia to claim as, seeing as if a twin usually has a weak role, if they even get any. That makes it a retarded role to put on a mafia team seeing as it is very weak. And claiming twin as a mafia is also really stupid seeing as if anyone inspects you and the mafia has just had two members of their side outed. And why do you want the mafia to kill me? I could give reasons why, but I'd actually prefer them to target me seeing as they just waste their kill and clean me in the process. This is probably the worst post I've ever seen in a mafia game.

Wait, wait, wait. We've got two people posting character claims that (to me at least) seem suspect and nothing at all about their roles, one person whose character claim is plausible but whose role claim is very unspecific and (if shuckles is right) easy to fake, and one person whose character claim is 99.99% likely to be fake. And I'm supposed to claim to one of these people?

While I agree with your first two sentences, after that I'm really confused as to what you're talking about. I don't understand what's so "unspecific" about claiming twin. As I've said above, no competent mafia player would claim twin for the reasons I've said above. It's not easy to fake, and it's overall a bad role to claim. I honestly believe kryal is at this point the best person to claim to, but for all I know he might be mafia (I still severely doubt it though). And then you think my role is 99.99% fake, but you don't give any reason as to why. Oh wait there's a movie no one's heard about, this obviously means Jalmont is mafia! If this is all you have, than I really don't know what to tell you. I've said it before and I'll say it again I specifically asked lkk to be given a village role that could possibly lead the village. And if that doesn't convince you, than I would also advise you to look at Brawl Mafia, where lkk co-hosted, and StevenSnype asked for a village role and received a KPV.

[18:36] <jalmont> is it too late for requests?
[18:36] <loudkirbyking> Nope.
[18:37] <jalmont> i would like to request village
[18:37] <jalmont> and have a role that could lead the village
[18:39] <loudkirbyking> Got it memorized.
[18:40] <jalmont> thanks

And speaking of Brawl Mafia Atheno lynched the village leader who had been cleaned. Yeah.

That's pretty much it, all I have left to say is that Objection and shuckles are sure doing a good job creating strife in the village.
Y'see, there's this British movie called "Monty Python: Quest for the Holy Grail", which has recieved huge acclaim and is wildly popular. It stars, guess who, King Arthur of Camelot. Furthermore, just because you requested something doesn't mean that such a request would be granted; furthermore, that log could very easily be faked (I have my doubts that you have a week-old log).

TL;DR you're in no position to be claiming any authority at this point.

Also, twins can easily be faked.
Step 1) Safeguard.
Step 2) Have a mafia buddy claim to be your twin.
Step 3) No counterclaim.
Step 4) One claims that that's solid enough evidence to start getting claims.
Step 5) Mafia has information.
Step 6) Distinct lack of profit.
inb4 each of the village, both mafias and a wolf is trying to lead ;)

But seriously, can we just operate from now under the assumption that shuckles is trolling? I think it will mean fewer shenanigans in the short run and even if he is clean, I don't want him leading just based on the way he has acted.

Next, @ Jalmont, stop saying that you asked lkk for a village leading role. I mean, for one thing it doesn't actually help anyone. Look: I asked lkk for a village leading role. Now I said it and put it in bold as well, but it wasn't true. And there's no way you can prove it.

Finally, @ Objection, you're not supposed to claim to anyone yet. I'd wait until tomorrow, at which point we should have an inspect, a few night results and maybe something to go on in the update. For now, all we're looking for is that crucial inspect so we can get the game going.

And yes I made a mistake in Brawl mafia but he wasn't clean.
Y'see, there's this British movie called "Monty Python: Quest for the Holy Grail", which has recieved huge acclaim and is wildly popular. It stars, guess who, King Arthur of Camelot. Furthermore, just because you requested something doesn't mean that such a request would be granted; furthermore, that log could very easily be faked (I have my doubts that you have a week-old log).

TL;DR you're in no position to be claiming any authority at this point.

It's not a week old log. It was when lkk was sending role pms. Either way, I use mIRC, and I still have all of my logs from when I first started using IRC. Next, do you really think a player requesting village would be denied? I mean how many players request a village role? I'm guessing not many, and there are so many more village roles than mafia/wolf roles. But hey you don't have to take my word for it. I'll post my role pm (unless kryal gets inspected) day 1. I'll concede on the movie point, all I can really say is what Atheno said: It looks mildy suspicous so it wouldn't ever be given as a safe claim.

Also, twins can easily be faked.
Step 1) Safeguard.
Step 2) Have a mafia buddy claim to be your twin.
Step 3) No counterclaim.
Step 4) One claims that that's solid enough evidence to start getting claims.
Step 5) Mafia has information.
Step 6) Distinct lack of profit.

There's a lot of problems with this formula, one being that twins are very common (at least with my limited knowledge) in 1 village versus two mafia games. Since we haven't seen another twin claim so far (if there is another twin pair I urge one of you to speak up) I think that its a pretty safe bet to assume kryal is village. And if your action is blocked by a safeguard then I would be very concerned about that and you probably would announce that and not claim to the twin pair. And boom, the mafia has just outed two of their members. So yeah I guess this could happen, but the chances are highly unlikely as they are a bunch of roles that are way better to claim.

Edit: Atheno posted before I did.
I actually just proved it. I posted a log with lkk. Let's just say for the sake of argument it's fake. I was then given the exact same role minus a LPV that Snype was given in Brawl Mafia when he wanted to be village. And I really really really hate to bring up how players did in previous games, but Atheno you lynched the village leader after he had proved his role. Say what you want, but if anyone looks at the brawl mafia thread you have to wonder what was going through his head when he lynched any hope the village had of winning that game.
Lynching the leader who had already given the full sheet to the mafia destroyed any hopes we had? We didn't have any at that stage anyway.

Oh, and btw guys I decided that at the end of the second page would be a good time to post this:

[19:54] <Athenodoros> Is it too late for requests?
[19:55] <loudkirbyking> No, I'm sending them out soon.
[19:55] <Athenodoros> Cool. I'd like to request a perfect village leading role.
[19:57] <loudkirbyking> Okay. I have this role where you can't post your role N0, but if you get over 50% of the claims you get a permanent BPV and a kill each night.
[19:58] <Athenodoros> That sounds cool. I'll take that one.
[19:59] <loudkirbyking> Got it memorized.

So now that I've posted a log everyone can just claim, okay? I mean, it proves it conclusively. And I think there was one like it in Mythology, which dan got, so it must be legit.
Lynching the leader who had already given the full sheet to the mafia destroyed any hopes we had? We didn't have any at that stage anyway.

Oh, and btw guys I decided that at the end of the second page would be a good time to post this:

[19:54] <Athenodoros> Is it too late for requests?
[19:55] <loudkirbyking> No, I'm sending them out soon.
[19:55] <Athenodoros> Cool. I'd like to request a perfect village leading role.
[19:57] <loudkirbyking> Okay. I have this role where you can't post your role N0, but if you get over 50% of the claims you get a kill every night and a BPV.
[19:58] <Athenodoros> That sounds cool. I'll take that one.
[19:59] <loudkirbyking> Got it memorized.

So now that I've posted a log everyone can just claim, okay? I mean, it proves it conclusively.

Yeah because requesting village is really common right? I'm sure everyone asked to be a villager because being a villager is so much fun! Cool fake though you really proved a lot. You literally just said, logs can be faked. You didn't address my earlier point because sometimes its hard to argue against the facts. But you know, you can continue in your deluded state (claim to the people who still haven't told us their role! Yeah, good idea!). And please don't give me that bs that "you had lost the game already" in Brawl mafia, lynching another villager didn't help village at all, especially after Quagsires role had just been cleaned. If we want screw-ups like that, then claim to Atheno.

And btw posting your role n0 is against the rules otherwise I would've done it.

Edit: Again, I wasn't in mythology mafia so I'm unsure why/how I would claim that. But it's ok claim to the guy who lynches the village leader who has been cleaned!

I hate waking up to excessively long posts. Let's break it down.

Jalmont said:
Yeah because requesting village is really common right? I'm sure everyone asked to be a villager because being a villager is so much fun!

First, it's more common than you think. Secondly, why would you sarcastically disown the idea of wanting to be village, if not because you aren't village at all?

Jalmont said:
Cool fake though you really proved a lot. You literally just said, logs can be faked. You didn't address my earlier point because sometimes its hard to argue against the facts. But you know, you can continue in your deluded state (claim to the people who still haven't told us their role! Yeah, good idea!).

The only one who's "deluded" is you, my friend. You'd have to be, or you'd avoid trying for leader with a sketchy claim like that.

Jalmont said:
And please don't give me that bs that "you had lost the game already" in Brawl mafia, lynching another villager didn't help village at all, especially after Quagsires role had just been cleaned. If we want screw-ups like that, then claim to Atheno.

Why are we talking about Brawl Mafia? This is an entirely different game.

Jalmont said:
And btw posting your role n0 is against the rules otherwise I would've done it.

Actually, I'm pretty sure that posting the role and name is OK, whereas quoting the entire PM is forbidden until D1.

Jalmont said:
Edit: Again, I wasn't in mythology mafia so I'm unsure why/how I would claim that. But it's ok claim to the guy who lynches the village leader who has been cleaned!

In other words, if the guy mislynches the village leader, it's all right as long as he's clean, and he can continue to cause the village to self-destruct. Sure, that makes perfect sense.

So basically, I'm saying that Jalmont, while not necessarily out-and-out mafia, is definitely hiding something. Requesting the inspector to see what's up here, tomorrow night if not tonight.
While I agree with your first two sentences, after that I'm really confused as to what you're talking about. I don't understand what's so "unspecific" about claiming twin. As I've said above, no competent mafia player would claim twin for the reasons I've said above. It's not easy to fake, and it's overall a bad role to claim. I honestly believe kryal is at this point the best person to claim to, but for all I know he might be mafia (I still severely doubt it though).

Oh, he's claiming that twin is his role? Maybe I misunderstood his post then. But from what I've seen, twins usually-to-always have some kind of really weak role in addition to being twin. I recall one twin pair being a pair of safeguards that only blocked certain actions (eg, one didn't block hooks while the other did, and that one didn't block inspects). That's what I meant by his ability claim being unspecific: he didn't tell us what his ability (if any) in addition to being twin was. Of course, I'll gladly give him the opportunity to do so now or at a later date.

And then you think my role is 99.99% fake, but you don't give any reason as to why. Oh wait there's a movie no one's heard about, this obviously means Jalmont is mafia!

And what game has King Arthur been a playable character in? To my knowledge, none. Therefore, unless the hosts were high when they designed this game or you can provide an example of a game in which King Arthur is a playable character, King Arthur will surely not be allied with the playable characters. That's why I think your claim is fake and, by extension, you are not allied with the playable characters (unless you or anyone else wants to give a reason for a villager making a fake claim).

Maybe I'm completely and utterly wrong here. But I don't think so and you haven't convinced me.

(I'd also like to thank Terrador for providing a better movie example than the one I provided. Shame on me for not thinking of Monty Python.)

Finally, @ Objection, you're not supposed to claim to anyone yet. I'd wait until tomorrow, at which point we should have an inspect, a few night results and maybe something to go on in the update. For now, all we're looking for is that crucial inspect so we can get the game going.

Yeah, this is what I was trying to get at. When I was reading the posts made by the village leader candidates in the beginning, it looked for the most part like they were expecting us to make some kind of claim right now, and only recently are they starting to admit that people should wait until we have some kind of evidence before we all claim.

Also, has anyone else noticed in some games that certain roles only get checked in one or two ways without being inspected and that sometimes those players end up being village leaders even when they're not village? Or is it just me? Either way, I guess I can trust that not to happen in this game for now.

EDIT: Wow, this ended up being considerably longer than I expected!
You're allowed to post your role tonight, just not your role PM.

But it doesn't matter since Deadline!

As everyone begins to wake up, you notice that the hosts are all ready up. lkk is sketching something, while Penguin is meditating... Everyone just stares at them for at least an hour, before Jalmont goes up to examine what lkk is drawing. Before he even gets to view it, lkk shuts her sketchbook, having just finished up. Athenodoros watches Penguin, as Galladiator goes up and pokes him. With no warning, he gets Galladiator into a lock with a blaster to his neck. Athenodoros breaks out into laughter as Galladiator is then thrown into the crowd, only to be caught by kd24. macle decides to finally ask the question. "Um... What're we supposed to do again?"

lkk stares down at them for a moment. "You're missing someone, you realize that." With that, she opens her sketchbook to a page of Terrador being kidnapped! Oh snap!

As everyone begins to go nuts over the kidnapping, they hear some sort of zooming noise, then a scream of some sort. IT was random, but everyone felt a sudden desire to smash whoever said it.

Screams said:

And with that, lkk begins to explain. "I have enough power to send one person into the dark realm. However, I will not waste this for any cause unless forced. Thus, I ask of everyone to vote on who they would like me to kill. I have one among you that will tally the votes, an assistant of mine. He will let me know when you have either reached a majority, or when time's up." She explained everything. It was daybreak, don't let your hours go to waste!

Sending out results once I calculate them. Don't lynch vote until I do so...
Jalmont I want the mafia to kill you fir reasons you said. One if your village your clean and two the mafia will waste a kill.
On the claiming of twins, it is a good idea for mafia because normally when the villa lynch a twin the remaining one goes wolf.
I was wondering if we have any ideas on who to lynch and I believe that it is now day one. So No lynch