Best Rapid Spin Blocker

According to the Smogon website Dusclops is the best at blocking Rapid Spin. I'm just wondering what everybody thinks of this in D/P. It's true that Dusclops gets a new evolution but what about the likes of Spiritomb and the other new ghosts? Anybody think any of the new ghosts are better or is it still Dusclops?
Dusknoir is probably the best. Spiritomb comes next.

In ubers, Giratina or Ghost Arceus works
Spiritomb comes with the major advantage of not being weak to Pursuit, which is the main problem with Dusknoir, who fears Heracross.
Dusknoir is the best all-around one, but Gengar has more immunities to abuse. Claydol and Donphan both hurt Gengar more with a correct prediction though than in RS. Claydol has access to Land Power and Calm Mind so it no longer has to split its offensive EVs, which means Ice Beam or Psychic will leave quite a wound. Donphan will probably be using Stone Edge.
I don't like Spiritomb very much. Less defensive power than Dusclops doesn't seem to be worth the increase in offense, since Spiritomb isn't going to be attacking much anyway with that speed. If I were going to use a Spikes team, I'd definitely use Dusknoir to block Rapid Spin.

I might consider Mismagius though, as it has pretty decent special attack/defense, and speed, so it can do more than just block spinners.
I like Mismagius for the spin-blocking position since she levitates and can hit those ground types hard with energy ball. It also shrugs off Claydol's psychics which is an advantage it has over Gengar.

Energy Ball is also good for the unexpected spinner, Kabutops.
I like how tenchi completely ignored my point about Pursuit o.-

Mismagius is more of a sweeper with 105 speed and Calm Mind, IMO.
(Right, Tyranitar would be more of a worry, not Heracross. Keep equating Pursuit with Heracross =[)

Eh, I suppose Spiritomb does have that, so if you were running a hardcore spikes team and really didn't want Pursuit to ruin anything it'd be a good choice.