I have to say that my English skill is not very good, so don't jugde me when I write some stupid things that you can't understand ^^! Right now, I'm going to share my team which can beat all another weather and some buff or trap team if you do correctly what I say, here's my team:


Item: Leftovers
EV: 156 HP / 252 Def / 100 SpD
Nature: Impish
Ability: Sandstream
Stealth Rock
Slack Off

When we talk about sandstorm team, we always use Tyranitar, but why, Tyranitar is not strong enough to keep your sandstorm team alive when it faces some Fighting, Ground and sunny team, but not Hippowdon. Hippowdon is a superb defensive Pokemon, it can support your team getting trouble from Physical and Trap Pokemon, and Stealth Rock + Whirlwind is super effective to Bug, Fire, Flying Pokemon (this help me negate Multiscale from Dragonite, Quiver dance from Volcarona, Protect+Baton Pass from Ninjask and some sub Pokemon). It also takes the sleep status from Breloom or Venusaur to keep our team safe from this status.


Item: Rocky Helmet
EV: 202 HP / 156 Def / 150 SpD / 0 IV Spd
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Iron Barbs
Power Whip
Gyro Ball
Thunder Wave

Ferrothorn is the best defensive Pokemon in OU. It can stop some crazy- buff Dragon Pokemon from using their set: Dragon Dance + Outrage. With Gyro Ball , It can beat all the Psychic/Ghost and some speedy Pokemon, such as Latios, Latias, Gengar,... And Thunder Wave for Pokemon which buff Speed all the time or X2 speed in the weather. Finally Power Whip can handle Water, Ground, Rock Pokemon.

Item: Light Clay
EV: 252 SpA / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Nature: Timid
Ability: Magic Bounce
Shadow Ball
Hidden Power Fire
Light Screen

Espeon is the important Pokemon in this team. It can be a good-scouting Pokemon and can reduce damage taken from Physical and Special Pokemon by using Reflect + Light Screen. Its ability can stop some Pokemon such as Ferrothorn, Forretress, Skarmory, ... from using traps and Hidden Power Fire can beat Steel, Grass Pokemon such as Venusaur, Scizor... Espeon can handle some Ghost/Psychic Pokemon with Shadow Ball. What a useful Pokemon.

Item: Lum Berry
EV: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Nature: Adamant (better)/ Jolly
Ability: Mold Breaker
Dragon Dance
Super Power

In my opinion, Haxorus is the best Hax pokemon OU ever.When its Nature is Adamant, its Atk up to 432! Plus it with Dragon Dance, it can beat almost all Pokemon which is not Steel type. With mold breaker, it can Earthquake Levitate Pokemon such as Gengar, Rotom, and ignore the target's ability, such as Multiscale of Dragonite, or Wonder Guard of Shedinja... What a horrible Pokemon!


Item: Choice Band
EV: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Sand Rush
Wild Charge
Super Power

Thanks god that Stoutland has the ability Sand Rush, Which doubles Stoutland's speed in Sandstorm. With this set, you can OHKO some Pokemon with Return, and Crunch + Super Power is for Psychic/Ghost/Dark/Normal/Rock/Steel Pokemon. I think Wild Charge is necessary in case when you faces Gyarados or some Water/Flying Pokemon.

Item: Life Orb
EV: 252 SpA / 252 Spd / 4 HP
Nature: Modest (better)/Timid
Ability: Magic Guard
Hidden Power Fire
Shadow Ball
Focus Blast

Finally, my Special Sweeper, Alakazam. Its Special Damage is horrible. It can OHKO all low SpD Pokemon, and it also takes care Chansey/Blissey ,Tentacruel,... with Psyshock. Its ability keeps it safe from traps, Brn/Psn/Toxic status and sandstorm/hail weather, so useful!

In this team, if you want to win, you must keep Espeon and Hippowdon stay alive, they're 2 important Pokemons in your team, Espeon can scout and defend your team when it faces some Pokemon such as Ninjask, Forretress, Breloom,..., and then you use Hippowdon for sandstorm (if you face the opponent weather team, Hippowdon must survive to keep sandstorm always active). Ferrothorn can handle some Pokemon such as Dragonite, Salamence, Haxorus, Jirachi,... And Haxorus, Alakazam, Stoutland can handle another Pokemon from opponent team just like I said before.
Enjoy my team :naughty:~~
you like stealing images without asking :D
alakazam needs timid to outspeed +ve nature terrakion, starmie, etc.
remove shadow claw on ferrothorn for spikes, stab gyro ball is stronger anyway. I would also swap another attack for leech seed to heal myself, and nature should be relaxed to power up gyro ball
hippowdon should be max hp, max (s)Def
Ferrothorn's nature is your good advice, but another things you say is not OK.
First, Alakazam can be defeated by Choice Scarf Pokemon, so I don't let it faces to some kind of those Pokemons, such as Terrakion, Starmie. Alakazam's ability must be Modest because I want it to be at max spA stats so it can beat Blissey easily with Psyshock 2HKO and some Pokemon have a high SpD. Ferrothorn should have Shadow Claw in case the opponent's Psychic/Ghost pokemon, such as Latias, always uses protect + sub to decrease Gyro Ball's PP, which is the main strong move of Ferrothorn. Leech seed is suck, it's useless when the opponent switch out his another Pokemon. Hippowdon need some spD so it can survive when the opponent's Pokemon uses Scald, Ice move or Special move.
Nice team. I have a few things that I would like to say. I agree with everything that lousy928 said. Both STAB Gyro Ball and STAB Power Whip are stronger than Shadow Claw, plus you have Shadow Ball on Alakazam and Espeon to take out Psychics and Ghosts.

I feel that you're trying to do too much with your Espeon. I think if you're Dual Screening, then you should max out his HP and Spe. If you want an attacker, then you should max out his SpA and Spe. It's near impossible for him to accomplish both effectively.

You also mention Ninjask a fair amount, but he's not very common in the metagame nowadays.
Ferrothorn's nature is your good advice, but another things you say is not OK.
First, Alakazam can be defeated by Choice Scarf Pokemon, so I don't let it faces to some kind of those Pokemons, such as Terrakion, Starmie. Alakazam's ability must be Modest because I want it to be at max spA stats so it can beat Blissey easily with Psyshock 2HKO and some Pokemon have a high SpD. Ferrothorn should have Shadow Claw in case the opponent's Psychic/Ghost pokemon, such as Latias, always uses protect + sub to decrease Gyro Ball's PP, which is the main strong move of Ferrothorn. Leech seed is suck, it's useless when the opponent switch out his another Pokemon. Hippowdon need some spD so it can survive when the opponent's Pokemon uses Scald, Ice move or Special move.
Remove shadow claw on ferro and run leech seed and spikes over twave and shadow claw. You say leech see sucks becuz opponents switch out but that is what makes it so good. Combined with spikes, ferrothorn is able to leech of damage while forcing switches allowing for your main sweepers to nab koes on pokemon they normally wouldnt. While you argue you will get pp stalled by psychics/ghosts that run protect, few psychics and ghosts run sub protect. The utility and benefits provided by seed and spikes are much more beneficial. Leech seed can also stop boosting sweepers.
It's a good team but don't you think too many will take damage from sandstorm seeing as only Hippowdon and Ferrothorn won't take damage from it. Also if Alakazam was holding a life orb it wouldn't last very long especially if it takes spikes/toxic spikes/stealth rock damage
It's a good team but don't you think too many will take damage from sandstorm seeing as only Hippowdon and Ferrothorn won't take damage from it. Also if Alakazam was holding a life orb it wouldn't last very long especially if it takes spikes/toxic spikes/stealth rock damage

What are you talking about? Alakazam doesn't take Life Orb, spikes, toxic spikes and stealth rocks damage due to Magic Guard...But it is definitely frail and I usually opt to run Sash instead of Life Orb personally.