Bisharp (Analysis)

OC at best, since this Bisharp REALLY has no utility outside of a few situational moves excluding Stealth Rock. Bisharp doesn't even survive that long with mentioned strategy.
Out of curiosity, why do you consider Ghost a "key resistance?" Dragon I understand, but I don't see why Ghost warrants a mention in the overview
I think psycho cut deserves a mention in the analysis to make it harder for fighting types to switch into you. Also, low sweep deserves a mention as well to help offset his poor speed.
I think psycho cut deserves a mention in the analysis to make it harder for fighting types to switch into you. Also, low sweep deserves a mention as well to help offset his poor speed.

Psycho Cut won't do much to Mienshao or Conkeldurr, Bisharp's two most common switch-ins, since Durr has Mach Punch and is bulky as crap, and there's no outspeeding Mienshao anyway. Low Sweep has been mentioned in OO, like I've said multiple times.
I use this set.

Swords Dance
Sucker Punch
Brick Break
Night Slash

Night Slash is perfect because everyone expects Sucker Punch. So when i predict a set up move or a status move i go for Night Slash.
Great analysis! Bisharp is one of my favorites in the new gen. I use this set:

Item: Air Balloon
Swords Dance
Sucker Punch
Brick Break

The Air Balloon is mostly because my team has ground troubles (only 2 of them are ground-weak, but Earthquake is just that powerful). However, I was surprised at not just how many people throw Earthquakes at my floating Bisharp, but how some people switch in Pokemon just to Earthquake it, only to find that it has failed and I just got two free dances off. Their next attack to pop it will be met with a +4 Sucker Punch. Even things that resist it sometimes don't survive.

Obviously, this wouldn't be quite as effective in actual WiFi, because I'm mostly taking advantage of people not reading the log, but in PO it's hilarious.
I use this set.

Swords Dance
Sucker Punch
Brick Break
Night Slash

Night Slash is perfect because everyone expects Sucker Punch. So when i predict a set up move or a status move i go for Night Slash.

It's interesting, but what happens if, say, a Fighting-type comes in? It'll have to switch out, same as always, since almost every OU team carries a Conkeldurr for some reason. (No wonder I prefer UU: more variety.)

Great analysis! Bisharp is one of my favorites in the new gen. I use this set:

Item: Air Balloon
Swords Dance
Sucker Punch
Brick Break

The Air Balloon is mostly because my team has ground troubles (only 2 of them are ground-weak, but Earthquake is just that powerful). However, I was surprised at not just how many people throw Earthquakes at my floating Bisharp, but how some people switch in Pokemon just to Earthquake it, only to find that it has failed and I just got two free dances off. Their next attack to pop it will be met with a +4 Sucker Punch. Even things that resist it sometimes don't survive.

Obviously, this wouldn't be quite as effective in actual WiFi, because I'm mostly taking advantage of people not reading the log, but in PO it's hilarious.

Again, that's all well and good, but Gengar with Disable (Which is now 100% accurate, by the way) can set up all over this thing.
It's interesting, but what happens if, say, a Fighting-type comes in? It'll have to switch out, same as always, since almost every OU team carries a Conkeldurr for some reason. (No wonder I prefer UU: more variety.)

Well, yeah, but that's what a SubDisable Gengar is for.

Again, that's all well and good, but Gengar with Disable (Which is now 100% accurate, by the way) can set up all over this thing.

Immediately after my post, I actually got rid of Protect and swapped in Night Slash. It really is effective once you get rid of the fighting types. Substitute has never done me any good because Bisharp is just too slow to set them up on anything, and worse yet, Blisseys sometimes run Flamethrower, and even though it doesn't kill Bisharp, it gets rid of subs in one shot. I get more mileage out of letting the rest of my team take care of Conkeldurr and Machamp, because once they're gone, I can go to town.
So howcome a Trick-Room set hasn't been included? He's a quality candidate.

Brave nature
Life Orb
252 HP/252 Atk/4 Def
- X-Scissor
- Night Slash
- Iron Head / Psycho Cut
- Brick Break
The obvious problem with that set is that, unfortunately, Psycho Cut is illegal with Sucker Punch, and I'd rather have the base power 80 STAB priority move with no immunities over the base power 70 non-STAB move with an immunity, even if the latter has a greater chance to crit. As for Competitive Spirit...see above.

I haven't seen anyone disprove it, but it actually is possible to get a Sucker Punch/Psycho Cut Bisharp: breed with a Male Spinda that knows both moves. It's already done, but perhaps you can squeeze it in OO?
The only one flaw in this analysis is "Sp.Def" instead of "SpD" on set #2. Really proud of Galladiator (and GP) for this analysis.
Bisharp is one of those late game guys because if you throw him out to early, the enemy will save their fighting or ground type for it if you switch out and a mach punch on this thing from conkeldurr will rip him apart with his *Above average defences*
But Hey he is still awesome looking