Here's what I've been going with. Help me figure out if I should scrap the team or if I've just been running into some terrible luck.
Whimsicott, Bold @
Focus sash
252 Def / 252 SDef / 4 HP
-Worry Seed
Sableye, Careful @ Lagging Tail
252 HP / 252 Sdef / 4 Def
Glalie, Timid @ Leftovers
252 Spe / 172 HP / 4 SpA / 76 Def
-Frost Breath
Pretty standard Whimsicott. Worry Seed obviously helps against Clear Body/Hyper Cutter/Defiant Pokes, but it sees other uses as well. I probably use it most often against Pressure leads. For example, I'd rather set up against a -2 Weavile with Insomnia than a -4 one with Pressure since Glalie can spam Taunt twice as often to get more boosts against its crippled opponent. I'll use it on some of the Thick Fat/Ice Body Pokemon Ice Workers lead with, since Glalie wants to have as many Frost Breath PP remaining as possible to take on the remaining two opponents.
I've really liked Sableye as a crippler. Tricking a Lagging Tail is almost like combining Tricking a Scarf + Thunder Waving into one turn. You can get rid of beneficial items (sometimes I like to let something nonthreatening keep its Leftovers/Sitrus Berry so it can Struggle a few more turns against Glalie) AND you don't have to worry about the opponent getting locked into a nonattacking move and switching out. Thanks to Lagging Tail, Glalie can set up without too much of a problem against leads like Blaziken 4 which you'd think would be able to lol its way through my team with Flame Charge + Flare Blitz. Having Taunt on all three members also mitigates the main disadvantage of not being able to lock something into an attacking move - the potential for something to set up alongside your sweeper.
The Careful nature is so it doesn't accidentally kill anything with Snarl (a good decision, if I say so myself - I once got a crit on SPIT Starmie that took it pretty far into the red zone). If Sableye learned Memento, I'd put it over Snarl in a heartbeat; there have been 20-25 times in 300+ battles where I've had to bring Glalie directly in on an attack because a -6 accuracy opponent can't KO Sableye, and I've suffered 5 critical hits (actual probability of hitting and critting with a 100% accurate move at -6 Accuracy= 2.08%).
Those kind of odds are reason enough to go with Dragonite over Glalie for the anti-hax insurance Multiscale provides, but one look at the leaderboard tells me I'm preaching to the choir when I say that. Glalie does have some nice advantages, such as the accuracy boosts that render Brightpowder/Lax Incense useless and the ability to Taunt a 2nd Pokemon that could otherwise take a hit and Roar/Whirlwind you out (without even having to rely on it missing). If the lead doesn't have VoltTurn or Explosion, Glalie will almost always KOthe first Pokemon while at full health, behind a sub, and with 30+ turns of Moody boosts. There are even some Pokemon I thought would be problems to face in the 2/3 slot that have been non issues. It turns out that AI has such a massive hard-on for using moves like Bulldoze, Low Sweep and Icy Wind that Terrakion 4, despite having 2 super effective STAB moves against Glalie, one of which conveniently ignores the Defense and Evasion boosts I've accrued, used Bulldoze against my Sub - and missed - as I 2HKOed it. I've also seen the Life Orb Sawk use Bulldoze, which didn't break the Sub, rather than Close Combat or Stone Edge.
The main problem, of course, is which stats get boosted. Some of the hax I've gotten from Moody has to be even less likely than having Gliscor go 4/4 on Guillotines or something like that.
In five runs I've beaten the Subway Boss each time, but haven't gotten past 91. My five losses:
1. vs. Depot Agent Ramses - W vs. Zebstrika (air balloon, set 3), Charm/Flame Charge, Charm/FC crit, W under 25% health, switch to Sableye/FC, Taunted and flashed for 3-4 turns hoping it would Volt Switch, which it eventually did did to Electrode. Taunt/can't Rain Dance (set 4. only 10 attacking PP, plus it has taunt. shit) Trick/Thunder hits, Flash/Thunder hits, Sableye KOed, Taunt wears off. switch to Whimsicott, Memento/Rain Dance (could've Taunted, but didn't want to risk not getting any SpA drops off). With Glalie, I don't remember the specifics but I Subbed/Protected until the rain ran out then Taunted without a Sub because I knew it would try to Rain Dance again.
By that time I had gotten a Sp. Def boost, so -2 Thunder wasn't taking out my Sub in one hit. From there, I was in a decent position where I could try to keep Electrode alive for as long as possible by Taunting and Protecting as it struggled, but I got an accuracy drop pretty early, and something like this happened around Glalie's 10th turn: Taunt missed/Taunt missed, Protect/Taunt, Taunt missed/Taunt hits. 2HKOed Electrode with Frost Breath, and got a SpA boost the turn I knocked it out. Zebstrika comes back in on the last turn of taunt, I'm still slow, and it breaks my Sub with Flame Charge as I OHKO with Frost Breath. In comes Klinklang. Sub/TWave fails (set 1), Protect/Gear Grind, Ice Breath (going to be a 3HKO)/Gear Grind (2nd hit breaks the Sub). The next few turns I don't remember precisely, but I was Sub/Protecting while hovering at around 75% health thanks to either Gear Grind missing or getting TWaved while I had a Sub up. Then I used Frost Breath, Klinklang did something that resulted in me still having the Sub, but my Speed dropped, so I was now slower. Protect, didn't get a Speed boost. So I say "screw it" and choose Frost Breath to deal the finishing blow:
"The foe's Klinklang used Gear Grind. A critical hit! Glalie's substitute faded... A critical hit! Glalie fainted."
Odds of back-to-back crits = 0.4% I also had some evasion boosts after the 20 or so turns Glalie was out there, so it's even less likely than that. It also helped that I was at -1 Speed after 20+ turns against one of 2 Pokemon sets in the entire Subway that A) has a multi-hit move and B) resists Ice.
2. vs. don't remember - leads with Hariyama (knew it was the Belly Drum one because of the trainer) Taunt/can't Drum, Charm/Ice Punch, Charm/Ice Punch freezes, Taunt wears off, GG pretty much. Switched to Sableye/Belly Drum, Flash/Ice Punch KOed. Tried to charm but Whimsicott stayed frozen, Ice Punch.
Then, just to mess with me, it exclusively tried to use Brick Break instead of putting me out of my misery with a +6 Bullet Punch. I Sub/Protect stalled it out of Brick Breaks - unfortunately it never missed because I got evasion drops right away to counteract the -1 Accuracy Hariyama had. So then Glalie is at just under 25% health after Protecting, Hariyama finally Bullet Punches - and I survive with <2 HP (so I was +6 Defense and got a beneficial damage roll). I Frost Breath and activate the Sitrus (did enough to 2HKO through Sitrus, so Hariyama wasn't Thick Fat and I was at +5 or +6 Special Attack). Next turn, I protect and finally get an Evasion boost! Then,
"The foe's Hariyama used Bullet Punch.. Glalie avoided the attack! Glalie used Frost Breath.. The foe's Hariyama avoided the attack!"
I Protected once more to try to nab another evasion boost and then went for the Frost Breath, but this time Bullet Punch hit and KOed. So yeah, that was pretty much decided by Ice Punch freezing on the turn Taunt wore out. If Ice Punch had "only" crit instead of frozen, I could've brought in Sableye to Taunt and hopefully Flash a few times before dying. Not ideal, but even if Hariyama eventually got a Belly Drum off, it might've missed a few times while Glalie was stalling it out of Brick Break PP. I've fully set up Glalie against a lead King's Rock Dragon Dance Tyranitar, so it's not like it needs a ridiculous amount of support.
3. vs. a Psychic - Whimsicott/Claydol (set one, with explosion. gulp) Charm/Zen Headbutt (okay, I can do this! one more Charm, and then I'll switch in Sableye. It'll actually outdamage a -4 Claydol and Snarl it to death, and then I can at least Trick or Flash the 2nd Pokemon before dying. Then Whimsicott can do its thing. Setting up on a -2/-2 Pokemon holding a Lagging Tail is a piece of cake for Glalie.) Except the -4 Claydol takes out Whimsicott with a critical hit Explosion. Send out Sableye, the opponent sends out Exeggutor. So in other words, an opponent with 25 Pokemon to choose from sends out the only two that know Explosion first and second. Flash/Trick Room, Trick/Wood Hammer, Flash/Wood Hammer KOs. Glalie comes in. Sub/Wood Hammer breaks it, Protect/Explosion.
In comes the max HP, max Special Defense Slowking. I used Protect out of habit because I saw Glalie's sprite at less than full health. 99.9 percent of the time, seeing Glalie in that situation means the opponent broke its Sub the previous turn, in which case I Protect to get Leftovers recovery + a boost. Of course, I had used Protect the turn before, it failed this time, and Slowking Surfed me down below 25% (I was at -1 Special Defense). Trick Room ran out, and I Taunted the predicted Trick Room, then Protected the next turn to have enough HP to make a Sub. I stayed alive a little longer, but I wasn't getting any of the Evasion/Special Defense boosts I would've needed to make a Sub that could stand up to more than one Surf/Psychic, plus Frost Breath wasn't going to be doing anything to Slowking any time soon. Still, I don't know what any Trick team could've done differently in that scenario (Explosion crits on the exact turn it needs to, the first two mons are Exploders).
4. vs. Fisherman Humfrey - He leads with Poliwrath, which I find to be the one with Work Up after turn 1. I'm able to cripple it and have a pretty routine setup with Glalie. Thanks to Taunt, I'm able to keep Poliwrath's attacking stats low enough so it can't break my Sub. I run it out of attacking PP and it's Struggling itself to death. I used my first PP of Frost Breath to knock it out rather than risk it critting with Struggle and leaving me without a Sub. I could have messed around with Sub + Protect more and let it repeatedly use Work Up before killing it, but I was right where I wanted to be in terms of PP - 8 Taunts left and about 10 each of Sub + Protect , so I had gotten over 30 turns worth of boosts.
Next up is Lapras. Blah, but I had a decent chance of running into a 4x Ice resist. I decide to Taunt it first turn because I don't want it Rain Dancing and setting up never-miss Thunders, and if it's the other one with Mystic Water, I can just stall it out of Surf PP, and then it can't do anything to me. So Lapras Surfs, breaks the Sub, and I Taunt. Yes, after 30+ turns of Moody boosts, Glalie is somehow at -3 Speed or below. My rough estimate is that a given stat should be around +4 after that many turns of boosts, but I don't want to dive any deeper into the probabilities. So now I've got to stall out all the Surf PP. If Glalie's Speed is that low after that many turns, at least its Special Defense and Evasion are sure to be high. Luckily (not really because a miss from Lapras is about 5 times more likely) I don't get crit the next turn, and I'm able to stall it out of Surfs. Along the way, I finally got a couple Speed boosts and am faster than Lapras, so now I've got to whittle it down (Frost Breath is like an 8HKO) by keeping it Taunted so it can't Rest. Basically 4 cycles of Taunt, Frost Breath, Frost Breath, and that would leave me 7 Frost Breath PP to take on the 3rd Poke. What actually happened was great: I got my Sub broken once by Ice Beam, so I was one Frost Breath behind - I needed to Taunt and then use FB three straight times for the KO. I got Speed drops after each of those first three moves, so on the turn I was to finish it off, Lapras' taunt wore off, it outsped and Rested before I could do anything. Again, after over 40 turns of boosts, I was at -3 Speed. Ended up Struggling myself to death and miraculously not smashing my DS into tiny pieces.
5. vs. Veteran Donta - this one's pretty boring compared to all the others. He leads with Flygon, and I'm able to fully cripple it: -6 Attack, -6 Accuracy, and it's holding a Lagging Tail. I'm trying to get it to knock out Sableye or at least hit with Outrage so it can get confused and I can bring in Glalie, but Flygon misses Sableye over 10 times in a row. I don't want to wait until Flygon's Struggling to bring in Glalie, so I switch it in for Flygon to crit with its last Stone Edge PP. Hallelujah.
tl;dr only use Moody if you're a glutton for punishment