Board Game Blind Date Diplomacy - GAME OVER (7-way draw)

Fall 1905 Moves
The shape of the west shifts once again, as the German navy takes control of a critical sea lane near England, and Austria and Italy eat each other from behind!

A Boh-Vie (successful)
A Bul S AEG-Con (successful)
A Rum S Sev (successful)
A Sev H (successful)
A Tri H (successful)
A Ven-Rom (successful)
F AEG-Con (bounced, dislodged)
F Alb-Gre (bounced)

A Yor-Edi (successful)
F Bel S Wal-ENG (support cut, dislodged)
F Edi-Cly (successful)
F Nwy-Stp(nc) (bounced)
F Wal-ENG (bounced)

A Bre-Pic (successful)
A Bur S Ruh-Bel (successful)
A Lvp S Ber (invalid)
A Ruh-Bel (successful)
F IRI S MAO-ENG (successful)
F MAO-ENG (successful)
F NAO S Lvp (successful)

A Ber S Kie-Mun (support cut)
A Hol S Bur-Bel (target did not accept support)
A Kie-Mun (bounced)
F Den-NTH (successful)

A Gre S Con-Bul (coast not specified, shown on map as A Gre S Con-Bul(ec))
A Tyr-Tri (bounced)
F ION S Gre (successful)

A Mos-Stp (bounced)
A Mun S Sil-Ber (support cut)
A Sil-Ber (bounced)

A Arm-Sev (bounced)
F Con S EAS-AEG (successful)
F EAS-AEG (successful)
F Smy S Con (successful)

The following units have been dislodged:
Austrian F AEG (forced disband)
English F Bel (forced disband)

Here's the new look of the board:

has taken control of Rome and Sevastopol and disbanded a unit this year, but lost control of Greece and has only one vacant home center (+1 build)
England has gained control of Edinburgh and already disbanded a unit this year, but lost control of Liverpool (+1 build)
Turkey has lost control of Sevastopol (-1 disband)
Italy has gained control of Greece but lost control of Rome (no adjustments)
France, Germany and Russia have not gained or lost any supply centers this year (no adjustments)

It is now Winter 1905. Generals should submit build orders to me by Saturday, November 30th, at 9PM PST (GMT-8).

GM's Notes:

Germany supported A Bur to Bel, not A Ruh. Map has been edited after the fact to reflect this. Nothing actually changes due to this so no big deal!
Last edited:
Winter 1905 Builds
England and Austria prepare for further wrestling with their neighbors, while Turkey decides how to process a strategic setback!

Build A Bud

Build F Lon

Disband F Smy

It is now Spring 1906. Generals should submit orders to me by Monday, December 2nd, at 9PM PST (GMT-8).

GM's Notes:

Still looking for a new Russian diplomat! Please contact me if interested!