
I don't see why Skarm doesn't get out of Technilooms way. Spore cripples it, SD is set up, Mach Punch 1-2 times and that's it. Sure, BB is a guaranteed KO on Breloom, but Techniloom can easily setup with Spore outspeeding Skarmory without investment in speed and sweeps quite easily.
^Unless of course Breloom has already Spored something else on the team. Spore cripples 90% of things, but how much is +2 Mach Punch doing to Skarmory?
how well does breloom fare against rotom wash? is it a 2 hit KO with seed bomb?
1 or 2 depending on luck and how defensive it is. Be careful, though, since Breloom isn't fond of switching into Will-O-Wisp or being Tricked a Scarf/Specs.

@Boarbeque: Techniloom isn't out yet. Also, some people would rather use Poison Heal Breloom even when it is.
I dunno, Bullet Seed may actually be an equally good alternative to Seed Bomb, Technician or no Technician. Assuming that Bullet Seed has equal chance of hitting 2, 3, 4, or 5 times, it would do an average of 87.5 vs Seed Bomb's consistent 80. Also, it is a multi-attacking move, which has perks (such as breaking Subs).
Assuming that Bullet Seed has equal chance of hitting 2, 3, 4, or 5 times
It doesn't. It used to be that it had a 3:3:1:1 ratio (3-hit average), but now it's supposedly 2:2:1:1 (3 1/6-hit average). This makes the average power of Bullet Seed just barely below that of Seed Bomb, but more importantly the variability makes it less desirable. Being stuck with a 50 Power attack is no good, even if you sometimes get a 125 Power one. Technician closes the gap enough so that you lose at most 5 Power compared to Seed Bomb, making it well worth the risk.
Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification, spweasel!

PS - Whether or not PO follows this mechanic is another story though, hehe xd

wouldn't substitute be just as viable, even with technician, especially given the new wish support mechanics?

I'm kind of thinking

Breloom @ Life Orb
252 Att, 4 Def, 252 Speed

Mach Punch
Bullet Seed

Bring in Breloom on a safe switch, spore whatever tries to come in. Once he switches, you can start hammering everything with your two stab attacks. Priority mach punch is an amazing fighting attack that helps breloom outspeed its faster checks, helping it keep its sub.
Also, setting a sub on the switch is really always a great option for any poke...regardless of setting up or not.
(It also would keep it safe from faster priority users, and extreme speed)
Obviously, less sweeping potential than the former swords dance set, but IMO, better for scouting? You don't even need to always set up sub either, you can go straight for revenge killing too.
No. If you watched all of the past calculations, Breloom needs SD do get some KOs. Substitute is just a silly idea without Poison Heal. SubPunch last Gen was good with Poison heal because it annoyed the shit out of the opponent. You do not know how frustrating it was to fight Breloom with no priority in 4th Gen OU. Breloom (Along with other offensive menaces)made stall completely ineffective as it can sleep one threat and is immune to status.

On another note, what are good partners for Breloom? FWG Cores are always my favorite but I don't know what to pair this guy up with. All the notable Fire Types (Heatran, Infernape, Arcanine) still have a gaping weakness even when paired with a Water type (Gyarados, Vaporeon, Rotom-W). I just don't know what Glue I should have because each one I have either makes me walled or swept by an offensive juggernaut. So can you give me a simple team with Breloom?
I currently have a core of breloom, arcanine, and quagsire. It doesn't take on everything, but it comes pretty close. Special attackers are taken on by the rest of the team, but these three take on any physical threat.
The spore sets are, and always will be the BEST sets for breloom. Want to know why?? If breloom has type advantage (like against a hippowdon, tyranitar, etc), you've pretty much backed your enemy into a corner. They're forced to either let one of their pokemon sleep, or switch in a different pokemon and most likely have that pokemon put to sleep. The sleep status will most likely be followed by a substitute while your opponent switches out, at which point in time you can begin wreaking havoc on the enemy team.

If you don't run spore, you're screwed if you don't have type advantage.
The spore sets are, and always will be the BEST sets for breloom. Want to know why?? If breloom has type advantage (like against a hippowdon, tyranitar, etc), you've pretty much backed your enemy into a corner. They're forced to either let one of their pokemon sleep, or switch in a different pokemon and most likely have that pokemon put to sleep. The sleep status will most likely be followed by a substitute while your opponent switches out, at which point in time you can begin wreaking havoc on the enemy team.

If you don't run spore, you're screwed if you don't have type advantage.

No, bad, use Sub FIRST. Then you have a sub, and you get to choose if you want to sleep your opponent's switch-in. Otherwise they can let you sleep one of the pokemon you mentioned, then switch to a counter.
No, bad, use Sub FIRST. Then you have a sub, and you get to choose if you want to sleep your opponent's switch-in. Otherwise they can let you sleep one of the pokemon you mentioned, then switch to a counter.

Wrong. You use spore first. Using substitute on a switch doesn't force your opponent to switch out. Putting them to sleep does.

Unfortunately for breloom, team preview has made his life a living HELL. Last generation, no one knew whether you had a breloom hiding in your team, and when your opponent sent in something for him to set up on (swampert, hippowdon, etc) the fun starts :-).
Wrong. You use spore first. Using substitute on a switch doesn't force your opponent to switch out. Putting them to sleep does.

This makes no sense to me. Why can't you put them to sleep after you sub? Chances are they're gonna put fodder in for you to sleep, and if you're behind a sub you can take out the fodder and sleep whatever you want
This makes no sense to me. Why can't you put them to sleep after you sub? Chances are they're gonna put fodder in for you to sleep, and if you're behind a sub you can take out the fodder and sleep whatever you want

What makes you so sure that you can take out the fodder?? I'd rather cripple something FIRST and then set up if I think I can take it out.
What makes you so sure that you can take out the fodder?? I'd rather cripple something FIRST and then set up if I think I can take it out.

no. that makes no sense. lets take gliscor for example, because he is probably the best switch in.

breloom comes in
jellicent used toxic... it failed!

jellicent was sent back
the opponent sent out gliscor
breloom used sub

breloom used leech seed! (or stone edge or seed bomb)
gliscor used ice fang!

in this case, ur health is full. (thanks to poison heal) and you did some damage on gliscor.

if you use spore first

jellicent is sent back
the opponent sent out gliscor!
breloom used spore! it failed.

in this case u dont lose any health, but you dont get any damage done.

likewise, u can focus punch some sleep immune pokemon like guts pokemon and other already status inflicted pokes. sub first is way better.
no. that makes no sense. lets take gliscor for example, because he is probably the best switch in.

breloom comes in
jellicent used toxic... it failed!

jellicent was sent back
the opponent sent out gliscor
breloom used sub

breloom used leech seed! (or stone edge or seed bomb)
gliscor used ice fang!

in this case, ur health is full. (thanks to poison heal) and you did some damage on gliscor.

if you use spore first

jellicent is sent back
the opponent sent out gliscor!
breloom used spore! it failed.

in this case u dont lose any health, but you dont get any damage done.

likewise, u can focus punch some sleep immune pokemon like guts pokemon and other already status inflicted pokes. sub first is way better.

Oh, okay. Now I understand why you sub first. You're right.
No, here's what really happens.

breloom comes in
jellicent used toxic... it failed!

jellicent was sent back
the opponent sent out gliscor
breloom used spore
Gliscor fell asleep!

If gliscor hasn't come in yet it is now fucked.

Whereas what you do causes this
breloom comes in
jellicent used toxic... it failed!

jellicent was sent back
the opponent sent out gliscor
breloom used sub
Gliscor's toxic orb activated!
Gliscor was poisoned!

And now you can't break it at all. same goes for shinpora, opposing breloom, and the extremely rare trick orb reuiniclus. Clefable would count but you can f-punch it.