Tournament BSS World Cup - Commencement Thread


la pobreza me está respirando en la nuca Marce
is a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Dedicated Tournament Host

Welcome to the first Battle Stadium Singles World Cup!
Any Battle Stadium Singles discussion is welcome mainly about World Cup.
Don't forget to join the BSS Discord, a tournament-discussion channel exists to talk about this tournament!

The tournament format is as follows:

Battle Stadium Singles Series 2
Battle Stadium Singles Series 2
Battle Stadium Singles Series 2
Battle Stadium Singles Series 2
Battle Stadium Singles Series 2
Battle Stadium Singles Series 2
Battle Stadium Singles Series 2 (
Regulation C after April 1st)
Battle Stadium Singles Series 2 (
Regulation C after April 1st)
+ 4 substitutes


The top 4 teams with the best records will move on into the playoff bracket where the #1 seed will play the #4 seed and the #2 will play the #3.
1 team of 8 will be the winner of the first edition of Battle Stadium Singles World Cup!

Regarding Eligibility
You must have IPs of approximately one month in the past year to qualify for a region.

All battles MUST be played either on Pokémon Showdown!.
Players may not change their teams during the set.
To prevent cheating, players are required to open all 3 games with the same team prior to playing their first game.