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Tournament BSSPL VIII - Replays

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Amazing art by DragonWhale

Battle Stadium Singles Premier League VIII Replays and Usage Statistics
Replay and usage stats for BSSPL VIII will be listed here. The team tags are:
[RH] Rustboro Rocky Helmets [RH]
[DD] Dave's Dragonairs [DD]
[BD] Blackthorn Belly Drummers [BD]
[AR] Academy Railguns [AR]
[MC] Manaphy City [MC]
[PP] Pink Powerhouse [PP]​
Week One Replays

SV Regulation D

[RH] DerpySuX vs Medeia [DD] - G1 / G2 / G3
:landorus-therian: :iron-hands: :annihilape: :dragapult: :heatran: :iron-bundle: vs :ting-lu: :dondozo: :chien-pao: :landorus-therian: :goodra-hisui: :chi-yu:
[RH] Bachy vs tlenit [DD] - G1 / G2
:basculegion: :chien-pao: :mimikyu: :chi-yu: :baxcalibur: :dragonite: vs :hippowdon: :chien-pao: :urshifu: :flutter mane: :dragonite: :gholdengo:
[BD] Thick Fat Azumarill vs Emboar02 [AR] - G1 / G2
:ursaluna: :wo-chien: :sneasler: :goodra-hisui: :flutter-mane: :rotom-wash: vs :sneasler: :dragonite: :mimikyu: :ting-lu: :urshifu: :iron-bundle:
[BD] 11oyd vs papiloco [AR] - G1 / G2
:abomasnow: :annihilape: :baxcalibur: :dondozo: :flutter-mane: :regieleki: vs :chi-yu: :dragonite: :gholdengo: :scizor: :amoonguss: :urshifu:
[MC] Lasen vs Irene-2002 [PP] - G1 / G2
:urshifu: :mimikyu: :iron-bundle: :dragonite: :chien-pao: :landorus-therian: vs :flutter-mane: :chien-pao: :dragonite: :gholdengo: :rotom-wash: :clodsire:
[MC] The Squash vs Pearl [PP] - G1 / G2 / G3
:chien-pao: :flutter mane: :urshifu: :dragonite: :ting-lu: :gholdengo: vs :pelipper: :basculegion: :thundurus-therian: :annihilape: :mimikyu: :ursaluna:

SS Series 12
[RH] tyo vs Breckinridge [DD] - G1 / G2 / G3
:kyurem-black: :lunala: :landorus-therian: :incineroar: :ferrothorn: :ditto: vs :landorus-therian: :chansey: :zapdos: :zacian: :quagsire: :calyrex-shadow:
[BD] zee vs luisin [AR] - G1 / G2
:ho-oh: :zekrom: :swampert: :blissey: :ditto: :darmanitan-galar: vs :cinderace: :eternatus: :zekrom: :zapdos: :porygon2: :quagsire:
[MC] Butch Hardnight vs A Crayfish [PP] - G1 / G2 / G3
:urshifu: :kyogre: :zacian: :shedinja: :landorus-therian: :chansey: vs :ferrothorn: :zapdos: :eternatus: :porygon2: :mamoswine: :ho-oh:

[RH] rarre vs qsns [DD] - G1 / G2
:thundurus-therian: :ferrothorn: :heatran: :pheromosa: :tapu-lele: :salamence: vs :kangaskhan: :greninja: :tapu-lele: :hippowdon: :mimikyu: :magnezone:
[BD] avarice vs Gondra [AR] - G1 / G2 / G3
:kommo-o: :gliscor: :tapu-koko: :toxapex: :metagross: :porygon2: vs :charizard: :metagross: :landorus-therian: :mimikyu: :breloom: :porygon2:
[MC] marilli vs Tempo di anguria [PP] - G1 / G2 / G3
:charizard: :metagross: :greninja: :snorlax: :landorus-therian: :mimikyu: vs :landorus-therian: :porygon2: :scizor: :naganadel: :gyarados: :tapu-koko:

[RH] Ryuuji vs Akaru Kokuyo [DD] - G1 / G2
:lucario: :dragonite: :gengar: :landorus-therian: :rotom-wash: :aegislash: vs :hippowdon: :kangaskhan: :gengar: :azumarill: :volcarona: :garchomp:
[BD] Herv vs DreamPrince [AR] - G1 / G2 / G3
:gengar: :cresselia: :heatran: :breloom: :garchomp: :kangaskhan: vs :kangaskhan: :serperior: :thundurus: :glalie: :suicune: :garchomp:
[MC] DragonWhale vs ElectricityCat [PP] - G1 / G2
:kangaskhan: :garchomp: :cresselia: :volcarona: :thundurus: :mawile: vs :heracross: :cresselia: :heatran: :kangaskhan: :mamoswine: :thundurus:

GBU Singles
[RH] MZ vs Mishimono [DD] - G1 / G2
:suicune: :latios: :scizor: :breloom: :thundurus: :dragonite: vs :garchomp: :starmie: :breloom: :volcarona: :thundurus: :cloyster:
[BD] kaori vs Moose And Goose [AR] - G1 / G2
:scizor: :magnezone: :thundurus: :dragonite: :cloyster: :hydreigon: vs :latios: :lapras: :conkeldurr: :thundurus: :landorus-therian: :heatran:
[MC] mad dawg vs Cao Jie [PP] - G1 / G2
:politoed: :lapras: :breloom: :scizor: :mamoswine: :kingdra: vs :latios: :tyranitar: :volcarona: :ferrothorn: :rotom-wash: :gliscor:
Week Two Replays

SV Regulation D

[RH] Bachy vs Thick Fat Azumarill [BD] - G1 / G2 / G3
:iron bundle: :annihilape: :cresselia: :scizor: :dragonite: :arcanine: vs. :chien-pao: :dondozo: :flutter mane: :annihilape: :landorus-therian: :magnezone:
[RH] rarre vs avarice [BD] - G1 / G2
:dragapult: :chien-pao: :zapdos: :urshifu: :ursaluna: :heatran: vs. :hippowdon: :dragonite: :gholdengo: :iron bundle: :urshifu: :kingambit:
[MC] Lasen vs Medeia [DD] - G1 / G2 / G3
:regieleki: :chien-pao: :urshifu: :flutter-mane: :gholdengo: :dragonite: vs :gholdengo: :breloom: :iron-bundle: :chien-pao: :skeledirge: :garganacl:
[MC] The Squash vs The Strap [DD] - G1 / G2 / G3
:chien-pao: :flutter mane: :urshifu: :dragonite: :ting-lu: :gholdengo: vs. :dragonite: :gholdengo: :flutter mane: :heatran: :urshifu: :landorus-therian:
[PP] Irene-2002 vs papiloco [AR] - G1 / G2
:ursaluna: :dragonite: :urshifu: :magnezone: :flutter mane: :chien-pao: vs. :pelipper: :basculegion: :mimikyu: :iron bundle: :annihilape: :thundurus-therian:
[PP] Pearl vs Emboar02 [AR] - G1 / G2 / G3
:dragonite: :slowking-galar: :heatran: :urshifu: :flutter mane: :chien-pao: vs. :chi-yu: :dragonite: :gholdengo: :scizor: :amoonguss: :urshifu:

SS Series 12
[RH] DerpySuX vs zee [BD] - G1 / G2 / G3
:calyrex-shadow: :zacian: :tyranitar: :ferrothorn: :landorus-therian: :quagsire: vs. :zekrom: :yveltal: :ferrothorn: :porygon2: :quagsire: :zapdos:
[MC] Butch Hardnight vs Breckinridge [DD] - G1 / G2
:thundurus: :calyrex-shadow: :incineroar: :chansey: :zacian: :quagsire: vs. :landorus-therian: :ditto: :zapdos: :kyurem-white: :pyukumuku: :zacian:
[PP] A Crayfish vs luisin [AR] - G1 / G2
:kyogre: :porygon2: :mimikyu: :ferrothorn: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :zapdos: vs. :zacian: :gastrodon-east: :ho-oh: :urshifu: :porygon2: :quagsire:

[RH] Havens vs 11oyd [BD] - G1 / G2
:scizor: :rotom-wash: :gliscor: :mimikyu: :salamence: :heatran: vs. :manectric: :mimikyu: :landorus-therian: :porygon2: :tapu fini: :metagross:
[MC] marilli vs qsns [DD] - G1 / G2
:charizard: :tapu lele: :hippowdon: :breloom: :mimikyu: :metagross: vs. :tapu lele: :charizard: :mimikyu: :kartana: :porygon2: :pheromosa:
[PP] Tempo di anguria vs Gondra [AR] - G1 / G2
:salamence: :aegislash: :hippowdon: :mimikyu: :porygon2: :tapu fini: vs. :lopunny: :skarmory: :gliscor: :snorlax: :thundurus-therian: :naganadel:

[RH] Ryuuji vs Herv [BD] - G1 / G2
:thundurus: :garchomp: :kangaskhan: :mawile: :gastrodon: :talonflame: vs. :volcarona: :azumarill: :garchomp: :hydreigon: :cresselia: :kangaskhan:
[MC] DragonWhale vs Akaru Kokuyo [DD] - G1 / G2 / G3
:gliscor: :skarmory: :tyranitar: :gengar: :chansey: :quagsire: vs :salamence: :charizard: :ferrothorn: :jellicent: :zapdos: :porygon2:
[PP] Blue YM vs DreamPrince [AR] - G1 / G2
:blaziken: :ferrothorn: :mamoswine: :suicune: :gengar: :thundurus: vs. :kangaskhan: :serperior: :thundurus: :glalie: :azumarill: :garchomp:

GBU Singles
[RH] MZ vs kaori [BD] - G1 / G2
:breloom: :volcarona: :suicune: :cloyster: :thundurus: :garchomp: vs. :gothitelle: :landorus-therian: :latios: :haxorus: :ferrothorn: :tyranitar:
[MC] mad dawg vs Mishimono [DD] - G1 / G2
:hippowdon: :excadrill: :latios: :volcarona: :cloyster: :ferrothorn: vs. :suicune: :mamoswine: :thundurus: :heatran: :latios: :conkeldurr:
[PP] Cao Jie vs Moose And Goose [AR] - G1 / G2 / G3
:conkeldurr: :jellicent: :ferrothorn: :latios: :volcarona: :thundurus: vs. :cloyster: :breloom: :thundurus: :dragonite: :cresselia: :suicune:
Last edited by a moderator:
Week Three Replays

SV Regulation D

[RH] DerpySuX vs Lasen [MC] - G1 / G2 / G3
:landorus-therian: :gholdengo: :dragonite: :urshifu: :flutter-mane: :iron-hands: vs :chien-pao: :dragonite: :urshifu: :flutter-mane: :landorus-therian: :heatran:
[RH] rarre vs The Squash [MC] - G1 / G2 / G3
:sneasler: :iron-bundle: :mimikyu: :zapdos: :garchomp: :scizor: vs :urshifu: :flutter-mane: :heatran: :iron-bundle: :dragonite: :scizor:
[PP] Mada vs Gravity Monkey [BD] - G1 / G2 / G3
:dragonite: :gholdengo: :urshifu: :ting-lu: :flutter-mane: :chien-pao: vs :breloom: :roaring-moon: :torkoal: :flutter-mane: :iron-hands: :chi-yu:
[PP] Pearl vs Monai [BD] - G1 / G2 / G3
:chien-pao: :glalie: :mimikyu: :chi-yu: :gholdengo: :breloom: vs :chien-pao: :dragonite: :urshifu: :flutter-mane: :corviknight: :ting-lu:
[AR] Emboar02 vs Medeia [DD] - G1 / G2
:landorus-therian: :heatran: :flutter-mane: :gholdengo: :dragonite: :iron-bundle: vs :chien-pao: :garganacl: :urshifu: :heatran: :landorus-therian: :flutter-mane:
[AR] Mrbanana45 vs The Strap [DD] - G1 / G2 / G3
:baxcalibur: :toxapex: :spectrier: :dondozo: :heatran: :flutter-mane: vs :ting-lu: :dragonite: :gholdengo: :rillaboom: :sneasler: :flutter-mane:

SS Series 12
[RH] tyo vs Butch Hardnight [MC] - G1 / G2
:necrozma-dusk-mane: :yveltal: :grimmsnarl: :zapdos: :seismitoad: :ditto: vs :yveltal: :eternatus: :shedinja: :seismitoad: :incineroar: :porygon2:
[PP] A Crayfish vs zee [BD] - G1 / G2
:cinderace: :landorus-therian: :gastrodon-east: :eternatus: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :porygon2: vs :ho-oh: :zekrom: :swampert: :blissey: :ditto: :darmanitan-galar:
[AR] papiloco vs Breckinridge [DD] - G1 / G2 / G3
:ho-oh: :zacian: :ferrothorn: :porygon2: :gastrodon: :landorus-therian: vs :landorus-therian: :solgaleo: :cinderace: :kyogre: :umbreon: :regieleki:

[RH] Bachy vs marilli [MC] - G1 / G2
:celesteela: :breloom: :mimikyu: :hippowdon: :chansey: :gengar: vs :lopunny: :skarmory: :snorlax: :gliscor: :naganadel: :mimikyu:
[PP] Quinn vs Ika Ika Musume [BD] - G1 / G2 / G3
:metagross: :gliscor: :porygon2: :toxapex: :tapu fini: :pheromosa: vs :lopunny: :celesteela: :lanturn: :naganadel: :heatran: :gliscor:
[AR] Gondra vs qsns [DD] - G1 / G2 / G3
:metagross: :gliscor: :porygon2: :toxapex: :tapu-fini: :pheromosa: vs :porygon2: :gliscor: :salamence: :metagross: :mimikyu: :celesteela:

[RH] Havens vs DragonWhale [MC]
[PP] josito vs Herv [BD] - G1 / G2 / G3
:kangaskhan: :gengar: :thundurus: :blaziken: :azumarill: :serperior: vs :kangaskhan: :gengar: :cresselia: :volcarona: :thundurus: :dragonite:
[AR] DreamPrince vs Akaru Kokuyo [DD] - G1 / G2
:charizard: :hippowdon: :greninja: :kangaskhan: :thundurus-therian: :aegislash: vs :talonflame: :lucario: :landorus-therian: :tyranitar: :rotom-wash: :gengar:

GBU Singles
[RH] MZ vs mad dawg [MC] - G1 / G2
:excadrill: :tyranitar: :latios: :lucario: :cresselia: :jellicent: vs :ninetales: :cresselia: :chansey: :darmanitan: :scizor: :cloyster:
[PP] Cao Jie vs kaori [BD] - G1 / G2 / G3
:cloyster: :latios: :volcarona: :ferrothorn: :thundurus: :conkeldurr: vs :scizor: :mamoswine: :suicune: :conkeldurr: :cresselia: :thundurus:
[AR] Moose And Goose vs Mishimono [DD] - G1 / G2
:politoed: :ferrothorn: :kingdra: :thundurus: :conkeldurr: :volcarona: vs :starmie: :breloom: :dragonite: :volcarona: :garchomp: :scizor:
Week Four Replays

SV Regulation D

[RH] rarre vs Mada [PP] - G1 / G2
:kingambit: :urshifu: :flutter mane: :amoonguss: :garganacl: :dragonite: vs. :breloom: :basculegion: :chien-pao: :flutter mane: :dragonite: :great tusk:
[RH] DerpySuXvs Pearl [PP] - G1 / G2 / G3
:landorus-therian: :greninja: :sylveon: :dragapult: :iron moth: :chien-pao: vs. :ting-lu: :gholdengo: :dragonite: :urshifu: :heatran: :dondozo:
[AR] Emboar02 vs Lasen [MC] - G1 / G2 / G3
:flutter mane: :landorus-therian: :ting-lu: :chi-yu: :goodra-hisui: :iron hands: vs. :scizor: :basculegion: :chien-pao: :great tusk: :dragonite: :flutter mane:
[AR] luisin vs The Squash [MC] - G1 / G2 / G3
:rillaboom: :espathra: :heatran: :chien-pao: :flutter mane: :dragonite: vs. :chien-pao: :dragonite: :flutter mane: :urshifu: :heatran: :amoonguss:
[DD] Medeia vs Alpha1013 [BD] - G1 / G2 / G3
:dragonite: :flutter mane: :ting-lu: :urshifu: :dondozo: :iron moth: vs. :urshifu: :rotom-wash: :amoonguss: :flutter mane: :chien-pao: :annihilape:
[DD] The Strap vs Gravity Monkey [BD] - G1 / G2
:flutter mane: :urshifu: :dragonite: :gholdengo: :garganacl: :ursaluna: vs. :corviknight: :ting-lu: :chien-pao: :flutter mane: :toxapex: :iron hands:

SS Series 12
[RH] tyo vs A Crayfish [PP] - G1 / G2
:kyogre: :zacian: :urshifu: :lapras: :landorus-therian: :zapdos: vs. :tapu koko: :yveltal: :shedinja: :gastrodon-east: :landorus-therian: :zacian:
[AR] papiloco vs Butch Hardnight [MC] - G1 / G2 / G3
:calyrex-shadow: :zacian: :hippowdon: :zapdos: :dracovish: :porygon2: vs. :yveltal: :eternatus: :shedinja: :seismitoad: :incineroar: :porygon2:
[DD] Breckinridge vs zee [BD] - G1 / G2
:zacian: :cinderace: :lunala: :chansey: :zapdos: :quagsire: vs. :kyogre: :zacian: :landorus-therian: :porygon2: :quagsire: :ferrothorn:

[RH] Ryuuji vs Quinn [PP] - G1 / G2
:hippowdon: :charizard: :tapu lele: :tapu koko: :greninja: :aegislash: vs. :salamence: :mimikyu: :skarmory: :chansey: :quagsire: :gliscor:
[AR] Gondra vs marilli [MC] - G1 / G2
:celesteela: :charizard: :garchomp: :mimikyu: :gengar: :tapu fini: vs. :greninja: :gengar: :vivillon-polar: :kangaskhan: :mimikyu: :volcarona:
[DD] qsns vs Ika Ika Musume [BD] - G1 / G2 / G3
:landorus-therian: :snorlax: :gengar: :greninja: :kartana: :tapu koko: vs. :sableye: :shedinja: :toxapex: :celesteela: :blissey: :greninja:
[RH] Havens vs josito [PP] - G1 / G2 / G3
:charizard: :landorus-therian: :ferrothorn: :rotom-wash: :gengar: :mamoswine: vs. :thundurus: :garchomp: :kangaskhan: :gengar: :volcarona: :suicune:
[AR] DreamPrince vs DragonWhale [MC] - G1 / G2 / G3
:sableye: :breloom: :zapdos: :blaziken: :togekiss: :excadrill: vs. :suicune: :gengar: :thundurus: :blaziken: :kangaskhan: :garchomp:
[DD] Akaru Kokuyo vs Herv [BD] - G1 / G2 / G3
:gliscor: :skarmory: :amoonguss: :gengar: :blissey: :quagsire: vs. :landorus-therian: :gengar: :thundurus: :heatran: :cresselia: :kangaskhan:

GBU Singles
[RH] MZ vs Cao Jie [PP] - G1 / G2
:breloom: :latios: :suicune: :thundurus: :scizor: :dragonite: vs. :conkeldurr: :thundurus: :scizor: :starmie: :mamoswine: :porygon2:
[AR] Moose And Goose vs mad dawg [MC] - G1 / G2 / G3
:thundurus: :jellicent: :latios: :heatran: :scizor: :dragonite: vs. :hariyama: :thundurus: :dragonite: :scizor: :slowking: :mamoswine:
[DD] Mishimono vs Monai [BD] - G1 / G2
:breloom: :latios: :volcarona: :landorus-therian: :scizor: :suicune: vs. :scizor: :latios: :dragonite: :thundurus: :breloom: :suicune:
Last edited:
Week Five Replays

SV Regulation D

[RH] DerpySuX vs luisin [AR] - G1 / G2 / G3
:ting-lu: :chi-yu: :dragonite: :urshifu: :cresselia: :chien-pao: vs :cresselia: :urshifu: :garchomp: :flutter-mane: :zapdos: :dragonite:
[RH] rarre vs Zerotti [AR] - G1 / G2 / G3
:iron-moth: :urshifu: :ting-lu: :dragonite: :sylveon: :iron-bundle: vs :sneasler: :dondozo: :heatran: :dragonite: :flutter-mane: :ting-lu:
[DD] The Strap vs seroo [PP] - G1 / G2 / G3
:flutter-mane: :urshifu: :dragonite: :gholdengo: :garganacl: :ursaluna: vs :skeledirge: :dragonite: :ting-lu: :dondozo: :garganacl: :flutter-mane:
[DD] Clementine vs Ina fable [PP] - G1 / G2
:ting-lu: :dragonite: :gholdengo: :rillaboom: :sneasler: :flutter-mane: vs :garganacl: :dragonite: :iron-bundle: :chi-yu: :glimmora: :urshifu:
[BD] avarice vs The Squash [MC] - G1 / G2 / G3
:basculegion: :iron bundle: :mimikyu: :chi-yu: :baxcalibur: :landorus-therian: vs :flutter-mane: :dragonite: :basculegion: :ting-lu: :gholdengo: :rotom-wash:
[BD] Thick Fat Azumarill vs Lasen [MC] - G1 / G2 / G3
:dragonite: :iron-bundle: :hippowdon: :chi-yu: :basculegion: :breloom: vs :dragonite: :urshifu: :chi-yu: :clodsire: :gholdengo: :garganacl:

SS Series 12
[RH] tyo vs papiloco [AR] - G1 / G2
:calyrex-shadow: :ho-oh: :garchomp: :tyranitar: :porygon2: :ferrothorn: vs :eternatus: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :incineroar: :porygon2: :seismitoad: :urshifu:
[DD] Breckinridge vs A Crayfish [PP] - G1 / G2
:kyogre: :quagsire: :dragonite: :xerneas: :umbreon: :cinderace: vs :landorus-therian: :calyrex-shadow: :incineroar: :reshiram: :cradily: :chansey:
[BD] zee vs Butch Hardnight [MC]

[RH] yokoisop vs Emboar02 [AR] - G1 / G2
:moltres: :mimikyu: :thundurus-therian: :tapu-fini: :snorlax: :metagross: vs :slowbro: :tapu-lele: :pheromosa: :abomasnow: :heatran: :mimikyu:
[DD] qsns vs Quinn [PP] - G1 / G2 / G3
:hippowdon: :salamence: :ferrothorn: :heatran: :tapu-fini: :mimikyu: vs :sableye: :shedinja: :toxapex: :celesteela: :blissey: :greninja:
[BD] 11oyd vs DragonWhale [MC] - G1 / G2
:gengar: :porygon2: :mimikyu: :ferrothorn: :greninja: :salamence: vs :hippowdon: :salamence: :tapu koko: :aegislash: :kartana: :greninja:

[RH] Havens vs DreamPrince [AR] - G1 / G2
:latias: :ferrothorn: :tyranitar: :rotom-heat: :azumarill: :metagross: vs :sableye: :breloom: :zapdos: :blaziken: :togekiss: :excadrill:
[DD] Akaru Kokuyo vs josito [PP] - G1 / G2
:abomasnow: :hippowdon: :volcarona: :salamence: :rotom-wash: :aegislash: vs :blaziken: :gliscor: :heracross: :serperior: :conkeldurr: :mamoswine:
[BD] Herv vs marilli [MC] - G1 / G2
:gengar: :cresselia: :heatran: :breloom: :garchomp: :kangaskhan: vs :kangaskhan: :garchomp: :breloom: :cresselia: :heatran: :gengar:

GBU Singles
[RH] MZ vs Moose And Goose [AR] - G1 / G2
:tyranitar: :excadrill: :latios: :cresselia: :jellicent: :lucario: vs :thundurus: :mamoswine: :ferrothorn: :suicune: :latios: :garchomp:
[DD] Mishimono vs Cao Jie [PP] - G1 / G2
:thundurus: :garchomp: :starmie: :volcarona: :breloom: :cloyster: vs :tyranitar: :excadrill: :latios: :thundurus: :cresselia: :conkeldurr:
[BD] Monai vs mad dawg [MC] - G1 / G2
:politoed: :dragonite: :kingdra: :breloom: :mamoswine: :thundurus: vs :tyranitar: :latios: :thundurus: :conkeldurr: :suicune: :garchomp:
Semifinals Replays

SV Regulation D

[DD] The Strap vs Lasen [MC] - G1 / G2 / G3
:zapdos: :urshifu: :flutter mane: :landorus-therian: :heatran: :wo-chien: vs :amoonguss: :dondozo: :chansey: :gholdengo: :chi-yu: :ting-lu:
[DD] Medeia vs The Squash [MC] - G1 / G2 / G3
:dragonite: :iron bundle: :kingambit: :clodsire: :garganacl: :mimikyu: vs :landorus-therian: :chien-pao: :flutter mane: :heatran: :dragonite: :urshifu:

SS Series 12
[DD] Breckinridge vs Butch Hardnight [MC] - G1 / G2
:zacian: :dracovish: :calyrex-shadow: :tyranitar: :zapdos: :quagsire: vs :eternatus: :ho-oh: :celesteela: :tyranitar: :ditto: :seismitoad:

[DD] qsns vs marilli [MC] - G1 / G2 / G3
:hippowdon: :charizard: :tapu lele: :mimikyu: :xurkitree: :ferrothorn: vs :rotom-heat: :mawile: :mimikyu: :greninja: :snorlax: :glalie:

[DD] Akaru Kokuyo vs TMM [MC] - G1 / G2
:hippowdon: :greninja: :lucario: :scizor: :dragonite: :thundurus-therian: vs :kangaskhan: :aegislash: :talonflame: :liepard: :ditto: :breloom:

GBU Singles
[DD] Mishimono vs mad dawg [MC] - G1 / G2
:excadrill: :scizor: :hippowdon: :breloom: :latios: :suicune: vs :abomasnow: :walrein: :heatran: :conkeldurr: :mamoswine: :cresselia:


SV Regulation D

[DD] The Strap vs Lasen [MC] - G1 / G2 / G3
:dragonite: :gholdengo: :garchomp: :urshifu: :flutter mane: :kingambit: vs. :gholdengo: :chien-pao: :garganacl: :volcarona: :dragonite: :urshifu:

SS Series 12
[DD] Taka vs saba [MC] - G1 / G2 / G3
:swampert: :zacian: :yveltal: :landorus-therian: :darmanitan-galar: :gastrodon: vs. :mimikyu: :yveltal: :necrozma-dusk-mane: :zapdos: :seismitoad: :ditto:

[DD] Akaru Kokuyo vs marilli [MC] - G1 / G2 / G3
:mawile: :serperior: :volcarona: :dragonite: :cloyster: :suicune: vs. :klefki: :gengar: :suicune: :garchomp: :gardevoir: :thundurus-therian:
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