Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

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Pressure Mewtwo mega evolved into Mega Mewtwo Y. I put my cursor over it and instead of saying "Possible Abilities: Insomnia," it still said "Ability: Pressure."
1) I was spectating a battle today and found the Zoroark failed to copy Mega Manectric's sprite when the Illusion ability was up and instead copied the sprite of the regular form of Manectric. This occurs on turn 10: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/uubeta-75731489

2) I recently watched a battle where Aegislash in its Blade Forme was a selectable Pokemon, which is impossible as this Pokemon always enters battle in the Shield Forme. This also took place in a UU match which should not be allowed as well due to this Pokemon being OU, but I guess the fact that you can seemingly select Blade Forme makes it able to bypass the check as to whether or not it fits in the tier. I just tested this myself and it does indeed work

3) You can manually select Genesect-Douse and all the other varieties of Genesect that change its sprite; however, you can run different items on it that are not actually the drive. In the following example, my friend is using a Choice Scarf on Genesect-Douse, which should be impossible. This thankfully does not result in a type change with Techno Boost, but this should still not be allowed:

EDIT: Genesect-Douse and all other forms of Genesect are also selectable in UU
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Dango Dango Daikazoku
is a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
the ladder among with the other bugs also seems to like matching you up with the same person after you've faced somebody else.

I face pipsy
I face random
I face pipsy again.
Natural Gift doesn't seem to do the correct damage.
+2 252+ Atk Liechi Berry Talonflame Natural Gift (100 BP Grass) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Rotom-W: 328-388 (107.8 - 127.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Correct me if i'm wrong, but liechi berry makes it a base 80 grass move not 100, unless something changed in 6th gen that I don't know.
+2 252+ Atk Talonflame Natural Gift (80) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Rotom-W: 264-312 (86.8 - 102.6%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO.
Based on this it has a chance to live.
Edit - Just looked at the serebii link and maybe it just hasn't been implenmented yet.
gamebreaking glitch here


Doom desire should not be activating destiny bond first of all. http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/destiny-bond-and-future-sight-doom-desire.103718/

second of all, it kills both slowbro and jirachi on my screen (probably due to jirachi sending the attack, and slowbro being in at the time) and then after destiny bond gets a double kill, the game completely crashes and I am forced to sit there and watch myself time out because the game will not let me select any further actions.
I was playing Random Battle and was given a Starmie with a clearly typoed attack labeled "psychock" that was grayed out and I could not click.


Sup Peeps
is a Battle Simulator Admin Alumnus
the ladder among with the other bugs also seems to like matching you up with the same person after you've faced somebody else.

I face pipsy
I face random
I face pipsy again.
This isnt a bug, just rng

theres special code to make sure you dont face the same opponent twice, but obviously it doesnt keep track of these permanantly, or even the next two game. Only 1 game, this is for a few reasons, most notably empty ladders, but also server lag would increase if it kept more of a history
There is a minor bug involving Magic Bounce.
In turn 14 I switch Choice Scarf Imposter Ditto into Mega Absol using Will O Wisp and getting bounced back.
In turn 15 I´m only able to choose Will O Wisp, which implies that I used this move beforehand which didn´t happen.
Otherwise Imposter worked fine for me, so not everything is bugged :)
Knock off still isn't activating Weakness Policy against Aegislash, a Weavile just knock offed my Aegislash on the switch and the policy didn't activate.. According to Bulbapedia: "Knock Off would trigger an item (such as Focus Band, Focus Sash, or Colbur Berry) after the attack, that item triggers before Knock Off removes it"
In a random battle I just had, Trick worked despite the fact that there was a substitute.
Edit: Dark Pulse also goes through Substitute.

Edit 2: Banette shouldn't be able to use Shadow Force in the Randoms.
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Knock Off should not activate Weakness Policy or it'd activate things like Sitrus Berry as well.

Anyway, onto my bug: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/oumonotype-76118583

On turn 15, Sky Drop is used against a Hippowdon. It says that it's too heavy and it fails. This is not a mechanic of Sky Drop. A substitute was not up, the Hippowdon was not using Dig and Gravity was not in effect.


let's drop
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Knock Off should not activate Weakness Policy or it'd activate things like Sitrus Berry as well.

Anyway, onto my bug: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/oumonotype-76118583

On turn 15, Sky Drop is used against a Hippowdon. It says that it's too heavy and it fails. This is not a mechanic of Sky Drop. A substitute was not up, the Hippowdon was not using Dig and Gravity was not in effect.
That is a new sky drop mechanic, it fails if the opponent is heavier than the user.
I've been having a problem with generation 2 OU. Whenever I try to play it I'm told all my pokemon have over 510 EVs even when i set their EVs to 0.

I even tried creating a second team and I still can't play even with that one. Refreshing and re-opening my browser doesn't seem to help either.

Worst part is that I seem to be the only one with this problem...
Hey there! So, I was using my safety goggles Meowstic on doubles when an Amoonguss used rage powder and the swagger I used against my own pokemon was redirected into it. I'm sorry But I Don't have a video showing it...
Okay, so I was testing out a silly new set and I believe I discovered at least 2 problems with the move 'Natural Gift' (which makes 3 if the other folks are right about its incorrect damage output, I didn't test that).

I was using Driflblim with Unburden, carrying a Liechi berry. I used Natural Gift. The attack was successful, in that a grass type attack hit my opponent. However, I did not receive a +1 att boost (the berry's effect) which Serebii suggested I would. I went to Veekun before posting this, but there's no mention of whether you'll receive the berry's effect when using Natural Gift (and in addition, no list of berry effects at all on the Natural Gift page).

The second issue is that I did not receive the Unburden speed boost. The berry was certainly gone, as evidenced by the fact that Natural Gift failed from that point on (also different from Serebii's analysis) and the fact that reaching 'a pinch' did nothing.

These two problems (and the damage inconsistency, if it exists) are really hurting my completely brilliant Drifblim sweeper.

EDIT> Adding a replay documenting the bug: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/customgame-76306943

I tried to make it as obvious as possible, but I think you'll just have to take my word that I'm running Unburden on the Drifblim
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